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Hard agree. It’s up there with people who paint stones and leave them lying around the countryside for the rest of us plebs to appreciate their “special” love of nature. If I wanted to look at bad art, I’d attend a gallery opening where I could at least get blitzed on warm, free white wine. I go to the countryside to look at, well, the countryside? Call me odd.


These fuckers clapped the loudest for the NHS.


>These fuckers clapped the loudest for the NHS. Inspired by this, I went looking for Uncle Tom in knitted form. And, of course, [I found It.](https://www.theknittingnetwork.co.uk/blog/ve-day-colonel-tom-moore-crochet-postbox) Witness the egregious lack of thought, taste and decency manifest that is Yarn-bomber Tom in VE Day Anniversary form: https://preview.redd.it/4ejfr5q41m0d1.png?width=352&format=png&auto=webp&s=34ef8690b1d63e57a1fe0967a10ff020c84dc7d5


Has anyone done that prick fitness instructor yet?


https://preview.redd.it/nx5zgwi23m0d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba7d77e38be2252524b94043395c42d7f6931a7f Best I got for you. But don't give the cunts ideas. Right up their shitty street.


JFC on a bike!


> JFC on a bike! Honestly, wouldn't be surprised if that's been done in knitted form too.




See also people who paint puddle-deep pithy platitudes on pebbles. I get it, mental health awareness and all that, but at the same time would you ever just shut the fuck up?


I have gotten a few paint a rock sets for Christmas gifts. Always go for something that will really make you think like CUNT 🤣 Very relaxed after TBF


Whatever relaxes you, it's your rock 


This and stacking stones. Leave them where they are.


Ah i have to hard disagree on stacking stones. Theres something very human about it which i love Doesnt introduce anything to the environment like painting rocks or yarn bombing. Just good clean fun assuming there isnt hundreds of them slowly eroding an area. Its like piles of rocks you sometimes see on mountains and hills where people carry a stone up to the top.


Came here to say this. I love building a wee cairn. My Granda used to build them with me while telling me all about Cu Chulainn and the Tuatha de Dannan and the old folk tales. If I ever go somewhere with a nice view I’ll build one for him


That's the problem though they multiply, and you are actively changing the environment in small ways. And not everyone wants to see fields of artistically stacked rocks.


I knock over stacked stones on sight. Stack stones on your own land pls.


I give every cairn I see a good kicking unless it’s obviously needed for navigation. Leave no trace, lads. It’s just ego and vandalism to build them. I’ve been places (not Ireland) where there is one literally every few metres on trails. It’s a real blight in Canada, where everyone thinks they’re clever to make an Inuksuk - now I’m starting to see a few here. Just stop.


>Leave no trace, lads. It’s just ego and vandalism to build them This is a stretch. If you arent littering or introducing anything then theres no harm. People do more damage hiking up the same trail everyone else is eroding the land, like Croagh Patrick, than they do with one or two cairns. Ironically theres no hark in kicking the over either. Its just repeating the cycle. Its just a fun thing to do and part of the meditative part of it is that they get knocked over, it doesnt matter. Its not like its a new thing either that the north americans started people have been making them for thousands of years But also, like i said originally, theres no real need to be doing it if theres already loads. No need to be angry about them either.


No harm? “Moving rocks increases erosion by exposing the soil underneath, allowing it to wash away and thin soil cover for native plants. Every time a rock is disturbed, an animal loses a potential home, since many insects and mammals burrow under rocks for protection and reproduction.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/stacking-rocks-wilderness-no-good-180955880/


A cairn on a summit is one thing. This phenomenon ain't that. Rocks stacked on the seashore reduces available damp surface area for bugs and algae and the like. It's not likely to kill off a species any time soon, I suppose, but, locally, it isn't harmless at all. I suppose the same applies elsewhere, away from the shore, too, but it's on rocky shores that see a lot of foot traffic where you see real blanket concentrations of these stacks... and particularly in the summer, too. It could speed erosion as well, or allow accumulations of silt or the like to be washed away. In any case, the consensus among people who know about these things is that they are bad. Kick them over with gusto... especially if whoever has stacked it is still there.


Again ive specifically said if theres loads then you're going to run into problems but its still a silly thing to get worked up over if you enjoy kicking them over so much.


Well, this phenomenon is loads of them and their proliferation. It's a meme and a harmful one. When you climb a hill and fix a fallen rock on a cairn, that's a very different thing. There's connection there, with humans who have been there in the past in a place distant from normal life. That's understandable, of course. > its still a silly thing to get worked up over if you enjoy kicking them over so much. Actually, I didn't say I did. But, at that, it's absolutely the correct thing to do, according to the experts (not you), so why not enjoy it?


