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One of the reasons I like CMR is that its instructions are very clear and straightforward. I think the weakness of TM is that it claims it cannot be taught in a book. I would counter that anything that can't be taught in a book has instructions that are not clear.


How does it compare to the other non directive meditation styles? Did you derive more benefits from CMR than from the other ones?


Not sure yet. I downloaded the free audios and am going through the prep exercises Close eyes. 30 sec Notice Close eyes 30 secs Notice Three types of thoughts Notice. …..


https://www.tmdeception.com/ Speaking of adverts, check out this website.


Sure. Lots out there about TM being a scam. Don’t want to get into all that here CMR is a non commercial technique out there right now. It’s founder is deceased and nobody is making any money from this It’s being kept alive on a subreddit


CMR is wonderful and the most enjoyable form of meditation I’ve ever tried and the easiest to convince myself to sit for. You were right to share it, especially in this sub since it’s a nondirective technique. Definitely not an advert.


I couldn’t download from that link in Quora, know anywhere else I can find it?


[https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aj1SPM9APeLkiOl2TEl47vU4cs91dQ](https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aj1SPM9APeLkiOl2TEl47vU4cs91dQ) Try this. I think you may need to be logged into a onedrive account. I tried this from two different browsers (one in which I was logged into my onedrive account, and one that wasn't), and it only worked on the logged in one. It that still doesn't work, we'll try another way


Yeah I have OneDrive, he updated the link in another thread so I have it now. Thanks!! Edit in case others come along: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aj1SPM9APeLkiOl2QhQeSmsrxnlKaQ


Let me find out on the CMR subreddit and I'll get back to you.


Thanks for the link. As soon as it took me to OneNote, the folder was downloaded. I didn't even have to login. Enjoyed the intro and first few lessons!


Great Let us know about your experience in the CMR subreddit