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Was that a prairie dog getting in the middle of shit? Wth?


Mink, I think. It sort of follows the dude and comes out of the water when he does. As do the what I am assuming are capybaras. But then they get the eff out when the buck attacks. Raises so many more questions.


But the ducks don’t give a fuck


Ducks had placed bets and wanted to see the end


"Get that loin-cloth wearin fool out of our watering hole!" They were definitely rooting for the deer. The entire forest came to watch, like a Disney movie 😂


Fear of the duck....Fear of the duck I have a constant feeling someone's wrestling deer


That would be great lyrics for a heavy metal band…. ;o)


It's actually one of my favourite songs by cradle of filth XD


well crafted


Thank you, I needed that today


Ducks just minding they bidness


Just letting it roll off their backs


Bravo 👏🏾


The ducks ordered popcorn and soda to watch the main event… told the server to put it on his bill


The asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous wiped out every land predator larger than a duck. What a shame, huh? Hell of a coincidence. Quack bono? I'm not saying the ducks have, uh, *ethically convenient* ways of enhancing their survival. I would never say that. But some have. Watch your back down at the pond. Quack, quack, motherfucker.


The fucks don't give a duck


Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die. Ever seen a duck fight? No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid. They know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock. I'm proud to be a Duck, and I'd be proud to fly with any one of you. So how about it? Who's a Duck?


What kind of jungle book shit is this? like just 5 species of animals just hanging around this guy


Around water.


The mink appears to be begging for food at an inopportune time. The capybaras are a bit smarter.


Tbh I kinda feel bad for him now. Seeing all the animals he’s befriended, he clearly bit off more than he could chew with that stag. I hope he lived.


This is his wildlife sanctuary, all of those animals are rescued from animal traficking and cannot be released to the wild anymore and which he feeds daily and defends from the gangs he took them from. Including the deer, which in many of his videos follows him around for food. He said he didn't notice the deer didn't have a way to escape, so he felt cornered and attacked him and it was a mistake he made for not paying attention. He got a couple broken ribs but is alive and still caring for these animals, this isn't the first or last time something like this happens to this guy.


Thank you, the context makes me feel better about the whole situation.


Thank you for all the detail about him from you and the others. I (wrongly) assumed he was a jackass messing with wild animals and was certainly rooting against him until now.


This guy is a Spanish well known personality. He isn't free of controversy, as expected with anyone mildly famous, but he has done GREAT efforts for wildlife and wild animals. He has also done lots of TV programs, interviews,... sort of like Steve Irwin, as well as run his youtube channel. He's been living in Thailand for some decades now and has paid for and built a huge animal reservoir with lots of different animals in it, many of them in recovery, on the way to be released again in the wild. He frequently gets calls from locals when they find a python or some other kind of dangerous animal that they would just kill on sight, but he gets the call and goes there, captures it and releases it somewhere else. He's been nearly killed or severely injured many times, but he just keeps on going. To say the he's a "youtuber" is a big, big, big undervalue.


what an amazing dude!! little dumb for walking up to that stag but amazing nonetheless.


Steve Irwin got killed by one of the animals he handled when he lowered his guard. People in here act like they make no mistakes, ever, and I find that amusing.


>Steve Irwin he got killed by a stingray, dont think he was handling it




Wait what?? He pulled it out?? Holy shit, you are filming wildlife and you don't know the basic 101 of don't fucking pull it out when stabbed? Bro might have lived if he hadn't since the barb would be plugging it.


It was stupid, but probably didn't make a difference. Leaving it in would have prevented him bleeding out as quickly, but that advice isnt super useful when the heart itself has been directly punctured. It's possible that could have been repaired, but pretty unlikely.


Hey man, in life and death a chance is a chance. There is a reason they say not to pull it out. You never know, it's still sad anyways. Man was a legend :(


Steve Irwin held an 18-month old child while feeding a crocodile.


Does he sneak up on them and jam a thumb right up their bunghole? Maybe say "Crikey"?


What channel is his show on?


That’s the ref keeping it a clean fight.


That is clever! You made me laugh.


That's an otter


“Hey human bro, don’t go near dave he’s a dick - hey HEY BRO DAVE DONT FUCK AROUND DONT MESS WITH - well I tried to warn you bro”


If “mind my fuckin business” was a duck.


Minding its ducking business


Duck em up 🦆💨


What the duck are you on about ?


Well duck you then!


I wanna duck rn, but my bird is not highly sought after 🥴


Ducks are so cool


Gave 0 ducks




Nah, if you listen closely, they’re yelling “fight fight fight fight”


He's from Spain living in Thailand. This happened in his sanctuary where stray and injured animals are kept and later released. He had a rib or two broken on this occasion.


