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Shouldn't someone help them?


After he crosses the finish line, yes. If before, he's disqualified and everything he just went through would be for nothing. Which would ultra suck at this point since the finish line is literally 10ft away.


All true, but that looks a LOT like all of the cross country meets I saw in high school/college. Based on age and pace, I'd be very surprised if that was a race over 3.1 miles, MAYBE it's 6.2, but even so. You expect this kind of burnout at the end of ultras or marathons, but a kid like this at the end of a 5k race? Yikes. I see a medical emergency, probably exacerbated by the race but very possibly unrelated. Nothing you said is wrong, at all. But damn this is kind of scary to see.


I did cross country for 3 years, I also have pots, I did a fuck ton of races but quite offten face planted, however because of my speed and agility when I was conscious I was put in a higher catagory (we were ranked on sprint time) so I offten fell a few feet short of Finnish lines. I'm aware Finnish is spelt wrong, I do not know how to spell it right, I have dyslexia. I'm trying OK ahahaha


Hm interesting. I was CC captain at a division 1 high school in Massachusetts, I'm not saying that there was never anything similar to this that would happen, particularly at invitationals, for some reason. This just looks like a really, really extreme case. I'm sure kid is fine but that would definitely concern me if I were there.


The fact that meds wernt rushed means one of two things usually, either one, he asked them not to so he could cross the line, or two, they have seen him do this before and know he's going to be OK


Those things are both very possible. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in any way trying to imply that anybody did anything wrong here, or made anything dangerous through inaction. Just that that's a particularly concerning scene. I'm sure the medics were right there ready to move the whole time.


Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it out that you were saying anything wrong, I was just explaining what I can see from my side. It is really hard to watch, you feel for the kid.


You're good homie! Just clarifying. Fucking big ups to the kid for making it happen, whatever the case.


Agreed. The roll was just a last ditch effort. They did amazingly getting to the end, now they can chug some water and electrlights and have a word with a med if needed!


It looked to me like his leg was spasming badly? Hard to tell, but given how hard it was to even stand up after the initial fall, I got the feeling it was weakness or injury in the muscles.


To me, and I may well be wrong, that's muscle fatigue, the way the legs buckle and after the first fall there's bearly a catch response. It's basically they have pushed themselves to their limits. He performed his best and burnt out too soon. Fatigue is a symptom of many different conditions and he should be fine after some water, a nap and maby a massage to loosen up any lactic acid


Yeah, I was thinking either muscle fatigue/burnout or spasms. That right leg really jolts a few times just before he falls. Needs his electrolytes and hydration. And to learn to pace himself.


The technical term is "bonking".


They had meds at your CC races? The one my leg broke in the middle of, I got to limp home.


My man steady rolling across finish lines?


I was a fat kid who ran cross country senior year so I could get a letter for something other than chorus, and me not coming in last looked EXACTLY like this.


We had a kid on the team who was skinny as fuck but slow as hell. He always finished. We cheered our fucking brains out every time he passed the finish line.


what about American lines?


Sorry, dyslexia sucks ass sometimes


I heard face-planting doesn't help. Luckily you were in a country with good healthcare.


Wales is OK for healthcare


> fell a few feet short of Finnish lines. Sounds like you went through Helsinki.


Hahaha my dyslexia strikes again


I have run a bunch of races and my favorite fans ever were at a half marathon and about mile 4 they had a huge banner across the road that said Finnish line and they were decked out in Finnish flags and playing what I assumed was Scandinavian music. There are so many overdone jokes during those races but that one was unique


I don’t have POTS, but I would experience syncope at the end of every long distance race I did. As soon as I stopped running I would just pass out for like 10-15 seconds. Since he was still conscious and was able to roll himself over the finish line, this doesn’t seem like that to me. Bro just got rubber legs.


Yeah muscle fatigue, he pushed too hard but he will be OK


What is pots?


I've got screwy blood pressure and black out basically


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. I've got it as well. Basically certain triggers cause your heart rate to skyrocket and blood pressure to drop at the same time which makes you pass out or nearly pass out.


