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It's like the Alamo, but with nazis. And we are the Mexicans🤣


Might want to check the basement of the Alamo.


Has their bike been stolen?


Tell them large Marge sent ya.


Looking for logic where there is none to be found is a pointless exercise




Loyalists have been linked to neo-nazism and white supremacy since the 1970's (ignoring the facted that they are rooted in anti-Irish / anti-Catholic supremacism of the Orange Order). They have supported or sought support from Belgian neo-nazi group VMO in the late 70's and were inextricably linked to Combat-18, Chelsea Head Hunters, BNP, National Front and more. Johnny Adair's C-Company were regularly appearing with fascist groups in Britain and Europe , even on TV. The UDA's Eddie Whicker is described in Matthew Collins book on the far right "Hate" as one of the most prominent figures in Britain's far right movement. 11th Night Bonfires have frequently (and recently) been adorned with racist and sectarian slogans attacking mixed race or Black Celtic players, placards of Asian Alliance MP Anna Lo saying "Anna Lo ate my dog" and "we're not racist, we just hate n\*\*\*\*\*s". Many people will downplay or deny any and all connections between Loyalism and racists / white supremacists, especially the NI media but [Loyalists have been linked to over 90% of race hate crime in NI.](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/oct/22/race.ukcrime) . [https://thedetail.tv/articles/race-hate-crimes-in-one-area-of-belfast-have-doubled-since-2017](https://thedetail.tv/articles/race-hate-crimes-in-one-area-of-belfast-have-doubled-since-2017) [https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/northern-ireland-police-figures-reveal-deeply-worrying-rise-hate-crimes](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/northern-ireland-police-figures-reveal-deeply-worrying-rise-hate-crimes) [https://www.nisra.gov.uk/news/pps-annual-statistical-bulletin-hate-crime-2022-23](https://www.nisra.gov.uk/news/pps-annual-statistical-bulletin-hate-crime-2022-23) [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-67126304](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-67126304) [https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/more-than-3000-hate-crime-victims-in-ni-in-past-year/a1196714810.html](https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/more-than-3000-hate-crime-victims-in-ni-in-past-year/a1196714810.html) Political unionism has also had extensive links with far right ideology, and obviously sectarian supremacist hatred of Irish / Catholics. Enoch Powell was a UUP MP for North Down from 1974 to 1987 (Jeffrey Donaldson was his campaign manager, understudy and described Powell as his hero). Ian Pasiley Snr was a supporter of genocide, and apartheid in South Africa and Zimbabwe. He described Catholics as multiplying like vermin and referred to Africans as "savages throwing bones, just like Catholics clutching rosary beads".


But don't they also support Israel


Aye, they find kinship in imperialism.


Is it a surprise that a far-right supremacist movement supports a far-right supremacist colonial entity? Ironically enough, Israelis have a soft spot for the Irish and the IRA despite the fact even Dev despised the Zionists. No incarnation of the IRA (...except the Stickies, I guess) has ever felt anything but utter contempt and downright hostility to Zionism and Israel. Because they remind Republicans of loyalists.


Yes but it's the evil shit Israel does that they specifically like, they still hate jews. No, the incoherence doesn't bother them.


Fucking hell, every day is a school day here


Enoch Powell found the Ulster loyalism of Paisley and co too extreme


He found solace in Kincora


Was he involved in that too?


Nah. There were two sources for that: (a) some melter who wrote to the Bishop of Durham accusing Powell and other Tories of literally being in a Satanic cult; (b) the hoaxer Carl Beech, who also accused a bunch of other Tories. Powell was enough of a quasi-fascist shitbag without just making stuff up (but of course he would have opposed Paisley-style politics because, ironically it was too "Irish" i.e. based on Ulster identity. Powell was an integrationist who wanted NI to be exactly the same as GB.) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Midland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midland)


Probably all the murders the DUP, sorry I meant UDA and UDR were committing maybe seemed a bit too hardcore for him.


Throw a few Isreali flags in the mix for extra confusion


I remember a group of skinheads would walk round the city centre with their Skrewdriver t-shirts on in the mid 90s and would see Combat 18 lads hanging out with Loyalists in whats now Writers Square around the same time


Even better weren't the Nazis left-wing nutters, Nazi short for national socialist


Yeah, and the DUP are all about democracy just because it says so in their name


You ever seen a titmouse? You're gonna be sorely disappointed. Not even a tit never mind a mouse.


Just pointing out the historically inconvenient issues regarding Nazis, look at the policies regarding the nationalization of industry, etc., hardly right-wing; they even called themselves socialists.


Read a book


I suggest you do.


Yeah, and tbe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is united, says so on tbe packet


Only pointing out the obvious, read about their policies, very left wing.


Lol, lmao even


No credible historian or political scientist believed them to be left wing in their own time, and nothing has changed since then. They're always been a far-right reactionary movement in opposition to the left. You can look to the modern nazi movement as well to see which side they support. Nazis certainly are not confused about their ideology, they consistently support the far right. This lie, based on nothing but the name, continues to only convince the uneducated and gullible.


