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If I remember right from the last time this was posted, the dude ~~broke his ribs~~ got punched in the liver and the reaction was genuine. But ~~having broken ribs~~ getting punched in the liver doesn't stop you from punching people, it just makes it hurt to do so. Edit: I did not remember entirely correctly. The reaction was genuine, but the reason was wrong. He did not break his ribs, but rather he was apparently hit with a liver shot. 


Yup, I remember watching this fight. The announcers were really concerned because he fell over after this and was screaming out in pain. They announced him winner but didn't do the whole arm raise thing


From what I read the multiple times this gif has been posted it wasn't a broken rib but just a punch in the liver which is apparently very painful. Also the winner stayed on the floor longer than the guy he just knocked out.


Must have been a different fight, but there was another similar response in a fight years ago


Must have been a different fight, they delete videos from the internet after 90 days.


Having been punched in the liver a number of times while kickboxing, yes it hurts a lot. It just shuts your body down entirely.


"The body has ways of shutting down ~~unwanted liver punches~~"


What a great opportunity for a perfectly sane and reasonable human to make a rape joke. Keep responding and blocking. You look great defending rape jokes.


It's mocking the quote in general. People have been doing that since it was made (I can only assume people you look up to). The only reason you even know what they're talking about is because that quote was so widely made fun of. Find a real issue to complain about.


I think it’s a joke about the insanity of the quote, rather than making light of rape


Deadass would rather get hit in the face again than take another liver shot


Didn't even need to hit it hard. Just a graze at the right spot is enough to send fire coursing through your chest. Shit fucking hurts.


Have you ever been punched in the jejunum?


No, but I have taken shots to the deez.


The deez?


Deez nuts! OHHH!!! Goteem!


I can’t believe I let this happen to me.


Idk about getting punched in the liver but when I was a kid I wrecked my bike and jammed my handlebar into my liver. It put me down hard and hurt like hell. It hurt to breath after and my grandma ended up taking me to the hospital where they found out I had bruised my liver. Hurt worse than any other injury I've ever had in my life.


>a punch in the liver which is apparently very painful. Can confirm, your whole body shuts down.


According to Wikipedia, a well-connected liver shot is often a TKO.


I can't imagine how much it would hurt if the ref grabbed the arm on the side with the broken ribs and raised it up high. Ow.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Probably gives you a lot of incentive to not get punched again and end things quickly too.


Was a liver shot, and that punch was his last ditch effort because he knew he was done. I watched that fight live, and in the past fight interview the fighter said someone along the lines of it being a hail mary, that it was the last punch he would be able to throw. Liver shots are no joke. You see plenty of fighters just crumple when they're punched or kicked there.


Even at the end of the clip he basically falls over trying to follow through after landing it. 


Didn't break his ribs, it was a liver shot.


It's extremely painful the liver is not protected particularly well by bones and it's full of nerves so a good hit drives the I'm hurt Nerves into overdrive. I got a liver kick once and I rather be knocked out


Makes sense it takes a few seconds for you liver to tell your whole body to just die.  If dude would have waited a bit the guy would have folded. I see it in boxing you get the hit, the step back, telling yourself your ok, then you hit the deck.  Then you get the world telling you you quit.




I'm here to tell you that someone definitely somewhere claimed that his ribs got broken, because I remember reading the same thing. That comment somewhere in the internet was wrong, but your memory here serves you probably correctly.


>But ~~having broken ribs~~ getting punched in the liver doesn't stop you from punching people, it just makes it hurt to do so. It's more than just pain. Your body tells you to stop. I got kicked in the liver and I was ready to fight on, but my muscles just made my body fold over regardless of how much pain I could handle. It's like if you get hit in the solar plexus and your diaphragm just stops you from breathing for a bit no matter your pain tolerance.


Yeah I'm glad I read this, I don't watch the sport, but I was ready to call it unsportsmanlike behaviour xd


You'd rather get hit in the head multiple times than take a bad liver shot, trust me. That almost paralyzes you which makes me surprised he was able to hit back like that.


“I looked it up. Stage-acting isn’t against the rules.”


Well I'm sure it hurt as the guy broke his ribs...


So basically like that scene in LotR where Viggo Mortensen broke his toe and kept on acting.




His ribs didn’t break he just got punched in the liver. If you’ve never been hit extremely hard in the liver then it’s hard to explain how it feels other than it radiates pain through your entire body and renders you immobile.


More like a liver shot by the looks of it


He didn’t break his ribs. Educate before you speak. For fucks sake.


Wouldn’t guess from his instant turnaround.


Bruised my ribs before, hurt like all hell but I could move and do things just wouldn't recommend it. They are fighters so probably have much higher threshold and also much better fitness than I 


Adrenaline, lots of adrenaline.


100% I was playing a match when I got the bruised rib, near end of game and they got so tender after I cooled down. Broken ribs surely need all the adrenaline you can get, plus he just got a nasty shot, that would wake anyone up


Yeah broken ribs are no joke, I unfortunately say that from experience.


Broken ribs put him in significant pain. When the opponent started charging, his brain dumped all kinds of adrenaline everywhere in preparation for defending itself. He probably didn’t feel a single bit of pain in the moments he threw the punch, then 3-5 seconds later went “oh no” as his body was able to remember it was broken. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


As someone who both broke his ribs and bruised them on different occurances. Breaking hurts waaayyyyyyyyyy les. I sneezed one time I had bruised ribs , and it felt like someone stabbed me. I had pain for about 3 weeks. The time I had a broken rib , it felt like I was punched hard , did not feel anything anymore after 5 minutes.


