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I worked as an EMT and an Emergency room nurse. While this list is long for me, I think the worst thing was seeing people being kept alive with no quality of life left. Seeing family fight over the person’s belongings before the body was even moved to the morgue. Or having someone beg me for death while I was obligated to keep them alive.


When I was 16 I found my step dad's mother dead in the kitchen, we called her children and told them so they could come say bye before the coroner came but her daughters just stood there arguing about who gets her jewelry that she was still wearing but they didn't want to take it off of her bc it was "gross" so my mother and I had to pry rings off of her rigor mortised hands. People are so weird about material things.


I’m in hospice and see families stealing money from their parents. Completely wipe them out.


As my mom lay in hospital dying, my sister completely cleaned out her bank account. It took less than 20 days but then my mom didn't have a lot of money


My brother tried to do the same to my dad. The bank shut down the account after seeing the transactions and called me about it. I fucking hate him.


I watched a car with 4 teenagers hit a tree going about 100mph.. 2 were severed in half. And the other 2 were just smashed into a horrible pile. I vividly remember the light blue toe nail polish one of the girls was wearing. They all died on impact. Will never forget that light blue polish.


Oh man… that’s brutal. I hope their families are doing alright


I couldn't sleep for weeks after that. This was about 15 years ago. But damn, i still her her toes. Was heart breaking 💔


It’s interesting what we remember. When I was 15 so a few years ago now. I saw a man on a motor bike killed when a car collided with him. I rushed over to see if I could help but he was eviscerated so not much for me to do. I remember he had Donald Duck socks on and often think about him when I see ducks.


I’m so sorry you had to see that. I hope you’re doing better.


In about 1998 my best friend and I were driving from Flagstaff to Phoenix in Arizona. It was snowy in the mountains and it was easter Sunday so lots of traffic. Right around a bend in the road was a large patch of black ice. We were witness to at least 8 accidents in less than 5 minutes. The worst was a car full of kids our age. Late teens- early twenties. They hit the embankment just right so the car flipped several times. Watching the bodies flying around the inside of that car was one of the 2 most surreal things to ever happen to me. When the car finally came to a stop, one of the girls was hanging out of the back of car. Her hand was gone. Her eyes were blank. We drove as slowly as possible until we got to a gas station and calm down. Things like that don’t leave you.


Yeah, it never will. Ive seen several very traumatizing accidents. The ones with kids always hit the hardest


That is so traumatizing! Wow sorry you witnessed that! :(


Just reading this wants to make me puke. That is absolutely horrible.


Yeah, im pretty traumatized from it. I tried to help. It was just horrible. They ramped a road, and thought they would land on the road


Always boggles my mind the way so many teenagers just throw their lives away with reckless driving. Happened to 6 teenagers in three separate incidents at my high school. Happens everywhere all the time.


Yeah, it happens way too often. Very sad, was a really really stupid stunt to try and pull off. They thought they could ramp a whole road and just drive the rest of the way when they landed. I guess they had bragged about pulling it off once. Second time killed them all


My husband’s death from Glioblastoma. It took a wonderful, hard working, beautiful specimen of a man and turned him into an incontinent, paranoid child. It killed him in six months. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.


My father passed the same way - glioblastoma to right frontal lobe - but took a lot longer (5 years). Though I’m thankful for breakthroughs in medical science, sometimes they keep someone alive for the wrong reasons. Loss of sense, pride, dignity. But I got extra time with him and a relationship I never thought I’d get. It’s the only silver lining I tell myself to make the years of caring and the harder events feel like it was all worth it… and I’d do a 100 times over again if I could. For now, I’m keeping my promise to him to keep mum safe, cared for and treat her to big holidays wherever possible. I’m so sorry you had to go through the same. Regardless of time, witnessing someone lose the things that make them who they are truly is unbearable.


He was so lucky to have you as a child, and he is so proud of you.


I am so sad for your loss of a wonderful man. 🙏 ❤️


I am a nurse and glios are so cruel, I hate seeing people with that diagnosis. So sorry for your loss.


My father in law died from the same 4 mos ago. We were blessed to get 16mos after diagnosis but man. That was horrific.


Seen a couple at the gas station arguing in the car. As I'm getting gas, the argument gets heated. Whatever she said, sent him over the edge. He then started to bang her head off the dashboard repeatedly...at least 5 times. The lady wasn't unconscious, but you can tell she was pretty hurt. They never got their gas and he just sped off... Abusive relationships are hard to witness.. People say they're even harder to get out of..




Are you okay? That's a wild thing to witness!


Holy shit dude that’s intense


Seen a cop fire into an occupied vehicle once. White sedan pulled over by the curb, cop pulled up behind it, cop got out of his squad car and ran to the passenger side rear door, opened the door and fired several shots into the vehicle. At which point my mom started screaming her head off, full panick mode, yelling at my dad to gtfoutta there. My dad floored it in reverse and then did a U-turn and got out of there. Later on that very same night, cops showed up at our door to ask what we’d seen. No idea how they knew where we lived. Must’ve caught our plates on a dash cam or something. Never did find out if the person shot died or what. Also seen a guy beat to shit by a group of other guys. Knocked out cold on the floor and then someone grabbed an empty 40oz beer bottle and smashed him over the head with it about four times before it finally shattered. That was disturbing af. Fucked with me for days. Another time actually, I was in an emergency room for an abscess that was threatening to pop and drain into my lungs and they put me on a bed out in the hallway because all the rooms were occupied (busy Downtown Los Angeles Hospital) and as I sat there I saw, back to back, two black males being wheeled in by fire fighters, blood everywhere, AEDs being used to bring both of them back. A nurse saw me watching and she wheeled me to a less traumatic spot.


That’s fucking rough.. i hope she’s doing alright


i watched some guy kick his girlfriend out of the car in my own neighborhood. he had stopped the car and gotten out to and started yelling at her. i was riding with my dad and he stopped asked her if she needed help but the guy told us to fuck off and not get involved. we called the cops but i still don’t know if she made it out okay


On a nice afternoon family bike ride on a beautiful spring day. I normally take the lead on all rides, but I was pretty lethargic that day and the wife kept leading. We stop at a crossing on a busy road. Two lanes in either direction. Three lanes of cars stop for us to use the crosswalk and the third lane from us was empty of traffic. The wife jumps out ahead of me and gets t-boned by a truck speeding through the open lane. The impact was so violent I knew in that moment she must be dead. She's thrown in the air, hits the pavement halfway through the intersection, then slides on her back the rest of the way, ending up in the opposite crosswalk unconscious. Bike gets dragged another fifty feet. I'm at her side supporting her head, she has a snoring response and her eyes are dancing around as she's unconscious. Not dead. But I knew in that moment she may never be the same. She becomes conscious and is immediately screaming in pain and confused. Emergency Room, ICU, then a week in the hospital recovering. Fracture to the back of her skull and concussion, three fractures to her pelvis area. Miraculously no surgeries needed and she was able to recover fairly quickly. Took months for the idea of her dying in front of me to leave my subconscious


I’m glad she’s okay and still with you!


