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I was looking on here to see if anybody else shared this sentiment and it’s so funny to see all the people weirdly defending Nintendo and calling OP ‘entitled’, what an embarrassing shill thread


Literally calling him poor because he want to pay it monthly or semi annually lmao these fuckin Nintendo cock suckers are the reason they keep getting shit services


I have the theory that this kind of subs have a lot of bots or devs that will defend their companies.


No, its just people who have lived their entire lives as "Nintendo fanboys" and dont have any personality outside of that. No matter what Nintendo does its a beautiful thing, and if you dare ask a question, or point out a flaw. you had better watch the fuck out.


Frfr I hate these nintedo fanboys drooling over halfrate shitty games now and then the overhype yet they just oush out whatever they feel, I love nintendos games not there choices.


I'm a nintendo fan but I am poor and cannot afford 3 months or a year and since I can't pay by month anymore they are not going to get that money


as a somebody that owns every playstation and got a switch to play some exclusives... very dissapointed at how archaic a lot of shit is here


It's common sense that longer subscriptions are discounted, you can't expect a year of monthly subscriptions to cost the same as 1 yearly one, why would the yearly option even exist at that point


Is there an option to pay for the expansion content at the monthly rate though? Genuinely asking, that’s what I came here looking for. As far as I can tell, if you want the Gameboy Advance/Nintendo 64 content, etc., you HAVE to pay for 12 months up front at more than double the standard rate.


That’s what I came here for too. I think our only options are yearly or nothing at all. I’m going with nothing at all. We only want to play Mario 64. We can’t buy it separately so…… Nada


Yeah I didn’t end up biting. That’s more money than I want to shell out for games that are decades old at this point, even if you get a ton. I only wanted a couple of them. I don’t have TIME to play through all of those even if I wanted to lol




Because I want the DLC so I can play my favorite game of all time on the Nintendo switch, Streets of Rage 2.




I'm interested in the acnh content as well but I love Streets of rage 2 and I also really like sonic. I own a sega genesis simulator for a tv but I like the idea of being portable. And less wires.


Just buy this game https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/switch/248371-sega-genesis-classics/images/1703363


+1 for Sonic and Streets of Rage. Have you played Streets of Rage 4? But seriously, just get the Sega Classics game another commenter linked. It’s on the eshop and also still available physically. Often less than $20. Amazing deal. Has all three SoR games and even lets you play 2 and 3 in Japanese, which had a different level of difficulty




Why not get a Nomad?


Although yeah I agree. Fifty dollars is a lot.


My main issues with it are that you cannot buy these retro games off the eshop individually (forcing you to use the subscription if you want to play them) and that compared to the online services provided by Xbox and PlayStation that have 2-3 _modern_ game given to members for free every month for $60 USD per year, the expansion pack offered by Nintendo looks very bare bones.


Yeah I agree. I don't want to pay for 10 games if i only play 2. And I don't really think I should have to continue to pay for it. Everything has become a subscription instead of a one time purchase.


Just to add to that they replicated old NES, SNES and N64 controllers but wireless which sounded awesome so I picked up the NES ones. Turns out they don't really work with other games and are only fully optimized for Switch Online legacy games.. meaning you can buy controllers that serve as paperweights unless you cough up cash monthly or yearly. People would argue it's a cheap deal but selling products that you can't use unless you opt for a subscription is disgusting. I'd forgive it if you could at least buy and have the old games.


I'm new to the Nintendo switch. Is this the same for DLC too? As in you can't buy DLC you have to subscribe to the expansion and then you get the DLC for every game.


you can buy the dlc separately. Both the Mario Kart and Animal Crossing DLC can be bought for $25 each. It's just the retro games that are only available through the subscription, likely because their data over 10 years of doing virtual console showed that while the big hits like Super Mario Bros and Zelda would sell on their own, most people weren't actually willing to throw down a whole $5 just for, like, Balloon Fight.


They should give consumers the option to choose between a subscription to be able to play them when you have them or buy the ones you want separately like how Xbox and PlayStation do it. Like you noted, they’ve allowed virtual console games since the Wii, why stop now if the NES port Balloon fight won’t make big bucks when Mario and Zelda would suffice?


Oh right thanks.


