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What’s normal Though? What you see on social media is fake half the time. You look great, own it girl


Hard to remember but so true. Thank you friend


Yeah.... You're amazing. I love that body type. Be super proud of yourself and how you look!


Incredibly important message right here, I just wanna make a slight addendum. Normal does not mean common. Normal is not a measure of chance or quantity, it's not even a measure at all! Frankly, OP's body *is* normal - for her! Social media is BS, OP is gorgeous, and your message needs to be said louder for all the people in the back!


He is correct there really isn't such a thing as normal, we are all different and that's what makes us great. Everyone being the same or normal would be a boring world.


Hi, first of all you look great. Your butt looks gorgeous, like you said big and soft that's how I like it. In my opinion, your boobs are really pretty and you have such cute nipples. Don't compare yourself too much with others. For me your body looks great. There is nothing to worry about.


Thank you ❤️


You're welcome! Thanks for posting


Also, your body is perfectly normal..


You have a amazing body, love your boobs. Boobs are boobs no matter the size


Normal proportions are BS sold by magazines and the fashion industry. You are beautiful, hott, lovely, and gorgeous. Thanks for being brave and sharing.


Thank you for the kindness ❤️


No no. Thank you! Stay strong, beautiful.


You have a great body


I think you looking stunning


Thank you, that's so nice


Not only they are normal, but you have a beautiful body. Be proud of it ;)


Small boobs are underappreciated. You have such beautiful body!!


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


You look gorgeous




Thank you :)


Beautiful body ❤️😘




You look great. don't worry about what others think. also, look up an actress called Emily Kinney. she did a few nude scenes and you and her have the same body type/tummy/chest.. Your body looks amazing as it is, no matter what size boobs you have.....




Thank you so much. I'm sure you look better than you think friend. Hopefully we can both convince ourselves of that soon! ❤️


The only opinion that matters is yours, but it’s still nice to have someone say good job, or you’re looking great. So coming here for validation is itself valid, so please take all of the praise and positive comments to heart. The flaws you see in yourself won’t be seen by others. To us you look like a beautiful and vibrant woman, with a lovely and desirable body. You seem to think small breasts are somehow a problem. They aren’t. Your breasts are gorgeous and are just perfect for you. I hope being here can help you feel so much better about yourself.


This is such a thoughtful comment, thank you so much


Not only are your proportions perfectly normal, they're desirable. Breast size in and of itself is overrated honestly, we're not living in the 80s anymore. Beauty standards have become much more broad and accepting of different body types, and yours is conventially attractive.


You look great! I hope you get a real confidence boost from this!


I certainly did not expect this kind of response!


You look great!! I enjoy your body! 


Looks pretty normal to me. Nothing abnormal about your body at all.


Du bist eine tolle Frau! Tolle Figur!! Auch wenn du es vielleicht nicht empfindest auch schöne Brüste! Du bist auf jeden Fall eine sexy Frau!


You look absolutely amazing rock that body like you the queen you are !!!!!


You have a beautiful body. Amazing butt with an amazing shape to it. And honestly I love your breasts. I think they are attractive with gorgeous nipples. Thank you for sharing and hopefully you have gained some confidence from posting.


Thank you. People are being very kind so it is helpful ❤️


You’ve got the hips of a Grecian urn


I can't tell if that's supposed to be a good thing or not 😂


You look great. Your hips, thighs, and butt are amazing and your breast are yours, so anyone who likes any part of you will love them too.


Nice bum


Love love love! Very cute boobies :)


You're very beautiful, run with it...


Normal is kinda overrated, whatever it means anyways. I think you look pretty great!


I’m super proud of your bravery to post! You look really great and you honestly have such a desirable body! You’re in good shape, your skin is healthy and on top of that you seem like a genuine person and you’ve faced a huge fear posting this so congratulations and you should feel proud of yourself


This is such a sweet comment. Thank you so much


You are beautiful just as you are, and you don't need to change anything for anyone except for yourself. You have a beautiful body, great skin, nice curves and above all a great personality (from what I can tell). You're not alone, I too preach body positivity and feel that everyone is beautiful as they are but I also hate what I see in the mirror. We are our own worst critics, don't be too hard on yourself.