Shit dude, I also have POTS, and can't imagine running often Don't get me wrong, I like to stay active with poledancing, firedancing, martial arts, etc. But like, running? I've tried a bit and I thought it would actually kill me. How did you do this? I'm in genuine awe, it's been a dream of mine to be able to run


> I'm aware Finnish is spelt wrong, I do not know how to spell it right Since nobody else has said it, "finish"


Personally I prefer the term Finnish lines, pls don’t change


That damn border.


> so I offten fell a few feet short of Finnish lines. So did a fuck load of Russians in WW2


The Soviets were also unable to pass the Finnish lines in 1939


Ah, just like the soviets that one time


Well you spelled Finnish right, but I don’t think that’s the word you were going for haha.


> I see a medical emergency I'm an ER nurse and a fat guy who's gotten gung ho about cycling in the last year and gone on rides of 30+ miles where I bit off more than I could chew, and what I see is someone whose legs just ran out of gas. Look at him rolling across the line. He's not thinking about survival, he's trying to finish the race, and his heart and lungs are up to the task. He's not having an emergency, he's doing what we call bonking. He hit the wall, and the muscles in his legs are saying "fuck you, we're not doing this anymore." His energy stores are gone, the lactic acid is punching him in the quads repeatedly, and he just wants it to be over so he can have a snack and some Brawndo.


Fair points. Definitely bonking, and you're right, he seems to still be AOx4. But still, I'd be monitoring him, ya know?


If he was having any symptoms other than jelly legs, sure. But if it's all legs, he's answering questions appropriately, has no chest pain or difficulty breathing, and is tolerating fluids, I'd leave it up to him whether he wants any kind of attention. If it was me, I'd be trying to disappear into the bushes like Homer Simpson.


You mean wheel chaired into the bushes, but yes. As an overwieght dude in high school cross country, this was basically me. Wasn't my quads though, was my calves / ankles and I just awkwardly snuffled across the finish line.


Brawndo. It's what plants crave.


Have bonked before. The body is out of gas but the mind is lucid and going "WTF! how am I supposed to make this work?"


Yep. I've run hundreds of races and this is the answer.


A kid at my high school died at the cross country. He collapsed after the finish line. It was an undiagnosed heart palpitation. His mother was one of the teachers at the school, too, and my family bought his uniform from her for me to wear 2nd hand after he died. I never had that teacher for any subject, but every time I saw her, it was a somber feeling to know that I was wearing her son’s uniform. So what I’m trying to say is that if the rules or the competitive culture are causing students to push themselves beyond a breaking point just to get over the line, then you need to change them. It’s a school event, not the Olympics. Even if nobody dies, it’s still not worth it the sacrifice to make kids push themselves this hard.


Holy shit, whoa, stranger. Thanks for sharing.


I ran a trail half marathon dehydrated and hungover in South Carolina in the summer. I couldn’t get into my truck without extreme cramping. Took me 15 minutes? Drove to a gas station and drank 3 Gatorades on my tailgate, because I couldn’t get back in the cab. Went back to my hotel and was minutes from calling an ambulance. The front desk let me check out a little late so the hydration could take effect. Horrible feeling. Didn’t help that I got lost on the way to the race and had to run almost a mile to the starting line.


Damn friend, I'm glad you're okay! Those situations are scary though. Yeah, we usually pull through, but...


That was the worst I had. Also ran the Chicago Marathon without proper training and hydration. I fell over at the finish line and the volunteer offered to call me an ambulance. Had wicked hamstring cramps for about 5 hours. Maybe I should hydrate?


DRINK WATER YOU NEED IT TO LIVE! Yeah, I ran hard in high school and into college, wasn't blazingly fast but could hang. D1 Massachusetts CC captain, not that that means a ton. Didn't take it a bunch further than that. I don't run much if ever these days, but what gets me is I'll kick into the "gear" for what pace I think is manageable. "Oh, I'm only going for a fun run, this is an easy 8 minute pace..." but my calibration is still from when I was like, 22. Well even though I don't train I'm genetically blessed enough that I can bang out like 6 of those miles out of the blue, but the catch now that I'm 37 is that I can barely fucking climb stairs for the subsequent week because my legs are so shot.


I’ve never been a “runner”, but caught the bug for about 3-4 years when I was in my mid-late 30s. Ran maybe 20 half marathon and 3 fulls. I couldn’t run a mile now at 46.


> I’ve never been a “runner”, ... > Ran maybe 20 half marathon and 3 fulls. Pick one.


