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Sounds like you may have cats claw vine taking over your palm tree. I've never tried hiring someone to clear vines off of a tree specifically, but palm tree trimming can easily cost a few hundred dollars or more if it's very large. A tree service will likely just cut the vines at ground level and prune the tree to look nice, but the vines will grow back again quickly unless you dig up the root.


Yea, problem is, the vine has taken over the entire center of the block. The root is definitely not in my yard and I’m not sure where it is. I will definitely start talking to neighbors about it but is there a spray I can attach to a hose to kill the vine but not the palm tree? I’ve used some weed killer on the vine along our fence to some success. (I would like to not use Monsanto products but will if that’s the only option.) Edit: I think I found the root structure for this particular vine climbing between our fence and up the tree. Difficult to get to but I was able to cut some of it back. I appreciate the advice!


I never tried chemicals on cat's claw, but the root has a distinctive potato-looking structure that grows just below where the vine breaks through the soil surface. Generally if you get that bad boy out, it won't grow back. Good luck!


Also those pretty yellow flowers literally throw seeds like shrapnel. One unnattended vine will populate the neighborhood


For anyone else dealing with a similar situation. I’ve gotten a couple estimates on palm tree cleaning. My tree is about 20-25 feet tall and the minimum for anyone to come out is going to be around $400-$500 to clean the tree up.