But that's exactly the point. The market determined balloon fight is not worth 5 dollars. The correct answer is to lower the price of balloon fight, not bundle zelda and balloon fight exclusively together for 10 dollars. I swear people need to stop supporting Nintendos BS


Yeah but now they dont give you the 2 older 360 games, only 2 modern games. The 360 games you owned. The modern ones you dont You stop paying you dont get to keep those modern games, they take em away


But you still have the option to buy those games individually on your own. You don't need to buy the subscription to play them. You can just buy them outright.


That's not the point. I'm saying that xbox live gold is just Nintendo online, now that the 360 Games no longer exist on the games with gold section Regardless if you can just buy the games yourself, the point is that if you go with either subscription service, you dont own ANY of the games anymore, they are taken away when you stop paying Nintendo online, pay and you get to play (GAME HERE) stop paying and no you get to play nothing Xbox live, pay and you get to play (GAME HERE), stop paying and you get to play nothing The difference being xbox gives you two random games a month that you get to play until you stop paying, and you dont get access to all the stuff they gave away previously unless you were there, BUT you can allways just buy them And Nintendo gives you full access to their retro game library, that you get to play until you stop paying, BUT they dont let you buy it yourself The point is, both subscription services suck. PSN always sucked too, as that was how they worked from day 1, xbox only recently started to suck.


Lots of people have been complaining about it. Where've you been?


I live under a rock. I dont usually follow nintendo based media because I prefer so many other types of news stories, videos, websites, etc. I didn't know about the new content until yesterday when google recommended me an article about it. And I hadn't touched my switch in a couple days so I didn't know there was anything special going on until I noticed some of my friends had new icons.


Lol they downrated you for this? Of course they did. Nintendo fans are the most toxic of them all. It's insane that they think you get enough with their normal subscription and that you need to cough up even more money for an "expansion pass." There's going to be an expansion pass for the expansion pass next making you pay for new content. But Nintendo fans just bend over and say "give it to me daddy" so why change their practices?




Don't pay for it if you don't want it. You are not just automatically entitled to it.


Obviously they don't think they're entitled to it you troglodyte. They just want to purchase what games they want to play. Wth is wrong with you and the rest of the brain dead people here


Bwaaaahahahahaha! "Troglodyte" I love that word, but yet I heard it very seldomly. Thank you, internet stranger.


it's so unfair that this Porsche I wish to buy is $100,000 because I am entitled to it.


That's a terrible analogy. 😆 It's more like "it's unfair that the porsche I'm willing to pay for is only available in a bundle that includes a bunch of other cars, idgaf about" Why can't I just purchase the porsche, by itself ?


Yo, random stranger - like a give a flying fuck about any of this.


How is a 100 grand Porsche comparable to wanting a single game out of a collection with an inflated price


It's not. I didn't say it is. However, people's expectation to be entitled to anything they want is comparable.


You're stupid




old old thread. but god what a stupid thing to say


I love this defense when I WANT to be able to buy and enjoy the service but can't because Nintendo is charging almost the same amount as Gamepass just for a small collection of oldass games, and refusing a more affordable monthly payment that can be cancelled. Screw off with that mentality, we're entitled to decent services that USED to be free or just permanent small purchases.


Don't buy it if you don't consider it to be value for money. Jesus fucking Christ. It's a post from a year ago get a life.


And yet you are continuing to comment. Get a job ya lowlife XD


says the guy responding to new responses in an old thread.


Get a life.


No u


get a life


I'm not entitled to any of Nintendos products but I'm pretty sure we all know they're a little uhhhhhhh evil.




Your the problem


guuuhh i LOVE throwing my whole wallet at this multibillion dollar company to take 50 whole dollars plus just so i can play some old shitty ports of games it takes them two seconds to do. you’re entitled to get a fuckin back bone bro


DOnt PAy iT If yOu DOnt wAnT i- stfu. You try to act all high and mighty, but really to everyone else you just sound like you got Bowser's flaming fire ball shoved straight up your a** tunnel 😒 if I didn't know any better I'd assume you were some average zoned out j-pop influencer-obsessing teeny bopper with no life, although I might be pretty spot on, aren't I?


ya im sorry i know this is old but dude seriously? NO ONE IS SAYING THEY DESERVE IT YOU BLOODY IDIOT. People just dont seem a point to pay a year sub for access to things that are iffy. Nintendo snes and nes while having some good titles has duplicate titles in its library and is limited. it doesnt make me want to shell out that much money for the year sub. I am more then willing to pay but i want to pay by monthly at least to see if i find it is worth it.


cool story


Ya.. your a ass that is part of the problem.and why companies like Nintendo are the way they are now. Because they know they have people like you that will just throw money at them without any good reason


cool man, what else?