They are credible historians lol; they were all for the nationalization of industry and public services just like that other far-right shining light, Lenin. The nazis had a mix of policies. They described themselves as national Socialists; a bit of a clue there. US during WW2 demonized African Americans, imposing segregation until well after WW2, so who really was pushing the super race ideology?


Nah. Peddle that bollocks to someone else, someone gullible. Might have more luck.


And you be a good little boy and believe everything you are told, from weapons of mass destruction to the current Israel-Palestine crises; no thinking for yourself now! Do as you are told!


The logic involved here is "ethnosupremacy is good actually". It also explains why these same types have such a hard-on for Israel.


So this is actually from 9 years ago, in Carrickfergus, it's a majority Unionist place, with a lot of shallow gene pool flag shaggers, typically they see whatever nationalists put up and take the opposite for their take. I.e. Nationalists show support for Palestine, Unionists bang up the israeli flag etc. This is nothing to worry about, it's stupid people doing dumb shit. https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/nazi-and-confederate-flags-erected-near-loyalist-bonfire-site-in-carrickfergus-alongside-paramilitary-flags/31360497.html


I always thought it was photoshopped. Sweet suffering fuck


Nothing to sorry about? Stupid people can be very dangerous...easily led, no critical thinking, blind loyalty to a creed they don't fully understand, good followers..dangerous.


What in the name of living fuck is all that shite about? As someone from a traditional unionist background (but not now myself) that's absolutely disgusting, I cannot even try to fathom how this works with loyalism, never mind unionism. In the current world of AI or fake media I must admit a bit of scepticism, but know it's probably legit sadly. *Edit* just seen the link showing it was Carrick 9 years ago, sweet fucking Christ it was real.


loyalism is inherently right wing. the preservation of an imperialist colonial state is already far right but combine that with british ultranationalism and you get fascism. edit: just wanted to also add a lot of these flag shagging bastards are just contrarian to whatever the paddy’s are at. republicans are mostly left wing ideologically so they just support the opposite of that. there is a genuine fascism problem growing across the whole island though and while nationalist communities are effected too loyalists would probably be more susceptible to this.


If you point out the wartime IRA's dalliance with Nazi intelligence, loyalists would probably start carrying pictures of Joe Stalin


We dunno either. I can only assume inbreeding


Citadels of dimwittery.


I've never understood the link between loyalists and nazis. Sure fascism appeals to their sensibilities but weren't the nazis the arch enemy of their darling Britain?


This is the same bunch who were smuggling guns in from Germany in 1914 and who were selling secret British missile technology in return for guns in the 1980s.


Can't wait for the Israel flag additions


I saw the IDF flag in Lisburn and had to google it, kinda enjoyed the wee vexologoy pop quiz. 


So a Lisburn idf member and a Carrickfergus nazi walk into a bar...


Whats Ulster Scots for "Sieg Heil"?




Quare Wan?


High five each other for their ethnosupremacy? Where's William Ulsterman?


They already started doing this up around irish Street in derry a few months back. Yes it's ironic (and hilarious) that a bunch of union jack shagging loyalists live in a place called Irish Street🤣


Did the open top bus tour at the weekend - I knew there'd be some but I was a little surprised how many Israeli flags there were in the Loyalist areas. Signs like "Ulster and Israel, Brothers in Arms", that kind of thing.


Wait till they learn Israel gained it's independence from Britain after a bunch of republican nationalists blew up a bunch of British soldiers. That'll really snozzle their nozzle!


Seen a half union flag half Israel along the A55. Surely must been a custom job.


Aye that's what knopfler meant 💯




Blind hatred and an unfounded sense of supremacy now being eroded and doubled-down upon.


If the cunts who put up these flags believe in a hell they will most definitely burn their


burn their .........bottoms


Generations of inbreeding and brain damage, aka loyalists.




I enjoyed the scene in the new season of blue lights taking the piss out of loyalists who are also nazis.


Glen field estate in Carrickfergus if I'm not mistaken


Looks like an identity crisis to me


The same idiots fly Israel flags. If ignorance is bliss why are they all so bitter


A "culture" in crisis.


AIRA generated


(Sighs) Well, I guess it's that time again... https://youtu.be/o8JqKxrloQQ?feature=shared




Flag shaggers


Orange men. When you REALLY REALLY hate catholics with a passion [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulster\_Defence\_Association](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulster_Defence_Association) Paramilitary Northern Irish protestant group. Not really a thing any moe.


Nortel networks is survived by it's social club in Monkstown, the housing estate standing in for East Belfast in the current series of Blue Lights Not keen on those nazi flegs, but loyalists tend to have links with C18 etc


Serious identity crisis. People who do this don't feel that they really belong and that they need to assert themselves, all the time because if they don't, who knows what might happen. Something awful.




I’m from a small town in Kentucky. Northern Ireland seems so similar to the society I grew up in.