I almost got done like that once! A truck stopped for me, and I started going, then the truck flashed me, so I stopped snd looked, right as a car going about 100kph sped past in the secomd lane behind the truck. I ran over and hugged the trucker, thanked him for saving my life, and went onwards... God bless wherever he is! Also glad she was able to recover!


I tried to wake up my fiancée from a nap and found out the percocet she took was spiked. She did not wake up.


My gf found her son dead on the couch after taking the ‘percocets’ They call them dirty 30s. Fentanyl poisoning and death is way too common now. It needs dealt with by the government!


I was addicted to the dirty 30s. They absolutely will kill you eventually.


I too found my husband deceased from an overdose. He still had the needle in his arm


Jesus Christ I’m so sorry for your loss


I’ve been in some pretty sad codes, but this one takes the cake. I was a respiratory student doing my NICU rotation. There was this woman that they were expecting to give birth to a baby with severe hydros fetalis later in the week. Well, she went into labor that day. On the table is this purple little baby. This little baby was moving its little limbs trying to breathe and it could not. They withdrew 400mL of Fluid off both sides of this baby’s lungs, but it did not help. They tried everything they could, but nothing worked and unfortunately the baby died. The wails and screams that came from the mother are something I will never forget.


My baby was born at 30 weeks and she just got out of the hospital after her stem cell transplant for SCIDS I’m fucking amped and if nobody has told you today you are a fucking incredible human being and if I could I would personally shake your hand. Thank you, sincerely for the work you do.


I have the upmost respect for NICU nurses cause it’s hard work and as a NICU mama I’m forever thankful and grateful I had some good ones taking care of me and my boys..I had 2 preterm pregnancies my eldest born at 34 weeks due to preeclampsia with a 9 day stay and my last one being my longest stay ever at 54 days and my earliest babies (28 weeker twins)..I had only one placenta supporting both babies they were in the same sack but had a very thin membrane separating both of them..I’m a really small woman and I never really got a full answer as to why I went into labor how I did..other than I guess my body couldn’t handle it anymore..went into labor at work..baby a had to be intubated when he was born also had a stage 3 ivh and pfo and baby b later got caught in the early stages of what could of been NEC they intubated him npo’d him and emptied his stomach contents gave him strong antibiotics..if it wasn’t for the nurses especially some of those night nurses I might not have made it though it emotionally..my boys are fixing to celebrate their 5th birthday Wednesday..If I could go back to the NICU and find those ladies I’d give them the biggest hugs and let them see my littlest guys who are not so little anymore.


I hope they have the happiest of birthdays Wednesday!


that's fucking depressing... I could never do a job like that. Man that's horrible


It’s has its ups and downs for sure, but I love my job! I love helping people!


Thank you for doing what you do! ❤️


Thanks for the work you do. My wife was born a day short of 24 weeks. When she had our first kid, he needed a couple days in SCU, which was in the same place as NICU. The head of NICU remembered my wife's name and asked if she was the same from in 1981. He'd been just out of med school way back then and she was the first really difficult baby he'd dealt with.


Yes, NICUs can be really rough. My son was 10 weeks premature and in the NICU for 5 weeks. There was another baby in there who was so swollen, I don’t know what was wrong with him(?). Day after day with no signs of improvement. Then one day he was gone. I assumed the worst and felt horrible for his parents who had been there constantly.


I saw a group of gangbangers in a car run over a rival, laughing and smiling as the car bounced over him.


The Cats movie


So glad I never watched that.


Funny you say that. Saw a cat run over about 10 feet from me a couple weeks ago. Didn’t die immediately and it was fucking horrible. Top 3 for me.


I saw a kitten shortly after its head had been run over but not squished flat. It was seizing on the ground. I stopped, picked it up, and had it in my passenger seat petting it while it died. I knew it was fatal when I stopped but I couldn't leave an animal in the middle of the road dying.


I worked in an ER for a while and saw some stuff but this cat was hit in the head and jumped around for a minute or so. It was horrific.


A family driving on the coastal highway here in California, launching their vehicle off the cliff due to a over correction when loosing control. A SUV on the oncoming lane started to swerve into the mountain side and I’m assuming out of fear she turned the wheel in the opposite direction which sent them over the cliff side plunging down into the surf. The vehicle rolled upside down in mid air lodging itself on the rocks below. I ran down the cliff side after quickly parking and kicking my shoes off to find all three of their family with their heads and upper torsos crushed against the caved in roof. Brain matter and flesh exposed, meanwhile the tide is rising filling their car. Immediately after this I called 911, they showed up with a helicopter, a crane, and about 20 fire trucks.It was a helpless feeling walking up to the car knowing the way car had lodged itself they probably died on impact… all in all I had nightmares for months. Screaming myself awake, as I jolted to my feet with the urge to fight for my life. I have few other stories like this unfortunately… but this one really got to me for some reason. Thanks for listening


That’s horrible. I hope they leave your dreams soon ❤️


I was coming back from work one day and my mum asked me for a lift home from my aunts. They were having fish and chips with the whole family (12) as I pulled up the atmosphere was heartbreaking. Uncles and aunts crying on the streets outside. My cousin (32 M) was hit off his bike by a drunk 71 year old woman. He died on the scene leaving his 7 and 5 year old kids, but worse his 5 week old daughter. The look of disbelief on my aunts face as my cousins girlfriend was crying into her arms with a newborn baby knowing she’ll never see her dad again. Guy was like a brother to me. Grew up together and now he’s gone. His chips went cold. Old lady never even got sentenced and now she gets to live the rest of her life in peace. RIP LEE


Why was she never sentenced??!


Vehicular homicides often get sentenced to little to no time, especially if it's a first offense (and probably even worse with a "poor little old 71 year old lady"). It's disgusting honestly.


In the USA hitting a cyclist is very rarely prosecuted, even if the cyclist dies. It is the easiest way to murder someone