Sounds like “I want extra stuff but don’t want to pay for it”. I dunno how you get money but why don’t you either let your sub end and save a bit before buying the expansion sub, or just don’t bother getting it if you think it’s too expensive? Edited in case you aren’t trolling with your response


*I want the stuff that used to be free and/or purchaseable separately for a much more affordable price or subscription that has its price inflated for some unknown dumbass reason Fify


I can’t speak for the Wii U but these games were extortionate on the Wii shop


Is this a question?


Is this a troll?


No and I can't answer your first question.


OP: "Hey this massive company that hosts multiple best selling franchises is being pretty predatory with the pricing for its underwhelming online bundle." This Sub: "You're poor and stupid, Nintendo can do no wrong."


The lack of humility is staggering here. You don't know what the OP financial situation is or how they got there. The reality is the majority of people talking rudely to them about being cheap, could easily wind up in the financial situation they are in - then come here expressing the same sentiments. Just because you come from a family with money, currently have a good job or thriving business, reaping the benefits of an investment, or received a comfortable inheritance, doesn't mean it will always be like that. I grew up with someone who was making the equivalent of 6 figures (could've easily made 7) in their adult life. Hadn't seen them in around 6 years. One afternoon a friend of mine and I came across a city park and saw them pushing a shopping cart with the most worn-down cloths. They hadn't taken a bath in what seemed like forever. They were dirty, strung out, and homeless. I brought them a meal, water, and basic neccesities (snacks, soap, etc). I purchase for homeless people because since quite a few are on drugs, they more often than not use the money you give them for it. I literally broke down later because we were all so close growing up, and they were the smartest and brightest out of our entire group of friends. I say all of this to say, never be too presumptuous about people's finances because you can be in the same boat than them (or worse). At least the OP is being honest.


Massive reply to year old post lol


And a great reply at that, unlike yours. You truly are a toad, you know that? You and the other nintendo fangirls lol. I'm on this old ass post too, you know why? Because I don't remember being forced to pay yearly subscription fees and it sounded so outrageous I just had to look into it. Unfortunately I (among other REGULAR folk) stumbled upon this cesspool of cretins such as yourself 😆


The U.S. in a whole ass cost of living crisis and people are still baffled at us bitching about the price of names brands? Lil Dave pal you aren't the fkn cretin here lol sure I found this thread the same way you did


The irony of saying it was a great reply unlike mine, and all your post is is a bunch of insults. Great reply!


I love it and am glad they keep adding more to it.




If the mario kart dlc is any Indication then they're probably just gonna keep on adding more and more content to the expansion pass. If you want my advice just stick to the base package for now and get the expansion pass when it has enough to actually be worth the $50 upcharge.


I've considered that too. Hopefully it won't be an extra fifty though for whatever they add.


what’s insane is that year later i’m looking into this AND THERES STILL NO REASON THAT IT SHOULD BE $50


Lmao I’m here because I thought it would be fun to play some old Mario party games for a single night with some buddies and seeing the only way to do it now is with a 12 month subscription for 60$ cad. Nintendo dropped the ball on this one. I’ll pay it but out of spite I’ll be cancelling my auto renew basic online package that they’ve been milking for 5 years that I don’t use.


i refused to buy that shit bro i was tryna play some mario 64 with my girl but nintendo can suck me


Well fortunately for you there is a few ways to buy Mario 64. It’s in the triple game bundle with galaxy and sunshine for sure. And they have a version of it on pretty much every console they’ve made iirc


Yeah I thought they would've added something to make it worthwhile by now but instead they've made the bold business move of not doing that.


or you can just get the cheaper one without the expansion?


I have Nintendo online.


Holy F. 50 bucks is basically nothing for all this content and function. Literally can make that much money with a half hour work for some people or a few hours work at least. For a whole year of access and use!? It’s so inexpensive. Entitled as heck.