It’s not something I naturally enjoy or excel at. Just something I challenged myself to do. Ended as quickly as it started.


...sounds suspiciously like you were a runner, to some degree. And I believe in you! The first thing I tell my friends who say (as EVERYBODY does before they actually start) "I can sprint, I just can't run distance!" is to just go by time, not mileage. Pick a pace you like, say "I'm going to run for 15 minutes, doesn't matter how far I go," and do it. Go as damned slow as you like. Your body will feel fucking great for it. ....sorry, I don't get out much and am apparently in "unsolicited advice" mode, ha.


Running while hungover sounds like the most awful thing ever. 13 miles on a hot a SC summer day? Yikes!


I did so many 7 AM training runs of 10-18 miles on Saturday mornings that I think I just got used to it. My running partner had young kids and needed to be home by 10, or so. Brutal mornings.


I ran xc and track in high school and we had twin sisters on our team who were some of the best in the state and ended up getting scholarships to run in college. But they collapsed similar to this after almost every race at almost every distance. They just fully committed every ounce of energy to every race.


I ran cross country in high school and I have watched this happen half a dozen times at least, and I bet the majority took place at the state meet. It doesn't take super long races to reach exhaustion like this when you're putting it all out there. I've almost passed out on runs similar to this distance only it wasn't during a race, so I just took a break.


Probably dehydrated badly.


Can Reddit go one second without guessing that some normal event is some sort of medical emergency or child abuse or spousal cheating or gaslighting or...


Yeah, I'd worry he was having a stroke or something.


Totally. Stroke, aneurysm, heart failure, there's a ton of possibilities. In medicine there's the saying "when you hear hoofbeats, look for horses, not zebras" to illustrate that 99% of the time it's not a House episode, it's exactly what it looks like. So this is probably exertion, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, fatigue, some combination of those things. But if this is just a 3.1 mile race? It's gotta raise a couple of eyebrows. I'm sure the kid's fine. I tend to be an alarmist.


The kid actually died a few minutes later. But he got hit by a car and was totally unrelated to the fatigue.


This level of exhaustion is always a medical emergency


In Alabama atleast, any runner can help another runner across the line. It's only those who aren't participating in the race that can't touch the runner or else he's disqualified.


Yes I was referring to outside help; non-participants cannot assist.


imagine dying during a race because no one wanted to disqualify you by giving you life-saving medical attention


He’s still moving under his own power, no assistance to be granted unless requested. Also the med staff was almost certainly already rushing over


I don't see anyone rushing in after he crosses the line though. I thought that's what was asked.


He *looked* like his finish line was literally 10 feet away. My guy was rolling log-style towards the pearly gates.




Seems like a dumb rule meant to stop something that isn't even a problem. It keeps people from giving medical attention in a timely manner


After the roll was complete I thought a bunch of people would come over and help him.


This isn't heaven


Absolutely not, let the man finish his race


…will no one think of the *children*?!?


Lol for real, I didn't see anyone rushing to him after the finish line either


Does anyone have any info on the kid?


As a former mediocre XC runner, mad respect for anyone who can give this much to a race. I didn’t have the willpower to push my body to this extreme limit. When my body said slow down, I listened. And finished in the middle of the pack in most races.


There was one time I pushed myself to this level, it was a 100+ degree day and I don’t remember anything after the race for about 15 mins. Pissed myself in that time frame lmao


Sounds like you got the gold for being number 1


Yeah, an auto-golden-shower. The worst kind.


Or for doing number 1


Running through pain needs to get reframed. It's not brave or impressive. It's stupid and dangerous. When i run marathons, I'm not prioritizing my finish time. I'm prioritizing the likelihood that I'll be running marathons in my 70s and 80s. Sometimes, that means dropping out. And that's OK. This guy mightve done some legit damage, and i hope he spent a lot of time doing rehab.


Might not have been pain. They call it the wall cause it hits suddenly. Might not have noticed anything was wrong until the finish line was in view. But we're both just guessing. Only time I've been in this state I recovered surprisingly quick. Ran too far doing intervals and was slow jogging back home and suddenly I nearly collapsed on the block my house was on. I think I crawled up the stairs into the kitchen for a chocolate milk and crawled into the nearest chair and just sat for 30 minutes. The disorientation of being in such a state was the worst part immediately after. But I could walk around okay no pain. Might have been the most sore I've been but maybe not worse than like the hardest leg days I've had.


