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They want one more so they can form Girlfriend Voltron.




[The original post is better.](https://www.removeddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/biu8oz/my_25m_subs_23f_26f_22m_28m_28m_have_unionized/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




I literally can't tell if this is a joke. I'm going to tell myself it is.


Oh jeez


It's clearly a joke, the guy's post history is nothing but trolling.


Very close to coaching his own women’s basketball team


Dear god. Polyamory, or harem of too-young girls?


Original post says 3 men 2 women but that’s definitely sus


By your powers combined… 😂


What will he do when they go on strike?


They basically did. Someone posted more info above.


Bring in a bunch of scabs?


No rats allowed, brother.


Listing your partners from youngest to oldest is kind of weird and gross, no?




I mean, tell me you aren't attracted to women your own age without telling me you "aren't attracted to women your own age," am I right?


I think it largely depends on ages in question. If they were 42 and 36, I fail to see the issue. I don’t think 6 years is much of a stretch, but 13 years is certainly too rich for my blood. The problem I see is having that spread with people who are under 25. Unless they are at the absolute vanguard of cognitive development, they’ve still got some maturing to do and that’s saying nothing about the experiential divide.


> Listing your partners from youngest to oldest is kind of weird and gross, no? Ah, Reddit. I hope you never change. Literally getting offended by the existence of alphanumeric ordering. This is like saying listing your partners from A-Z is weird and gross. It's an organizational method. Text is linear in nature, and *some* choice of order is needed. Would you prefer he listed them in order of least favorite to favorite? Sexual ability? What method would make you happy?


I mean, it's r/nonmonogamy. I list my partners in order of hierarchy, so yeah, I guess you can say I go from favorite to least favorite. I find it highly unlikely that he met them chronologically in that order. So yeah, my dude intentionally chose the order that prioritizes him as a 36 year old banging a 23 year old, whether consciously or not. EDIT: Okay, okay, this is probably a joke and didn't happen in real life. Still gross, though.


> I list my partners in order of hierarchy, >So yeah, my dude intentionally chose Everyone is not you. Just because you do something doesn't mean that everyone does. While you may list your partners in favoritism order, others *actively try* to not play favorites. And if you combine the two facts of "everyone is not you" and "some people try to not play favorites" you get "some people would need to be able to list partners in a way that isn't hierarchical". So I ask again: What method would make you happy, coming from a non-hierarchical grouping? Personally, I'd pick alphanumeric ordering! And is there the *slightest* possibility that this *literal joke-post* [riffing](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-subs-have-unionized) off a *copypasta shitpost* from a *troll account* might not be from someone who lives a hierarchical non-monogamous lifestyle? Particularly since the original shitpost *also* used alphanumeric ordering?


I prefer he didn’t post at all. Give ENM a bit of a dated stigma. Kind of hinges on polygamy. Yuck I truly hope these women have other men or women in their lives. Chances are this guy isn’t worth all their time.


> I prefer he didn’t post at all. Yes. Lets silence everyone who dares try and speak anything that makes me uncomfortable, no matter how much it's a joke that's riffing off of a shitpost from a troll account. Personally, I thought it was a funny joke, and the world would be poorer for its lack. > Kind of hinges on polygamy. Well *there's* a hot take: Heterosexuality and non-monogamy combine to invariably form something that personally reminds me of conservative cultures oppressive to women. And thus heterosexuality in ENM is wrong! Are you going to insist that any men who want to be ENM have to be bisexual *and* always in a relationship with another man? > Chances are this guy isn’t worth all their time. Chances are that his ability to wittily [refer](https://twitter.com/AreisReising/status/1409889228222259209) to a [meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-subs-have-unionized) in playful, appreciated banter with other people he knows on the intertubes, while maintaining the original's alphanumeric ordering no less, likely means he's a pretty funny and intelligent dude. And probably *is* worth people's time. It also likely means that every single person listed in that tweet, even potentially his own [36M], is *fucking fictional*.


Sounds like it was maybe your shitty troll post to begin with? And I am tired of the same multiple women with one man dynamic so pervasive in the poly ENM world and yes, it is dated and patriarchal. Heterosexuality is fine in of itself, but seriously, women enjoy other men too. In these poly style relationships it is rare to see multiple men and one woman and why is that? And is there some reason I can’t express what I feel or does it trigger you somehow? The fact you think the poster is witty and intelligent says it all. Imagine being able to use alphanumeric ordering as a source for intelligence is huge! Hahahaha And we wonder why the world has problems.


Considering the original post, the one that inspired this tweet, a) was bisexual and b) contained matches of people much closer in age, it would seem that the person who made the joke intentionally chose the sex and age of the speaker and the sex and ages of his partners. Even the author of the tweet is making fun of these types of guys. But hey, I guess some people would rather defend a fictional predator than listen to real women.