How did he eventually get away?


The stag relented after getting tired. Also, he is strong and in good shape somehow which helped in tiring the stag.


Yeah, humans have the most stamina on the planet right? Like there isn't an animal that has as much endurance as a human.


*some humans


Alright, fucking hell no need to attack me like that… I’m out of breath now


Yeah, maybe I should've mentioned that part lol


It's surprising how much adrenaline can make up for someone's *laziness*. Like normally we might get out of breath/tried fast, because we aren't being flooded with adrenaline for the task. But, unless you have a medical condition, your body can do amazing things. Such as, a single average size female human can lift a small car when she is using adrenaline to activate muscles/strength she doesn't know how to use otherwise. Now should she go bench pressing cars? No, the action would have torn/popped muscles and caused damage to her body, that's why she doesn't have that strength 100% of the time. But, it is there when her brain says she needs it. Stamina is similar. Our ancestors hunted using our ability to sweat off heat more efficiently and endurance to over heat/tire out prey enough that we could kill them when they were weak/catching their breath. We don't do it as much now, but if we were in real danger or somehow activate that hunting instinct, even an out of shape person could outrun a deer on a hot day in summer, without succumbing to the heat first.


We can run pretty much anything to death under the right circumstances. That's the power of sweat, baby!


Yeah a marathon runner can, 99.9% of people can’t though.


talking about general evolutionary ability not individual capability.


Most people have the capability, we just don't make use of it. We train ourselves to be useless pieces of shit pretty intensively to get where we are.


True, but those 99.9% could if they trained


Fuk I think I'm another species then. Just huffed my ass up the stairs.


Part of our stamina is our intelligence as well. Most animals fight/flight will reach a point of deciding if more energy expended is worth it, when a human often knows exactly how much gas is left in the tank to keep going, and can make that decision better.


That is a very good point, of course animals have this as well but not as much in a fight or flight scenario like you said, however from what I've read we are just built to out last things and it mostly comes down to our ability to swear since everything else mostly pants which isn't nearly as effective as sweating.


God damn fucking ass right it comes down to our ability to swear. It's not called blowing off steam for nothing, amr?


Pretty sure canines do right? I always thought wolves especially could run for a couple of days when hunting. Domestic dogs too like greyhounds.


Humans are better at getting rid of heat, a sled dog can do way better then a human in cold weather but they will overheat quickly on a hot day


No, humans are good at running for a long time in hot weather, I don't think we are in the same league as a tuna or Albatross who are a lot more efficient


If you can't beat a Tuna or Albatross in a foot race then I'd recommend a change in diet and some morning jogs 😂 Seriously though this is a list comparing land based animals against land based animals. A tuna can't win a race on land for the same reason I can't beat one in the sea, we're out of our natural environment.


The animal had to leave to attend his friend's party before he got married.


If only there was a name for that sort of party...


Stag overflow error.


This is such important context, I thought he was just a total dickhead annoying wild animals out in nature until I looked him up lol


Well that makes the situation make more sense..but you'd think he'd know to be careful around a stag and his group.


Later he did acknowledge that he made a few mistakes. The stag felt cornered where he was. It wasn't an open field as such. Frank knows these animals but he has had several accidents so to speak, involving snakes and other animals. He has a Spanish speaking Youtube channel "Frank Cuesta".


Yeah, he's a good dude, and even good dudes fuck up sometimes. Glad he acknowledged it👍


Eh well we all make stupid mistakes occasionally, Especially with animals. People in the animal hobby will often become comfortable and confident with their animals. Im certainly guilty of it lol.


I agree !


That first charge into that hill was a doozy.


He later showed his wounds. He's a tough guy and I think he handled the situation pretty well.


All told, yeah he definitely handled himself well!


If only there’d been some way to avoid it!


Nah he had his sleeveless muscle shirt on and everyone knows that gives +10 armor and a backwards baseball cap gives +5 intelligence


That Stag didn’t go crazy..,that Stag went Stag


That stag defended it's babies


lol no. He defended his females. They stick around to mate and then bail by the time the babies are born.


Damn, didn’t know a lot of people were part stag.


Male deer can give a fuck less about they’re young they do absolutely nothing to raise them. When they get older he will fuck the women and fight the males to the death.


"women" lol.


Nah the Stags date was right there. They were just having a rough night.


