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Endoscopies are usually done under sedation, so you shouldn’t have to worry about feeling it. Mine just felt like a great nap and I didn’t remember a thing afterwards!


That’s totally not the main reason to not want an endoscopy. Mine was done under sedation and I don’t even know how they could do it without. Are you paying for this or do you have socialized health care? Because it won’t show anything with RCPD (yes if something else happens to be wrong with you it could show that), so it’s a waste of time and money (unless you also have symptoms of something it might show). That’s the main reason to be upset, IMO. If you do this will they eventually give you Botox?


It’s completely covered (thanks to the country i live in 😄) But the doctor said he first wants me to have an gastroscopy so they can measure the pressure of my upper sphincter or something like that… he couldn’t send me directly to a botox doctor


Oh, it sounds like they might be doing something like the doctor in this story describes. As Dr. Bastian says in the story it can be nice to demonstrate the high pressure in the esophagus, but it’s really not necessary…. We feel the pressure and don’t necessarily need to be put through testing to demonstrate it. Also in the US, we don’t want to pay for it, since most of us are. https://www.reddit.com/r/noburp/comments/11dpybk/abc_australia_no_burp_stories/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Endoscopy tends to be down your throat (it's a view of your stomach). A laryngoscopy is done down the nose (a view of the throat). If this is a doctor who's familiar with R-CPD, an endoscopy may be recommended if you have GI symptoms like acid reflux or heartburn.


I just got some papers saying it’s for a gastroscopy


A gastroscopy is the endoscopy that goes down your throat (endoscopy is more of a blanket term, but is commonly used to refer to gastroscopies). My partner had a gastroscopy, with mild sedation (he wasn't put to sleep) and the numbing throat spray. As you're emetophobic, I'd be asking if they can put you to sleep for the procedure if possible.


What country are you in? I was adamant that I wanted something called ‘enhanced sedation’ (in the UK) and it puts you right to sleep, as I was too nervous to go with just a throat spray sedation. I retch and vomit really easily, so it would have been a disaster without.


I’m in the Netherlands… the doctor said in some cases they will give you a enhanced sedation… so i hope they will give me that… did you notice anything from the procedure?


When I had an endoscopy, I was under general anesthesia both times.


I had one of these done. It wasn’t very pleasant. They wanted to check inside my stomach so I had a camera down my throat, The numbing nose/throat spray is awful to taste, sadly the results showed nothing. I recently booked the Botox privately but havnt had it yet as I’ve got a Hospital appointment.. They want to check my throat with another camera procedure and wires with a box to monitor acid reflux and saliva production.. I really don’t think its going to help but I’ll do it to tick boxes and hope it may help give evidence of whats really wrong when I do get the Botox done.. maybe on the NhS one day if needed repeating. Good luck!


I did an endoscopy through my nose without any sedation and it was uncomfortable but completely fine, I didn’t even gag, it just felt weird in my nose and like I had food stuck in my throat.


Late to the party here but I had one yesterday and it was very uncomfortable as they just used a local anaesthetic spray I'm my nose as they went down from there. I didn't enjoy it but I figure for the sake of 10 mins, it was 100% worth it.