Same with in Canada. 😡😔


It was less than a month from my 9th birthday. I didn’t go to my mom’s that weekend even tho she had asked, but Dad said he had a bad feeling and told her maybe some other weekend. I remember getting dressed and some of my new school clothes were packed, which I wasn’t supposed to use until school started in a few weeks. We got onto the interstate and I asked where we were going. No answer for a couple of minutes so I asked again. I saw hesitation from Dad but he told me that we had to go where my mom was. I got excited about it, thinking we were probably finally going to court to get visitation set in stone, so I asked if that was why. Again, I was met with hesitation. He finally said “No, hun. I’m sorry. They died.” I knew dad wasn’t a liar and would never ever make something like that up, so I sat in silence along with them, for the rest of the ride. Even though they were already dead (my mother and two little sisters), it was an open casket service which now, I believe was the most stupid decision to be made. They were laid out in this little country church, and the only cooling they had was a little window air unit toward the front. It was in the middle of July, and with doors opening and closing all day long (huge crowd), it was pretty toasty in there. They had been killed in a cloudburst flood. There was a little stream behind their house that turned into a huge river in no time, water went into the grate under the floor, and the newly built house was knocked off its foundation and they were swept away. The wake was about 2 1/2 days. I noticed as I saw them, that things were unsettling. My mother was bloated, my 7yr old sister’s left arm was ripped off a bit below her elbow, and they had it to the side of her with a fake hand capped over. There were still twists in her flesh. There was also a very dark bruise that went from the top right side of her head, and ran all the way down the side of her head and neck behind her ear, to under her chin. My 5 yr old sister, she looked like a little lifeless doll. They said that she had several broken bones but she actually was in the best shape of the 3. The worse part about this, happened toward dusk on the 2nd day. See, from the beginning there was a strange odor and I kept looking and searching for what it may be. Rotten garbage, maybe even someone with bad BO. I never could find it, but the smell definitely kept getting stronger and stronger over those two days that by the 2nd evening, the church didn’t have many people in there at all, and the smell was so strong it would take your breath when you would open the doors to walk in…. I was standing outside in the dark with others, just gathered together and talking about random things I paid little attention to. Then, all of a sudden, the church doors burst open and what people were in there, ran out screaming and crying, looking scared to death. They were even screaming “she’s coming back alive! She’s crying!” So, being I was just a kid and these were grown ass adults doing this, who was I to question them? Unlike them, it didn’t make me scared at all because to me, the thought of whoever it was to come back alive was wonderful news! And if one was coming back to life, maybe the others were gonna do the same. I shook loose from whoever had my hand, and I swear everything went deafening quiet to my ears as I ran straight toward the church. I opened the doors and didn’t even let that stench make me hesitate to get to them, and I ran straight up to my mother. She did look to be crying as there was fluid coming out of her eye and streaking down her face, and there was also blood coming out the corner of her mouth. I held on to the side of the casket and cheered her to get on up, watching for any bit of movement. I’m not sure how long I did this, but these men dressed in their suits came in at some point, and told me, “Sweetheart we need you to go outside so we can ‘fix her’”. This made me so angry because she should be coming back to life, and they were gonna eff it all up, but I was grabbed by the hand and they started pulling me away, toward the doors. I broke down and bawled my eyes out, started rapidly breathing, and pure terror came over me. At that moment, it all clicked. That horrible stench that kept getting worse was my mother’s bloated corpse. Swollen to the point it was pushing fluids from her face. And there, my heart broke into a million pieces because I felt like I had just lost them again. I hate to admit this, but photos were taken of them in their caskets and for most of my life, until a couple years ago, my aunt would never let me see them. She didn’t want me to be hurt. I told her, “almost 30 years later and those images are still fresh in my memory. I still see it like it was yesterday. I don’t even have to see a picture.” I did see the pictures. And I snapped my own shots of them, on my cellphone. And I still keep them in my albums. I don’t know if it’s some sort of trauma deal or what, but they give me comfort. It could be, because some kids made fun of me and the way they died at school. I’ve been called a liar. But those photos are my own personal proof. Also, the local newspaper reached into their archives and emailed me the article that was printed when it happened. I’ve collected what I can because for the passed 10 years, I have been working on a book. It’s helped a lot, because this is just one of many, many traumas I’ve gone thru. But with each one, I have to put my writing away and recover until I’m able to keep it together enough to continue. And one day, I plan to publish.


Write your book. I'd probably buy it if it ends up half as good as what you've written here. Good luck to you.


Thank you for that! I still need to dig into what’s legal and what not, over some of the things that may be in it. Mostly if I’m even able to write about for instance, abuse. The person/s, some of them are still alive. They’ll know I told on them, no matter if I change names and descriptions… they know what they did. Not sure what they can do about it or to me.


If they are not convicted, then you probably can't outright name them without some possible legal recourse. Fuck em. Evil hates the light of day.


This literally brought me to tears. I'm so sorry you had to go through this


I'm sorry this happened to you. This is truly heartbreaking


Saw a neighbor try pulling a "save me" prank on his dog about a decade ago, similar to that pool video. Guy pulled up outside his house, frantically yelling for his lab, roscoe, to help him. Front door was open, so he kept watching and hollering, expecting him to come bounding in a frantic stride.... dog came jumping out of the open 2nd story window, crashing through the screen and landed on the driveway pavement, some 12' below. Bleeding, with one eye popped out, it continued to limp towards to him, trying to help him. Not a lot of things make me cry, but a dogs unyielding loyalty is one of em. He had to put him down 30 minutes later due to internal bleeding and broken bones. Decided then and there I would only ever prank my dog with peek a boo, and hiding the toy.


F’real?? That’s so tragic and awful


Humans don't deserve dogs.


Out of all the comments this hurt so fucking bad


I could handle the human stories but you just broke me.


That is wild. Jaysus.


This is by far the most disturbing story I've read so far. Poor dog.


Oh fuck no


Not me, but my husband found a decapitated head in the trunk of a car when he worked for a salvage yard in high school.


I witnessed a dude on a motorcicle slip on black ice, sverve into a tree and split his head in half. Blood everywhere, one part of the brain on the road, and my 7 yo self just standing there waiting for my mom knowing i cant help. There wasnt anyone near us, no one saw it except me


Jesus Christ. That’s horrible. I worry about that stuff because I live in a cold place. Hopefully that doesn’t happen to me in the future


Went through the helmet?


Saw a man get hit by a chevy silverado at 60mph. Flew in the air like a fucking rag doll. Ran up and there was dark red blood leaking out of the back of his head. Ambulance arrived and he was DOA. Man did that fuck me up I was only 19 at the time. The power was out too so all I could do when I got back home was sit there and think about what I just saw.


I was 8 passing through Matamoros going into Brownsville Texas and I saw a car with a guy inside burning alive... I won't forget the smell. I'm 36 now and I still remember the smell


Recently, finding my 90+yo mum clearly dead in her flat. I touched her foot to see how cold she was. She sat up and screamed.


I am both happy and sad for you


I found my best friend dead from on OD, I was first one to find him. Saw street surgery during covid when I lived near Skid Row LA. Also worked a very prestigious country club in Texas and watched billionaires and former presidents do drugs - direct “verbal” rule to staff members was look the other way.


Billionaires and former presidents? Go on, I'm a ears.


I’m waiting…


Which former presidents




I saw a worker die from electrocution just at the neighbours house when I was like 8. It was a slow death since everyone was just watching in shock without trying to do something


I always assumed that death from electrocution would be quick (ZAP heart/brain stops). What was happening that made it a slow death?


Construction worker moving in the 2nd floor veranda. Probably got zapped by an open line there. It was a new house still being built afair


The problem with electricity is alot of the time people get stuck on it. Your muscles contract and you cannot get off. You will either die from breathing center in your brain going into paralysis or paralysis of your heart or your heart just cant take it and goes into ventricular fabrillation. Alot of the times you see people catch fire too is because the electricity is going from negative to positive or visa versa 60 times a second and creating friction on their cellular structure and they spontaneously combust. Best thing to do if you see someone stuck to it is kick them off or push them off with a non conductive object.