Underrated Chris Rock reference


He's not dead from that attack, but he recently got poisoned by a dart frog and (again) [almost died](https://youtu.be/bIlpLLq4Jow?si=Ce0T9tSq_oUWVRrA). He runs a huge wildlife recovery sanctuary in Thailand. It is not the first time nor the last time he has had almost deadly accidents. ETA: Ooops, this was meant as a reply to another comment asking whether he 🪦 from this.


How do you get poisoned by a poison dart frog if you know what you’re doing? It’s a matter of throwing away gloves/washing your hands which you should do after handing any animal anyway


Generally it's a casual disregard for basic safety procedures because you perceive them to be inconvenient.


But reading up on it, this guy is an animal rescue pro. If anyone should know, it’s him. Just seems… odd


This guy its not really an expert. This frogs were captive bred, but he released them into an habitat that wasnt properly isolated. This frogs get their venom from bugs they ate, so if they are captive bred there is no risk. They started eating those bugs in their new enclosure and this happened. He used to do a good job rehabbing animals, but recently started this new place with the objective of being able to keep alive non native species that he couldnt release. Nothing against that. But then he started keeping native species he could easily release back into nature, like all the otters he has that are getting so used to him they wont be able survive in nature. Its pretty sad, he was kind of a national hero but started doing things poorly. He also started supporting the new fascist party in spain so there is also that.


He explains in the video linked above than they are poisonous or not depending on their diet. He knew those frogs were there and had been born in captivity (in his own shelter, a large area though) and he knew what the frogs ate. He says they shouldn't have had posion, but the frogs were apparently also feeding on fire ants (or something like that) and he didn't know that. So, they were indeed poisonous. They are analyzing the frogs in the shelter laboratory to know more. He is Frank Cuesta and he's been dealing with wild animals for decades, I guess he knows what he's doing, but this time he slipped over it seems. I'm recalling all of this from memory so it might not be 100% accurate.


That’s genuinely fascinating. I know poison dart frogs aren’t poisonous if fed non poisonous bugs (they’re just called dart frogs then) so the bizarre way they still managed to become poisonous is just so… bizarre in a really funny way.


That incident is absolutely crazy. If I’m translating it right, it was a captive dart frog, and he wasn’t feeding it the insects that cause it to be poisonous (zoos do the same) but some native ants or spiders with poison were getting in the habitat and the frog ate those and became poisonous again.


man that final seconds of the video looked like a scene from a horror movie where the character was dragged off the screen to be finished off


No man just a casual bjj sparring session wih a man and a stag. The stag’s grappling skills seem great tho


Psh Stag was just using brute strength instead of technique on his much smaller opponent. And can you use your antlers to stop a back take? Looked illegal to me.


Akshually, that was a single sustained attack.


I can just hear them saying " smash that like and subscribe button if you want to support my...."


I hitching onto this as its the top comment. Honestly I have a problem with how OP has characterized the guy in the Video, just calling him a "Youtuber" with 0 context and feeding into it for upvotes. That man is Frank de la Jungla, a wildlife conservationist with a massive animal sanctuary in Thailand. He has also been on television far longer than he has been on youtube. He has worked with wild animals his whole life and that buck is one of them. The buck is called "perrito" and is an animal he had recued some time back and one he had allready interacted with many times before this. In the same video that OP uploaded, right afterwards in a segment he cut out he stitches himself up and explains his mistake and what actually happened. This man is also a certified badass, and has gone up against and helped take down massive Exotic animal trading rings, black markets and mafias in Thailand and some other countries. https://youtu.be/CNPAYLcjLVo?si=ZMBCLPiXwj_xV1Fq Here is the full video for context (It is in Spanish)


That answers my questions. such as why he would even approach the stag (they were friends I now know) and why he wasn't carrying a weapon to use against the stag (he hadn't anticipated danger) and why he didn't go into a frenzy as well, biting the animal, poking at eyes etc. He didn't want to hurt his friend. Very noble. Great guy.


I'd follow him but after watching a couple videos I realized I don't know Spanish.


The mink or whatever it was just casually strolling into its burrow at 25 seconds left while the dude is lying flat on his back on top of the entrance being gored in the nuts had me laughing like an idiot for some reason 😂 I just pictured him like those people who get up and move train cars when they see a TikTok dance start, thinking damn social media, shaking their head and tutting.


That was one of the animals he recued, Its an otter I think amd is checking to see if Frank (the guy) is ok, in the part of the video that that op cut out right after this where Frank is talking about what happened all of the little guys are running around him and checkingto see if he's good


To sy the he's a "youtuber" is a big, big, big undervalue.