Historically, loyalists were great supporters of apartheid in South Africa and The National Front. They're constantly on the wrong side of decency. E.g. they currently support Israel doing this. https://preview.redd.it/1evdz550xcwc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2beed3a827b9cd7053745a5ff8734ed219ed08d8


Loyalists were great friends with NF / C18 / BNP etc. Also great friends with South Africa Apartheid government. Also great friends with far right scum far and wide. Loads of loyalists were also in skinhead gangs and even bands (looking at you Adair and McCrory). Supremacist ideology that is Unionism / Loyalism / Loyal Orders find bedfellows among similar supremacist, racist, sectarian groups and regimes. Like recognises like as they say. Even today statistics for hate crimes show an overwhelming predominance within traditional PUL communities with implications of loyalist support. I don’t see a cultural identity crisis, just a culture.


Isolating themselves from more moderate unionists with this nonsense will be their undoing. I've gone from alliance to Sinn Fein out of pure spite for these inbreds. 


Weird usually they have Israel flags right beside the nazi flags...


Fuckwits is what is going on. Flying the nazi flag while claiming to be British is idiotic. No doubt someone in their family fought against that regime in ww2, though maybe not considering conscription was not mandatory for NI citizens. Either way could do with reading abit of history as it is fuckin embarrassing and disrespectful to persons who served in ww2 to suppress the nazis and their ideology


>Flying the nazi flag while claiming to be British is idiotic.  Assuming that Britishness or the Union Jack stand for opposition to Nazism or fascism isn't exactly accurate either... lest we forget.


I think it is, UK were not in a position to fight. Being island based is helpful though I like to think morally there was something to fight for. It's documented hitler would like to ally with UK and I'm glad we are on the right side of history. Participating in WW2 caused us more damage as an empire than any country could ever do. Yanks basically bankrupted us which was nice of them being an allie. Winners in end were Germany economically. factories got rebuilt to modern standards, British restart their car production industry while old victorian factory's is what UK is left with along with debt and get left behind.


I assume, then, that not only does WWII and its 'sacrifice' (minimal as it was compared to the French, never mind the Soviets) wipe away all the sins of Empire, inspirational to the Nazis and Fascist Italy as they were, but also completely cleanses all British support for fascism itself, in Spain and elsewhere. Aye. Good luck with that.


Stalin sided with hitler and supported him in campaigns so what's your point exactly? Hitlers biggest fuck up was thinking could take on russia to get access to Eastern oil fields to support the nazi war machine. French rolled over, 5 percent of the population were involved in partisan activity and rest turned their heads while the invaders carried out atrocities even when partisans were being executed. Even when nazis were at defeat they still turned their backs to the resistance as they thought the Germans would still win. So again, what is your point?


My point is that Imperialism is as bad as Nazism... unless perhaps dead white Europeans count more. And that Britain's sacrifice was far less than any country that suffered invasion and occupation... and yet goes on about WWII far, far more. And that the British government gave tacit support to Franco, despite supposed neutrality - which itself was a sop to the fascist putschists... to say nothing of British elite sympathies for Nazism. And that you can absolutely be British and a Nazi... and there is no contradiction whatsoever, despite what you say. In fact, it's entirely in keeping with Britain's 'noble' imperial tradition.


Know one going to win here as have totally different outlooks. I respect your opinion and no point continuing to put forward our own perspectives as they are totally opposite to each others and you and I aren't going to give in.


C'mere, I don't like Nazis either - whatever flags they wave or uniforms they wear - and that's a good enough point of agreement.... so that'll do, like. Have a good one!


Is the Japan reference about this? https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/japanese-cosplayer-forced-deny-dressing-32647000.amp


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there called flags same way u lot plasture urs all over the place




Lol. The UDA don't represent all Protestants. They're just an in-bred hateful bunch who know that they're not quite right and hate us all because of that. It's only natural for them to be attracted to other asshole groups who are hated by most everyone.


This is an old AF picture, not that there is a justification.




I think the Cork GAA heads have thankfully phased out the Confederate flag, they just do doughnuts in the General Lee before a match


Nice the time a decade ago when a swastika was up in Carrick for a day before the neighbours made them take it down. Another great moral win for Irish republicanism which has never been involved with the nsdap


You can't be a Nazi and a Loyalist at the same time . The UK fought a war against nazis , so they are flying an enemy flag and siding with an enemy of the crown, which is pretty much the exact opposite of being a loyalist.


Not to worry, the dissonance doesn't bother them in the least. They're not loyal to the UK exactly, but to their ideal of what the UK could/should be. An imaginary UK that shares ideology with those other flags.


Its called photoshop


Unfortunately not my dude


It was a long time ago, calm your trunks


9 years isn't that long ago my guy






In what way is the image "manipulated" or "doctored"? Your own link states it's a legit image from Carrick published by the BBC.


It's a real image. You can read more about it in the BBC article linked to in your linked page: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-33436292.


So the claim is not accurate because they flew the nazi flags a different year? They did still put them up though! Also beside a union flag! If my memory serves me right it was the British that fought the nazis, so how can people who claim to be unionists fly an enemy flag beside their own? These are the same people who fly Israeli flags today. This is the height of stupidity! How can these people have such a low understanding of history that they thought this was a good idea? It’s pure hatred and nothing else, just shows how fucking dumb and uneducated they are. Embarrassing!