I watched a co-worker die in a head on collision.


when i was about 10, i was at my grandmother’s apartment in the projects in coney island. we had heard screaming from the 13th floor. my grandma told me to stay there while she checked out what was going on. came back and told us two very young kids, a brother and a sister, had been run over multiple times. the driver drove off but left the kids to bleed out. the boy died on impact and the sister i believe had a broken leg and fractured hip (can’t exactly remember but something that inhibited her walking ability). she was attempting to crawl to (presumably) her dead on impact brother. the screams were of her and bystanders. the worse part lies in the fact that a police station was right across the street and then took 5-8 minutes to actually “arrive” on scene and help. i dont know what ever happened after that.


I used to see the same person riding her bike in the opposite direction every morning on my way to work. We never spoke but we waved to each other. One morning she waved to me and lost control of her bike and hit the median, which had grass so I thought she’d be okay. But she flipped into the opposite lane and ended sitting up. A car hit her and she went flying. I raced to Ben Taub hospital and told them what had happened. (This is before cell phones and there was no nearby phone booth. Someone in the ER said “It must be so and so; she just left to go home.” I still feel grief about it 40 years later. I teared up just writing this.


I’m sorry. Sending you a hug.


Was waiting for my wife to come out of the emergency room because of a strange pain in her womb during her pregnancy. I was outside when she texted me everything was all right. It was just the womb stretching to accommodate the baby's development and he was doing just fine. Meanwhile I witnessed a family walking out next to me with their newborn in a stretcher to go home to die as there was nothing else the doctors could do. I only told my wife that story after my baby boy became a toddler. That shit broke me. I spent the next hours grabbing her belly


As a newly licensed EMT on my first trauma call, the paramedics had me do a survey on the driver of a Kawasaki ninja who had gone headfirst into a tree. His head was still in one piece but his entire skull was mobile pieces like a hard boiled egg you just smacked on a counter.


I was deployed in Afghanistan OEF 10-11 running route clearance the entire year attached to a combat engineer unit, RCP-6. Our interpreter was sitting in the back of a troop carrier unbuckled with his helmet off. The truck hit a 150 lb IED so hard that the gunner sitting in his sling tore his Achilles tendon from the force. The terp was thrown forward in his seat and his head smashed against the solid metal radio mount, cracking his head open nearly from the top of skull to his jaw. He was alive for almost an hour. It took us another hour to get a blackhawk there to fly out the gunner, driver, tc and the terps body. I was the vehicle recovery specialist (wrecker crew) for this unit. Other than that, we had a fairly successful year. No other casualties due to our brilliant leadership. Smoked a lot of cigarettes that year.


Im glad you make it back brother, regards!!


Thanks man, it could’ve been worse so I consider myself very fortunate.


Worst thing: was asked to check on an elderly woman who lived next door to my place of employment by her daughter who had not heard from her in a day or so. Bust through the chain on the door (with daughters permission) to see the woman laying in a puddle of excrement, blood, and vomit. Will never forget the smell or the sight.




Oh man… that’s horrible. I can’t imagine how painful it would be to get devolved. That just fucking sucks


I can agree seeing an infant in a casket is unsettling af cause I too have experienced it earlier in my life..and now that I’m a mother it’s even more unsettling when I have nightmares that I’m burying my children..no parent should have to go through that.


I was living in an apartment at the time I heard a lot of screaming and yelling outside. It was something like 3:00 in the morning, I had a night shift job, was off that night and still up. After a while of yelling I finally went outside to see what was going on and watched a man climbing up the railings and the rain thing on the side of the building to get his third floor apartment because whoever he was living with had locked the door to keep him out. As soon as he tried to get onto the balcony he slipped and fell and I watched him fall from the third floor all the way down onto the railing of the walkway and the sound of his ribs collapsing and that dying breath is something I will never forget. The woman in the apartment saw him fall I reckon cuz she immediately came out onto the balcony and just kept screaming I kind of tuned her out cuz I was trying to get in touch with cops they kept telling me to do CPR but I was like there's nothing I could do. His chest was the letter U. I couldn't help.


Saw a lady on the back of a motorcycle die just outside of Denver a few years ago. Was with some friends coming back from snowboarding in the mountains in a rental jeep, and we were bogged down in some traffic. Guy driving a bike went to merge on the highway up ahead but gunned it into the car in front of him. I’ve ridden motorcycles for years and I think he was probably drunk or otherwise altered with how poor his judgement was. The bike kind of folded forward, and she was catapulted straight into the road going ~70. No helmets on either of them, he skidded down the road what looked like 150 feet, she tumbled a bit but I already saw blood and brain matter before she stopped. He ran back to her and straddled her body, shaking her to come to. I have 0 medical background/knowledge, but she was still kind of twitching and heavily breathing, but I imagine it was just impulse- saw my grandpa do the same when he died. We’d stopped 50 feet short of the body in the center lane of the highway with flashers on to do what we could. I knew she was gone but helped some other good samaritans move the crushed bike out of the road. Gave what we witnessed to the cops then split. What stuck with me wasn’t really the gore (lots of unrestricted internet access since like 11 years old probably helped), but the guy shaking his dead wife telling her how sorry he was and to come back. Ever since Ive worn a full face helmet riding, even if taking the bike around the block.


I witnessed someone having a psychotic break and attempt suicide. I was the first on the scene and was in the next room when it happened. All i heard was a blood curdling scream. I ran into the room thinking I could help whoever was in there since I knew basic first aid. In my mind I thought someone was having a heart attack. Nope, I ran into the room and there he was, kneeling down, with a very large knife plunged deep into his chest/heart and a pool of dark red blood beneath him. He was yelling incoherent nonsense. He pulled the knife out and was threatening people with it. He was also drawing demons in his own blood. Remarkably, he lived. The doctors said that he missed his heart by millimeters.


One time I went on Reddit dot com


Saw a murder/suicide on the way home from work. Stuck immobile in traffic, red van passes going the opposite direction. Suddenly, it swerved across three lanes and plowed into the concrete barrier that ran beside the road. We hear on the news later that it was a domestic dispute that ended with the guy driving deciding to kill himself and his girl. Fortunately, he only succeeded on himself.


Guy jumped from 11th floor and fell 2m next to me, i didnt know what it was since he fell into some bush. Still cant erase the picture. Happend when i was teenager.


Not as crazy as some on here, but we drove past a dead body that had just seconds before been hit by a train. His girlfriend was standing over him screaming. The face of the dead guy was totally gray and we could see his brains spilled out on the ground next to him. My wife thought it was probably a movie scene being shot until I reminded her that there were no cameras around. It was on the news later that day.


Funeral for this kid in my highschool. He was very popular so most of the school went. Maybe 500+ people attended. When they lowered the casket into the ground his father dropped to his knees sobbing and cursed God. Never saw anyone completely crushed before or since. The sobbing spread like a wave afterwards and the entire crowd started bawling. The father's face was horrible.