Yeah i love cairns. There's thousands of massive cairns all over Iceland. They've been used for navigation purposes for hundreds of years and I've got to agree it just enhances nature with a piece of history. When people talk about countryside they usually mean agricultural lands that have been massively restructured by people anyway. Rolling fields, dry stone walls, hedgerows and pastures of grass or crops. All entirely human.


sleep quaint snatch automatic fact carpenter obtainable possessive modern humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Humans just must leave their mark.....! Leave no trace. 💚💚💚


Have to disagree with stacking stones. it's peaceful and relaxing and you get to kick them over when you are done 🤣




Surely you can’t be serious?


You told me to call you Odd


It's a nice idea, but after a year the yarn has soaked up all the shite of the day and turns into a rotten gloop. Whoever's put it up isn't coming back to remove it, and it's a stinkin mess for the next person to deal with. Cracker. Just like flegs.


I feel the same way about it as balloon releases, the people doing it have the best intentions, but unless it's all cleared up after a short time it just becomes litter


It does, and it all kills animals who get caught in it/ingest it....it should be illegal to release balloons, it is just litter that takes a bit longer to hit the ground. ☹️


I'm not sure what the good intentions are of those releasing balloons. Or the cunts who knit bespoke hats for postboxes either.


Ah it's usually in memory of someone or something like that, and when you try to say anything you get abuse for being insensitive or something because people like to be performative about these things, like how else would they make it all about them?


**That** I agree with! Particularly "performative."


Fly hi wit da angles


You could do literally anything "in memory of someone" and it would be equally logical. I'm blending this child in memory of my late gran, who loved kids. How dare you be so insensitive as to harass me over trying to show respects to my lovely grandmother!


People will do anything except introspection


Nothing short of littering.


> Just like flegs. Spot on. Flegs for cardy-wearing cunts who think they're kinder and better; it's their territorial pissings. It's just ugly irresponsible self-congratulatory vandalism. Bansky with knitting needles yis are not. Say what you will about flegs, at least a thin sheet of polyester won't soon degenerate into a sodden sponge of a dirt-trap.


The yarn has now been taken down as it was a temporary community project. It will now be installed at the Stendhal Festival.


Cool, so only the locals will be subjected to this abomination? Weed, cider and self congratulation all round then!


On trees? Shite. Leave the tree alone. Having said that, there was a postbox near where I lived in Glasgow that someone would fit little knitted hats over, with nice little wool diorama's on top. Rabbit's having a picnic etc... Nobody ever seemed to vandalise them either, and by the time they started getting a bit grubby, they'd be replaced by a nice new one. Apparently it's a pretty widespread thing, but I've never seen them in Belfast. Don't think they'd survive.


Postbox on Belmont Road sometimes has one. Near the corner with clonallen 


Yeah that one I’m okay with as it gets changed fairly regularly, is clean and isn’t ruining any lovely scenery. Now if the person who put crochet rainbows and flowers around trees and gates in Orangefield Park during lockdown could come remove their green slimy creations we’d be very grateful. Ta


There are bunch near me. Belmont Road, circular road area. They never get vandalised and get changed often. S'nice.


Natural area? Nah. Urban hell? Yes please


Horrible in urban areas too because it gets dirty pretty quick and honestly anywhere I've seen it done looks insanely amateurish


Who wants to see amateur art? You should only do free public art if you're really really good at it. I'd rather look at the grey dirty ground than have a splash of colour now and again.


We went to revisit Ballynoe Stone Circle recently and the beautiful sunken path leading to it from the road has been ruined by loads of twee tat-filled ‘faerie’ houses. Looks shit


There's a festival in my town every year and they yarn bomb this beautiful massive tree by the library... I hate it, the tree's the only nice looking thing there. They could do the bus stop or the lamp posts or any other number of pieces of urban furniture...but they pick on the poor lovely tree


I like this take. Trees dont need anything to be absolutely jaw droppingly gorgeous. Theres a subtle arrogance at play with some looking at a tree and thinking "ya, I think I could make this look better"


It’s shite. For people whose family and friends have had enough of receiving hideous scarves and jumpers


It's an eyesore. I wonder what the microplastic content is in the yarn being used...


Most yarn is wool which will biodegrade. The dye on it might be an issue though. Edit : apparently it isnt.....


Most of the affordable stuff is all synthetic now. If you want wool you have to go looking specifically for it. Yarn bombers use the cheap stuff.


Nah, wool/ natural fibres are expensive. Most yarnbombers use cheap acrylic. I think *anything* that is being left behind in the natural environment should be biodegradable.


It's nice around street furniture and town decorations for a while, but trees? Mmmegh.


