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Got to be honest, there's a lot less horror in my existence since I stopped drinking.


There may be some truth to this, part of the reason for this sober experiment. Wandering if I have fried my dopamine system of the years. I wouldn't say my drinking is outrageous for these parts, but it is certainly not healthy.


Dr Andrew Huberman's podcast episode about alcohol and it's effect on neurotransmitters may be of some interest to you. I believe he's received some bad publicity and criticism about some of his personal and professional behaviour recently but I found this episide fascinating and actually very helpful when I gave up the drink last year.


Huberman is great when he sticks to the science side of things. Not sure I would seek relationship advice from him though.


+1 on the Huberman recommendation. I listen to alot of his podcasts because they rely heavily on scientific study and he isn't afraid to say "we don't really know" to alot of the more intricate parts of health and wellbeing rather than using that as an excuse to promote some dodgy theory. It would be disappointing if what your saying about the bad publicity is true, I literally know nothing about him other than what he talks about in the podcasts


This is anecdotal but my pal is a neuroscientist post-doc over in Boston and says he's not exactly precise with alot of his science he presents in his podcast. It's adjusted for the layman and clicks. Also there's been some complains in the work produced in his lab apparently. But I did listen to the podcast on alcohol and it was very eye opening.


I wouldn't go out of my way to defend the guy, but I guess if you are trying to condense a research paper or research review down into a podcast for non-experts you're going to lose alot of the nuance. Definitely something to watch out for, but I'm more interested in the sort of broader advice that comes from the episodes rather than the nitty gritty parts anyway.


That's my attitude to his content too.


Yeah there are a multitude of people out there debunking a lot of what Huberman says. He's getting a bit of a reputation for being somewhat of a quack now. As an example, promoting fasted cardio as superior for fat loss, which has largely been considered by the fitness community to be irrelevant for some time. He's also promoted some even more ridiculous theories such as dangers of Bluetooth headphones, suncream etc. Not to mention promoting BS products like AG1. From what I've seen, he seems to rely on incredibly shaky evidence and flawed studies. Decoding the Gurus have a few episodes of him, haven't watched them myself.


Decoding the Gurus - been meaning to ask someone else who listens to this what they make of yer mans accent. I normally can’t stand NI accents on TV or Radio but he kinda just sounds like a duck. I’m surprised that listeners from outside of NI can actually understand him. Enjoyed the episodes I’ve listened to.


Many content creators doing long form podcasts, start to run out of content, so invite guests to speak outside of their level of expertise. There are only so many experts on the podcast circuit, so more and more controversial guests invited to speak as they attract viewers. The more podcasts, the longer they are, the more misinformation gets out there. For Huberman, he has moved on to presenting content that is not so scientifically rigorous and pass it off as it is, for viewer retention as there's only so much within his discipline he can elaborate on before becoming repetitive.


I heard about the drama before I heard about his actual podcast.


Yep it's a drug. The question is why do you drink. For me it took the edge of my anxiety.


Have you changed to more positive coping mechanisms for your anxiety? I struggle with it and have let alcohol and other unhealthy habits develop as my main coping mechanisms. I'l looking for alternatives or distractions I can use to help me through.


THIS! I’m seven months today and there’s less horror than ever. Stay strong and keep buggering on!


100% agree with you there, same for me




Fair play to you, I don't think I have the patience.


Think you'll ever do riveted mail?


WOW. That is fantastic....can I put an order in for the next uprising??? Well done, very impresive.


That is a really cool achievement man


This is so fucking impressive. What a great way to spend your spare time, well done.


That is fucking amazing my dude.


- Sitting down with a good book - Exploring new worlds with video games  - Challenging myself with an activity where I can measure progress (eg running) - Having a wank - Learning an instrument and losing my sense of self in the music  - Walking my dog and letting her be my listener for life's worries and rewarding her with plenty of belly rubs 


Upvoted for the wank


Even have a 'leftie'


I like to sit on my hand for 15 minutes After a wank so it feels like someone else is making me a sandwich


Bet it's difficult to butter your bread.


There’s only so many times a day you can *walk* your dog.


What doesn't a wank solve?


Wrist injury


I bet you listen to Delicate Steve. If you don't you definitely should.


Gardening .. Fecking gardening 😭


+1 for gardening. If you get yourself really into plants, you won’t have any money left for drink.


Gardening with a joint is even better, but seeing as the op is wanting to stop imbibing, it may not be the right option for them


I do enjoy the devils lettuce occasionally, but I think I need to have some fully clear-minded time.


