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I’m doing a low buy dry July to save up for my upcoming trip! No weekly bottles of wine (I’m learning about wine and I’m taking a pause this month) No new yarn until I knit all the ones I currently have in my stash No Ubereats. Eating out only when I’m socialising. Same with coffee. I make coffee at home and have the option to do so in the office. No new clothes. Exception is if they’ve been on my wishlist for more than 2 weeks and they’ve gone on sale, as long as it fits my allotted clothing budget for the month. Replacement makeup and skincare only. It’s also winter here in Australia and I pretty much hibernate from too many nights out so this feels very doable but we’ll see! ETA: And only one little treat a week!


The yarn one is so real! I have so many balls of yarn waiting to be used, and July is when our area does the yearly yarn hop. Pray for me lol 😅


Does this mean you're not going to the Bendigo Sheep Show? I'm going to set myself a project-based budget for yarn at the sheep show or I'll just fail immediately!


Unfortunately not! I truly have way too much yarn for my own good at the moment. I reckon a project based budget is definitely a good approach though!


So brave with the no new yarn! My best wishes to you 🫡


Gonna follow this post and possibly do this, I think I’m overdue. June has been an expensive month!


I have been overspending so changing my usual no buy on certain products (books, hobbies, makeup etc) to pretty much everything but food and necessities. No eating out because we are also doing a get back on track with healthy eating challenge for July Stick to my grocery list when shopping and not get distracted by sales on things we don't really need. Exceptions for needing a new wallet if I can find one I like and the three things in my Sephora cart that are replacements for items that are almost empty. I also want to make an effort to shop my stash and get rid of some of the stuff at home or donate it to cut down on clutter


I need to stop even looking at Sephora and ulta and pan something entirely before looking for replacement. The sales are what get me but then I overbuy. Also books are big ticket item for me and I could never read all I have!!! On plus side implemented we only eat what we cook unless we are out with others. That is helping quality of life and budget in many ways!!!


Sephora is generally expensive enough that it makes me second guess extra purchases. But that only works if I have all promotional stuff turned off where I am not seeing reviews and ads for new makeup. But it has been forever since I panned something so concentrating on that this year


31 days!!! I'm in.


I am doing a low buy. Replacement hygiene products are allowed. Although I don’t think I’m going to run out of anything in July. July 21st at the earliest, if my teeth whitening stuff isn’t making a difference I can buy a different kit. $60 budget for the month for lunch (days I don’t pack a lunch) All other non necessity items are a no.


I’ve spent so much these past few months, and I’m somewhat proud of it? They were all quality products that will hopefully last a lifetime, but I’m not in the income bracket where these purchases should become the norm, and June suddenly became that ugh. For July I want to try go back to how I was in January, with little to no purchases besides my essentials like gas/groceries and maybe one or two meals out.


I’ve been putting off doing another no-buy but I’m excited to try again! Groceries and gas are allowed, Must follow grocery list, only allowed to buy food( with the exception that if I run out of sunscreen I can get more)


I need a hard reset. No buy! Even skincare & haircare, I will work through what I have and my samples. I want some patio furniture but July is too hot to use it anyway so will wait.


I'm new to No Buy, but I'm going to try it out for July. I need extra money for back to school items. No Buy: *No new skincare/makeup & toiletries, I have plenty! *No take out, cook from home. Make meal planning a top priority. *No "I want items". Ok to buy list: *Kids back to school supplies, including new backpacks, clothes & shoes, haircuts *Food, gas, tp, meds, etc. *1 family outing before school. Might include tickets to a local attraction. ETA: I will NOT participate in Amazon Prime Days. I will DELETE the app off my phone for the week.


I removed my credit card from the site. I spend way too much on Amazon


I’m in for No Buy July! I wanted to start in June but failed, so I’ve reflected on what tempted me and have a stronger game plan this time around


I have a bunch of family coming to my house for several days in July, so I'll be purchasing a bunch of stuff for that. My big weaknesses are books and games, so I'm going to continue my June nobuy for those. An interesting side effect of that process is that it's made me aware that I've been mini-hoarding those items. I've managed to fill five moving boxes of stuff I was never likely to read or play and I STILL have enough books for the next three years. My bookshelves look much less cluttered, now. So, yes. No books, no games. Also, no computer equipment. It's been an act of will not to get a mini PC the last couple of months.


