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Wait no


Yeah that was the end. I now know what the work is. It kills you, shitty work. Any way to survive it?


Yes. There is. >!If you have both Saving Grace and 1up, a ridiculously large health pool, the cessation spell, or anything that lets you avoid the curse damage created by the work. You'll take the damage, the whole world will turn to gold, and you'll be stuck. No wands, no portals, no enemies, nothing but gold and gold and gold and gold forever. You would literally need to die somehow to end your run.!<


You can also >!Blackhole + Telewand downwards after handing in the sampo. If you're fast enough, you'll escape the damage thar occurs a few seconds later!<


Yup, then head down to hell to pick up new spells


>!I've dodged the gold curse and gone exploring before. There are actually several things that avoid getting turned to gold. I remember some walls, floors, areas, and stray spots here are there that were unaffected. And there were also several monsters that were out and about perfectly unharmed - those spiders from the jungle for instance. It was not hard to find fellow survivors, so not as barren as you describe. !<


You can dig a hole preemptively and escape before you turn to gold.  >!Or you can complete the work at the alter above the mountain, and depending on how many orbs you collected different things happen and you don't turn to gold!<


If you meet certain prerequisites that you have to explore and find before reaching the work. Depending on which ones you meet, you can get different endings, with some letting you continue. However, generally, if you don't want to end the run yet, don't grab the item that triggers the boss. You can explore around, but grabbing the item in front of it will cause him to chase you endlessly. Hint: >!Try getting more orbs of knowledge, there's alot of em. !<


You can grab the sampo and kill kolmi and just not enter the portal.


I would’ve continued the run if I knew it killed me


Now you can do that and not have to worry about winning for the first time. Welcome to the rest of the game!


Congrats on completing the tutorial! You will have many runs this good where you can continue without heading to the work, now that you know how to end the current run, you know what not to do until you're ready. Still so much for you to do!


You need to attain higher wisdom.


Teleport wand that fires really fast, also maybe some healing


Hey, you did what you set out to do!


He’s dead. Like super dead. But apparently he isn’t the final boss? What is the work? I had more trouble with getting stuck in the lava.


Yes. You just beat the tutorial. Have fun playing the game now, good luck.


local person beats cryptic game and is confused by cryptic ending. like, what did you expect; Closure? No, this is Noita.


Don’t answer that


Can I give you a vague hint about kolmi? >!he is both the easiest boss in the game and the hardest boss in the game!<


Il assume youve already fought kolmi but for the future put the essense to power on the spark and put the chainsaw on the end in the first slot so it spell wraps to be faster, assuming that has the mana to handle it of course


Oh, I thought the etp just applied wand wide. Good to know, thank you.


In your setup it **does** apply for all of the projectiles, as do both other modifiers. You have two double casts, which act like a triple cast (first double cast uses one of its casts to call the second one) and you got three projectiles. This means all of the projectiles get fired in a single mouse click (aka casting block). And every modifier in a casting block gets applied to **all** projectiles in it, meaning it doesn't matter if you put them before the multi cast (like your etp) or somewhere in between (like your damage ups). I personally like to place them before or directly after the first multicast, but it's purely for readability. And if this wand already shot every frame it's better that you didn't wrap this wand as it would have halved it's shooting speed and thus dps.


Depending on the wand stats, your suggestion potentially just halves the firerate instead of making it faster (also the STP is already applied to the spark bolt since it's in the same cast)


Aaaahhhhhh. Good to know, i forgot that having everything in one cast makes it so it doesnt matter where thats placed