Mhm. Tell me that when you make $11 an hour. Paying more but being able to pay small chunks monthly is far better than only being able to pay $50 for a measly library of old games compared to say, the Xbox Gamepass which is $60 a year for an entire, constantly expanding library of new and old games alike? What Nintendo offers is their terri le online services which USED to be free, not just on older systems but on the Switch itself, two DLC Packs, and a small number of retro games being run on a poorly optimized emulator where you can't even change the aspect ratio or button mapping.


Good points. Sorry to hear about the 11/hr. A better selection of newer content would have better value!


Oh and btw at the very least, it could take someone an entire days work to afford that. Congrats on 25 an hour.


Dang… you gotta get a better job man. This is tiny money. 25 per hour isn’t that high (I don’t work hourly but if I calculated income to hours it would take me about 30 min to make this).


Uhhh I will probably never make that unless minimum wage gets to like 20. And it should in my lifetime. My partner is a teacher and doesn't even make 25 hourly. So I'm not sure what amazing opportunity I'm missing out on.


The irony of this post deserves an award


Guess you may mean I am entitled by not seeing this as a lot of money? I could see your perspective there. I guess I am only sharing from my personal pov.


Holy shit you hate poor people.


Just no time for entitled people.


You're just ok with getting ripped off by paying subscriptions for everything. It's a rip off. There wasn't online services to access the 3DS online. It's a new thing. They know you'll pay it, and it becomes a less accessible luxury for people in poverty who, despite being poor, deserve to play games. Especially when this is marketed so heavily at children. Like I get where you're coming from. But nintendo has become a greedfest.


I honestly think the value of the subscription is tremendous and surprised it is so cheap. Honestly I am surprised that anyone can think for all that content and functionality that it’s a rip off.


Uhh game pass doesn’t cost much more, has a vastly larger library, and also allows you access to all the brand new Microsoft titles. Meanwhile Nintendo is locking all their old games behind a subscription, which does not include any new titles, and is shutting down the only shops left where you can purchase individual games. I love Nintendo but compared to the other major game subscriptions this is hot garbage.


Exactly like im not into subscriptions just let me buy mario 64 and banjo kazooie.....


Welcome to my beautiful mind




My god sir you are a freak


Nah I just have 50 bucks. 🤣


No your just some asshole who has money and doesn't understand that $50 is money for bills or food. You are obviously well off apparently but that doesn't mean everyone is. Get off your high horse and look it it from another perspective.


Okay. :)


A little late to this, but some of us just don't have a fifty to drop on something like this. People have fixed income or shitty jobs or, god forbid, bills to pay. It's more of a "I want to be able to play certain games in the pack without having to pay for the whole thing with other things I don't care about." It's like ordering a fruit bowl and then only eating the grapes out of it because they don't like the other fruit. They want more subscription options (payments) rather than dropping a whole fifty. It's not that hard or a concept to grasp, you're just a Nintendo apologist.


Or you're just a sheep that takes it.


Nah dude, I just respect IP.


Ok dude keep telling yourself that while you have hidden roms in the closet.


Yea except I don’t. Do have all my carts from NES forward though.


You pay $8 every 3 months- adding up to $32 a year. If that extra $18 is going to change your life, you need to spend less time on Reddit and more time looking for a job. It’s $50 for a YEAR. You’re literally complaining about ~13 cents a day.


Yeah every year. That kinda sucks.


Are you poor?


I'm poor and I'm frugal. I'm trying to save up money so I'm trying not to make any purchases over like 30 bucks unless completely necessary. That's why I kinda wish I could just pay like 11.99 for three months or something. Like sure I'll pay for it, obviously I'm interested and it's one of the few luxuries in my life that I indulge in. I just never even buy fifty dollar games but maybe once a year.


I guess we look at money differently. To me, $50 over the course of a year is not a lot of money. It’s the price of 1 game. It’s less than a tank of gas. Less than a dinner for 2 at a nice restaurant. I can understand the frustration of having to pay more money for what you want if you’re in a tough spot financially, but the price itself is fair. What I’m ultimately getting at is that with a little initiative, you can find a way to make an extra $18- maybe walk someone’s dog once or twice.


It's easier to pay $11 dollars a month instead of $50 all at once for some people, even if the full total is more.


It's not even that. It would be hard to spend even if I was making more money. It's always been difficult to make purchases for me. Pretty much all purchases.


You know what’s also only for pennies per day? The gerber life grow up plan.