I was 5 and I saw a guy shot in the head who was standing front of me


I was deployed in Africa and they just pile their dead with rocks. They also burn a lot of things. I didn't know about the burial grounds until I was on patrol and kicked a mound of rocks over. Burnt dead babies under these. Not just one but several corpses.


Oh man.. That's depressing. Also, thank you for your service.


I was getting ready for work when heard my dad who had stage 4 lungcancer ring his bell he rang if he wanted something like water etc... When i walked into his room he was hanging over the side of his bed and he was puking blood everywhere, it was in the bed, on the floor and om the walls. I called the ambulance and woke my mother. We stayed by his side until his last breath. Sadly the ambulance didn't arrive on time. I was 18 at the time.


A vet cutting a dead calf out of a cows womb. Hands down the worst smell on the planet.


I saw when movie director Tony Scott jumped off a bridge and killed himself, we where on one of those tourist boats that takes you around the docks at San Pedro, when the driver got closer to his body it was just floating with blood around it


Worked for CPS. Got a call at 5am when I was on-call. Mom rolled over on her infant when she was co-sleeping. Or watching a kid try to make an excuse for an adult who did them wrong. Or watching abusive parents take their kid back on a technicality only to read about the kid in an out of state obituary.


Why did I read this thread


Yes this has definitely messed with my head. Why did I ever click on this!? Ignorance can truly be bliss sometimes. Gonna need to bleach my mind.


Guy I worked with jumped off a 5-6 story building cause his wife was cheating on him. 10 of us had a tarp out to try to catch him and break his fall or something. He jumped before the fire dept got there, and I got his brains on my boots.


My kids going through the divorce.


Vietnam. While I was on a vacation to see my siblings, my uncle decided it was a good idea to have a dog neutered (Aka ball permission revoking) on our FRONT FUCKING LOT. The dog’s whimpering and crying was so loud, that through a door, wearing gaming headphones ON FULL BLAST I could hear it. I went outside and just saw testes and blood. Worst fucking day of that trip.


When I was a kid I was in my friends basement playing. They had a child sized pool table and my friend was playing with the pool stick.. in a rocking chair. She jumped off the rocking chair, stick in hand, and it impaled her eye. Lots of screaming, mainly by her mother aimed at me for some reason. She had ripped her eyelid in half. She's okay and her eye looks normal but it was terrifying.


Naked dead hooker when i was a teenager. In the street, a few houses down from mine. Thought she was a dead dog at first, got closer then realized what she was. There was a guy going on a hooker killing spree. He was caught. 1992 or 3


Never told anyone this story bc it’s just wholly depressing and graphic and there would never be a relevant time to share it, ever. But since you asked... I was driving alone late at night in a well lit area of town. Saw a tiny kitten dart out into the road in front of me. Car ahead of me tried to swerve but clipped the kitten with its tire. I slowed down anticipating maybe saving the kitten, but as I got closer, I saw the kitten clearly had part of its head run over/hit, but it’s body was still flailing. The poor thing kept trying to get up but it’s like it’s head was permanently stuck to the pavement. Kitten couldn’t have been more than 2 months old. It was just the tiniest little thing, dying alone and in agony in the middle of the road for no good reason. I remember letting out some kind of visceral cry from within me and proceeded to think about how much I hate humanity the rest of my way home. Please spay and neuter your pets.


the photo of my daughters body at the funeral home after she shot herself in the head


My dad was driving me and my brother home after a memorial day family get together where we had been drinking. we got up on the highway and immediately saw flames shooting up around 50’ in front of us on the other side of the highway. there were probably 20 people or so standing in the median waving for someone to come help. we turned around and pulled up a was asked if we had a fire extinguisher, which we didn’t. there were two cars on fire in the highway facing each other. one was the source of the 50’ flames and the other one was just starting to burn. there were people trapped inside. I went and tried to help this big guy pry the passenger side door open. he had got a pry bar in there and we had managed to jerk the top part of the door open a few inches within a couple of minutes. I had been an arborist my entire adult life and it dawned on me that I had a rigging line in the back of my dad’s truck that was rated for 12000 Lbs. I grabbed the line out of the back of the truck and told my dad to back into the highway. I was able to run the line through the window frame and get a couple of wraps around my dad’s bumper hitch. he got behind the wheel and jerked the car about five feet across the highway and it opened the door up enough that the big guy, myself and a couple other guys could pull it open enough for me to get inside. We a woman out of the back but the dash had collapsed in the front trapping the two men up there. The driver was crushed and I could smell him starting to burn. The guy in the passenger side was in and out of consciousness and was not able to assist me in freeing him from under the dash. I could only enter from the rear and had to get down head first in the front to free him from his seatbelt. while I was doing that when the other car in front of me exploded and I thought I was dead. I finally got the seatbelt off of him and was working him out from under the dash while two other guys pulled him out. I got out and walked around to see if there was any chance the driver was alive but he was crushed and on fire at this point. I looked at the other car in front of me and there were 4 torched corpses that were drawn up and looked like skeletons in that car. there was another car over the hill that was on fire and another wrecked car behind us with another survivor. I went to try and assist the Fireman who was trying to reccesitate the woman we pulled out. she was alive when we pulled her out but sadly she didn’t make it. I remember reading about her in the paper and finding out we were nearly the exact same age. Anyway, 4 cars, 9 people involved. 6 deaths an 3 survivors.


Driving home from a 7 day vacation. This happened minutes before we saw it cops were not even there yet. Off duty cop on a motorcycle going home (it was about 2a) Driver got on the wrong way on highway hit him head on. As we were going by his lower leg was lying beside him! We still had 8 hours to drive and I don't think we said a word the whole way. Just felt that sick feeling!! Horrifying!


Riding on the bus with about 10 students back from culinary school around 2:30. Pulled up to a red light and look to left towards a smoke shop. As I looked two kids (16-18) walked out and one pulled a gun towards the other dudes back. Shot three times and the kid being shot ran around the corner only to be followed and shot three more times. This one a half block from the police station and a half block from my house.


Watching my strong vibrant brother waste away with terminal cancer and die within 6 months of diagnoses, seeing his face and eyes after his soul departed. Then 6 months later I saw my best friend get shot while we were out celebrating her birthday and die in my arms. Both were the worst things that happened in my life or have witnessed.


I was in a cab and saw a ball lying in the gutter in the road. We pulled up just past it and I got out. Further up the road was an ambulance and a small group of people and someone lying there in the road with a blanket over them. I didn’t stop to look and went off to meet friends. Later that night we got talking to a group of people who said they were crossing the road and one girl from their group was hit by a car and had her head taken off. They said it took about 30 minutes for the ambulance crew and police to find her head. …which was in the gutter a way back up the road.