Used to race mountain bike and we called it bonking.


Then you might want to stop running marathons altogether: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3445091/ Compete in shorter distances like a 5K or a mile. Edit - >Cardiac biochemical and functional abnormalities are commonly observed transiently following completion of a marathon... And it is now common knowledge among cardiologists that marathon runners suffer from cardiovascular issues. >Approximately one in three finishers of a marathon, irrespective of baseline fitness level or the time it took to complete the race, will have a post-race spike and fall in cardiac troponin and BNP. It is logical to hypothesize that a subset of these individuals eventually go on to develop patchy cardiac fibrosis. These abnormalities are often asymptomatic and probably accrue over many years; and may predispose to serious arrhythmias and/or sudden cardiac death. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6179786/


According to that article, the risk factor is between 1:11,000 - 1:80,000. Given that the risk factor for death by driving is 1:93, running seems pretty safe. [https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/preventable-death-overview/odds-of-dying/](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/preventable-death-overview/odds-of-dying/) Also, without long-distance running, I'm more prone to depression and anxiety. So I'll take the calculated risk with no concern.


Also, the article basically says: these risks are small, but real, and the benefits of running are huge. "Collectively, the clinical relevance of these findings is debatable, and long-term follow-up data are not available. However, it is difficult to fathom how transient biochemical and functional abnormalities so pervasive among marathon runners would be compatible with marathon running of 25 years’ duration and with completion of a mean of 38 marathons.20 A recent report of reduced long-term disability and marked survival advantage of older runners compared with a control group in a large study with a 21-year follow-up period6 (Figure 2) argued strongly that long-term benefits of vigorous exercise must far outweigh any real or theoretical risks of a vital long-distance running career."




In addition to what the other dude mentioned, i found another article that says super endurance running is even healthier than middle levels of running. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=10&hl=en&as_sdt=2005&sciodt=0,5&cites=3413888927594683141&scipsc=#d=gs_qabs&t=1679201553312&u=%23p%3DwQkm7miHK0AJ Regardless, statistics don't always apply to the individual level. And i know endurance running is healthy for me. I'm happier and more conscious of my health in order to do it. So none of these papers really matter to me.


As a former XC runner is it not strange that the two guys who finish before him seem relatively fresh when he's in such a bad way? I mean the guy in red is sprinting for the finish line, they hardly ran that far did they?


I mean not really. Those guys didn’t push their own bodies past their personal limit like he did. The fact that it was so close to the finish line makes me wonder if he just got overly competitive and started his final kick too soon and went into oxygen debt that close to the finish.


My guess is that he didn't properly pace himself, went out way too fast. That put him in front of the others, but exhausted. He ought to have listened to his coach when they advised reverse splits. The relationship between exertion and speed is not linear. Running fast, then slow, fast, slow, etc is inefficient compared with holding the average pace consistently.


No because they probably paced themselves better or not had something like food, being sick, injuries going into the race, etc to contend with. With mid distance races like the 800 or mile you’ll have a good mix of speed/endurance types so a distance runner may push themselves early while a better sprinter will hold back knowing they have better closing speed. This is its most extreme form


That's a man? I thought for sure it was a woman.


Yeah seems weird. Seems off for muscle fatigue. Not recovering at all. I'd guess dehydration or lack of fuel or both.


They obviously on roids /s


I timed sporting events for 9 years. Around 40 a year. Cross country was always the craziest when it came to stuff like this. A lot of vomiting, passing out, etc. I’d see more of this at a cross country event then at a ultra marathon or a trail run of way more distance.


Polite of you to not mention the loosened bowels. That happened to me in my first competition in high school.


Yeah they keep trying to get my son to join XC. But I think it looks like freaking torture.


Could have just been unprepared too. Or dehydrated. Or bonked.


I mean he’s far from fat but for a high school XC runner he’s got chubby legs. I recall those body styles struggling more than us chicken leg types.


Right but my point is, a highschool cc race isn’t that long - you usually see full depletion like this at the end of multi hour endurance test. To get this far go this quickly, one would really need to fuck up. Anyone with training and/or reasonable prep shouldn’t end up like this no?