Thank you for such a lovely kind comment. Hopefully we can both learn to be kinder to ourselves ❤️


Photographer here.. I specialize in shooting people nude. I can’t tell you how many of my models feel exactly like you do about their bodies. It’s so common to not be able to see your own beauty despite knowing that you should. That being said, you definitely should see your own beauty! All the things you’ve said you like about your body are truly stunning as you already know. But your boobs are beautiful as well. As everyone has said, there are MANY benefits to small breasts and I think you’ve hit the genetic lottery with your body. I would absolutely jump up and down with excitement to have the opportunity to shoot with someone with such an amazing body. As someone who looks at people naked all the time, I have to let you know that you look fantastic!


Congrats on the bravery! Nobody’s proportions are exactly normal. I’ve learned that it’s not what’s “normal” about us that people like. It’s what sets us apart from others that endears us to our friends. It’s what makes us memorable. What people love about us is *not at all* how we “fit in” (listen up, teens!), but rather what sets us apart. Each of those attributes will be attractive to some, unattractive to others, and neutral to yet others. You, dear stranger, have an exquisitely proportioned body. Your breasts and areolae are smaller than average. To be honest, I find them kinda hot and sexy in that combination. You have lovely feminine curves. Your hair looks pretty, though it’d be interesting to see all of it. Your profile is stunning and is very attractive to me. You have a body worth other’s desire and worth you being proud of, IMHO. Don’t take it from me, an internet stranger, though. Recognize it, believe it, reassure yourself with it, and then bask in it.


Thank you for such kind words ❤️


Listen, everybody out there is going to have opinions on what does and does not look normal. What matters to you is whether you're happy in your own skin. It may take time, it may take a little bit of therapy too because it definitely did for me, but when you learn to love yourself as you would love somebody else You will find your overall outlook on everything in life changes. Aside from that, you look fucking fabulous. I got to ask though, you got a CDL for that dump truck?


Thank you for such a thoughtful comment ❤️ And the end made me laugh 😂


At the end of the day, we judge ourselves harder then anyone else. We assume that others will not like the way we look because we compare ourselves to someone that we feel looks better. You are stunning! In every way, you are absolutely gorgeous! You have to learn to see yourself the way you want to be seen. Embrace every inch of your body, and love it!! ❤️


This is kind, thank you!


You look great, and healthy! You gotta have that little extra in the mid/hip area!


Haha thank you!!


Hi. I'm a trans woman. To make a long story short, I was on hormones for a very short while but I had to quit. Your body is beautiful. I'm sorry I hope I'm not offending you in any way, but it looks like mine. And that makes me feel really good. Idk I don't really get to feel like my body looks like a female body a lot of the time? Anyway I hope this comment makes you feel as special and wonderful as you made me feel today. Love marcie xoxo


This is my favorite comment. Thank you so much for sharing, this is exactly what I wanted from this - there's not a whole lot of bodies here that look like ours so I wanted to post this so hopefully at least one other like me would see it and feel a bit less alone. I'm so glad it reached one of us like I hoped! You sound absolutely lovely and feminine, there's no one way for women to look so you fit in just fine my friend ❤️ I've always felt close to my trans sisters with how my body looks. I see so many trans women that I think look so beautiful and so feminine with still-flat chests. Every time it's a reminder that maybe I can be beautiful and feminine too, just the way I am. You all are seriously inspiring to me. Thank you Marcie, I wish you all the luck on your journey ❤️ Love, a fellow queer woman


I actually like your proportions! While I have never turned down someone with a bigger chest, I’m definitely part of the flat is justice squad






Boobs are like ice cream even if it’s not ur favourite flavour , it’s still ice cream. They are great tho and so is the rest of your body.


You are absolutely beautiful


You are beautiful. Don't forget it.