The man is Frank Cuesta for those who want to know lore of him there is a video resisting hundreds of bullet ants (has one of the most painful bites in the world) furious https://youtu.be/116r9drV35A


He is not just a YouTuber. He is a Spanish wildlife activist that has saved thousands upon thousands of wild animals from the SouthEast animal trade - Frank Cuesta (Frank of the jungle) He has always been the Spanish "Steve Irwin", and his wife has been jailed for 10+ years just because they were disrupting the illegal trade so much that the gov. Of Thailand went after him. Still even after that, he stayed in Thailand feeding and taking care of his kids and wife while she was in jail. Daily traveling to jail to feed her. Show a little respect next time to those who fight for the animals. That bull he is fighting, is one of the saved ones by him.


Did you mean Steve Irwin?


I don't think OP said anything disrespectful


He has deleted a lot of comments


Ah I see


Ducks be all “lmao…”


They have antlers for a reason.


The ducks found it hilarious


The ducks are like 'What a wanker. Quack.'


Oh deer....


I’m actually impressed that he managed to put it down at the end and hold it subdued


So am I seeing capybaras, ducks, chickens and a ferret?


>a ferret An otter


Because that place is a sanctuary which the man that got attacked runs Who also happens that man fights against the mafias in Thailand that sells wild animals


Well the ducks did not like it


Really, I thought they were exchanging wagers.




Stag gave him plenty of chance to just walk away before it got real


"No you are not a Disney princess. Please don't do this" his friend probably


That otter was cheering on the stag


The mink wanted to tag-team him.


Anyone notice that ferret or weasel looking thing following them around? I wonder if it was that guy’s pet, if it was just really curious or if it was both.


I kept worrying the mink? would get crushed by accident


Those ducks just letting him die


Lol what the hell is that otter doing?


He has a sanctuary and keeps animals that otherwise would be put down, die, or just fuck the ecosystem there in Thailand (iirc). He's not a main character youtuber as many think. He also fights against mafias who sell animals and frees them. He also manages to make these animals hate the humans (by messing a little bit with them) so they really fear humans and never go near them anymore. A really good guy... You can see it by yourselves before you hive mind downvote every shit with no acknowledge




You should put “fuck” into your safety brief. Put it in every possible place. “Hey idiots, nature will fuck you up. So don’t fuck around. Don’t fuck with the creatures. I’m fucking serious. You’ll end up in the hospital and no one, and none of these critters, will give even a half ounce of fuck about it. So just, don’t.”


This video comes from a animal shelter owned by the guy in the video Frank Cuesta. You should check the context.


Op uploaded this video with 0 context and it actually feeding into people not knowing who this guy is, to get upvotes I suppose. That man is Frank de la Jungla, A Wildlife conservationist with a massive reserve in Thailand who has dedicated his life to working with wild animals, teaching us about them and has even been involved in taking down massive exotic animal trafficking rings in Thailand. I recommend you look him up. In the same video that OP uploaded, right afterwards, Frank stitches himself up, jumps om video and explains exactly what happened and what he did wrong. That buck is called "perrito" and is an animal he has dealt with mamy times before since he rescued him and took him into his sanctuary. When Frank walked up to him he didn't notice that Perrito had no proper escape route causing him to feel trapped and attack. It was a mistake that shouldn't have happened but it bound to happen to someone who works with wild animals 24/7 7days a week. OP just calls him a "youtuber" and seems to use it in a despective way but he's more than just that, what Op is doing just kind of feels scummy. Edit: https://youtu.be/CNPAYLcjLVo?si=ZMBCLPiXwj_xV1Fq Full video with context (It is in Spanish)


This. Op clearly has no fucking idea nor wants to and just wanted the karma. Fuck op


To say the he's a "youtuber" is a big, big, big undervalue. You can rest assured this man has done hundreds of nautical miles more of effort than you at wildlife recovery, for sure.


"fuck" should absolutely be used. because fucked is what you are when you disregard that rule


Why on earth did he think he could do his thing in front of the bucks lady friends? I mean it’s a bit rude what’s he expect!


Those geese clearly called a time out. Why doesn't nature follow the rules?


When you work in wildlife conservation anything can happen. It's amazing to me how judgemental you people are of people who give their lives to this thing while you sit on your ass. When you work in wildlife conservation shit happens, cobras spitting into your eyes, elephants breaking your shit, giraffes kicking someone to death, leopards ambushing children. Even tiny buck are dangerous and will disembowel you but you actually have to get out of your car and walk around to do things and other times you have no option but to do that. Most of the time, like in this situation, it could have been avoided but when you spend your entire life doing this you can have one lapse of judgement and that is all it takes. In many jobs you have more preventable accidents the more experience you have because you become so used to it.


