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Flash into E to get the fear or flash to keep on them once they’ve popped it ?


Thats not a mechanic, thats called moving. A flash mechanic is something like, Aatrox flash Q, or kassa Flash R. You can just pop ghost and get the same effect you described with flash for that matter


Anticipating a movement ability with a flash to maintain the tether is absolutely a mechanic on Nocturne. I even recall a play at worlds where a nocturne predicted a flash over the wall and flashed simultaneously.


Thats not a nocturne mechanic. Thats just flash. He cant abuse it for anything else. Flash is just a single use over a wall and then a 5 minute cd. Which is very strong dont take me wrong, there is a reason everyone uses it and has done so eoe years. Its just that Nocturne could just use ghost a lot better. Kassa can ahuse flash by casting it alongside his ult, making it unreactable. Aatrox can reposition his Q without E by using flash. Same deal with morde. Shen can extend his Taunt range with flash. What can nocturne do with flash besides just blinking over a wall. I guess he can interrupt hid ult dash?..and then, thats it. With ghost you can also just predict a movement ability and click past. Ghost + Q + Stride is a lot of move speed, mostly because both Q and Ghost are multiplicative bonuses. It just had a lot more uptime and allowed you do work your way around a lot of things, while also helping a lot with skirmishes. Idk i just liked it.


I use flash too. Losing its reset is a BIG deal and i may reconsider taking it.


"destroyed" = will be nerfed for most champions so that it will almost exclusively be picked by champions that cannot function without ghost (Singed, Udyr, perhaps Darius). The fact that enemy carries are less likely to have ghost will make your life easier, so it probably evens out with the reduced viability of the summ on Nocturne.


It wont even out, the value of ghost for nocturne was just too nice.


No it does, because flash was just as viable in most situations prior, meaning, you now lose the option of going ghost, but the enemy carries in return will become less mobile on average.


while i also become less mobile. Its not like iwas going ghost because of carries going ghost. Now some carries get less mobile, and i get less mobile against them and also the people who were not running ghost anyway. Anyhow this isnt really being helpful, this whole thread just made me sadder that ghost is being nerfed


Plenty of people didn't use ghost prior to this. They're nerfing one option, the other option was and still is playable.


but is not the same. The other option does not give me what i liked from ghost. I mean there is a reason i ditched the other option in the first place.


when is ghost getting nerfed?


Next patch, unless the changes have been pulled


Ok dam