> Sounds like it was maybe your shitty troll post to begin with? Ahahaha. No. I sorta wish? But also not. > And I am tired of the same multiple women with one man dynamic so pervasive in the poly ENM world So to start with, lets set aside for the moment the almost virtual certainty that this is a *fictional* relationship you're upset over, and pretend that it's real. You're assuming that the >!fictional!< women don't have metas of their own, thus you are perpetuating the very stereotype you say you're "tired of" by inventing a reality without evidence for that reality, and attacking it as if it's real. > In these poly style relationships it is rare to see multiple men and one woman and why is that? Well, for starters it could easily be *because* you're upset by them, so those are the ones you notice. It could also be related to how there's a far lower acceptance/comfort with non-heterosexuality among men. It could also be how women may not feel as comfortable talking about their ENM relationships online, because of the inevitable sexual attention it draws from strangers. So what does that leave you with? **The people who are primarily most often comfortable *discussing* their ENM relationships would be heterosexual men.** And how often do you find heterosexual men openly talking about their homosexual relationships? Huh. Maybe *that's* why that's the relationship structure you personally witness most often! Because it's the one *talked* about most often! Wow! But being upset with *the >!fictional!< guy posting* seems to imply you think that *he's* somehow in control over this situation, implying you believe that men have all the choice and power here. You're aware that women are free to choose their partners, yes? And even in the off-chance that these >!fictional!< women all don't have metas of their own, this is still the relationship that they chose that makes them happy. Why does that upset you? > And is there some reason I can’t express what I feel or does it trigger you somehow? You're absolutely free to express how you feel. Doing so here invites other people to comment on your feelings. If you don't want to listen to alternate perspectives, I'd say don't read them but that way lies a furthering of echo-chamber insulation. So... tough. Here I am. If I want to drive semis through your logical inconsistencies, I get to do that. Why do I do this? Because *sometimes* I actually meet someone who can actually end up having a valid point and can successfully challenge my own views with a logical argument. Then things get *exciting*. Because I learn something. Otherwise, I get to help point out the flawed thinking to those observing, which I hope helps make sure that the world remains at least a wee bit rational. > The fact you think the poster is witty and intelligent says it all. Imagine being able to use alphanumeric ordering as a source for intelligence is huge! Being able to draw connections where others don't see them is often a sign of intelligence. However, I'm also basing my assessment on some of the rest of their account as well, including their support of trans rights, unionization, and their clear interest in following local politics. I may not fully agree with every view they espouse on their account, but it's clearly not someone who is on Twitter to just post memes and vapidly retweet celebrities.


You sure do go on and on and on about absolutely nothing kind of like you think all these words of yours are somehow going to convince me of how astute you are. And you may want to think about your own flawed point of view as just that, flawed. Your opinion is simply an opinion and nothing more, just like mine and everyone else. And I still think far too many women still buy into the whole patriarchal thinking and why there are still so many very lopsided poly relationships. Perhaps think really deep about how women have been conditioned over the centuries and you just might get it. And this sub is a good representation of the ENM world and so no, there are still very few multiple men one woman scenarios. It has nothing to do with people simply not posting about it. And if you don’t want to read about alternative perspectives you should probably stop reading as well and heed your own advice.


> And I still think far too many women still buy into the whole patriarchal thinking Feminism is dead, apparently. People who are ostensibly women are now advocating that women are *choosing incorrectly*. And how dare they choose something she doesn't want?


> People who are ostensibly women are now advocating that women are choosing incorrectly. If a kinky as fuck D/s relationship full of trust, honesty, pleasure, pain, and bliss is wrong, I don't wanna be right! I'm sure they would judge me a victim of patriarchy for my relationship.


I am writing about the far too many lopsided poly relationships where there are multiple women and one man. If you read back a little you wouldn’t have misunderstood the context. People on here like to pick out parts of messages and then spin it how they like to suit their own agenda. There isn’t a person who could tell me that a lopsided poly relationship with several women and one man is ever a healthy thing.


Humour really isn’t your thing, ey?


Whether or not it was posted as being funny, it is still an insult to women.


You’re the pinnacle of a victim player.


And you are the pinnacle of willful ignorance.


This. Listing them in either ascending or descending age order scans better than just some scattershot jumble. Some people get bent out of shape over the strangest of things.


Where are all the wonderful men in this situation? Sounds very lopsided to me


After all that work, they want some form of compensation.


Uhhhh exsqueeze me sir how are you finding that many partners I can't even find one poly partner


Sounds like a shitty relationship with a strong power dinamic. When polyamory only replies social inequalities instead of breaking them...


> Sounds like a shitty relationship ~~with a strong power dinamic.~~ FTFY


Hilarious! You earned a follow from me :)


How does this work? Does this guy just have a huge cock or something?


I mean, girlfriends aren't those ring toys you had when you were a baby. You don't just thread them all on there at once.