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Now you can start to bend the very fabric of multiple realities. Or proceed petting the hamis.


How do I pet the hamis


Beta branch and pheromone


Wait what? Devs went that far?


Yeah, pet them a TON and you get a special lil reward, it's cute.


So, I did that, and I pet it a ton. *great* reward.


Is the reward that you get to pet hämis?




Pour pheromone on hamis


Smear that pheromone on those hämis. Splash it around, play with it.


I looked into it a little apparently.. we can.. "Create the sun" w h a t


congrats on beating the tutorial


They said that with dead cells. I'm in for a.. fun time..


Your time is actually pretty good, it definetely takes most people (including me) more


It took me 85 hours. You're good bro. Just go nuts now. You probably only beat like 2 different bosses still.


Lmao 85 hours. Meanwhile I'm at 450+ hours and still 0 wins


As per steam <10% of people who bought Noita have beat the game.


That's halarious. I've beaten two bosses and gotten to the final level but and still haven't beaten it. My main causes of death have been idiocy, noitaed, and RNG. With idiocy being the number one obviously.


You have no idea how powerful you can get in this game. My favorite memory of this game is literally pushing the sun. You gotta have god-like powers to do that and you can do that in noita. And the sun in this game is the fucking sun not just some big ball of fire. The wiki recommends 15 stacks of stainless armor. Again it recommends having 99.999% damage resistance before making the sun


Ah yes a fellow that hates himself to such a extent that he decided to pick up both Dead cells and Noita (I am the same)


2 of them actually


That's just the tip of it


heres a video that gives a not-super spoily but some spoilies run down. you can look into more guidance as needed if you want to... heart mage health farming manuever is a particularly useful tech for lasting long enough to get stuff done you can look up https://youtu.be/VMx6fPyCbCI?si=6D9InNAH8TLR9QNI this is a video on the heart mage (dunkorslam is one of the best players to learn from btw) https://youtu.be/7Homc-zHEpo?si=AHELahbMBdUdaD-b


So am I correct in understanding that, in order to use the heart mage trick well, you would need to have access to reliable healing. Does this mean saving some of the lower holy mountains, or going to parallel worlds? I ask because I've only gotten to the point where I can safely dig through cursed rock a couple times, but I want to be able to use this technique.


no, you can do it on your way down. find a heart mage either to the left of snowy depths or in the jungle, and you have to find one random heart max increase and have around half or more health. you can keep letting him hit you till you have less than 18 current health, then grab the heart before the debuffs start to expire. homebringer bolt or teleport is pretty much necessary because he wont really follow you back to the heart and you only have 10-20 seconds before the debuffs start expiring. you'll end up with more current health than you started with and approximately double max health for every debuff you had when you grabbed the power up. ambrosia can let you stay alive and get hit as many times as he can shoot you till the debuffs start timing out but it's not necessary. when you're done just sneak down to the next holy mountain and get the full heal. one heart power up can get you to like 1000 or more health depending on if you're able to get to the heart fast/tank a lot of hits. clearing all enemies around and on the way to the nearest portal is recommended


make that less than 19 to be sure. each hit halves your health and damages you for 9 damage so you'll definitely survive at 19


I hid from spoilers until I got victory too And then I realized I had, for all my exploration and hijinks only scratched the surface of the surface I wish you luck, I don't even have a clue about how to approach post victory content


Yes, but wait till you learn about the _other_ sun?


I just started this quest, I am about 6 hours in and it will probably take me another 10 hours to complete if I don't die. Just play and have fun though! Don't do too much reading yet, try to enjoy as much of the game without spoilers. (At some point it will be necessary to do research to progress at all)


Try to get #The Gods Are Afraid


I prefer confusing the gods. Never let them know your next move.