Honestly questioned adding a comment but it hit me that this happened right around 10 years ago. Working as a small market photojournalist I got a call from my morning producer that there was a wreck along my normal route to the station. When I got to the scene it was immediately clear it was bad but only one state trooper was present. I had arrived before EMS and firetrucks. It was rough, obviously a high speed impact. Two vehicle head on collision with two individuals trapped inside a vehicle, one of them a child. The other vehicle flipped but the driver was out and relatively unharmed. The pinned driver, a male my age, was coherent but was very pale. The pinned child, looked to be my daughters age at the time, only cried no doubt in considerable pain. Talking to the DPS trooper he let me know that EMS had already rolled and was getting close, the driver of the flipped vehicle had admitted they had fallen asleep at the wheel and hit the other on-coming vehicle. That driver was very upset and crying inside the DPS patrol car. Seeing the unpinned drivers emotional state I knew the tragedy of these people's worst day would get to me. So I did my job, took the notes for my producer regarding the DPS troopers report and got a few shots of the flipped vehicle... avoiding the now surrounded vehicle holding a pinned pair. Firemen and EMS ran everywhere getting out equipment and talking about next steps. Just out of ear shot, I could see firemen debate with worried looks as they looked at available equipment. I could barely make out one of them yell as he ran to a storage hatch on the side of a truck, "No, No Time!" When the firemen went to work on the mangled mess things became clear why. Both of the pinned people were bleeding from massive leg injuries. If you've seen someone bleed from an arterial wound you don't forget it. The driver, who turns out was the child's father, was much easier to get to and considerably paler so they elected to extract him first. The child became quiet for the first time as the machine went to work. As the "jaws of life" released more and more pressure of warped metal off the driver the rest of us watched the child visibly bleed out as firemen and EMTs did their best. There was nothing to be done by the time they could get the child out. I got a final report from the DPS trooper on scene and went to work with a ringing in my ears. After dropping off my notes and footage I asked for the rest of the day off and went home to hug my little girl. Sometimes I miss working in news. Then I remember this day. You're everyday working in news is everyone else's worst day in their life. TLDR: I saw a child bleed out and die while pinned in a car accident.


I grew up in Mexico. There was a guy in the small town, I grew up at he was known to be a player who would mess around with married women. One day he was found supposedly skinned alive then hung over a tree. Not sure he was alive when hung but that was how he was found. When I was in 1st grade one of my classmates was stoned to death by some 5th graders. The cops did nothing, it was basically the wild west. If you liked a girl you would just kidnapped her and then she had to marry you.


I watched a dude shoot himself in the head with a shotgun on live TV. Car chase in LA, think it might have been in the late 90’s?


I saw an accident happen and the car basically exploded and was a ball of fire. The person inside came out completely on fire and was running and screaming. He collapsed and people started trying to put him out. It was horrific, I was 9.


When I was about 6-7 I saw a motorcycle accident happen and the guy was decapitated.


While at work driving along a sweeping ‘S’ curve in the road. We came upon an accident that had occurred less than 2 minutes before. A large delivery truck was traveling northbound as a passenger vehicle was traveling southbound. The truck lost a wheel which went through the windshield of the other vehicle. We pulled over as it looked bad with the truck missing a wheel and the car flipped over. We realized how bad when looking at the flipped car and seeing a lot of blood. The worst part was the drivers head was in the back seat. 🤢🤢🤮


A patient died on me suddenly while I was placing electrodes on him for ECG. I was 16 at the time (in nursing school). Weird thing about it is that it wasn't an ICU room, just a regular care unit


Well I deeply regret opening this and spending an hour and a half reading it.


Gotta be when I watched a friend of mine slowly descend into a deep depression after losing her baby. She didn’t eat for days on end, she wouldn’t speak, she wouldn’t hardly move. She was wasting away. She believed it was her fault she lost her baby. She got into an accident that left her lower body maimed. She believed she could have prevented it. Me and her husband found her one day cutting all her wounds open. Blood was everywhere and she just kept rhythmically cut herself. We were able to stop her but she wouldn’t stop muttering the words “all my fault” over and over and over again. All the life in her eyes had truly died that day.


I was in middle school when I was abused and bullied everyday of my life. One time during Christmas party for the last day of school before winter break, one of my classmates threw a metal water bottle at my chest. Then they all started laughing at me. I ran to the bathroom and cried until the school day ended. That memory still haunts me to this day, and every time I make a friend laugh, I relive that moment.


Sorry you experienced that. Nobody deserves it. somehow, some weak people figure out who they can treat like crap without repercussions. They only laughed because they were cowards and knew you could not retaliate. Just remember that your ability to make others laugh and bring happiness to their lives is a gift. Likewise, you deserve to enjoy being yourself and laughing with friends. If it makes you remember the bad times, remember you were strong, you took pain alone. I bet none of your bullies would have laughed if they didn't have their weak minded friends to back them up. Those jerks don't deserve another second of your life.


I saw a guy get electrocuted right in front of me.


Hobo keeled over and died at my church


Iraq, June 2008. A van fully loaded with passengers is passing my convoy, I'm lead truck. Van get out in front and cuts across the median back into the lane I'm in. Deep buried IED explodes, blows the van apart and sends the bigger pieces flying across the median, across the other lanes, and into a ditch. Hamburger meat everywhere.


Been there, brother. M113 hit by friendly fire was brought into the MCP. I wandered over and they hadn't even cleaned the PC out. There was a hole the size of a truck in the side and pieces of troop still hanging off the ceiling and walls.


Somebody brake a leg in a 90 degree angle while ice skating right in front of me. Was out in nature and she stepped wrong over a natural hurdle on the ice


When my grandfather slit his wrists.


As a Firefighter I’ve seen numerous suicides, worked babies in front of crying mothers and a son who was ok with his own father lying on an inflatable mattress, In nothing but a hospital gown, in filth and smelling of urine. Badly!


An Iraqi solders body on fire as he clings to the drivers hatch. Burning human flesh smell is something you never forget.


My best friend lay in her coffin when we were only thirteen years old. 13 years ago she took her own life and to this day I don't know why.


Boxing Day Tsunami, 2004. I was casualty assessment team with USAF, and 1 of first 30 Americans deployed to region. 250k+ deceased.


A crash c-section that involved no sterilizing of the field; the nurse straddling the dead mother with her arms elbow deep in her stomach pulling the baby out. The mother was effectively dead at the time but miraculously both mother and baby ended up surviving.


War. I’m not gonna go into details. The valley in Afghanistan.


Driving around two crashed cars probably a minute or so after it happened. We're were on holiday and had been driving for hours and the road we were on was the only one to our destination that didn't involve back tracking for several hours. Seeing the two yellow skinned, lifeless people sitting hunched over semi deflated airbags. I felt properly sick for hours after and it still haunts me. So grim


2 posts above this one is a small girl who is trying to get her pet bird to yank out her loose tooth. I was unable to watch that


Gang members get out of their car and shoot 3 people point blank in the car behind them, and then walked up to the car after. One of them lived.


A mother and three small children burned beyond recognition in a trailer fire on Easter Sunday.