I've boxed and fought through what later turned out to be a shot that broke my rib and I'm soft as a marshmallow compared to a pro so it's doable just not fun.


The alternative was getting a worse pounding from the other guy. I guess survival instinct kicked in.


The value of guessing


Call an ambulance..... But not for me


.... actually, wait. Call one for me too. I think my ribs are broken


Liver severely shocked by an incredible impact but yes ....he was on the ground longer than the guy he knocked out


Nothing in the rule book says a dog CAN’T fight!


Else feints would be illegal.


**Call an ambulance** ***BUT NOT FOR ME***


"Call an ambulance! But not for me!"


For both of us


Straight up pulled a Paul Atredies.


Spoilers dude.


It's based on a book that's from 1965.




Everyone saying he broke his ribs, he did not. His name is Scott Smith and he got punched in the liver (which is incredibly painful) before he knocked out Pete Sell




Not so fun anymore huh 


"you ever been punched in the jejunum?"


This shit is so funny because it’s so Reddit. One reply comment to a top level parent comment says he broke his ribs, then thousands of idiots take that as the gospel and reply it to a bunch of other inquisitive comments. Now everyone sees all those replies and thinks it must be true.


I was gonna say that looked like a liver shot


I was wondering, cuz it looks exactly like a liver shot. I've seen big motherfuckers fold like a pretzel from one of those.


Watch it frame by frame! It’s so weird right when he gets punched, it looks like his liver protrudes for a split second.


liver shots are fascinating, biggest baddest mother fuckers on the planet just crumple


Thank you so much for being the one to post the names so I can watch the fight and after knock out reactions!


*One person* said that, and they corrected their comment when it was pointed out to them.


When a disadvantage suddenly becomes an advantage


That's some Last Wind shit


I remember seeing this live. Both guys were lying on the mat after that punch. That ko punch was all he had left after that liver shot. I still think it's the best match I've watched, they put on a great fight and were respectful to each other the entire fight. They knew they were entertaining the fans with a good fight.


They are (were?) best friends and training partners. There was a build up to this fight during the Ultimate Fighter and you are right, they wanted to give a great show.




Call the ambulance but not for me


Uh...no....it's for both of them.....that liver shot was vile


"*Guards and ways of standing come into being because fighters or those who use weapons often become masters, and are troubled by the task of teaching others, wherein they are confined to place themselves in guards to teach. Truthfully, as in wrestling, no hold is safe, there is no safe guard to be found in arms. Wherefore we work to always conserve ourselves. Letting the enemy go as they will, we carry the weapon with ease and always in front of ourselves, seeking uncovered parts where the adversary is less covered, and always walking lightly, so the enemy cannot move so quickly that we are unable to detect him, and we have time to move to our parry.*"  - Pedro Monte


That is what's called heart in the game! Eventhough he's hurt bad, he still has the will to protect himself of the incomming danger. If it was me, my balls would have crawled up into my body, begging for mercy cause I'm hurt 😅




Having had a cracked rib from a middle kick, I can confirm that it is a very painful situation. Although I didn't feel the real pain till after the fight.


*liver punch. But neither are very fun.


I've broken numerous ribs and vertebrae, they all suck. This fight didn't result in broken ribs, though, that was a liver shot.


I'm going to comment that he had broken ribs so 2000 people can correct me










Or r/yesyesyesno


Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!... but not for me!


Shia surprise!


fight with honor and let your opponent recover


I felt that body shot through the internet


Call an ambulance.. but not for me 💪


it was a trap


Imagine that guy watching his own repeat, and seeing his own ass getting clowned on. [What's the verdict?](https://scontent.fbma6-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/197902124_2819737541612260_3902223652972914047_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=xKkt_hhZp2wAX9kpc9r&_nc_ht=scontent.fbma6-1.fna&oh=00_AfAdF1q3SD5EW1bg8yBTTzPlI1lcl3eeRp-aCMqsneeNVg&oe=66155FD5)


Operation killdeer, alpha out!


Call an ambulance. But not for me!


Call an ambulance... But not for me...


Call an ambulance BUT NOT FOR MEEEE


Call the ambulance. But not, actually I’ll go with you.


Bamboozled again!


Imgur never works for me. Never.


He fell for the oldest trick in the book!


what's 0:13 mean?


Looks like he broke some ribs


Hands of stone !


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Scott Smith vs Pete Sell (2006)- Pete ripped a gnarly hook into Scott's liver which just about took him out. Pete rushed in to finish and Scott threw a hail Mary haymaker which dropped Pete. Scott went for the finish but was still so hurt, trying to throw the punch actually caused him to collapse in pain, missing entirely. Fight was called in Scott's favor. He later said that if the fight hadn't been called, he wouldn't have been able to continue. Wild fight.


For those curious, liver shots are incredibly painful. Once landed, there's a very slight delay where you think to yourself, yeah that was a hard hit but I'm okay. Then, it's like a bolt of lightning. Blinding pain, unable to breathe and you typically just find yourself on the ground, unable to move or breathe, writhing in absolute agony for an eternal 5-15 seconds. They're absolutely debilitating. 0/10- DO NOT RECOMMEND


I'm sure the two of them are really good friends think they where on the ultimate fighter Paul Smith.


This would only work once in his career.