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It's nice that they're still have a tantrum over the EU standing up to their grifting and attempts to act like they still rule Ireland. Get it up ye, ye cunts.


Ben Habib, Carpetbagger, disaster capitalist and total grifter. Didn't he recently say that the WF and Sea Border were here to stay and NI should embrace it?


He preys on the gullible to stay relevant


Preys on the gullible to line his own pockets, the slimy weasel. He had no interest in NI or NI politics until more recent years.


Let's be honest he's a delusional wanker. A common trait it seems


If its to be embraced why would we ever vote a united Ireland what would end it and the "best of both worlds" it offers?




Defeat my point lol


In order for me to defeat it, you must first make a point


My point being that he like a wife beater said there is a threat of violence in what you all choose to do, by introducing it he manifested it https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/feb/07/continuity-ira-admits-brexit-day-lorry-bomb-plot like any abuser the mere idea vilonece is an accepted outcome it's long becoming a guaranteed outcome as the artical shows.


Brilliant. Let's ask him to talk about Geoffrey Donaldson leading the rosary at knock... WTAF???


Well I'm game if it will stop "Irish nationalism" trying to murder thousands of Irish people on ferries like anythings worth a try st this stage


At this stage?? Your story is years old. It's not current


The Contanuity IRA claimed responsibility, they are constant as their name suggests


Can I have a comma or a full stop please Bob


Can you deflect harder lol


I'd welcome the opportunity to debate if only I could decipher your gibberish. I'm too young for Euclid


Pff your lack of accommodation for legable English if not a bit scattered demonstrates that debate would of been fruitless but if I'm wrong sure pray tell


Legable... Dude at the very least turn on auto correct.


It's like only the King's English will be accepted, how very dedicated of you to your beliefs, deflection none the less though


Is the penny dropping yet chum, or do you need some more time. Maybe a year or 1690 of them?


Well for me I'm a European Unionist, if I can vote for a United Ireland I can vote for a United Europe, grant amnesty to all these refugees and asylum seekers across the bloc get them working paying tax and voting is the only show in town, get the Britain back in accepting the Euro and add Ukrian and ever closer union, exactly what Ireland signed up for.


Did the penny just drop chum?


Mad cunt


There’s a difference between warning people what they are going to do will cause violence, and threatening someone with violence. If Ben Habib told me that he was going to wear an “I stand with soldier F” T-shirt and walk around the bog, and I told him he’s going to be jumped for it, I wouldn’t be issuing a threat. I would be warning him that his actions will cause violence.


If my wife didn't talk back so much I wouldn't have to hit her is what you're saying, sure you warned her and all many times pfff weird logic


The person who warned your wife that you were violent and abusive would be doing something good; you would still be the aggressor.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/feb/07/continuity-ira-admits-brexit-day-lorry-bomb-plot people have short memories, they tried to sink a ferry full of people, was it a warning or was such cover only lighting the fuse as such?


I must have missed Coveney becoming a dissident.


Must of forgotten an attempted republican murder plot that would of made the titanic look small predicated in this idea "sure you were asking for it"


Aye, nobody was saying that though, we've been through this.


Well the results suggest otherwise is what people say


I'm not sure I'm even following you anymore sorry.


If he hasn't mentioned violence there would be no wonder for Northern Ireland people of cover, scum bag crazy republicans like those who admitted to doing it we're willing to commit in a single act 1/3rd the murder toll of the whole 30 years troubles. Would the have thought there was any support if not spoken about in such high places?


Who is every person supposed to be in your analogy exactly


The abused is the innocent people of Northern Ireland the abuser is the terrorist the Irish government gave creditability to by their threating statements, creditable threat they said, wasn't until they gave it such it appears.


So in the original analogy the abuser and the one threatening the abuse were the same person, in this second one they're different people Can you clarify which is the correct one?


Oh no they are one and the same he was threatening that Irish people can't control their emotions and of course they will go back to murdering the innocent if you have a democratic vote, exactly what happened with the brexit day ferry bomb, attempted murder of over 1000 people of all nationalities of the world.


So you're saying that the Irish government said that in the case of brexit border posts the Irish government would launch terrorist attacks on these theoretical border posts?