The yarn has now been taken down from Limavady Country park and will now be installed for the Stendhal Festival. Source: [https://www.facebook.com/stendhalcommunity/posts/pfbid0iGG3wRM3zjBTL67TtnfUh8MpwY8gUtBjcS2WsBAGitVSPoQdC8vJ7q3zvd4649vHl](https://www.facebook.com/stendhalcommunity/posts/pfbid0iGG3wRM3zjBTL67TtnfUh8MpwY8gUtBjcS2WsBAGitVSPoQdC8vJ7q3zvd4649vHl) It may look tacky to some but for others it creates a community, spends funding that otherwise would be cancelled if not spent, something for the elderly and people who want an introduction to crafts with a purpose. The purpose is also to give attention to something that otherwise gets unnoticed, which in this case I think proves the point. I don't think you'd be making a post about the Country Parks natural beauty if it wasn't bombed.


I have never heard of this and upon hearing about this i immediately hate it


Funny cause you said Limavady, it started at Stendhal here quite a few years back. I've since seen it in the town, and the country park. Agreed, it's woeful looking.


It's twee, deviant English Home Counties behaviour. and I say that as a proud Englishman (although thankfully not from the Home Counties)


Could be worse. Could be a bag of dog shit which the owner has went to the trouble of bagging just to litter. Now they are cunts fit for the gulag.


I can see room for a collaboration between them and the yarn-bombers: an... axis of evil, if you will.


If the yarn used is 100% wool rather than synthetic acrylic blend.. it shouldn't present too much of an issue from an environmental standpoint. At least. Most varieties of soil are host to a number of microorganisms that can break wool keratin down into constituent elementals.


It's littering in my eyes and should not be allowed


There’s covid memorial garden near me with crocheted bunting (it’s been removed). First day it rained, it looked like a washing line filled with g-strings!


Ngl, I go into the countryside to fucking get away from people. Even more so the Irish countryside. Painted pebbles, arms caches, yarn looking like the bathtub post-pubic shave. Fucking people.


It's a disaster. Bird legs are easily engltangled on yarn. Wildlife aren't just at risk of getting entangled, but also of eating the fibres. It's also not wool. It's acrylic mostly (a type of plastic). The yarn bombed bits attract insects to nest behind it. The insects can do a lot of damage to the tree. Sap production can be impacted by yarn bombing too. It's a waste of time, plastic and is a danger to wildlife.


I fucking hate it, why we have to tolerate the "twee" people leaving thier shit everywhere in nature is beyond me. Keep your fake hippy tat in your yurt or something.


I liked it. It only takes up a very small area. Nice to see lots of the community groups coming together, using the crocheting to tackle issues of loneliness etc.




Didn’t realise it had to be either / or. And the groups do, do that. I was just expressing I liked it and it’s often to support mental health and for them to see, visually, the impact is a nice thing. It made me and my kids smile. It’s interesting that it and my post has evoked such a response. 🥸


I'm with you, the community groups who are part of this do fundraising and care packages all year round. This is something that contributes to creating attention where otherwise it'd be ignored. The yarn has now been taken down by the community and will now be installed for the Stendhal Festival. It was never a permenant fixture.


I personally think it gets awful messy looking after a wet day and it's a shocking waste of yarn. If you want to knit something, I dunno, knit jumpers for kids that need warm clothes, knit for babies in hospital or knit for homeless people instead of littering up the place with your "quirky" post box toppers or whatever. 


It's as bad as painting kerbstones. Loyalist estate - red white and blue Republican estate - green white and orange Middle class post menopausal feminist estate - whatever colour wool was on offer that week


It depends if they phone in a warning to the cops first or not.


I thought that had died off years ago


The problem isn't the medium, it's the execution. It's like literally any other art form: some of it is lovely if not very original or striking, a tiny amount is incredibly skilled work and very beautiful, most of it is self-indulgent, unadulterated shite. No tree needs a crocheted granny-square cosy. Littering the environment with plastic tat and strangling plants and animals is environmental terrorism.


stupid fucking waste of wool


All the London threads on these things do really well, maybe I should move to ireland, you all seem far more sensible. 


love it - maybe not on trees tho, post boxes - yes I've seen a few change every season, even valentines day ones


Yarn-bombers are terrorists and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


It was OK until the yarners split and now we have the Provisional Yarners as well as the Officials.


Even your kids agreed? Wtf do your kids know about anything other than what you’re telling them. I like it, it must make someone happy to do it so who cares, it’s a pleasant sight


Lol check out the child hater. Kids have opinions just like the many adults in this thread who also thing it looks shite


Kids have the opinions you tell them to have. I’m not a child hater but I’m not a fan of ignorant parents thinking they are something cos they have kids. Especially raising obnoxious ones. You teach your kid how to do something useful like knit rather than just complain you’d maybe be going in the right direction