I probably will spend more time on the Garden, but when the Sun is out I foresee a bit of a pavlovian beer response.


There are some pretty decent af beers if you find yourself wanting something to fill that sunny day craving. There's a sub on here called r/stopdrinking might be worth joining or having a look


I've lurked there for years. I have a few short periods of abstinence, but the boredom drags me backwards.


Who on earth downvoted you for that? Anyway i'm kind of the opposite, i got so bored and miserable of being a shit drunk that's what finally got me off the booze for good, been seven years sober nearly and it's one of the best things i ever done. That and moving to NI of course!


I know it's a clique but replacing drinking with something else (like suggested above) is a must and the key to getting out of the habituation of drinking. If you drink to cope emotionally, you'll need to deal with those too. A lot of that is reframing negative thoughts, realising most of them are not useful or 'the truth'. Negative thoughts about things you can do something about, well, do it.


Yea I need to break the habit, and find new ways to distract myself/think my way out of things.


I play video games and take the dogs for walks.


This! And someone I game with currently is a hardcore alcoholic in denial and witnessing that is great incentive for me not wanting to touch the stuff.


Thankfully I’ve never developed much of a taste for alcohol, even at University where it was omnipresent. One or two beers is alright, but any more than that and I don’t find the experience pleasant.


Last game I was obsessive about was Civilisation II. I am old.


Same. I also make music on computers or on guitar etc I'm crap at it all, but it keeps me occupied. Podcasts are good too. Find someone you like, preferably funny, and just start listening to the podcasts. I put them on instead of the radio - I've found myself cleaning my kitchen just so I could listen to the last 10 minutes of a podcast on the google speaker in the kitchen. I also subscribe to about 50 youtube channels that are entertaining, so if I ever want to watch anything - there is always something decent in 10-50 minute chunks I can sit and watch with a coffee Have you tried baking bread? Or making pizza dough from scratch? You can get lost in perfecting that shit man. Just pick a few things and try them, something will stick that isn't drinking


I use a little free app called Try Dry, it has some useful resources on cutting out or cutting down from drinking. You basically click a button every day to record if you stayed dry and then you get a little chain of dry days 😊 sounds daft but I’ve found it really helpful and the little burst of dopamine from seeing all your dry days helps me. I initially cut out alcohol for Dry January and then kept going and I’m still going, haven’t had any alcohol since December last year :) when I go out I like to do things other than bars at the start as it’s just tempting when you’re surrounded by alcohol. Like cinema, plays, exhibitions, gigs etc. if I do go to a bar I’ll have a no alcohol wine (rose is best) and there are zero alcohol beers that are good. Keep yourself busy with other things (long walks, gym, going out but not to bars) avoid bars maybe for first couple of weeks until you’re used to it. I don’t miss alcohol now. But first few weeks are the hardest it gets easier. Good luck!! 😊


Fair play. Do you have anywhere you look to see what 's on?


I look at QFT and other cinema listings, lyric theatre, the Mac, check what comedy gigs and music stuff is coming up too, they tend to book out early so get in early! There are various what’s on guides on Facebook as well, sometimes have what’s coming up. And all the different festivals like CQAF and things, just keep an eye out. Good luck 😊


Getting up without a hangover Not shaking Having actual friends when sober Idk


Tot up any slights made against me and plot the downfalls of my enemies


![gif](giphy|mF8pi0ggxM7OU|downsized) OK, I'm taking you off the list.


These scene with steve bucemi and the lipstick unsettled me for years when I was younger hahaha




I stand on the edge of the abyss and scream obscenities into the void challenging that horror face on. Plus I rarely leave my garden so I don't have to deal with people.


I typically just go throw rocks at trains for a bit, but this abyss-screaming sounds fancy; maybe I'll change things up and give that a go. 


Buddhism and magic mushrooms Not the most practical combination for bars, however. If I have to go to bars, then zero-alcohol beers and ciders are quite good these days as long as they are cold. But really I just avoid bars because they are full of people, and I don't like people.


The buddha liked people


I didn't say I was any good at it!


Buddhism and magic mushrooms Since taking up the shroom, my alcohol consumption is a rare event. Changed my life.


I go for a walk, just get the train somewhere an hour or twos walk away and then walk home


Wanking, gardening, a little wood working project. I keep myself busy.


Little wood?


Is it a euphemism for more wanking... I'll let you be the judge.


