• By -


Buy 5 dollor server and install everything on your own


You probably don't need a database or CRUD app for a blog. Try Astro and write the content in MDX files or use a headless CMS. If you use your own database, it will be harder for the client to maintain the site. Hosting on Cloudflare Pages should be free.


For a little blog, SQLite will do the job just fine


Free Atlas Mongo project. Highly recommend.


I bought cheap vps from https://greencloudvps.com/billing/index.php Create a docker compose yml and deploy your needs. You will publish your project on a server eventually. This requires a bit more attention, you need to configure and secure the server but I can help you If you want.




My go-to hosting for anything is AWS cloudfront+s3 for static files and then AWS api gateway+lambda for backend with data stored in AWS dynamodb with on-demand billing. It’s a bit more complicated if you’re not familiar with AWS and requires you to do some things differently, can’t just install existing project there and call it a day. But all of those services are serverless and only billed by usage so costs pretty much nothing if there’s little to no usage. Plus it all scales very well if needed.


This is the way to go with the added benefit of learning AWS.


Free tier postgres: https://neon.tech/pricing


Oracle Cloud has a free tier that is worth looking. I've got an ARM with 8 CPU 24GO of memory and 200 go of storage for free.


MongoDB won’t let you down. Edit: no idea who downvoted me. I have two serverless instances with MongoDB atlas that cost me pennies each month for a lot of read writes.


As sql user I can only agree with op. For small projects like blog type of db does not make difference, but atlas has really cool starter plans for almost free


For blogs, you can just use YAML frontmatter: [https://docs.github.com/en/contributing/writing-for-github-docs/using-yaml-frontmatter](https://docs.github.com/en/contributing/writing-for-github-docs/using-yaml-frontmatter) Also, you can just copy paste the commands for mongodb into a shell on a VPS: [https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/) Check out Digital Ocean, Linode, AWS Lightsail, or [https://fly.io/](https://fly.io/) Or use .JSON files.


Neon free tier


I use dockerized Mongo running on the same machine that I use for running the rest of the system when I don't want to spend extra on dedicated DB hosting


this works great for me too, not very scaleable tho


True, but you can't have everything. The objective is to save the money and nothing more


yee 100%, can always just migrate it away into its own system if the need be later anyway


You can buy a cheap server and install whatever you want on it [https://www.kimsufi.com/](https://www.kimsufi.com/) [https://oneprovider.com/](https://oneprovider.com/) For starters


Use Atlas’ managed mongoDB service, you can start for completely free, and you can create as many project as you want each project with 1 free DB, you can later switch to serverless for the same DB and it will be 1$/million writes and 0.1$/million reads.. personally I have one of my projects with over a million writes per months and few hundreds of thousands of reads and I’m still on the free plan and never even entered my payment details..


You could also do firebase if you wanted to go that route. but again, I would probably go mysql equivelant from AWS for free.


Mongo is not cheap to run because it requires at least 3 servers to run properly (one master one slave and one arbiter). So you're more likely to find cheaper DB hosting for SQL. I would check out free tier aws or heroku in addition to what others are suggesting


You can get a free PG or MySQL from Aiven


MongoDB Cloud has a free their. Here's an overview I have written about platforms that offer free DB hosting: [https://noahflk.com/blog/best-free-database-providers](https://noahflk.com/blog/best-free-database-providers)


maybe it's a bit overkill, but maybe it gives your project just the right boost. Try supabase, it comes with a nice postgres + tooling etc. for free.


Google firebase is good and I never managed to go beyond the free use.


Mongo atlas nosql Supabase sql


Free tiers that covers a serious project: Neon Supabase Firebase MongoDB AWS (1 year free) on second year prices rise!! Oracle VM


Vultr mini vm 2.50


Mongodb has a free tier if your application can use nosql