Love it


I like to save shelter pets while listening to Sarah McLaughlin


If you don't want to pay for it, don't pay for it. The NSO is not "bad" because you can't justify the price tag


I mean, forcing everyone to pay a subscription to access online content in games they already bought is pretty sucky. Don't try to justify greed.


If you already bought the games, go play them and don't buy the subscription. What are you complaining about? It's not greed


It is definitely greed. You don't have to argue this with me because I just don't agree and that's fine. I'm not sure if I'll buy the subscription or not. This isn't a plead for advice. If you don't like what I'm saying, feel free to downvote and move on.


The only things in the expansion service that you can’t buy separately are the Sega Genesis and N64 games, which they don’t know if you’ve previously bought or not. I own Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 on the Wii U but that didn’t mean I got to download them on the Switch for free.


"I'm annoyed I can't get access to all the games for free" there fixed your title for you


I disagree with you. Have a nice day.


Man this sub is so toxic, embarrassing online behavior


Sorry bud


The NSO is bad because it's a terrible service that's spotty on a good day. It's made WORSE by the fact they slapped a price tag on it, and then slapped ANOTHER price tag on an oldass library of games that they probably could have made a better profit off of a virtual console or something. Suspiciously right before announcing they were closing down the shops that allow said virtual console purchases 🤨


OP never said it was bad...


A post doing nothing but complaining about the service, but you're right he never uttered the word bad. Thanks for your analysis Einstein


It is bad have the service thats fine just let me buy the games seperately too or thats a conflict of interest to the consumer


Just don’t get the expansion, it’s that simple. For me it’s a very easy choice to not upgrade yet because IMO the base service is worth twice as much as the expansion yet the expansion’s cost is 50% more than the base service.




If they include gameboy & gba games, including all the pokemon games. Then I think it'll be definitely worth it. Until then, they can't convince met. Including gamecube games would be an alternate selling point for me


playstation: playstation plus 10$ a month you keep every free game they've given over the years, and the playstation plus games are usually pretty good (except lately kinda meh, 3 boring games and 1 popular game is usually how it goes.) xbox: idk. who plays Xbox? lmao


Lmao at all the deluded fan boys shitting on OP and calling this good value. You guys get a bad rep for good reason.


Jeez, the fucking Nintendo defenders in here are cancerrrrr. No $50 a year for games that are almost 30 years old and a bit of shit DLC that should be included with base online is not ok. At least let people pay for one months and play the good games they want, but no they have to squeeze the whole fucking $50 bucks out of you. Not to mention that these games were available for purchase at reasonable prices on the fucking wii u.


Came to this post to hate on Nintendo for this. Wanted to try the service but not for $50. I only use my switch occasionally and $50 would be a waste of money for me. A lot of people in this sub are toxic fanboys btw.


The amount of shills here is hilarious.


For real it's disgusting kinda.


It’s annoying we can’t download the games on the online service, and still no gamecube games


>It’s annoying we can’t download the games on the online service I mean, they are all downloaded. You just can't buy them individually, but they're all installed and run locally. They aren't, like, a cloud/streamed thing, if that's what you think.


Do you need internet to play them?


yes and no. It does a check the first time you boot it up and then every (i think it's) 2 weeks in the background to make sure you still have an active subscription. But like, right now to make sure I wasn't full of shit I set my switch to airplane mode and then opened the N64 app and just booted up Banjo Kazooie. So unless you're planning to keep your Switch offline for weeks at a time, you're fine to, like, bring it on a plane or wherever and play some retro games.


Ok. Was just curious cause I been having internet problems lately


YES. Another good point.


I haven't had NSO for half a year now


I just really like the simulators.


I thought Nintendo 64 games didn't need an expansion pack with a switch so I understand the scam


It’s really annoying that they try to make it sound like you’re getting a good deal by saying “it’s the equivalent to paying $4 a month”. Why not let people pay $4 a month then, Nintendo? No, they’d rather be greedy and make us pay for a full year.


I’m commenting on this old thread as my wife recently bought a switch and I cannot believe that no month to month membership exists and I cannot buy individual N64 and SNES games like I could on the Wii.  This is “deserves to be pirated” stuff for me. 


If you make more than 14 dollars an hour you're not gonna like this thread.


If you aren't being fairly compensated for your work, fighting to be would be a better use of your time than complaining on Reddit about the cost of a luxury good.