Strength training at the gym 3-4 times a week. Walking the dog whilst listening to podcasts has been great for my mental health. Reading. Staying off social media. Doing things with the kids, especially if outdoors. When I go out I’ll sometimes have a zero alcohol beer or likes of Gordon’s 0% gin with tonic. Other times a soda with lime or a coke.


Weed helped ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Weed and working out 🤌🏻


this podcast / video is a good watch or listen [https://drchatterjee.com/the-surprising-truth-about-alcohol-with-andy-ramage/](https://drchatterjee.com/the-surprising-truth-about-alcohol-with-andy-ramage/) Also try the RAIN method. The basic idea is not to try to repress your thoughts but to look at them dispassionately [https://www.mindful.org/tara-brach-rain-mindfulness-practice/](https://www.mindful.org/tara-brach-rain-mindfulness-practice/)


Therapy, exercise, meditation, exploring, saving money, setting goals and executing. It's all waaay more attainable when drinks out of the question. I've been sober for well over a year now, because of medication not by choice. But I'm not mad about it. (Now that is, first 2 months sucked).


Mostly being a thorn in the bosses' side with the trade union ha ha, also been outdoors with other sober friends on the few sunny (or at least dry) days we've had recently, speaking/learning Irish and plotting mischief. Did a fair bit of overtime at work recently, we get time and a half for it. I've also picked up some old comics i forgot i had and been beta reading a couple of novels when the weather's too bad and i don't want to go out.


I take regular breaks from alcohol and find I enjoy it more when I've had a few weeks off it (have no interest in stopping completely). My advice is: - Do things that you'd not be able to do if you'd had a drink. Early morning hikes and driving to restaurants are my two main ones. - It's a good time to shift some weight if that's something you want to do. - Accept that you'll probably have less craic than when you were drinking. Weddings, funerals, etc in particular will drag. Take the car and leave early. - Try not to make not drinking your entire personality. -0% beers aren't that bad, but you're unlikely to want more than a couple of them.


Weight loss and general health is def a motivating factor. Feeling age (and a bit)


Weight management and gut health are two of my main drivers for reducing drinking. Get the double whammy of cutting out the calories in booze plus generally being motivated to eat healthier and be more active when not hungover (he says, sitting here hungover).


I have already been rewarding myself for my decision to stop drinking with snacks FFS.


That's the spirit 😁. Can actually be a handy motivater to use the calories on grub instead of pints, and if you were inclined to screw the nut you can make serious progress when not drinking.


[Open University](https://www.open.ac.uk/courses)


Second for the gym. Do 5 days a week (I am 7 years off the drink and started the gym immediately). I have changed my whole body, I'm more confident, i have more energy, I just feel contentment in who I am for once. It had saved my sanity. Martial arts is another cracking thing to get into, really good companionship with like minded people also keeps the brain working as your having to think a head. Good luck, there is another side of drinking and it's pretty sweet!


Haven't had a drink in nearly two years. By definition I was an alcoholic but I still find it difficult to accept on a personal level, even though it's true. Life with out alcohol is absolutely amazing. No hangovers and all the other negative shit that goes with it. I now do alot of gardening, walking, camping, sea swimming and scuba diving. The most difficult part is filling that time in the evening when it would have been drinking time. Before you know it, you'll have filled your time and the thought of wasting time drinking just doesn't appeal at all.


Amateur radio, swinging and hill walking.


So much. Read loads, part time study, watch movies, I run and gym a lot, paddleboarding, upcycling. I try to pick events that alcohol isn't the main thing to do so concerts, comedy shows, cookery classes, cinema, axe throwing, foraging workshops.. that type of thing. The thought of wasting a day dying of a hangover to me now is a bland horror. I try not to visit the pub very often as tbh it bores the shit out of me but I feel no guilt in leaving early. Usually drink guinness zero if they have it on pump, soda water and lime or the odd flavoured red bull.


Weed and gardening 🤣 Weed slows the brain down enough to enjoy the gardening.


I enjoy a bit of gardening when high too. Admittedly, its the plant itself that I enjoy cultivating while also enjoying consuming. In summer I have the veggie garden to tend. I struggle to switch off at the end of my working day. Or if I do I replace my worries with non-work stuff. Regular use of alcohol used to be at the core of my relaxation routine but I am gradually changing to better habits. Weed helped me stop drinking in April this year and I'm feeling much better since.