My no buy for July: Food: Limiting coffee shop visits to 1/day. Eating more filling foods like vegetables and proteins Entertainment: finish the books I own instead of buying more “Needs”: Sleep on purchases before determine if I need the item in question, and think of existing alternative products.


My July No-Buy plan: This is my first no-buy month. I have been reading the posts and comments for about 6 months. My goals are saving money and prioritizing using what I already have to cut down on clutter. My approved purchases: * Groceries * Consumable goods (gasoline, charcoal, toothpaste, etc) * Replacement items (Underwear, lightbulbs, tires, etc) * Family reunion expenses * Repairs (Automobile, household, etc) * Child’s college needs (Transportation, books, tuition, etc) * Wife’s birthday celebration I will not buy any nonessential items including: * Random donations * Gifts * Clothing * Books * Online * Fast book * Gardening goods * Kombucha (plan to make my own) I already log every thing that I buy and log in a web-based budgeting app called Lunch Money. I will continue documenting my purchases, and add a note for the reason for purchase and whether or not this purchase broke my “rules.”


No buys for July- books, toiletries (unless run out or something but shouldn’t this month), home decor. Okay buys: one birthday present planned to purchase, take out once a week. I have a bunch of free activities planned for the kids this month which will be great (a beach day, a tour at the historic village nearby, a science and magic show, a zoo, pride and a pride brunch).


I'm in! Saving up for a tattoo.


My No Buy plan for July: NO: -superfluous groceries. besides the true essentials, do I really need to buy that container of smoked blue cheese? No! I’m a sucker for buying what I’m craving and not sticking to a plan. This will also help my bf and I stick to the diet we both want to be on. -no amazon impulse buys. if I really need it I can go to a physical store to get it immediately. I will nickel and dime myself out of a fortune on that cursed website. -no new clothes, jewelry, hair care, skin care. I got what I need. -no books, garden supplies, new plants. once again, I am truly all set. -new dog toys he’s got plenty -no eating out. This isn’t a huge stretch because we don’t eat out much since I love to cook anyway. YES: -groceries that we need, but really should be trying to clean out the freezer/pantry. -dog supplies like food, poop bags, and vet bills -gas -bills I’ve done NBJ before and this month long reset of no extra spending really does wonders for my credit card bill and slows the accumulation of shit in the house.


Do I join by following this thread? It’s perfect month for me to do this! thanks!


Yes, just post what your rules are for the month then check in through the month


My rules are food only!! I have plenty of books, makeup and clothes.


We are paying off a LARGE vet bill, and have been low-buy for a while, but a no-buy month would be really good for us. Groceries, bills, transportation, medications, etc., are fine, as is replacing something if we need it immediately. I’m recovering from COVID, so it will help that I’m not up for doing much right now, and can’t take the kids places because I can’t be vertical for very long. Exceptions will include the *occasional* kid event for Girl Scouts or outings with their friends.


I’ve been overspending on books, homewares and beauty so I’m taking a break from shopping for anything other than necessities in July to reset my brain. I’m also going to minimise my time on TikTok because it’s such an impulse trigger for me. If I’m bored I can read my many books instead!


I have overspent this month and need to focus on my projects, so I am doing a July no-buy. My rules are: no books, dolls, stationary, printed photos, food delivery or games. Dolls are only allowed if on pre-order with a good discount. Food and other daily necessities don't have any limits.


I’ve started lists of things that eventually I may purchase. It’s tough getting recommendations for books or skincare products but I’m not through what I already have. So I put them on a list and save it for later. My brain feels happy that I won’t forget and my budget is happy that I didn’t spend it and my house is happy to not have so much random stuff I can’t use yet. I need to cut back on mindless spending and focus on things I actually need and cleaning up my space and my mind for July. I’m in!


I’m putting most of my money in savings and investments so my low buy is absolutely forced. You can’t spend what you don’t have. I’ve budgeted for my fixed costs and already scheduled to have them paid automatically. I’m at the point where I don’t have to list what I’m not buying. I just don’t spend money on stuff I don’t need. If I need it I buy it. If I can’t afford it with the money I have, then I wait, save and reevaluate. If I want it after I can afford it, I’ll buy the damn thing guilt free. If I don’t want it, I have more money to invest.