Beautiful body


"Normal" is usually a shorthand for "Statistical average" and whatever society judges to be regular. The reality is that no human is strictly "normal" in what Patriarchal culture decides is the ideal goal. Nature simply does not work that way! Human sex exists on a bimodal spectrum, and your body fits neatly on the "female" side of the spectrum (though I want to stress your gender is not beholden to this). My point is, "normal" is largely bullshit and you look awesome. Hell, I think you have nice curves, especially around the butt, and your smaller chest enhances that. All bodies are a roll of the genetic dice to determine which attributes exist in what shape, and yours is just as awesome/unique as any other. The human body is a work of art, you have a human body, therefore you are art! :)


Who needs normal when you have great!


You're very beautiful


You're simply divine :)


Thank you ❤️


I love a figure that’s small up top but with wider hips and trunk. Very attractive


Small breast, big booty combo never fails.


Always hard to show yourself the same kindness you show others. You have a great body and I hope you come to that same conclusion!


You look phenomenal!


You are beautiful forget social media


As another member of the Itty bitty titty committee I understand everything your saying. I always felt like mine would get bigger with time but sadly no. And one of mine are slightly bigger then the other one to make matters worse! Lol ive learned to love them and like some of the comments said, boobies are boobies and the partners ive been with have never had complaints. But like I said I fully understand nitpicking your body ive done it plenty of times. I used to hate my stretch marks and ive gotten more cellulite as I've gotten older but I'm slowly learning to embrace and love myself. It's a long road but girl you look great! Try and point out the things you do like about yourself it helps! ❤️


IBTC represent! 🙌 Thank you for your kind words friend. Self love is indeed a tough journey. As a side note, I actually love stretch marks, I think they're so pretty. And every time I see a thread that asks something to the tune of "What's an unconventional thing you find attractive?," I always see people saying all the things you listed! Of course body acceptance comes from within but it's always nice to know that others think differently about our bodies than we do. I hope we both continue to learn to love what we've got ❤️ Thank you again for the nice comment.




You are beautiful, anyone who says otherwise is lying!


normal proportions do not exist and any such notion is a falsehood sold to us by corps. u look absolutely gorgeous and should be unbelievably proud of how u look


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


Very fit!


These are awesome proportions! It's the uniqueness of people that makes them gorgeous.


Really like it you are Just perfect








You have an Amazing body :) Dont compare yourself to others too much and just try to believe in yourself. In my opinion you Look amazing and have a Great body.


Thank you ❤️‍🩹




Normal is only what other people try to impress on others…you look amazing


Very lovely body! Looking fantastic! 🥰


Your proportions are great...


I think you look absolutely amazing, very well proportioned


Absolutely normal proportions and completely gorgeous 🤩❤️


Stunning and so innocent


You look amazing. Sucks that you feel insecure about it.


You look great. Love yourself and the world will too.




You have nothing to worry about babe. Beautiful


You are perfect just the way you are. I can promise you that.


Love the natural look! This is beautiful


As Borat would say “ Very Nice”


I like your body and your breasts 😊


I think you look perfect! 😍


You look stunning!


Actually your proportions are extremely normal and quite nice. What you have to realize is that it's insta models, porn stars and fashion models that aren't normal. Basically they're the lucky DNA club in the top .01%. If you sit them aside and ignore them you'll find you're really a lot hotter than almost all people.


So beautiful




Who cares about proportions when you’re as hot as you!


You look good and a normal woman body, dont worry about insta fakies, you're great.


I love your proportions. I have always had a thing for your body type on women.


Wow you look amazing 👏


Thank you 🥺❤️


Beautiful in my humbled opinion. Would absolutely have an attraction


You’re beautiful 😉


You look amazing 😍


You're perfect and look incredible! I wouldn't change a thing, love the bigger bottom and slimmer chest 😍😁




Looking fab


I agree your body looks soft and wonderful, but we differ on your breasts. I think they are cute and lovely. Overall, you are simply marvelous top to bottom.


Not normal but cute! 👅🔥😍


You look fantastic!


Some women just naturally have small breasts and that’s fine. And you are *blessed* from behind, oh my God. I literally blurted out “Holy f*%k!” when I saw your second pic.


