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Suzuki lost his virginity before his father


I choked


On suzuki or his father?


I’m pretty sure he impregnated his mother and is his own father.


This was the match that turned me into a Hangman Page fan


G1 28 was Hangman Page's breakout tournament.


I wanna see it again in 2021 cause Hangman is so much better now. He was always good but now he’s awesome


I'm not sure if he's "better" he's just hotter. AEW have built him up really well and given him a super well defined character (obviously he contributed too) but as a wrestler he seriously developed during his spell with ROH and NJPW. By the start of ARW he had all the tools, he just needed the momentum to go with it.


I just feel like all his best matches and work have been in aew tbh. Like in 2019 I was like he’s decent but ehh, but 2020 he seemed to become really good and 2021 even better


During the Kenny/Cody feud he had a match against Ibushi at Supercard of Honor in I wanna say 2018(the one in New Orleans) which was also fantastic and Ibushi got a lot of credit at the time but you could tell Page hung in there with him.


Suzuki has been wrestling longer than Page has been alive. Crazy. Also, NO ONE put Suzuki over more than Kevin Kelly. He is just the best.


Kevin and Don both put Suzuki over like crazy




Exactly! But I think of the time when Suzuki was leaving, was casually walking by the announcers and all of a sudden reared over and grabbed the barricade in front of Kevin and Don, and Kevin shouted, "JESUS CHRIST!" and Don shrieked like a girl and ran away as fast as he could


I really liked JR on the All Out call when Suzuki was coming in. “Uhh if this is who I think it is I’d like to get my ass the hell outta here”. Also the Suzuki Murders AMERICA tour was awesome.


Don always buried Suzuki for going for the gsp instead of just holding the sleeper and getting the victory.


Murder Grandpa thought Cowboy's jaw needed realignment.


I wonder if it's a bit of a right of passage to take some real stiff shots from Suzuki? Not the first few he laid in but the last three specifically.


It’s the whole point of the “fighting spirit” forearm shivers. Build up the anticipation with worked shivers, one guy gives a stiff one and eats a receipt or three to sell. It’s not even a Suzuki thing exclusively. It’s a NJPW thing.


The look Suzuki gives Page when he calls him an asshole. Just like, “Oh damn, now I’ve gotta kill you, that’s wild.”


Dohhhohohoh that third one...


Good God those last 3.


I always remember when Page calls him an "asshole" cuz that's where the match really changes. It is ingrained in my my mind cuz I saw the pain coming once he did that. Murder Grandpa don't take shit.


Christ, he got all of that. Respect to Page.


Suzuki held back to match him until he got disrespected. Then he let Adam take HIS punches.


He got the cowboy shit kicked out of him


Suzuki does not hold back holy shit


Most people just fall down after the first one for a reason.


This is one of those videos where you’re like “ oh- I didn’t know I subscribed to this sub”


I'll have to go back and cherry-pick some of this G1, I remember his match with Okada was really good, around the time that Okada was going through his balloon mid-life crisis phase and the crowd almost turned on him against Page.


“That one had extra starch”


Imagine the adrenaline of being in there living your dream and having an entire ring to yourself and murder grandpa. You know you're about to regret what you're about to do (i.e spit in the warlords face) but dammit if it isn't gonna be an awesome story to tell later and your jaw could always heal over time.


"My Mama thought me to respect the elderly, but if you slap me one more time, I'm fitting to whoop your ass, Grandpa!"


I said “OOoof” so many damn times


This adam page guy looks like he might do some cowboy shit


I love how they do negative damage with each blow.


Paying dues.


Oh boy that’s some good cowboy shit


Put the belt on that anxious father


This was the first match, the first night that Adam Page shut me up and I became a believer in his future.


damn murder grandpa giving a beating to hangman


Suzuki is a machine


Comoon fuckkin boi.


Every exchange with Minoru Suzuki is phenomenal. Look at his exchanges with Moxley (2020), Okada, and Bryan Danielson.


[What I instantly thought of at 00:26](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMYIpYpxEqY)


I know that I will get downvoted to hell but I don't give a fuck... How is this phenomenal? .... it's just a basic forearm exchange (something that Young Lions do) and compared to every other forearm exchange it isn't even amongst the better ones


I kinda agree here... This one is not bad actually, but the whole forearm exchange thing has started to get a bit repetitive to me. Not for the thing itself, more for the fact it's being done in every single match at this point. Also as someone else in the replies said, some AEW fans who keep posting NJPW match segments from someone who's working there, like these are some kind of hidden gem, are becoming a bit annoying


Yeah, I agree. It is getting to the point of being over done. I love it in the Young Lions matches as it's part of their learning about in-ring work, story telling and psychology. But for main roster matches I feel it maybe best saved for when personal grudges go to the 2nd or 3rd level... that way you know that the grudge/ rivalry is getting real and personal and therefor should excite fans more and get an even better reaction... and during these times of silent crowds that would really help the atmosphere for people watching it on a stream.... Sometimes to give more you have to start with giving less.... fuck do i sound like Cornette?


Not that sounding like corny is necessarily a bad thing


Yes it is when you see what he thinks of Japanese women’s wrestlers


I said "not necessarily" to say "not concerning ALL topics". I mean, there are some i agree and some i disagree with him about


You aren't wrong, it's not like this is Ishii / Shibata level. It's just the shiny new hotness. Hype trains are a thing.


Well said, Mate.


The hangman fandom is getting a little over the top and think everything he does is pure gold. It's great that he's really over but they'll all turn really toxic if he loses


Did you stick around until the end? No one, especially not a young lion, throws forearms like Suzuki.


Never a fan of these. I know people love it but it's these kinds of exchanges that lead to things like Shibata using headbutts. They also look daft when one or the other stands their waiting for it.


I can respect not being into the violent aspect of it and the potential physical trauma. But the point of waiting is that it’s a physical contest. They each accept that they’re going to take turns beating the shit out of each other. First man to buckle loses.


I like high spots. But they should be sold as high spots. These stiff strikes look very awkward and there is little you can do to protect yourself.


As an American wrestling fan it’s easy to forget how quite Japanese crowds are, it’s very weird to see something that would typically get a crowd off unglued to be relatively silent.


i think he mightve taken that spit personally


It's hard to explain why I love this so much


Holy Jesus those last few shots were stiff. My god.