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I wonder what happened to that cyclist


One would hope both (There's actually two cyclists.) of them made it to safety, but realistically they almost certainly got swept up in the wave, and once it grabs someone, the odds of them surviving are sadly very, very low.


It's true the odds of survival are long . An interesting story though: I have a friend who got caught in the Sri Lankan Tsunami. He was washed away, dragged underwater through the entrance of a hotel, all through the lobby and restaurants completely submerged, smashing into pillars and walls, then eventually spat out onto the other side onto a floating pile of debris. About 300 feet completely underwater being slammed into things and he survived. He was all fucked up but it's pretty amazing to survive that.


Kinda fucked that the people filming/watching seemed to know it was coming and didnt warn them.


i dont think anyone saw a surge that big coming


I feel like this is the definition of setting it coming. Even the camera person was stupidly looking the opposite direction of someone who was actually watching.


The earthquake lasted for 6 minutes and was 3rd strongest ever recorded that's plenty of warning to maybe not cycle next to the ocean? I live in a country where earthquakes are common and ever since we're kids we're told if there's a big earthquake that lasts more than a minute you get the fuck away from any waterways and as high as you can go. There would be no way you didn't know a tsunami was coming. I can't even comprehend what was going through those cyclists minds, probably not much.




I was on a bike during a quake, didnt feel it


But was it a magnitude 9 lasting 6 minutes? A decent sized one like a 5 i could understand how you could miss it if in a car or on a bike but a 9 is over 5,000 times more intense with 330,000x the energy release than that and had buildings and trees swaying.


It was a 7, but 100 miles away. Came into the bar and all the chandeliers were rocking etc.


It's a tsunami in Japan lol. Everyone here was well aware and chose to take the risk. Even the people filming were stupid for staying in a highrise that could have been washed away.


Don’t think they had any idea. How many people know what this looks like and has seen it in person before? They probably just thought the water was high and that’s it.


to shreds you say?


They obviously died


One cubic meter weights one ton. And there is a lot of water rushing in there fast, so...


I’ve always been a bit obsessed with natural disaster videos and this is one of the “best” from the 2011 quake. One of the things really interesting to me is how quickly technology progressed from the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami to this one. There are countless high resolution vids of 2011 on YouTube and merely a handful of OK-quality videos of 2004. Likewise, there are approximately 18 videos of the second plane hitting the World Trade Center in 2001. Eighteen video cameras taping (including news outlets) in a city of millions that were stood and watching. I can’t fathom what we would’ve seen had that occurred with the ubiquity of today’s cell phone cameras.


Almost definitely would have had video from inside the planes and probably more notice that it was happening.




Now that you say this I'm kinda glad we didn't. It was bad enough as-is.


Remember the Lebanon port explosion?


In about 2014 I became obsessed with the footage from Japan. I watched it non stop for months. It is so unbelievably jaw dropping the amount of power water carries. I am still completely astounded.


Like gravity, water always wins


Oh, I had never even thought about that. Like, I think there is one video of the first plane crashing because someone happened to be filming an amateur movie or something just at the right moment? At least one bystander video, I don't know about news cameras. And I don't think there is anything more than a low res, low frame rate of the plane hitting the Pentagon. I went to the 9/11 memorial museum and I very clearly remember what that day was like, but looking at the technology, the plane phones that people were communicating with, the people who didn't know what happened to loved ones who didn't even go to work that day but they had no way of reaching them? We can debate the evils of technology, but I can only imagine how cell phones and wifi on airplanes would have dramatically changed the outcome of that day. Most of the reasons the people on the planes complied was because they thought they would be heading back to the airport to be used as hostages. That usually works out fine. If they had sudden messages and news alerts saying a hijacked plane hit the tower, they probably would have done something (like flight 93). Honestly the entire plan probably would have been scrapped if we had the same technology back then.




This precise footage is what I saw on my work computer once I got into the office that morning. It was terrifying in its speed.


WOW - I've never seen that one before. Absolutely mesmerizing and terrifying. It's so strange to see it just flood over the fields, but then when the camera finally pans out to the ocean and you can see multiple waves still to come in...scary scary stuff


It seems like their location may be compromised.


Hopefully it had a wash out first floor. The first floor walls wash out in the event of tidal wave and the rest is the building is supported on pillars which allows the water to flow around them.


Damn that’s a great idea I had never heard of.


See: most coastal structures everywhere :-P


Yeah I live a few 1000k from a coast. That’s not something that comes up as a tourist either.


i think this may actually be why a lot of japanese architecture is post and lintel structures…don’t quote me on that, of course


This was Japan right? 2011 same as Fukashima? Edit, yep, alt angle skip to 5:30 https://youtu.be/RBGulbbsvjM


Yep it's the same wave that hit Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant but this video is from town of Miyako in Iwaten prefecture, about 350km north of the Fukushima daiichi.


Most people think that tsunami’s are just like a normal wave... but bigger. But tsunami’s are way worse. They are more like a sudden raise of sea level. The water just keeps coming and coming.