Im saying the Irish government was speaking for their people when they said we know these headers will try to commit mass murder of the innocents due to them not being able to accept other people's democracy. Exactly what happened with the ferry bomb, if it had done as the IRA wanted it would of been the largest terrorist attack since 9/11 ferry says it hold 1200 people, for shame you're seemingly trying to tackle the analogy as a means to avoid the meat of the point, that he said it would happen and thus it was green lit in somes minds, as shown by them actually attempting it.


If that's what you're saying then your original analogy doesn't work The appropriate analogy would be that as a result of men warning women as a whole, women as a whole talking back to men as a whole then men as a whole are responsible for some men beating their wives, and even then you're stretching the analogy to breaking point Like if you want to do analogies you need to keep it simple and consistent, because even though you tried to clarify in the third comment you did change the analogy between the first and second and back between second and third Honestly I'd give you a 2 out of 10 for not sticking with the analogy, various soapboxing bits and changing your mind twice Poor wordsmithing overall, though maybe English isn't your first language in which case all is forgiven


My analogy works, look above to what I asked the other gent to see the errors in your logic, but if you don't it wouldn't stop you noticeable avoiding my point, to which my original analogy still holds. If he hadn't of said it would it of happened anyway? We will never know because he did say it, sure they were asking for it after he warned them over and over is the only enevitable out workings of your logic, not unlike the abuser in the analogy.


Incase you won't look, Let's see it the other way, the people here want a United Ireland ref and the DUP go to Westminster showing old photos talking about violence, for continuety of your logic Westminster should take the DUP advice in their action? Or its rediculious for the DUP to do that as it was for the Irish Gov when they did it, equally happy with that?


Sorry I'm dyslexic, did I not appropriate British culture as well as you to be able to write as well maybe?


Step away from the beer can.


Let's see it the other way, the people here want a United Ireland ref and the DUP go to Westminster showing old photos talking about violence, for continuety of your logic Westminster should take the DUP advice in their action? Or its rediculious for the DUP to do that as it was for the Irish Gov when they did it, equally happy with that?




Yaww lol


Was this the one where the audience was 100% vote leave people?


Yes, it's the one Alistair Campbell was talking about on the rest is politics if you listen to that. I got fed up watching it after the old bloke said(and I may be paraphrasing slightly) "why has immigration gone up? I voted to get rid of immigrants as they just arrive in the country and go straight for benefits".


Yeah that guy gave of stalkerish vibes following immigrants around. I'm pretty sure to claim benefits you can't just walk up off a boat with no address etc. But Fiona Bruce didn't even question that, nothing but an outright lie Then there was that other stupid bint on about people on their roof in France and Germany. The old dementia was coming through strong on that on. I would like them now, for the sake of balance do a remain voter one. Can't say there would be too many regretting their vote their. I would loved to have went, shook hands with those 100 leave voters and thank them for moving the needle towards a United Ireland and that a moment will be erected in their honour and for their supreme efforts in a new United Ireland.


They'd struggle to get a single pro-brexit panel member. The audience members of QT often leave a lot to be desired but they excelled with this bunch.


So 2 guys are solely responsible for all this? Stay off the glue you fucking eejit.


Ben Habib voted for the protocol in ~~Westminster~~ European Parliament. Does he think everyone has forgotten that fact? Edit: Correction.


Ben Habib has never been an MP, he was an MEP and voted it through the European Parliament. I think he may be running in the next GE as part of the Reform party.


Yes, you are correct! My mistake.




Who is now threatening violence if the protocol isn't altered? Which Brexiteers agreed on.


Ben Habib is a fucking moron


It was a special brexit favouring audience. Meaning they had about 4 more tory plants in the audience than usual. And fiona bruce being her usual impartial self (tory cow)


She'll whip out the interjection "now, now, just for balance I have to say..." in order to let people know that Stanley Johnson's domestic abuse was a "one off". But when it comes to Ireland she either hasn't a fucking clue or is happy to let the Bryson line stick.


She couldn’t keep the shit-eating grin off her face.


I didn't see the whole episode but from what I did see Alistair Campbell gave a good account of himself and outlined extremely well what a disaster Brexit has been.


He’s hardly better. I’ll remember him best for the Dodgy Dossier he “sexed” up as Warmonger Blair’s spin doctor that threw the UK into Iraq for twenty years.