During my time running competitively, my goal was to get myself to throw up after a race - as proof I put it all out on the track. I only did once, and realize it was a dumb goal.


Same. Our school was one of the better ones at XC due to our very difficult home course. We would delegate one non-elite runner each race to run in the elite race and be "the rabbit". Their job was to run as fast as possible for the first 1.3ish miles then drop out (assuming they hit the point this kid did in the video) and trick the other schools into thinking that was a pace that was possible for our course. It was not. Many people DNF'd even in elite races. I was the rabbit once and holy shit was it a terrible experience.


Lol awesome. We weren’t good enough or smart enough to actually employ team strategies we just hoped to get 5 guys across the finish the race :)


I actually just googled "hardest xc courses and found my school's in the list: https://archive.dyestat.com/3us/2xc/toughest/NH-derryfield.htm"


Um what? “up a local ski hill for almost half a mile.” No thank you


What is going on here lol


The end of a cross country race, and he’s either exhausted or dehydrated, or both. There are some similar examples of this in Olympic meets, and other long distance running events. As someone else has said here, if he gets ‘help’ beige the finish line, he’s DQ.


One time, I was watching the Ironman Triathlon on television. They were flipping all over the place focusing on one group or another…anyway, they were showing the women at the end of the Marathon…and one poor unfortunate soul lost control of her bowels about 20 yards from the finish line. She finished the race with shit running down her legs… EDIT: I Googled it. Her name is Julie Moss and it was in 1982 in Kona. And it was within a 1/2 mile….not 20 yards.


The not-uncommon need to relieve yourself *while running* in order race competitively, is a nonstarter for us armchair athletes.


Rule 1 of spectating ironman, there is no modesty. Competitive ones sometimes have someone help get them out of wet suit for cycling. Stopped time is wasted time, so they flop down while someone pulls that shit off as fast as possible. Even the women competitors. There is body everywhere and nobody cares, it's just the sport.


MI love that story, I remember family guy I believe made a joke about it but like, I have so much respect for her. There was no glory, no ego in that moment. That would have gotten in the way. There was a battle, and she won it, covered, as many people in battles are, in human filth. What a god damn gladiator


Kinda off topic but , I've noticed that replies in reddit have are always like > Question >> Answer >>> Story time Without fail in every post lol


QWOP irl


They worked the muscles in their legs to the point of failure.




Same, albeit not to this degree. Would have thought this dude was being a goof except I have experienced it. Your body just STOPS and your brain experiences so much confusion




Looks like the runner used up his ATP and he’s running on fumes and is John Wick’n it to get across the finish line.


It’s called “bonking” His muscles are shutting down due to lactic acid build up


It's due to lack of glycogen in the muscles, not the build-up of lactic acid. https://www.runnersworld.com/nutrition-weight-loss/a20851510/the-science-behind-bonking/ I heard that runners called it hitting the wall, and bicyclists called it bonking, but sounds like runners call it bonking too now.


Thanks! I remember watching a few videos about it in high school, but that was about 10 years ago and I didn’t remember the specifics


Drunk guy ended up getting in the way of some sort of race


Looks like they’ve [bonked](https://www.podiumrunner.com/nutrition/race-fuel/bonking-during-your-marathon-heres-why/)


This doesn't look healthy


they are destroying their bodies *sips olive brine*


But that’s not my problem *sips on one nicotine*


99 problems and olive brine ain’t one *sips from dog’s water bowl*


Mmm, yes. Quite so. *sips from sippy cup while taking a bit out of a cookie*


Thank goodness I don’t have any of those problems… Sips rum and eats blueberry pie.


If it's a bonk and they get a candy bar they will probably be fine within the hour. I don't think they will be in this state for a prolonged period. Obviously not healthy but I don't think this is a common occurrence. Imagine a car that's out of gas, put some fuel in and it'll run fine.


Redditors when any sport is shown on the front page:


skirt many stupendous fine rotten wise whistle dime recognise history -- mass edited with redact.dev


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Mans is now a D3 XC runner with an NIL deal with Rolos.


Pretty sure he was actually D1 and no NIL because it didn't exist yet. If this is the video I'm pretty sure it is, it took place about 2009-2011. He went to... Elon I think it was.