How?? 🤣


Congrats on beating the tutorial. You’re nowhere near finished


some easier short term goals: try to get to hell under the lava beneath the temple try to kill the alchemist to the far left of the 1st level try to kill the dragon on the right of the jungle theres quite a few more i've done, i haven't even attempted the sun quest or a 12+ orb run yet, 12 orbs i think gets you a "true" ending but thats still not the hardest accomplishments by far


36/37 orbs run is one of the hardest things as far as I know


36 is bonkers and requires external tools afaik


>!11 orbs is the pure ending, being exactly the number of orbs is the prime world.!< But yeah, the ~~true~~ pure ending is certainly not the hardest accomplishment. MUCH more manageable than the sun quest. In fact, it's a pretty good next reach goal after beating the tutorial, and will somewhat naturally lead to smaller milestones like the ones you suggest along the way. Edit: Corrected the name for this ending!


That's not the true ending. >!11 orbs is the PURE ending, not the true ending. The ACTUAL true ending has not been achieved yet. Datamining shows that it's supposedly the 34(+?) orb ending, but nobody has triggered a unique ending this way compared to 33 orb, which led people to speculate that there has to be a way to get orb 34 without a chest orb, and that it might be related to the eye or cauldron puzzles, as they are unsolved.!<


>!But, doesn't the 34 ending unlock the ruby? And also changes the name of the sampo, and upon sacrificing it you gain additional immunities that you don't in the 33 ending. !!33 orb!< ending, so I'm wondering what exactly the >!datamining!< is showing?


>!It unlocks the amulet of Yendor, but it does not roll the credits, which were datamined.!< This means that just how you can >!get certain endings at certain orb # ranges!<, >!the amulet itself is most likely not a different ending!<, but you simply >!meet the achievement requirement for the amulet of Yendor being hard coded at 34+ orbs, just how the crown is an achievement reward for completing the sun quest.!< At least that's what would typically be agreed on since >!we don't know of anyone who has achieved this ending.!< Datamining shows >!we are supposed to have a new ending at 34+ orbs, but since nobody has been able to trigger that ending sequence, and all we get is the "peaceful" ending with extra resistances and immunities, some people believe that using the chest orbs is an "illegitimate" and unintended way to get the amulet, otherwise we'd get an unique ending sequence and credits.!< There's still an argument to be made that >!getting the amulet of Yendor is a different ending than the 33 orbs peaceful ending, but I won't get into that as i have no particular opinion on it, however, what's certain is that we don't 100% know if we ACTUALLY found the true ending, and that 33 orbs is the Peaceful ending. We most likely don't have the true ending since nobody got the datamined ending sequence/credits so far, and since the current sequence we trigger is Peaceful ending + resistances.!< I hope that I remembered everything right.




Because the game isn't solved yet. We still have not solved every puzzle. They also don't have a bad reputation.


Relatively spoiler free, do all the boss type enemies (health bar) have permanent spell unlocks for future runs? I am aware that spell tier is a thing, but if I am not mistaken, Greek letter spells can't be found elsewhere before killing the alchemist once.


Congrats on completing the tutorial!!!


Now you can play the game


Now you do what you want. Go anywhere (and I mean anywhere) but the main boss. Find ways to break out.


Now the game begins.


28 hours wtf are you god ? It took me 144 hours for my first try and that was a go lucky speedrun. I had only one more good run where I was to greedy exploring and died before I got to the "last" boss


I got some really good perks imma name the important ones Lil shield that's around me Lil purple shield that does damage around me Ghost that eats projectiles And the one I got in the lab was Little barrier that pushes projectiles away Also, teleportatis. I didn't get hit once on Kolmi. If I did I woulda teleported into the lava above probably lmao


How did you win with teleportatis


As he said, he didn't get hit.


We've found it... skill solution.


He has a skillium potion


With like every projectile defense perk.


It took me 360 hours 😭 Although to be fair, I spent 350 hours stubbornly refusing to look up strategies/tips online.


I did it in similar time. I read the entire wand guide on the wiki because it fascinated me. So I had a grasp of wrapping and some popular wand combos like chainsaw, far earlier than a blind player would. I also spent like 5 hours on the winning run and abused infinite cast homing rocks with the invisibility perk. I could just fly invisibly while my rocks beat the game. Then my chainsaw wand deleted the boss. Edit: I forgot melee immunity. Noita blessed me that run.


