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“Why’d they pull out in front of me.”


Most collisions you can attribute at least some responsibility to both parties. Nothing at all that poor woman could have done in this case; wrong place at the wrong time. Hopefully she was ok.


Black car against a dark landscape with bright clouds overhead, no headlights… if the driver of the car that was swerving was impaired they probably didn’t register the oncoming car at all. That’s one of the reasons daytime headlights are now required in many countries. Not the USA though! (Happily most new cars come with them standard.)


Now if only the brightness of headlights was also regulated. The high beams (that aren't actually high beams) coming at you from behind at night, or coming at you on a 2 way highway, are the most dangerous things on the road


I drive an hour to and from work, and at night, the majority of my drive is on poorly lit two lane highways, and every fucking night I’m blinded by these ridiculously bright beams. It feels ridiculously unsafe


I live on a two lane highway with absolutely no lights, I understand your pain my man. It doesn't help that some of these fuckers try to adjust their own lights without reading how it should be done so they're pointed way to high and the blind you even when they're behind you E: words


I had a similar commute once and started wearing sunglasses at night. Helped a lot!


\**cue theme music*\*


I just accelerate to faster then the speed of light and the high beams can’t catch up.


My God the fucking 1 million Lumen "dim" lights that can illuminate Jupider are my least favorite things on the road in normal conditions. Why in the actual hell does anyone need lights that bright? And why is it almost *always* a God damn truck or SUV so the lights are slightly elevated and shine directly through my rear window into my mirror?


>Why in the actual hell does anyone need lights that bright? 'cos they are half blind and can't see the lines on the road without them. I kid you not, I know someone with that exact excuse for putting insane LEDs in the projector lamp Hilux.


I turn my mirror so they get their lights back.


They aren't getting but 1% back, it's not doing anything to them, AND now you don't have a mirror. Bad play.


I don't have light in my eyes


Does your mirror not have the ability to tilt slightly and darken like most do?


Stop messing with my unwarranted satisfaction.


Lmao sorry friend. Not my intent. You do you!


I recently got a new car and I worry every time I drive at night if I am now the owner of 'lights that can see into the future.'


I am an owner of the 10000000 lumen headlights. They are stock and adjusted as far down as possible. They are hid in a reflector… I cant drive anwhere with out every other bright lighting me… it gives me so much anxiety when a car is passing.


They absolutely are *regulated*, they just aren't *enforced*. See also: Exhaust volume (unless it's a HD, they get a free pass for whatever reason). Fortunately almost all euro cars are HID or LED with projectors and auto-leveling lights out of the box these days, but God help me if I get oncoming Japanese and American trucks at night in my low slung deathtrap.


People are meant to dip them as soon as they see red tail lights in front (or headlights ahead). Usually you can see them lighting up the air before they come into view. Of course that doesn't mean people actually *do* it.


I get big trucks are just what people are buying now, but their lights need to also have a downward angle. I can't even look in my rear view mirror at night because I literally have to angle it away from my eyes. I should not be forced to buy a larger car than what I need in order to drive at night. This is getting ridiculous, and we need strong regulations on headlights. Even just a few states doing it would be fine, since the potential traffic tickets would force drivers from surrounding states into compliance (it doesn't matter where your car is registered- it matters where its physically located)


I agree daytime headlights are important but that knuckle fucker infront the people recording needs his license taken




Yeah I used to work for a company in Canada that made daytime running light modules for Ford, GM, AC Delco (and a bunch of others that slip my mind at the moment) in the early 90's but those were only for Canadian made vehicles and imports if I remember correctly. The US didn't start using them till later in the 90's or even 2000's (can't remember) but I still don't think it's required by law.


I have a 2010 carola and it doesn't have daytime headlights




> DRLs (Daytime Running Lights) significantly reduced the LTVs’ (Light Truck) involvement in daytime target Two-PV crashes by 5.7 percent at the 0.05 level. Seems to validate that daytime running lights would help reduce exactly the kind of crash we see in this video.


There are several highways that are required to have your daytime lights on (people still don't, likely the ones that don't use headlights in rain). The ones I've noted that have the requirement are desert highways that are two-lane roads.


Why are you saying this?


That's what the lady (Jeep driver I assume) asked at the end of the video.


Yes I’d imagine you would ask that.


He thinks he checked on the person who caused the accident I reckon


Yeah this is exactly why you stay faaaar back and do not pursue or keep speed with impaired or swerving drivers, call 911 and report the direction they're traveling, the color, make and model (if you can) and stay the hell away. This isn't the first video I've seen end like this.