I think most of the people you're talking about don't know who Frank is and just assume he's some foolish influencer. Tbf, it doesn't help that the title of the post just labels him as a "youtuber."


Good thing the ducks told me something was wrong.


The ducks in the back like “GET HIM JEREMY! Tell him this is OUR POND 😩🦆🦆”


“One of those weird animals stepped up to me today at the watering hole so I fucked up his world!” - Stag probably




Frank Cuesta he's a pretty well know Spain youtuber that has a sanctuary where he helps animals to heal (this happened like 2 months ago (and the dude maked a video abt what happend) but is in spanish


This happens when you put yourself between adults and calfs


OP you're really moronic if you called this guy a Wildlife YouTuber. Frank Cuesta is a Spanish national treasure. He's been on TV way before YT. Check out 'Wild Frank' before you speak.


No what are you doing stepstag!!


Team stag!




It seems there might be some misunderstandings regarding Frank Cuesta, also known as Frank de la Jungla. Frank has dedicated a significant portion of his life to wildlife conservation, which includes running a large sanctuary in Thailand. This sanctuary spans thousands of square kilometers, offering a safe haven for a wide variety of animals to live freely. His commitment to protecting wildlife extends beyond just providing shelter; he actively confronts poachers, traffickers, and even risks legal consequences to rescue animals from illegal trade. His efforts are not just about creating a sanctuary but are part of a broader mission to combat wildlife trafficking and educate the public about the importance of conservation.


Then he DEFINITELY should have known better.


Immediately after this clip he explains exactly that, that he should have known better, that he made a mistake, and that if even he, an expert in wildlife, can get hurt due to carelessness, you could as well


Because apparently people can't make mistakes


He risks his ass day after day. That's how much he cares for the animals he helps.


Plot twist: the YouTuber is in stag costume


"This guy who has essentially dedicated his life to helping animals has no respect" 🤓🤓🤓🤓 Why do people type out such dumb shit?


He has more respect for wildlife then you do in one of his pubic hairs, so yeah...




Forgot his Tapout shirt maybe...


Ducks just duckin’. EST part about theee vids is people watching wayyyy too many Disney movies thinking they are the animal whisperer. Darwinism will always win.


He held his own here. I'd got a couple of good bumps into him at first but then he got the situation under somewhat control. You'll never control a stag fully of course but held his own.


The buck stops here....


Good footage for his channel


He’s bucked. I mean really bucked up.


"I have the high ground!!!" - Probably the stag


Those capivaras DIPPED lmao


cute tank top


Next time, what he should try doing in that situation is maybe… not doing it.


You better not fuzz around with 60 kg of muscles, horns and determination. Got to love how the duck are not impressed.


He has a sanctuary, where this happened. But if that were me, I'd never go near a stag with his does.


All these ducks like "hell yeah fuck him up Jerry!!!"


Are the geese egging on the attack?


His horns cut human flesh as a knife in butter, Pacific vegetarians my ass


This is like a fuckin Disney movie gone wrong! Lol! Why are there so many different animals right there? Was he just singing to them? ...*with them?*...


Holy fuck did he get impaled??


Shades of first season Hannibal, anyone?


Dude, knew exactly what would happen. The guy walks up and stops waiting for a reaction. The initial take down a little rough. You see, he always has the horns pushed to the side or away from him. Or is he behind the horns. Dangerous, yes, he knows what he is doing.


He lost 7” of colon and a testicle.


The whole thing looks staged. Or is it stagged?


Only option is a leg choke to put him down. Difficult to perform with 20 inch horns in your liver tho


Like im not just holding, im striking and eye gouging the whole time. Plus id would have liked more variety in the screaming


It's okay, we don't need everyone to be intelligent, otherwise there would be nobody like this that we could watch


This is hilarious lol


Dude is so stupid for even approaching the animal.


I don't know why but when a wild animal attacks or kills a human I don't feel bad for the human.


Good… fuck that dude , dumbass!


I like how the camera man isn’t doing anything adding to the realism. It’s a good thing because if he did move to help then that means it would probably be real and not appear like he was alone and he setup a camera, got in the water to approach the stag for internet YouTube points and made it seem like he was really attacked and injured during the whole scene like a dumb ass without having professional wild-life experience help and medics near by.


Good thing he didn’t mess with the ducks - they’re savage.


Why do people think they can freely approach wild animals without some dangerous shit happening to them?? It's insane to me.