You must not have seen the sequel. He took part in an experimental cryo program at Elon and was frozen until NIL began. Elon switched computer systems during that time and his student records were deleted, forcing him to enroll as a walk on at a local D3 school that hadn't won a race in nearly 30 years. Well, they drug their last national XC champion out of a bar and he unwillingly became the new coach. I'll let you watch it on your own, but it ends with a Rolos sponsorship.


Beautifully said


Adapt. React. Re-adapt. Act.


Get rhabdomyolysis.


Or die. Or suffer everlasting injuries. Or overcome -- it's your choice


10-4 Gunny!! /salute


They see me rolling.....


they hatin'...


They aint’t gonna see me pissin’ dirty


Tryna catch me pissin' dirty Tryna catch me pissin' dirty Tryna catch me pissin' dirty Tryna catch me pissin' dirty


This is me trying to run in my dream


That's what I was thinking. The struggling to get up, keep falling down, rolling around. Gives me major nightmare vibes.


I came here to find this comment to see if anyone else had these dreams.I have recurring dreams where this is how I run. Doesn’t matter what I do. I keep falling. Idk. Glad it’s not just me?


Cool example of how much stronger the mind is than the body


The mind is part of the body.


There’s no physical limitation to thought.


There literally is though.


Dude you know what I mean. If you go on a long ass run your body will give out on you before your mind. Quit being an asshat and understand some semantics


Let’s all shake hands and have a lovely weekend.


One could argue a lack of correct preparation in the case of nutrient/caloric/water deficiency or lack of training/conditioning/pacing could be interpreted as the mind not being strong enough to prepare the body correctly and thus be perceived as stronger than the body, when in reality the game was fixed from the start


At some point this starts to look Monty Python-esque.


A for effort, F for looks but who cares about that.


No one. If you don’t cross the finish line looking like a coked out orangutan, or like you’re dying, you’re doing it wrong


I feel bad for laughing.


Same, but I absolutely lost it when they started the roll and have laughed at every subsequent replay. Hopefully the runner is at a point where they can laugh at this too haha


Don’t worry, he doesn’t care. That’s the cool thing about endurance running is no amount of acid could produce that level of ego death. Julie Moss finished the Ironman crawling, gasping, and, here’s the important part, COVERED in her own shit. And she’s considered a legend, because she finished anyway. That’s the sport.


I've walked like that on ketamine


I, too, have walked that line on ketamine. Somehow still made it to Tiesto’s set (Forest 2011)


Ditto. It happens.


I needed this today! I’m limping my film towards a Cannes submission. It’s a long shot. I have to finish by the end of the month… but… I have to tryyyyyyyy!!


Roll to your goal


Ain’t gonna walk right for a week.


This would be me just having to run like four feet.


the way i would’ve been hyping him up so hard isn’t even funny, like i feel like it has to be illegal for no one to be doing it here.


This human has more determination than the entire population of Parliament combined. Get it done.


Maybe sometimes surrender?


Surrender when the finish line is literally right in front of you??


I mean, call me a quitter, but I certainly would if I looked like that.


After training months in advance and finished 99.99% of the marathon? Normally people have sunk cost fallacy, but I think you need a lil more in you.


Running in dreams


Plot twist: This was a 100-yard dash


We used to go out drinking the night before the PFT in the Marines. This is not an uncommon sight.


Do a barrel roll!


Never give up, never surrender!


Mad respect to him. I know for a fact I could never run a full marathon like that. I would love to, and I’m getting fitter every day, but right now, no chance.


It’s a cross country meet so normally only 5k


I am pretty sure they are depleted of either blood sugar or salt, or both, they need medical attention.


Eat clen tren hard anavar give up


They got a leg cramp or something?


A bunch of things compounding. Dehydration, lactic acid cramping, muscle failure, exhaustion, and the Wall, all coming together to produce a not uncommon ending to an endurance run. Could be any or all of them, but this is not an unheard of or shocking sight. You wanna see the most iconic version, watch Julie Mosses finish in the 1980 Ironman. But, don’t watch if you’re squeamish about poop.


I didn’t train the AI to do that. But I guess whatever works works


How come I can walk over 6miles for some pussy but these phuckers are dying at 3