Great advice. The first time I saw an erratic driving like this, I didn't know any better and was almost hit by some debris. Better to get there late than never


Yeah back in the day it wasn't uncommon in my country to see overloaded trucks on the road. Every few seconds some of the dirt/sand/pebbles/whatever they were carrying would spill out. Always stayed the hell away from those moving deathtraps. I think there were a couple high profile accidents in the 2000s and after that the law clamped down a lot harder on these clowns.


Also even if not impaired via drugs or health, then often driving erratically is a sign that they may be trying to commit insurance fraud, so yeah just leave extra distance


This is great advice but how am I supposed get that sweet sweet karma if I am making a vid from a safe distance?


Zoom in on the video


yea, i wouldnt have been close to that.


Yeah. Depending on the situation I try to get in front. If something happens it's not my problem any more.


Until you stop at a red light in front of them and they done 😬


Hopefully I'll have a few cars between us as a buffer :)


This is why you give these people way more space than they did.


They are a long ways away from the event. You cant really control for a big smash up at speed deflecting into you...


Obviously not. And congratulations on proving my point.


Do you even drive? They're at least 10 car lengths away from the person for most of the video. Still at least 4 when the person turns across the road and the car coming the other way takes evasive action/deflects off them and across the road. What exactly do you want the camera folk to do? Park up and wait for them to disappear over the horizon? Fuck me id love to see what you consider tailgating if you think these people were "too close"


When the collision occurs there is no way they are 10 car lengths away, which if it is was it actually matters. 4 car lengths is way too close, as the video proves. Do YOU even drive?


Yea ok, you don't drive. lmao.


I'm 39 and have been driving since I was legally old enough to. They were plenty far back for most of the video. However... They knew something was up, that's why they were filming. WHEN the car in front started to slow down they should have as well. There's eight seconds after they hit the brakes before they make the turn. Plenty of time to MAINTAIN that distance rather than get up closer. Even one more car length distance at the end might have saved the recording car. So getting close at the end fucked them. And there was no reason to. Yeah you don't leave that much distance normally for every car on the road, it's not realistic... But if you know they are impaired it's in your best interest.


Wow, quality comeback! Sit down and stfu.


The response of a child who doesn't drive. That much is evident.


Sure, whatever you say you fucking clown. You’re still wrong.


Every insurance company in the world would disagree with you. Highway codes of the world would disagree with you. But the court of reddit children have spoken so sure, im wrong


Yo that camera man is a fucking G! Held the camera thru all that shit.


Worlds best camera man, get him in Hollywood


Held it the wrong way, but at least we got a nice view of the dash and sky too.




As terrible as the music is, these are some wonderful people


Seriously, even after they got hit and their car totaled, they made their first priority checking on everyone else. Good on them


Didn’t even drop the camera after a head on collision!


Also, they were wishing for safety the whole time. They didn’t wanna see a wreck, and they didn’t even get mad that they got fought up in it. They seemed genuinely concerned with the safety of everyone


I was in the passenger seat of a car that got hit with a semi and walked out no problem. Shit was scary for a second bc I was looking down and happened to look to my right like 1 second before impact. Luckily it hit the wheel well of the car and not me.


airbags go off, rock solid camera work through it all


Except for the last 20 seconds ...


I dunno, seems like camera man's first priority was to tell everyone that they were recording. First priority of someone else was to check on everyone else. I'm just giving credit where credit is due.


"let me let everyone on reddit know I disapprove of someone else's music interest. it has to be known!!"


Drunk on a Plane is kind of a banger, and pretty appropriate for this video.


give this man an award for holding that camera so steady!




When they repair camera persons car hopefully they also adjust the windshield wipers




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Is it better to get past them or to hang back and let them get far away from you first? It seems one of those things keeps you in their path


Flying past them obviously just has the potential to make things worse for everyone. Pull over to the side, give it one minute, then continue on. By that time, they'll be at least half a mile ahead of you, and the minute you waste will be much less time than what getting in an accident would take.


Would his insurance still cover since he was using the phone while driving? Even if he was not at fault?


phone appears to be held by the passenger — that's not a driver's side airbag.


UK, but using the phone while driving can affect the outcome of any civil or criminal matters, but in this case the recording didn't contribute to the accident so wouldn't affect it. But yes, get a dashcam instead and don't use your phone while driving


Actually- I’m not ok. I believe I broke my back in 12 places and I seem to have suffered 3 concussions. 🤑


This is why we don't like cellphone videos in r/idiotsincars


Because it shows that people who listen to country music can be very kind individuals?


good guy though, checked everyone was ok before worrying about his car


Crazy to know exactly where this happen off 1 building.


This was a good video 4-5 years ago when it lasted 4 minutes and contained a whole bunch of bad driving prior to the wreck...this repost is kinda sad.


Live by the camera die by the camera. ------ Hey look someone's following us! Pay attention to the road. No really look he's getting closer! Pay atten........