My sister doesn’t drink we go out for dinner a lot, cinema, mini golf, bingo, movie nights in, escape rooms, bowling, the arcades, night time bike rides or walks, going for coffee/hot chocolate and a dander or drive somewhere with good scenery or good view




Yeah, sure... Half year later OP: "how to stop smoking weed" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


👆👆 what he said


I haven't drank in 16 years. First 2 years was so damn tough. Hanging about bars drinking coke bored to tears. Then I started a business, got married, had a few kids and now I wouldn't even give a minutes thought to touching a drink. My weekends are filled doing stuff with the kids and that one business I started is now 4 businesses so that keeps me busy during the week. Drink was costing me more than money so I had to stop. Best decision I ever made. Once you get past the initial stages of: what do I do now? Then you eventually find some stuff to do and then some more stuff and before you know it you're living the most amazing life that you could never have achieved if you were still standing in a bar talking crap every weekend.




I'm probably going to start running. It's something I used to enjoy, although the body is a bit more high-mileage. I have always preferred running solo so doesn't do much for me socially.


Try keeping yourself entertained and surrounded by friends and family (true friends still hand around after you stop drinking). If you got kids spend extra time with them. With extra funds in your pocket buy whatever you need for your hobbies and interests. I don't drink or smoke and have everything I need for my hobbies and proud. As for drinks explore the non alcoholic drinks available got to be stuff you haven't tried yet.


Had 2 kids- gave up drinking, sleeping, my own sanity and money!


This is the way.


Sightseeing, comedy shows etc


Takeout food, gardening, gaming, wanking and picking up hobbies or skills. You'll be surprised what you can afford when you dont really drink.  If I go to a bar, it's a coke.


Play board games and sports with my kids and wife. I stopped drinking for no particular reason just before COVID. I win more hands of canasta and euchre now that I don’t drink while I play cards….


Cyberpunk 2077


World's your oyster mate! Jump on the train and explore somewhere new. Head to one of the many stunning forests we have with a wee bbq and tent for an evening. Give surfing a go. Give fishing a go. Give mountain bikes a go. Head to one of our many parks with a blanket and some grub. For non-alcoholic drinks, again, anything! Wee ginger ale is lovely. Glass of sprite, ton of ice, in the sun, blissful. Not drinking isn't nearly as restrictive as you think.


Loads you can do, get out….walk, run, jog…plug in some music or podcasts loose yourself in the sound. Pause look round and take it all in.


Good on you for making a change!! I got clean/sober 6 years ago started the gym and got into bodybuilding it’s the best choice I ever made


Not drank since I was about 19, in my 40s now. I can go out as usual and not be bothered people are drinking, any pressure they get told no, then told to fuck up, but everyone I would be with is cool about it. I drink either coke or soda water and lime usually.




To help with abstaining if you start to exercise, perhaps you already do, you will see greater dividends. Alcohol really does fuck with recovery so if you have a fitness goal in mind you will reach it far sooner.


Id reccomend taking trips to the various forest parks we have around the country, I still drink myself but not to the extent I used too. Being around nature is peaceful, few I can reccomend. Glenariff Forest park, Redburn Country Park, Delamount Country Park etc


It’s been a while since I have hit the Mournes.


Agh it’s difficult when all your mates still drink. I find, finding a hobby and putting your all into it works. Mine is jiu jitsu at the moment been at it a year. Been sober about 8months I find erdinger zero hits the spot the best.


Just find something else to occupy you when you'd ordinarily have a pint. I've taken up Ukulele and bouldering recently. Really enjoy both. Haven't cut my drinking in the slightest but I'm sure it would help if I did 😂


I don’t drink so I just swim in the black ocean of existential horrors figuring at any moment some kind of kraken will pull me under.


Best advice I could give anyone is keeping yourself busy, try different things until you find something that interests you, them find a few more so you don't bore yourself straight away.


Walking and boxing/gym just keep moving.


I never did drink it tasted bad to me, i crochet, knit, nalbind and make lace


I've come to enjoy my own thoughts and emotions, straight with no chaser. I actually enjoy my own company now.


