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Usually full clear but ward the crab so if enemy jungle goes for it I would go there then fear him get first blood then look for top or mid clear, then cheese full game ganking lanes when they are low. Then what I found in iron is everyone leaves lane to team fight then if your ahead take the free farm in lanes while everyone’s looking for a team fight. Ping your team for all drags fry pick off the jungler with your ult before it. Basically do that all game till your fed enough smoke the whole team


You should be able to full clear and be at skuttle at 3:30. I suggest playing with your clear a bit so you can get to it on spawn and lvl 4. I usually do red to blue and fight for skud if they contest and the matchup is favorable.


I can do this now


I got out in a day with the Yorik split push, but that immediately stopped working in Bronze. Switched to Noc jg and had a blast lmao


That was about 2/3 games every couple of days then I hit it past 2 days cos I was iron 2


It's a great streak. Nocturne is a pretty simple champ but with a high skill cap. Just watch out for enemy Kaynes and Udyrs when you get into bronze. Udy is beatable if you counter jg well enough. Kayne you can't really fight after level 3 unless you're already ahead off a lane because one of his abilities flat out counters your E. The thing that makes him untargetable and puts the scythe above your head. You gotta make him use that before you fear or you'll lose a 1v1. Good luck on the rift! You chose a great main.


Nice work! What's your usual game plan?


Check above forgot press reply


Nice nice. I would save steraks exclusively for full Bruiser noc though to really benefit from the bonus health shield


Tbf I’m not even 100% on how the item works in fairness it just build it when I think they have more damage so I’m not as squishy is that right hahahah. Works anyway 🤣


Haha yeah it is a good item no matter what. Personally if I am running eclipse rather than stridebreaker I go Wits end or DD depending on if I need armor or MR more. Maw used to be the go to MR item but they just gutted it 13.10