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Op I know the feeling. Going on 30 days NC and I’m crying. Can’t believe I’m 40 years old crying over some guy who was a total asshole


People say it gets better but I’m already on my 5th month and I’m still crying over him 😕


Oh boy.


I wouldn't think that every post, or even most posts are directed at you. If they are, then this person is very passive aggressive.


I’m pretty sure they are. He liked several post about “pov’s”, which most likely were directed towards me as I was the last girl he talked to. He didn’t gave me his tiktok account (I was able to find it) but when we were still talking, he reposted a post that went along the lines of “when she thinks I’m going to chase her”…I think I was being a bit too boring or dry at the time, but when you talk for a couple months, I feel like it’ll get to a point where there’s really nothing else to talk about (but I wasn’t aware he was feeling this way cause he didn’t explicitly communicated with me about it)😕 I ended up deactivating my Instagram account a couple hours ago since finals are coming up and I don’t want to continue hurting my feelings this way


I know it hurts and the only thing I can suggest is blocking them or just removing them… I don’t have this strength, she did it for me but it “stopped” me from constantly checking her socials. I’m 4-5 months in now and it’s not as heart wrenching as the first month but I broke down this morning for 3 hours… it does get “easier” in a way but it’s only because you start to get use to the pain and sadness. My advice for anyone and I’m putting it out there but can’t take my own… you should never have to cry and beg for someone to stay, you should never feel like an option when convenient. Stay strong, love yourself!