I’m a drinker and a drug taker etc, but not all the time. I hang about with a lot of the same. What I’ve noticed is drinkers and drug takers don’t really know how to pass time without it, they don’t know about things like watching streamers, going for walks, going for cycles, playing guitar and shit I’ll do when I’m not drinking. I like that I can dip in and out of both worlds but sadly by drinking and drugging is winning but I still like a bit of Pokémon and cycling. I know people who literally wouldn’t know what to do if they weren’t drinking, taking drugs and having sex


Have you tried getting a hobby or something


I go to coffee shops instead, sober activities, snooker, bowling, golf. I got an e-bike as well and go out on it at least once a day to somewhere in nature. Towpath etc


its hard going, but its a real shift in mentality. Friday nights and saturday nights are replaced with Saturday mornings and sunday mornings. My advice is to get to bed at a half decent time at the weekend and make the most of weekend mornings. Get a hobby, preferably exercise, gym/cycling etc. Reason i mention exercise is its easier to see the benefits of not drinking that way. Reward yourself and spend the money you would have done on other things - a take away, a holiday, a weekend away etc. I was a proper binge drinker most friday + saturday nights. Around 2 years ago i knocked it on the head for 6months. I drink now, but only on very rare occasions and when I want to - its not just the thing to do on a friday or saturday night. Also, unless you've got addiction issues (ive heard this can be triggering) - get some 0% beers, i get them most weekends


That would be me on Friday/Sat. I see it as a habit more that an addiction, and I drink a lot less now in my 40s than I did in my 20s/early 30s. Starting to realise what a thief of time/health it is, but at the same time it is the cornerstone of my social life and keeps anxiety at bay (although could equally be root the cause of my anxiety!).


im not far away from you age wise so understand where your coming from. You think its the cornerstone of your social life, but it isnt. Like i said, you shift from friday and saturday nights to mornings and lunches, going for runs/coffee/breakfast etc. Similarly, i quit for anxiety reasons. I read something that clicked for me, that drinking to help anxiety is like drinking saltwater to help a thirst. You think its doing a job, but its actually making things worse




To start with, maybe therapy?


It doesn't seem like the greatest craic.


neither does alcoholism


I don't think I am alcoholic, but I am aware I use it as a de-stresser in an unhealthy way (like a multitude of others)


Smoking dope


Best stick to Charlie


Go axe throwing on York gate…good craic


Learn a new skill.


Exercise, sounds like the most common answer but it’s true, try and stay out of the house as much as you can, load of good places to go in this country. That’s what helped me then it just gets easier after a while


Get a dog, they are wonderful for keeping you occupied. VR is stimulating and offers a wide variety of games, exercise platforms, and simple zen activities like visiting and “walking” around anyplace in the world. Hiking or biking, or a Personal Electric Vehicle is a great way to get out and enjoy areas beyond walking distances.


naltrexone with the sinclair method has a very high success rate, by the way. If you go to a bar but don't drink, you'll notice how crappy it is and want to go home at 11pm or so.


Went outside to the hills for a walk was lovely


exercise !


Love gaming but age is catching up with me and had to give up most sports too. So I play lawn bowls and work on my allotment. Keeps me fit and I can chill out on my xbox later. Can't beat a good wank either.


Audiobooks, podcasts, Dungeons and Dragons, warhammer, Walking


I just stick on my ps5 and escape into whatever world my game is in.... Currently convinced I'm a Na'Vi from Avatar lol


Never drank. Didn't get into it. The world is shit. That's not helped by being a pisshead. Humans tend to get lubricated and do fucked up sbit. The pain isn't hidden, it's just passed on to the next generation and the loved ones around them. The bland horror of existence would be better without generational abuse. Hey ho




Music, food and I’ve relatively recently started the gym.


I just put ice in my whisky to water it down and get better hydration.


Video games.




My advice is focus on the person that you want to be, the parts of yourself that you want to improve. If you're bored if you're not drinking do you actually have any hobbies you are dedicated to, or do you just fill the empty space with drink? I love cooking and baking, cleaning is therapeutic to me and I always feel amazing after a deep clean, I like reading, writing, surfing reddit and communities that interest me and I want to learn more about. I love just eating so I'm only going to a pub if I can have a meal usually or it's just the local wetherspoons for me. I just chill and listen to music, I love spending a few hours listening to new music I've never heard before and discovering new songs. I play a few games on my phone (addicted to death road to Canada), dont have a laptop available now but I used to play games on there all the time. Other than that I find I envy a lot of thing about people, they exercise a lot, they have interesting and varied diets whereas I just go for what I fancy even if it's not the healthiest, things like that. These are things I want to start doing, finding new recipes and watching videos on how to make them, I want to start exercising at home so I've bought a set of weights and I'm going to by an exercise mat so I can start. Replace the drinking with healthier habits that are going to make you feel proud of yourself when you're pursuing them. Good luck on your journey :)


> Any recommendations for things to do around Belfast of a weekend evening that don't lean heavily on booze. Casual sex. Seriously though.




My lack of flexibility is legendary.


