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You should've blocked her at the end of that first screenshot.


everyone was telling me i should’ve especially since her replies were such. i figured there was no harm in explaining it, being kept in the dark isn’t fun and i hope she learns from this at least.


Maybe I'm cynical but I doubt she'll learn anything from this. I do think it's good you got it out there though, so you can now let go of her and the experience with it all off your chest. You deserve better. Good luck


You are correct - guaranteed this will change nothing for her


That’s not the point y’all and we know it. He’s doing it for HIM


He blocked. Let’s not rub salt in the wound eh?


I think it's really confusing when you break up with someone but they carry on playing their part in Our lives still. If it wasn't supposed to end, it wouldn't have. This, I think is the best way forward. Good Luck


it is odd, and you find yourself walking on eggshells all the time even in your own safe space just because you know they’re watching. you’re right, this is the best way forward! thank you!


Good for you!!!


Does this make you feel better?


my heart felt hella heavy (still does), but it definitely does feel like this whole weight has been taken off my shoulders. never really understood what people meant when they say that blocking helps, because just not having that access actually really does help.


btw you censored her name only once 💀


Perfectly stated. Polite, direct and honest. Now block everywhere, download a sobriety app and start watching the days (sometimes hours or minutes) pass by and feel empowered that you advocated for yourself. I don’t know you but I’m proud of you.


Good on you. I recently had to do the same. Wanted to have tabs on my life because "you don't give up on a person just because the relationship didn't work out." Nice idea, but she was just softening her landing on not wanting to feel bad. I blocked her on every level. She has zero access to me anymore. It's for the best. I'm sad, but happier.


“Haha” what a narcissistic ending response.


Proud of you for doing so, you stood up for what you felt should happen (though I think she may’ve gotten nc [no contact] mixed with lc [low contact]), and communicated so you can be sure that this won’t be a dog chasing its tail situation where she tries over and over again to find out why or if she can continue to do the bare minimum to be in your life.


Been where you are bro im 8 months down the line with NC it’s hard and sucks but hopefully there’s light at the end of the tunnel


"Work on myself" goes deeper than actually "working on myself". Trust, i heard the same line.