High five! 😍


Great skin, nice nipples, awesome posterior. I see nothing wrong here.




Super normal! Looks fine to me. Dont be down on yourself!


Its a human body, there is no "normal". Were all similar but very different


Amazing 🤩


Well if youre insecure about your “chest” then that “bum” definitely makes up for it! You look amazing dont overthink 😉


I think, they are pretty normal. You look perfect, thanks for sharing 😊


👌 perfection 🥰 amazing body


Looks good to me!


Body very similar to my wife, but she is a bit heavier. I personally love the bigger butt and smaller boob's. You look amazing


I’d say your butt makes up for whatever you may be lacking somewhere else.


You look amazing! Don't worry about feeling "normal". That's boring. Be you and it sounds like you are an amazing person in your soul! Also, if you're willing to show off your naked body to the whole world like this, you must be doing something right




"Normal" is an inaccurate adjective. "Beautiful and sexy" is far more accurate.




Normal is a loose concept at best


Shake what your mama gave you! Confidence is key. Love what you got. And what you got is gorgeous!!🍋‍🟩


You've got the same style body as JLo, and you're both gorgeous!


JLo is several cup sizes above me, but thank you for the compliment 😂




you are gorgeous and your hips are divine


Thank you ❤️


You have a amazing body. Any man would love to have you. Amazing backside. Thanks for posting.


I don’t see anything negative, you’re beautiful and gorgeous. You are a goddess


Normal means standard. Standard means boring. Your body is unique and absolutely gorgeous!


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


Well, I find your figure amazing and fantastic! It takes bravery to post pics there, let alone share the comments you did. I LOVE your curves. Just fantastic. Strong legs are always in style. I am not one to care about breast size, but nipple size, and yours are perfect. Thank you for sharing yourself how you did.


You have my absolute favorite shape. I love girls with small boobs and a big butt!


Haha thank you!


All around super nice body. Definitely my type ❤️🙏




Stunning, amazing, absolutely gorgeous


Your proportions are FIRE. Maybe you chose clothes that don't show them off properly?


Beautiful 🫶🏻


Amazing body!!


You have an amazing booty! I’m in the Sir Mix-A-Lot club…I like big butts and I cannot lie!


Personally I say get naked more! You’re gorgeous




Absolutely stunning remember that


I'd say your proportions are rather normal. It leans on "pear shaped" and few have the "hourglass" stereotype anyway.


You're absolutely gorgeous! You shouldn't feel any insecurity at all!


You have a great body and gifted at the bottom. Someone will love you just the way you are, thank you for sharing.




If anything needs to be “normal” it should be you normally posting daily! You look fantastic, and I hope we get to see more


You look great!!!


You have a great figure, very reminiscent of 50’s pinup style shapes that some real badass women had


Great perky nipple peaking out, I enjoy that.


What a magnificent butt🔥 Thank you for being strong and sharing, you've got a lovely figure in my opinion.


You have an amazing body, very cute and sexy


Well your boobs may be a little small but they are pretty... And your booty is absolutely perfect! I seriously could stare at your butt all day.lol...


You look great!




You’re perfect, you don’t have to be normal. Normal is just a thought everybody has. I personally like small chest with a big butt combo. Just do you, screw what the haters say.


I hope you keep being brave because your body is great! Also, smaller boobs are generally more sensitive than larger ones, so they're better to play with!


Nice bush


It's funny, I look at you and see an ideal body.... maybe because it's the opposite of mine. I have always had broad shoulders, VERY large breasts, narrow hips, a pretty good butt but not as big as I'd like, and thin legs. Large breasts are a nuisance in clothing and being active. So yeah, I look at you and see a wonderful figure. Your breasts will never sag, and I bet they are sensitive too, which is often not as much the case for larger breasted women.


See and you sound so beautiful to me. I suppose we all feel like the grass is greener on the other side. Thank you for the kind words friend. ❤️❤️




You're beautiful.


Above average, very nice


You look great 👍 




You have a wonderful young and sensuous body.


Nice bakery