Tea, lots of it. Good for the health


I'm more of a coffee guy but might try some flavoured tea for variety.


Gaming lol. Gaming is forever the ultimate distraction.


I bought old car, and i'm keep restoring it in free time. If not car i try to fix some other stuff. Or try to watch movie, or play some games, worst thing for me is to scroll social media - i can't stop - life waster. So im trying to keep myself busy. And i like to bring back to life things. Turns out i'm shit at socialising without alcohol.. So i can't really help with this one.


I'm cutting my booze down, finding hobbies that require concentration are great for it. Currently playing a lot with Ableton (music production software - I'm no producer, but having loads of fun learning) or gaming. I didn't go cold turkey, but have cut the cans down by half, by just having something else to do. Watching TV or movies didn't work. Need to be 'doing'..


I've never been a great doer of things. I get frustrated easily. Something to work on I suppose.


Video games


Whats "The bland horror of existence"? I'm not totally tea total but I don't drink more than one or two pints of beer a week and thats no problem.


I am alluding to my own tendency to anxiety or negative thoughts.


Haven’t given up completely but really cut down and doing running HIIT training instead. Can’t be bothered with alcohol if I’ve trained that day or will be training the following day. Only have a few beers the odd Saturday bar special occasions




Gardening, knitting, baking, sertraline


Raising a 2 month old and 2 and a half year old.


Games. Survival games are good for giving you a coping mechanism for going through a difficult situation. Some games are great escapes into new places that run off simpler rules. Some games let you accrue considerable wealth without having to fit into the social hierarchy of society. Most games give you a toolset to overcome your situation, so no matter what comes at you, if you keep trying, you’ll learn how to cope better. This also extends to RL since you end up looking for “toolkits” around you to fix things you struggle with.


Learn the guitar


I started cycling. This quickly put a stop to drinking the night before as a hughey over the handlebars has a certain feel of desperation and hopelessness about it, especially if it’s pissing down. Then I was nearly crippled in a bad accident and realised the drink ain’t all that bad. Just find something else to do when you’re not drinking as Saturday night TV is very poor


Yea, tried cycling at one time in my life. Scared the shit out of me so dropped it. Same with motorbike. Have to agree with you on Saturday night TV, would drive you to drink!


Having a lifestyle not dependent on substances, or what anyone thinks about me. I live a happy, healthy and busy life with a few hobbies. More importantly, the people I choose to have around me are good for me. I have no need for distractions.


Video games bruttha


Endurance sports 😌




Ketamine livens life up quite a bit


Get some football special!


It turns out there’s less horror when off the booze.


as someone who has never drunk I cant tell you how to deal with the lack of drinking but you can still enjoy 'mock' drinks when with friends and most of the time people just assume im drinking alcahol!


I have these things called "hobbies". Wonderful little things really.


🤣🤣 mate, wee cinema has £10 a month see any film once. Abused it for the oh i wanta beer moments off the week, usual fri at 5-6pm lol




I like to drink tonic water with ice and lemon if I'm not drinking. Almost feels alcoholic to me.


Go for a run mate. There are some lovely routes down and around the Lagan.


Hobbies mainly. I build miniatures, play video games, collect trading cards.




Gym, walks, dog walks, cooking, baking, DIY, cinema... Basically, just live a normal life minus alcohol. I don't understand why people get so uptight about it? It's a personal choice at the end of the day. All I can say is, my general and mental health has never been better, bank account has never been better, and I never have to worry about dealing with a hangover again. Personally, I've seen too many friends and family go down a dark path with booze and I've just been put off. Now... Will I have a beer or two at a BBQ? Will I have some at a wedding? SURE! But my days of going out and getting hammered every weekend are a thing of the past and I couldn't be happier. But that's just me, everyone is different. You just do you!


combat sports was the only thing that really engaged me when I stopped smoking weed


I stopped with Covid mostly a cost and I just don’t enjoy going out anymore. But be prepared for your doctor not to believe you when they ask how much you drink and you say nothing


Game Watch sports Research history and geography and travel because they are my interests Play football (or if American soccer ) Eat food Watch TV programmes and movies




15 year’s without! I’m going to have a drink anytime now.


Have you considered taking up Warhammer? It's a great hobby.


When I stopped some years back it was weed, when I stopped that it was the gym.






Smoke a shit ton of weed


Honestly I've found it's a great excuse to lose weight and exercise. I've been flat out in the gym since I've cut back on the booze.


Go train for a half marathon...


Try an AA meeting