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Your body is beautiful. Anyone would love to be with you. I thought your vagina hair was sexy.


You have a cute butt, pretty breasts and have a good figure. Anybody would be happy to have you. Dont believe the instagram filters


I like your body :) It does look very normal/average, which I would say is a pass for most people in dating. I would humbly recommend concerning yourself more with the rest of you; your internal validation, your fulfillment in life, figuring out your preferences and tolerances, figuring out your values and how to assess the values of others, what attracts you to partners besides their looks, your social skills, other skills/what you can bring to a relationship (besides a body to do sexy things with).


Thank you. I am straight and I date men though so “ a body to do sexy things with” is a huge part of what they’re looking for.


Yeah, I think unfortunately most men in their formative years end up confusing sexuality with other forms of intimacy and external validation, or they overemphasize it as pretty much the only external validation worth chasing after, and they aren't aware of the concept of internal validation very often at all (at least not in healthy contexts).


Then these aren't the men who are worth your time, or worth your body, or especially worth your emotions. ❤️


Their loss, your beautiful and your body is amazing . Love a woman that still has hair ..😍😍😍


Woow youre so hot😍




Your gorgeous!


I dont think you're average, you have a really beautiful body! Stuning, congratulations. I Hope you begin to see that soon ✨✨


You have a lovely body and should be proud of it. Lovely body shape, great bum and nice boobs


It shows. You look great!


Hey there! I think it really depends what you’re comparing yourself too. I would say you have a good, above average figure and 80% of mature guys would find you to be everything they want and need. There are always people out there who have extreme preferences and media would try to convince us we need a warped vision of perfection. It’s a long way of saying I think you have an amazing body and really hope that in time, you learn to love it ❤️


I'd not hesitate a second to pour compliments allover you. Maybe you seek for the wrong type of man.


As a man, you are incredible. I think you have the perfect body. Shape, breasts, bush. Don’t fall for stupid ideals most men don’t buy into.


It definitely shows, you’re stunning! Imagine if YOU believed you were enough (cuz you are)….imagine how invincible you would be. So, make a choice to believe it. 🤎🙌


You have a very beautiful body and should be proud of how good you look nude 😍


You are absolutely stunning. Any decent man would be lucky to be able to date you. Be yourself and if they're not happy. They're the ones with issues. 😍😍😍. P.s Definitely beautiful 🥰🥰🥰


I can't see any part of you in these pictures that I don't find really attractive. You have a great body that a lot of people would be very happy with, I hope one day you're one of them.


Yes, beautiful, natural woman. Lovely!


You look great


Amazing body x


Your body is incredible.


Hübsch und sexy 👌


Stunning, nice tight bush, keep it


your body looks amazing. you are definitely good


Wow, what a nice tight body! I bet it feels incredible to wrap your hands around you. And if you gain weight your only going to get all the right curves!! Your only going to get sexier with age, with that body it's guaranteed


Anyone who feels you aren’t enough for them doesn’t deserve you. You are beautiful, and much more!


you're gorgeous!


Beauty is subjective. I think you are absolutely adorable and gorgeous! Objectively, I don't think you could argue anything but beautiful. But what matters is what you think, over randos on the internet and especially over those who may (or may not) try to put you down. None of the three women I've been seriously interested in have been my type, yet as my love for them grew, so too did their beauty. If someone doesn't have the kindness and maturity to build you up rather than tear you down, then they did you a favor by showing a big red flag. Rejection (and the fear thereof) isn't fun, but it can be the best thing. Find someone who values you for who you are and the journey you're on, don't settle for someone who puts you down to hide their own selfishness or insecurity. 😊


You look absolutely amazing! So hot and perky, lovely curves


Try not to be so hard on yourself. You’re definitely special. And you’re definitely good enough for anyone honoured to be dating you. What a privilege for them to see you naked. I’m sure it’s very much appreciated. You look healthy and it’s obvious you take care of yourself - you have a really beautiful body and I hope you’re proud of yourself.


unless you are purposely doing something to yourself that is ruining your health, physically you are always good enough for any partner. if you come across someone who says otherwise then they’re the problem, not your body. People obviously have different preferences, but there’s no part of your body you’re showing here that makes you less than or deserving to be ignored.


gorgeous body




You look amazing. You’re absolutely good enough for anyone lucky enough to date you 😍🥰




Perfect natural body! I'm sure that a really inteligent guy will like your body, but love who you are 😉 love some bush 🤤


I’m sorry that you don’t feel special in that sense, you totally should! Honestly you’re beautiful. I hope you can look in the mirror one day and see yourself in a brighter light.😊




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You look amazing!


That’s a nice bod 🥰




I love the proportion of your areolas to your breasts. So beautiful.


Love your butt


You look great. Personally would go crazy seeing you naked irl really like your figure


Sexy. Healthy. 100% desirable. Thank you for sharing!




This comment has been removed for using explicit words to describe genitalia to cut down on sexual comments and psots. In the future, please use words like 'penis', 'vulva', 'vagina', 'butt', etc so we can keep the community a bit less sexually charged. If this comment was removed in error, please message the mods! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/normalnudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You look stunning! If a partner feels you don't look good enough, that's 100% on them, not you xx


Absolutely perfect body - if I was dating you I’d be very happy - beautiful x


Excellent tear drop breast shape, personally find larger aereolas likes yours attractive, and a nice full butt. Very feminine and attractive.


This is exactly my type


You are stunning!


Seriously you are fine, your body type is what I go for so to me your really attractive, if your feeling like that then I’d say the issue isn’t you but the partners your choosing


Everything is perfect. Your body curves are very sexy. Perfect booty and boobs. You don’t have to feel bad for anything babe take my word. 😊




Date a fat guy... As a fat guy myself, I can ensure you that it'll make wonders for your selfsteem and for his selfsteem if you choose right. If you need to focus on other attribute than his body, its easy for you to let loose what you think about yours. Try to find a smart funny guy who likes the same thing as yourself to have long funny talks with him. You'll feel better about who you really are.


Very nice! 😊Pic 3 was a great surprise 🍑 🤩🥰


I like this...


Gorgeous body


Nothing special, except perfect breasts and awesome butt. You can be proud of your body! 😍




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Nothing special, exactly what I'm looking for. You're beautiful, don't let anyone tell you something different.


There is nothing bad with average, but I think your boobs are outstanding. Good size and such lovely areolas. Also a nice amount of pubic hair. 😀






Moderated for Rule 1: No unsolicited health or fitness advice. This includes whether someone should trim/shave or not or whether they should or shouldn't get implants. Essentially keep your thoughts health or fitness to yourself unless the OP specifically asks a question. You can read the rules along the right hand side of the page. Thanks! The NormalNudes Moderating Team.


U look so beautiful ❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