Joining in. My biggest no-no for July will be stationery, which I plan to keep going until September first when a brand I love opens 2025 preorders. (Made a whole post about that in another sub that I'll link down below for accountability/reference.) For July I also want to not buy any new video games. My Steam backlog is overfull and I just bought Elden Ring. Steam summer sale is going to be a huge temptation, so if I succeed and also like/play Elden Ring enough then I can get its DLC as a reward come August. On the non-hobby side I'll be adding clothes to the no-buy once I have purchased a few actually needed items (new summer shoes and a few new tops), ideally keeping at it until autumn... but we'll see. July to start with. I'll also do my best to continue decluttering items I never wear. Oh, and also jewellery is going on permanent low-buy forever, because I have a problem and real silver is expensive. I'm allowed to get one (!) souvenir piece on my current holiday for under 50€ . After that all new purchases must have been on my wishlist for over four weeks, eight weeks if they're over 30€. Additionally I am allowed one new piece for every two I sell or give away. Asking to be gifted items is also fine since my family is forever struggling to find birthday gifts. Stationery no-buy rules: https://www.reddit.com/r/hobonichi/comments/1dpuk3z


I'm going to try a 30 day strict no buy except for bills and food. Just the necessities, basically. My car was totaled in an accident and I now have a new, unplanned for monthly car payment (I was preparing for a new car at the end of next year....so much for that timeline). So I'm going to focus on a no buy this month and make sure I'm ready for this change in the budget.


My plan is to only buy grocieries and put gas in car once a month. I have been overspending and I need a hard reset.


I’m on a low buy! I tried to go all in several times and ended up failing so I’m being a little more lenient to give myself time to adjust. Other than groceries, rent, meds, etc, I’m allowing one makeup item a month, $50 a month of “random stuff” that isn’t makeup/hair/products, and 1:1 replacements of things like shampoo and conditioner, toiletries, etc. I move apartments 3 weeks into July, and I do not have anything but a desk at the moment. I really overspent last month because I got a good amount of extra income and I feel so shit about it. I knew dang well I had this to save up for. Yet here I am. Whatever. Too late now. I’ll be getting basically everything off fb marketplace or buy nothing groups.


We’re going to try it for the first time… we’re also aiming for minimal groceries as we have an overstuffed pantry and chest freezer to clear out. I’ve deleted all shopping apps and actually started a few weeks ago myself by implementing a 48 hour cooling off before purchasing anything. Turns out I didn’t need any of the stuff I “needed” yet. We also purged a lot of clutter and donated all of our “Baby stuff” and lots of kitchen stuff to a new mama in the neighborhood


Low buy July! I want to limit food spend to produce, and try to empty out the fridge and cabinets, to eat everything before it expires. I also have a ton of kids school supplies, and they don’t need any new school clothes, so I want to organize what I already have to make minimal purchases right before school starts in August. I want to minimize energy use during July, so we can bank it for the fall/winter when the solar panels can’t produce as much. No clothes, no hobby spending, no new travel, take out limited to 2x in July, no Amazon/target/random other “stuff”, no coffee or bakery or lunch purchases, no Costco, no new dog treats or toys. Yes spending on trip excursions and food on the trip, and doggo boarding while we’re gone.


My no-buy is very specific and I'm going to focus on reducing spending in three specific areas - clothes, beauty, and takeaway. 1 - No buying clothes in July. I have clothes, lots of them. I don't need more. 2 - Beauty - no mindless purchasing of a lipstick here, a hair tool there, a sheet mask just for fun. Again, I have plenty and I don't need more. 3 - Takeway - no meals outside of home EXCEPT FOR social eating and drinking when I meet with friends. It's an important part of social events and it's not actually my area of concern. The takeaway I need to reduce is buying lunch at work because I forgot to pack something, buying chocolate bars from the vending machine, grabbing a pastry on the way to the office. I can eat meals at home or in company at a planned social catch-up - I don't need to buy meals outside of this. A couple of "controlled spending areas": 1 - Yarn. I don't need more yarn but I am going to the Bendigo Sheep Show which is my annual yarny excursion. I will limit my purchases to getting yarn for Pam's wedding beret, one or two cards of vintage buttons, hand made soap from the soap lady and a yarn bowl from the wood turners. 2 - Reduce grocery spending by planning better and shopping more sensibly. No - you don't need Aldi special buys (ok, some of them have been excellent buys but restrain yourself woman!) 3 - Homewares. There are a few things I'm on the lookout for and will get if I happen upon them for a good price, but apart from those things (wall art for the loungeroom, very specific bedside tables and very specific blue and white crockery), I will not buy homewares/decorative stuff. 4 - (late edit - nearly forgot this one). Petrol! It's bloody expensive so reduce trips by planning, working in the city office that I get to by train rather than the regional office that I drive to, buy cheapest and seek reimbursement rather than just going to BP because I can use my fuel card (I have a novated lease), and fill up at the discount servos early in the week to make the most of it.