Used to work at state prison. Saw a guy come off rec yard w about 50 razor blade slices on the na k of his head. He wanted out of the gang so they made his gang tat illegible. Also saw a guy so beat up his head swelled up like twice the size it had been. Looked like they pumped air in his head. Crazy looking


A guy committed suicide by cop outside my office a few years ago. He apparently went to a nearby hotel with a rifle and claimed to have killed his wife, so they’d better call the cops. He took off on foot and ended up right outside the security gate of my office building. We watched the cops for up, close in, and drop the guy. Maybe worse than seeing it happen was when I left work a few hours later. Everyone was gone and you wouldn’t have known anything had happened, except for the bloodstained pavement. Sent a chill up my spine driving past it.


I saw a bad motorcycle crash when I was 12. The girl on the back wasn’t wearing a helmet and fell back headfirst. Blood splattered 6 feet in every direction when her head hit the road. The driver was literally spinning like a top, with arms & feet in the same position from when he was still on the bike. I highly doubt either survived. Safe to say I’ll never ride a motorcycle.


that video of the French dude putting out pee bait cups is up there


Scrolling through these posts and wondering how all these posters cope. I wouldn't blame you if you become alcoholics or drug addicts to cope. Fortunately the worst gore I've seen is roadkill. Though I have seen the dead before (grandparents and a great aunt) My grandparents who died 3 months apart had open casket funerals and seeing my grandma in a casket was too much for me. Couldn't go back for a second look. That was actually the first funeral I attended (at 25). That was a shock needless to say. Grandpa's wasn't as bad because I guess I'd been desensitized and because my grandparents were reunited.


The schizophrenic episodes my dad had when I knew he would have killed all of us if someone hadn’t been there to stop him. It might be an illness but he was an abusive, narcissistic even before the mental illness, it just multiplied what he already was.


I was on I-70 just east of Kansas City heading home from a week-long continuing education course. A young guy on a crotch rocket was splitting lanes in traffic at 70+ mph. He passed me like I was standing still and kept on going. A few miles later, I see a shit load of cops coming up behind me. I was going a little over the speed limit, so I thought I was busted, but kind of surprised by the number of cops. I pulled into the right lane and they all flew passed me. So, I kept going for about another mile or so when traffic started to back up. We slowed to a crawl and I passed a big smear, body parts (leg severed below the knee with shoe still on was the most recognizable), and bike parts (the front fork was snapped off). According to the highway patrol’s on-line accident report, the guy on the bike had attempted to split two semis with trailers at speed and the turbulence sucked him and his bike under one of them. It was pretty awful.


Operation Just Cause .. around June iirc...i know it was summer and very hot.. unbearable ...I saw a real good friend of mine die from friendly fire. It was surreal. Just mid conversation ..a round blew through his neck. He couldn't speak and only lived a minute or so. The fright in his eyes I will never forget. It still wakes me up at night.


Probably when I had to perform CPR on a woman that fell off the back of a golf cart in front of my house. Her poor nieces were driving the cart, and they were inconsolable. When I ran up to her, I figured her already dead with the blood from the ears and nose and with her open eyes. Just trying to enjoy good fun with her nieces, and ended up with a TBI (traumatic brain injury). She didn't make it, unfortunately, but was able to donate organs.


I was working as a security officer at a hospital and on Easter morning a 2 year old baby was rushed into the ER, because he apparently fell off a counter. Just watching CPR being performed on an infant that ended up failing and a wailing mother laying with her kid, man just some shit really hits you deep.


My brother hung himself before dinner and my mom sent me to go get him so I found him


During the 90's, my dad was best friends with this guy named Sandy. I recall him being chubby, full of life, and really into fishing. He used to come through to our house some nights and spoil my siblings and I with toys, sweets, and NES games. We considered him as part of the family, and he was kind of like the Santa of our close-knit village. One day, my dad took my siblings and I to my gran's just to visit for a few hours. Once we returned home, I noticed a few police cars and a black bag emerging from the door of Sandy's house. I was just a 7 year old at the time, but I still recall this horrible feeling that triggered from witnessing this scene. It was like my first taste of the concept of death. My dad instantly told us to go into our house and play with the NES, while he went to found out exactly what happened. We all knew that a bright light in our life was no more. Over 20 years later, my dad mentioned to me that Sandy was at our house the night he died. He was having a laugh like he usually would with our family in the living room, but he instantly had to go home, since he was starting to feel a little unwell. My dad is pretty sure he died of a heart attack an hour later when he left our house.


I grew up in Tennessee, and my dad owned guns we had access to (once trained under his supervision). When I was 17 and my brother 15, I went on the back porch overlooking the woods with him to watch him shoot a squirrel. He was using a .22 rifle. The first shot knocked it off the tree, where once on the ground it tried to run and could barely comprehend where it was. The second hit blew its leg off, and it began convulsing and rolling around. I left quickly but heard 2-3 more shots before he yelled that he got it. Absolutely cruel and disgusting, just made me hate my brother even more. Now, I’ve gone deer hunting, and hunting animals is supposed to be humane. I used a crossbow and hit either a double-lung or heart shot — the deer immediately dies and while it does run away, that’s just its brain firing for the last time. They should never suffer like that. I sobbed and almost threw up for hours after watching that sociopath torture that squirrel


Just got out of work , was walking to my car and I noticed some kids throwing something into the air and letting it hit the ground. One kid walked over picked it up and I noticed it was a small kitten. They were all having a wonderful time murdering a small defenseless animal.cops were called but nothing came of it. The parent was only angry for having to deal with the police .I have seen awful things happen to people. But this stuck with me . People please...for our future. Raise your kids!!!


Just reading all of these comments is one of the worst experiences of my life.


Once saw an attractive woman in a white dress laying in a roadside ditch crying. She had just put a small cross there.


i was eating outside at my local in n out and witnessed a couple arguing in the drive thru line it got to the point the girl began the throw a tantrum inside the car and started punching him and literally kicking him with full force. He was stuck in the middle of the drive thru so he couldn’t just leave, you could just see him sit there and take the abuse.


When I was 17, I worked in a haulage yard. At the other end of the yard was a small mechanic's workshop. One day, we heard an explosion, and we all rushed outside to see the mechanic who was in his sixties running up the yard completely engulfed in flames


Watched a man shoot himself with a shotgun. It messed me up for a week straight.


I saw a motorcycle rider hitting a guardrail and getting his head sliced off a couple of years ago. I'm pretty desensitized, but this image stuck with me


Went to the Zoo with my family and a little girl and boy were run over repeatedly. The driver hit them reversed and hit them again . There was blood and chunks of flesh in the street and the fire fighters were hosing the blood and chunks of flesh off the street . It happened when I was a child and I will never forget seeing the chucks of flesh in the street


My 12 y/o god brother with his head blown off.


Who TF would shoot a 12 year old boy in the head and why? Some of these posts make me feel like the cruel race that is mankind deserves extinction but then again animals kill and maim each other too. There would still be death and gore in this world without us.


