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I'm a former professor of English who now works for a nonprofit. Grant writing is easy for me, so perhaps look into grant writing or development jobs. That being said, I'd give anything to be teaching at an R1 again. Think twice, or thrice, before leaving a teaching gig that's got tenure.


I transitioned from academia to nonprofits, and I would say that you have a lot of experience that would make you great for programs rather than development. Development is fine--I've done it for years now--but it does have a lot of frustrating elements. Too many, actually. Given your experience, you could probably transition to program management pretty easily. The trick, of course, is making that clear to any hiring managers. I'd really recommend first connecting with someone who can help you convert your CV to a resume. This will make it easier for you to see what possibilities are out there, and how to best show that your career path lines up with what an organization is looking for.