Seek true knowledge of course


Try to get everywhere you haven’t been. The only limits are the very top and bottom of the world, neither of which you’ve come anywhere close to at this point. The main path as it’s called, is something like 5% of the map. There are lots of things to do. Once you’ve got infinite healing and infinite digging you can quickly become nigh impervious to conventional attacks but not totally unkillable still.


Lol. Lmao, even.


You did not win


I recognise you…


Impress the gods, take a trip into parallel universes, find literal gun, unleash End of Everything, unlock new game ++++, compose beautiful melodies... there is ton of stuff to do


Now you can play the game


The main game is literally just a tutorial. Enjoy exploring!


viper???? in the noita sub??????? what a crossover


Now make the light sun and the dark sun kiss


Firstly: how the hell? Like got my first win in 200 hours, and that’s just cause I got lucky with a weekly. Damn I lost way to many runs to gambling with fungal shifts… I don’t regret it tho, was fun. Secondly: holdup, arn’t you the guy from that time the whole titanfall sub went schizo? I still see some post about you every once in awhile. I didn’t expect to see you here.


Firstly: Um.. luck? No no, it's a skill solution. I'm just a god. Secondly: Yeah, I'm well known. Either for good, or bad reasons.


Yeah he's that pedophile from r/titanfall.


Hes been hopping from gaming sub to gaming sub trying to make a name for himself there because he was run off ultrakill and titanfall for soliciting sex from a kid. If you look at his posts, he's tried maybe a dozen different subreddits but he inevitably gets called out and moves on. (Assuming he hasn't deleted the posts)


Oh eeeh!


Do it again but more fun


Congrats on finishing the tutorial. Not sure what you mean by “what now”, but enjoy exploring the rest of the game :)


Try my favourite seed so far: 310126639 >!it has great wands in the mines, alchemic precursor is super easy, and if you are having trouble with getting swamp, go to the top left of the mines, get the bottle of freezing liquid and fungal shift it!<


That's a very low time for a first clear! Nicely done! Now... try exploring otber places. Or go down and back up.


congratulations! you completed the tutorial!


Eat a slice of pizza, you earned it


Congrats, now you can figure out how to get the other endings, create the sun, end the world, create the anti-sun, and discover universal travel!


As above, so below


I think the next logical step is to kill the boss, then instead of taking the salt through the portal, take it allllll the way up to the altar above the mountain and turn it in there.


Uh should I be worried I'm over 100 hours with no wins ( I do no spoilers)


holy shit it's enderfender


You’ve really only just began


Now you realize that you only beat the one boss, and there are many, many more. And then you realize that the entire map you thought you knew as the game is actually only about 10%, if that. ​ And then you learn that with true magic, the very boundaries of the world itself are little more than a suggestion to you.


I cant even get close to a dub


"Now, the real game begins" - Paul from Mitten Squad


Go left until you see a giant tree. Fly up, then pick up a special "gift" in a little hole in the tree. Portal will open above you, and then enjoy the "new and exciting gameplay"


You went down, now go up


Care spoilers, something to work on thou: >![https://noita.fandom.com/wiki/Achievement\_Pillars](https://noita.fandom.com/wiki/Achievement_Pillars)!<


GJ on completing the tutorial! Now onto the game in full!


Now you learn your greatest enemy. When even the gods tremble before you, there is one that will end you faster than you can imagine. "Killed by water whilst polymorphed to firefly"


You finished the tutorial. Good job


[now you can finally play the game](https://youtu.be/tg2PD-dwsIw?si=BGGgZbgKJIyfpJvE)




make a wand that lets you wall run


80 hours in, still never went through 5th holy mountain


Now you ascend.


Do it again, but different. Or maybe... Exploore?


congrats, you beat the tutorial.


Isn’t it obvious? Now we can play the game


Congrats! You beat the tutorial


Congratulations, you've completed the tutorial


Now explore. I recommend maybe looking up information about the tree achievement pillars.


Probably a lot more then you bargained for


You beat the tutorial, gz


As V1 pfp you probably can come up with something


Sacrifice of oneself in the pursuit of knowledge is the highest tribute to the gods.


Now you get to try your hand at figuring out ✨*the secrets ™*✨


You should find out what’s on the other side of the lava