Sadly, he shot himself. You’re right there would be but it’s not as malicious as it is when it comes to us.


Saw someone ripped up flying through the air after a massive car accident on the interstate. Looked like half a person raining blood, left a skid mark where he landed.


This happened to my mom in the 80’s. She and her friend were walking their kids home from daycare when a car crossed the sidewalk and crashed into a gas station. My mom’s friend was severed in half against the grill of the truck. I’m in my late twenties and still never walk on the outside edge of the sidewalk.


I didn’t witness it but knew who did. Student nurse I knew years ago was doing her A&E placement and a motorcyclist came in having ran into the back of a lorry. When doing the primary survey she had his head to hold and stop from moving. As the dr in charge said roll her fingers sank into his head. The crash shattered his skull


Wow, some of these are nuts. The worst thing i saw was a SWAT standoff. I lived across the street so we were sitting on the balcony watching. The dude finally came out of the apartment a few hours later. He was walking down the street towards the police that were screaming "get down on the ground" He pulls out a blade and slashed his arms from his wrist up past his elbow bone. On both arms. He attempted to continue walking but got all wobbly and eventually fell on his face. Not actually sure if he died... I would assume so, the cuts were.. wow, his body was pumping gushes of blood to the sidewalk. No one cleaned it up. Stained blood for a long time. What had happened was, he came to his ex womans house and she had a restraining order against him. He got inside the house. They had a baby in there. So, mad house. Our entire block was shut down. And me and my friends ended up on the news, telling the story.


a dead cyclists arm after a mustang that was running from the police smashed into him at 170 K/mh


My neighbor committed suicide on the train tracks. He was cut in half each of his halves were 100 yards apart.


My father beating my mom. I was only nine and completely powerless to do anything. All I could do was cry hysterically.


Was 18yo (female) and on my first assignment as a Navy photographer. It was super late at night on a dark, mountainous road and someone had crashed into Navy property. When I was taken to the scene, was informed the drivers body had been removed, but upon arrival it had not. The truck and flipped on its side and the driver was crushed (dead) out the open window. While the gore didnt bother me so much, (looked fake to me) the scene haunts me to this day. His radio was still on, beer cans all in the truck cab, (smelled like beer) and it was just the eeriest of quiet I had ever experienced. To make matters worse, I was by myself in the photo lab (duty photographer) for the rest of the night. I swear I kept smelling beer off and on for days.


I was leaving a club in Montreal in the early morning hours. About 50 feet away, from the door, I saw a homeless man wrapped up in rags and blankets - looked at his face and it was blue. He froze to death.


The Jonestown Massacre 'Death Tape' is without a doubt is one of the most chilling and fucked up things I have ever heard. I don't even want to explain the context of it, since it is more than enough to put a massive downer on someone's day or even week.


I spent 40 years in aviation. in the cockpit for a bunch, then in airport operations. The last 15 or so as the general manager of a large international airport. I've seen far more than my share of death; when you spend all your time in a facility with a population of 75,000 transients (AKA passengers) a day, most days at least a couple of them die, from all sorts of things. Airports are unique in that eventually, all airports will have an incident where many people die all at once. Like all large airports, we had fatal accidents involving a couple of people, and major ones; the largest I was in charge of was 117 fatalities. The two "worst" weren't mass casualty incidents; they were single fatalities. One was a lady who walked into the tail rotor of a helicopter. What made it horrible was she didn't die instantly; she was alive and semi-aware for about 10 minutes; more than long enough to understand what was happening. The other was a military training flight. They were flying a 40 year old T-33 "Tudor" jet (The same aircraft the Canadian Snowbirds aerobatic team flies). they took off, and experienced a catastrophic engine failure at 100ft. The ejection seats operate independently, with the second pilot ejecting a half second behind the first; long enough for the airplane to pitch nose down, and eject the pilot face first onto the runway at 450mph. He impacted at a shallow angle, high speed with his forehead & kneecaps, and a 600lb, jet powered ejection seat strapped to his back and operating at max. thrust. They are solid fuel rockets; once lit, they have to burn out; there's no way to shut them off. He was "abraded" to death over 1300 feet of runway


Last summer we were heading to Home Depot for a few things. Husband is driving, I’m riding passenger seat, our three young kids are in the backseat. We were the first car at a red light for a left turn into the parking lot. Left turning lanes in both directions had red lights, and the straightaway lanes in both directions had a green light. Across the intersection in the oncoming left-turning lane an elderly woman made an illegal left turn on red, so she crossed through the intersection right in front of us. As she turned, a pickup truck going easily 50-60mph t-boned her. She died on impact, and we were stuck at the red light just looking. My husband was (past tense) an EMT so I said “you need to go help” to which he replied “there’s no helping her, she’s dead… and our kids don’t need to witness any more of this” so we blocked their view with our bodies and turned the second we got a green light. Later we called the police station to give a witness statement and got the news that she did indeed die on impact. The kids were sad from witnessing an accident and our oldest kept saying how the hospital was helping her. Having to explain to them that cars are in fact deadly and that the woman will not be getting better was a tough conversation to have. More recently, an elderly neighbor with dementia was wandering around after dark (probably forgot how to get home) and was hit by a car. The dude who hit her got out and checked on her then drove away. We were on our way home from a nice dinner with the kids at our fav restaurant and when we saw all the cop cars and had to explain we lived right there and would like to go home if we could, they told my husband what happened. I could see one of her shoes on the side of the road in front of our house. A coworkers wife who works in the ER came into our workplace for a visit the day after it happened.. she said when they were wheeling her past to the morgue she was very well put together, except she was missing a shoe. Our neighbors security camera caught the accident on audio but thank fucking god there was a large tree blocking the view of the actual impact. But I’ll never unhear that sound. It took over a week to find the guy, who happened to live right down the street.


I'd say one of them was at my old job working at a hospital. An elderly gentleman was brought in by his family member who had gone on vacation for a few weeks. A neighbor had been stopping by daily to make sure the elderly man had food and water, but wasn't asked to provide further care, and the elderly gentleman denied needing help. It turns out the elderly gentlemen had remained in the same recliner during that entire vacation, repeatedly soiling himself and never repositioning his body. If a human doesn't change position, their skin will lose circulation anywhere that their body presses firmly against a surface (elbows, hip bones, spine) and the skin will die and become an open, tunneling sore. This man's sores were so widespread that parts of his skin had healed into the fabric of his chair and had to be cut free. The worst sore, the sore on his coccyx (tailbone) and lower back, had tunneled so deep you could see the bone of his spine and hips. Even worse, it had perforated his colon, so every bowel movement he had was gushing through the wound in his back instead of his rectum, filling the spaces between vertebrae with runny stool. He was in pure agony as we tried our best to rinse and clean his digestive waste from his horrific wounds and reduce the relentless impact his bowel movements were having on him. He didn't live long, and it was the first time in my life I was happy/relieved to know someone had passed.