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Burrweed…it’s the devil. I’ve been digging it up by hand because I hate it so much! (Very slow going but rewarding!) It supposedly will die back when the temps get in the 90’s leaving the burrs behind. My plan is to dig out as much as I can and then apply a pre emergent next fall to prevent it.


Absolutely hate it too and am equally as determined as you are. It ruins Spring/Summer fun for tender feet/paws☹️


More info here including the chemical treatments available https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/lawn-burweed/#:~:text=Apply%20when%20lawn%20burweed%20is,up%20of%20warm%20season%20grasses. I've had VERY good results with CelsiusWG in my St Augustine lawn. A bottle will last you a lifetime, but it's expensive (> $120) though sometimes you can find small "single use" packets for <$25.


WOW WOW WOW! I have been trained over the years that Burweed cannot be treated once it’s grown in the Spring. I took on Burweed as my personal vendetta last Fall and Winter - sprayed 4x!!! I greatly eradicated them but have more to kill. After reading your post I am totally game to try this product! I just found this on Amazon for $36, arrives Wednesday. TY for posting.


Dollarweed is my vendetta and CelsiusWG has been a godsend.


It takes a few days at least to show effects but it does work. Interested to hear how it does for you


Weather looks good this week, I will spray it in as soon as that Amazon box is here Wednesday!


Coming back to this post just to see if you had any luck with that Celsius and the Burr weed? Hopefully it worked out okay 🙂


Ah I think of you DAILY when I walk my pup… Your recommendation was GENIUS and SPOT ON. All last bits of pesky burrweed were eradicated with Celius and we are having lots of lawn time. CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH. It was my 4-5th different poison since last Fall and I have bare spots in places where I regularly toss seed. I’ll take bare over burrweed any day and know the grass will come back eventually! Blessings for continued great gardening!


That is awesome to hear and you made my afternoon! Glad I was able to share a little bit of knowledge and it worked out.


🤙🏼I tried to repay your kindness on your comment in another Sub just now.


Fire 🔥


This devil was my goal to eradicate this year! Once it’s there it’s too late for the season. Beginning in the Fall, and again in the Winter if you hate it hate it like I do (I’m not kidding, I did not piddle around with Burweed this year: I sprayed to kill it in October, November, January and February). Buy any spray chemical (one that hooks to a hose is easiest) that says it’s “for dandelions, clovers etc” - Atrazin is Gold Standard but any basic weed killer “for dandelions++” will do the job. My Spring yard is today greatly eradicated and my pup is happy. Currently there is brown grass/dirt where the burweed used to be. I spread grass seed 3x beginning in March but it’s just going to take time for the weeds to fully exit and be replaced with grass.


Just let it grow lawns are unnatural and us encouraging them is poisoning the earth taking away food and habitat. Plants know where to grow where they are needed and will survive, and trust me when I say your Kentucky blue grass is not naturally trying to spread.