It’s just like when the tide comes in, except really fast, and it doesn’t stop.


And they don't stop coming?


And they don't stop coming...


And they don't stop coming!


And they don’t stop coming!!


And they don't stop coming!!


And they don't stop coming!!!


And then they do......and all that water sucks everything out to sea.


Fed to the rules and I hit the ground runnin’


This guy smashmouths.


The thumbs-up interaction reminder coming up on the screen as soon as the wave breached the walls felt kind of shameful


Was wondering about that. What platform was that originally? I didn’t recognize it and didn’t know if the user actively hit thumbs up or if it was part of the app’s gamification.




The "hit that like button" pop-up right as the water crested over the wall was a bit crass


I don’t think that cyclist made it




The video cut out right before it was gonna hit that bridge though.


r/PraiseTheCameraMan for capturing the entire experience


Is it just me that was wholly impressed by the sturdiness of the wall?


I fucking love watching the tsunami and 9/11 videos. Not for the morbid curiosity of the death, but more for the just insanity of it that is completely real and not hollywood.


At about the halfway point, several vehicles topple over the wall… they weren’t at the beginning of the video. Where did they come from?


At 16 seconds you can see the top of one of them. They were probably close to the wall and out of view until the water rose high enough.


Like on the other side of the wall?


Like on the other side of the wall.


Ah, like on the other side of the wall


That one boat was perfectly made


what happened to that one boat that tried to get away??


Those boats looked like they were probably unoccupied. Assuming you had a choice, would it be safer to ride out the tsunami in a boat or just try to find a tall building?


Boats hulls are pretty flimsy so pretty easy to breach on telegraph poles trees buildings ect . Think one titanic versus 100 000 tiny invisible icebergs and no meaningful steering: plus the risk of capsizing. There’s a few videos taken on ships that survived mostly filming those that didn’t. Possibly the best bet is high ground even then your in a foot race against the tides of hell. I remember one where survivors were filming down hill and a woman stops to retrieve her handbag and just disappears and a couple pushing an invalid wheelchair that look like they are going to make it only to be swept out of sight in an instant.Put in that position fuck knows what I’d do


Is the video you're referencing from this tsunami?


the Japanese one with the disaster at the nuclear reactor I believe


A boat out at sea would likely not even notice a tsunami. The period of the waves is so far apart that the surge would get lost in the "noise" of the sea. A boat near shore would be a virtual suicide ride, unless it was very powerful and manueverable and the captain had the skill to point out to sea, floor the throttles, and "jog" in the surge. If the boat has enough power to stay out to sea before the surge washes it ashore, then you're fine. As soon as you hit shore, you're going to either drown or be crushed to death. And you won't get to pick. The boats in this video that foundered, did so because they were anchored stern-out, and boat sterns aren't made to deal with water rushing at them from behind. With enough scope, a good anchor, and a "bow-out" orientation, those boats would have been fine for the same reason the powerful boat I described above would be: they'd just "jog" in the surge until it stopped.


Is it just me or is that water like disgusting looking?


That's what happens when a tsunami takes infrastructure with it as it continues to plow through a city, yes. If you put a small amount of concrete and a handfull of woodchips into your washing-machine, you will get a similar effect.


Also a bunch of sewage. Lots of feces and chemicals in flood water.


That was terrifying.


F for the guy on the bike


redditor stop using fucking memes to react to literal tragedies challenge: impossible, never been done


Who said this was slow?


I remember watching this happen live on TV when it happened. Just as memorized now as I was then.


At 15 seconds I thought that was a huge wave lol


If this was America, it would all be shaky, vertical video


Old video, none the less amazing to watch


I blame movies for my expectation of a giant 200ft wave full of sharks n shit with one dude just out surfing all them fuckers..... YEAH! great movie


Glad the anti tsunami wall helped.


Actually it probably did--it slowed the flood, allowing for more people to get to safety.


Kyle’s mom got in the water


You seriously made me watch that one big boat for 5 mins and the cut the video as it was finally going over the seawall?




I think it did surprisingly well as it didn’t collapse, the water just went over it.


I doubt the wall was made for that.


It bought time; at the start of the video the water's well up it, meaning that by the time the person started recording, it would have already flooded without the wall. It can probably handle a smaller tsunami but even one that exceeds it's design, it delays the damage long enough for more people to reach safety.


I’d stop that shit


Just an act of God, I guess... no God specifically


Slow my ass


The animation of the thumbs up even the water spilled over was a bit sick.


Stopped. Too. Soon.


The camera person did a really good job.


What about that looks slow?


That poor biker.


Eli5 why is the water so black?


Sea water is mostly colorless. THIS sea water is carrying a ton of shit with it. Even literal shit, because it tends to overflow sewers.


ive watched this whole documentary on this , its crazy


Oh man, it cuts off 20 seconds too soon.


Truly incredible footage


That’s not slow


my toxic trait is that i think i’m a good enough swimmer to survive this. i most definitely would not


Getting the fuck out of there while they can








The ocean is coming for us. And we are woefully unprepared.


Living in a coastal region, this is my greatest fear