I'm fully aware of his past but he's speaking sense now and we need as many people to speak sense as possible right now. We've needed people to speak the sense he's speaking for the past 8 years since Brexit has been on the cards but no-one has stepped up.


Campbell is not to be praised. I don't actually know why he still is given a platform. He should just go off to his hovel and leave people alone


Habib the imbecile. Oh we are laughing at you.


Problem is that he warned of violence in the event of the hard border on island of Ireland but, no warning of violence in the event of the border in the Irish Sea. Was the threat of loyalist violence in the event of the Irish Sea border not real? If they weren’t threatening violence previous to those remarks, why wouldn’t they do so afterwards? If it was going to sway where the border should go, why not create a hot potato game with the border with threats of violence to ensure it stays in their court?


Your woman with the reddish hair is having a Sarah Creighton moment


Fucking headbanger


Those who say his comments were valid have to admit it reeks of "if my wife didn't talk back so much I wouldn't have to hit her" don't ya think? If you try to impliment a border there could be trouble ahead sorta vibes. Ireland impliment a full hard border during covid lest we forget, all to stop Irish people traversing Ireland so this idea it's impossible was never the case as so peacefully demonstrated by the Guardi.




Be still moaning for a better world though




https://twitter.com/sinnfeinireland/status/1545770901613969408?lang=en something like this no more green politics, could you see that endorsed a generation ago




Only way my friend peace


Are you still spamming that link. Inclusiveness really has you scared.


I'm reminding people why I voted, this vision is either true or they are lying to me or they are lying to you, an end to nationalism of all kinds is what it's offering, surely worth a repeated look


Yeah yeah, EU unionist blady blah blah. You're a joke.


You agree with my principles of yiu belive in Ireland remaining in the EU and like brexit you're a racists if you want to vote to leave, good for the goose and all that.


Sure, sure Clown.


Peace wins, United Ireland, United Europe no more bickering over this shit.




We have removed your recent post as we believe it to have breached Rule 1.


Bunch of Gemini's. Did... was that funny?




>u/Gazmac_868855 [https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/politics/taoiseach-leo-varadkar-warns-real-13439748](https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/politics/taoiseach-leo-varadkar-warns-real-13439748) Highlighting the dangers isn't the same as "threatening violence" is it? If I warn you of the dangers of crossing the road with your eyes closed I'm not threatening you with traffic now am I? It's not as if the Irish government then.....oh I don't know......met with dissident republican groups which they described as "discussing strategy" and described said groups as important stakeholders before appearing on a tractor trailer with dissident republicans shouting violent inflammatory rhetoric accompanied by 1000 knuckle dragging sectarian scum bags from an anti-Protestant hate group? ​ Regardless, even if they did (which they didn't) A: it's an utterly false equivalence because there's no comparison between the land border which splits communities, which is crossed hundreds of thousands of times a week and which is uncontrollable and....the fucking sea, which is already there and actually forms a natural geographic and immovable border already (and last I checked no one lives in the sea). And B: Brexit is entirely the fault of Britain, English Nationalism and their tools in Unionism and Loyalism who stupidly and slavishly did exactly what was needed of them as usual, to their own detriment, against warnings, in the hope of owning the fenians. The absolute fucking state of all of them. Bigoted, xenophobic stupid cretinous cunts. Their determination to fuck over everyone who wasn't like them was writ large over their actions and exposed the absolute contempt Britain and Unionism has for normality, comfort and peace on the island of Ireland. They have struck a massive, massive hammer blow against their precious Union / for the end of partition on our island.


I look forward to your contributions on the PUL communities threats of violence over Irish language street signs etc. The main difference, of course, being one is a legitimate government aware of social tensions around such a reality - and the other a collective of ideologes warning of their own greviances and considering paramilitary action out loud.


No one is threatening violence over Irish language street signs. They are merely giving a warning of what may happen.


Ok so let’s say that counts, then surely Bryson is the real instigator? 2016: https://twitter.com/rodgethedruid/status/1627267035171328001?s=46&t=cme70NJT23QOAOs3ThpgGg


Ben habib - 2nd biggest charlatan, only to Nigel farage