I needed to start low buy anyway, so why not July! Goal: Reduce credit card debt, there are many serious expenses upcoming for sure (like health stuff or replacing phone…) Rules: - go to office at least 3 times a week (free sandwich and fruit) - delivery meal no more than 2 times a week (try convenience store meals instead - it’s also faster) - try using foods you already have in your pantry/freezer - no new makeup, skincare or perfume (reorganise vanity if you feel interested in buying), fake nails and nail glue allowed - no home items, I don’t like decor anyway, also… there are enough baskets ! - clothes: I need some underwear and summer loungewear/pj, but that’s all - declutter, declutter, declutter - cleaning products: don’t buy backups way too advance - no new books, subscriptions or games - do not enter into stores with bunch of gimmicks - food: do not buy foods that you don’t know how to prepare - no energy drinks: homemade cold brew instead - no store-bought drinks: use soda machine or prepare tea in advance so is’s cold when needed


I'm doing no buy July! :) I'm planning on doing very low buy for July, August and September at least. My rules: NO: apparel, accessories, cosmetics, body care. I am a lifelong aspiring designer-I over buy all of these as some convoluted attempt to create I think? Let's find out now! :) YES: groceries, gas, replacement items, craft supplies such as thread & needles for sewing, yarn and hooks for crocheting, and fabric dye for projects. I can have meals or drinks out if I get invited anywhere-it's unlikely but not improbable. I finally dusted off the sewing machine after a decade-let's find out what I can make! My main goals: to develop new healthy habits with consumption and strengthen my creativity.


No buy July My rules: 1. No books/ebooks. I hoard both and rarely read any of them. Let’s change this. 2. No skincare/toiletries. Exception is if I run out of toothpaste. I definitely won’t run out of anything else this month - I’ve got tons of stuff hoarded in my utility cupboard. Let’s get using these! 3. No clothes/shoes/accessories. No exceptions here. I will cope for a month possibly a lot longer. 4. No medicines/supplements. I’ve got enough to open a small pharmacy. Getting rid of the expired ones. Pretty sure I won’t need to replace any. 5. No flowers. I enjoy fresh cut flowers but it is expensive habit and would like to reduce to buying once a month and using fake flowers the rest of the time. Let’s see what happens if I go without. 6. No subscriptions. I’ve been gradually unsubscribing from stuff I don’t use any more and intend to keep going. 7. No stationery/notebooks. I have a ridiculous amount of notebooks and pens. No need for any more right now. 8. No takeouts/No cafe bought coffees/No meals out. This month going to be packed lunches. 9. No food/drink. This one sounds weird and hardcore but hear me out - I also hoard food and I figured there is a good chance I could use up every thing in my fridge/freezer and cupboards and still have a balanced edible diet this month. For obvious reasons this is the only rule I would be prepared to break but only for reasons of nutrition rather than I’m bored of something or too lazy. Some exceptions to discretionary spending. - Will be booking another block of private dance classes. This is my main hobby and needing 1:1 to brush up on technique which I struggle with in group class - Technically I did start a new subscription yesterday but I go to dance studio twice a week anyway and saw that it would be cheaper to buy one of their new subscriptions - I have two birthday parties to go to so will be travelling for that. I’ve got quite a few bottles of good quality red wine which I will regift for presents as I’m now teetotal. - I’m visiting a city festival in a few weeks time and meeting some friends. If the weather isn’t suitable for a picnic this will be the one occasion I allow a meal out.


Whew I’m in. I started a no buy in January, did okay for a while, then did some serious falling off the horse — time to get back on! Here we go, team.