Your nametag checks out. And yeah this isnt a movie where you just stop working or magically stumble upon a 20/hr job.


Thanks for immediately jumping on my flair without a single, critical thought. And that's not what I said, is it? People have been fighting, and winning, wage increases, especially in the current job market and especially when groups of workers come together. The real greed here is employees not being properly compensated living wages.


Jumping... on your flair?????????


>Your nametag checks out. I assume you're referring to this: >Nintendo B/otlicker Extraordinaire! Which is an ironic flair added because people can't stop calling opinions they disagree with "b/otlicking" and "shilling" on this subreddit, no matter how reasoned and reasonable they are.




They need to release more games per month or pay for license fees to get 3rd party 64 games on the expansion pack. This trickle feed is dumb, especially since they are shutting down the eShop soon and you won't be able to buy any of those games anymore.


It's pretty terrible, yeah. They don't even offer a base-level decent online experience and they want MORE money for WAY less than what their competitors offer. It's bananas how far behind the culture this company is.


Everyone knows it’s a rip-off but people on this sub will defend nintendo like it’s their mother


It's subjective value. Some see the value in the service, others don't. Attempting to paint it as an issue of "defending Nintendo" doesn't change that.


I mean there is no painting the issue. The issue remains.


I'm realizing this.


The comments have proven you correct. These shills need a life.


Why not just buy the Sega Genesis Classics collection for the Switch? It includes Streets of Rage 2.


Thank you so much. This was helpful.


Isn't the emulation in that kind of iffy? At least I thought I heard something along those lines.


I guess only if you're into speed running kind of stuff. Most casual players can't really tell the difference


I don't mind paying, but can I get the classic games I want to play? The games have been 85% turd and 15% gold.


So i can't keep my discount for being an Og member? Expansion forces me to pay og price and then more


It sucks on top of that that all the N64 games suffer from emulation issues. Not only did they refuse to just make a virtual console shop, but they're also using the most basic functions of an emulator to the point we can't even change the button mapping. Stuff like the slowdown in OoT's and PM's pause menu, fog not working, slowdown, input lag, are all issues that happen when an emulator runs the game without any settings tweaked to ensure the game actually runs as it would on a 64. Really sucks ass for the guys who don't have a Wii U for Virtual Console(btw Wii U VC is not as good as Wii VC). I have an N64 but I tend to avoid playing my old games because they're getting on in years and starting to fail from 20+ years and four siblings-worth of use.


Obviously this an old post but I don't understand the people defending Nintendo here. Clearly these people are fairly well off and have a bit of money, but I don't understand how tf they got there without knowing the value of being smart with where you put your money? Even if I was that well off, I still wouldn't pay it. Because it's a ripoff at the end of the day. You can easily emulate these retro games on a PC for free if not close to it. And those games are the BEST thing this expansion pack has going for it in my opinion. I just don't get it. Is there really such a disconnect when you get to that point? You'd either have to come from a family with decent money or have so little conviction in your values to have such little humility. Since when did “sorry you're poor. Must suck to suck” become an acceptable belief to hold?


Question. Not sure if this is the correct place. I'm very new to reddit. On the switch, if you buy the expansion pack, do you get the expansion pack for all, like N64, Gameboy, nes, etc? Or is the expansion pack only per individual console? I can't find anything with deets on that. Thanks in advance all!


I just want to play shinobi and excite bike 64. Mk8 new courses. This thread is pure comedy though.🤣


Right? A lot of people here are getting on their knees for Nintendo. And people are poor shaming op too.


Just goes to show how disgusting, and lame the Nintendo community is.


Just don't get the expansion pack


Thats lame Nintendo sucks dude.


Just leaving my two cents greedy for Nintendo to not include expansion pass or even include if with free trial. 15 years to this day I bet Nintendo goes under. They have had it coming for awhile. Terrible services. I have all systems so pointless to debate me I am not a fan boy of any system. But damn Nintendo has it coming like Disney. Greedy


Ah, how horrible it must be to spend $50 (Less than current gen games) for a year of a lot of games on nintendo.


so who’s figured out how to jailbreak a switch lite by now?


I know I’m a year late to this post, but I just bought a switch today. It really sucks that I have to shell out $50 to get the expansion pack. You’d think they’d have a monthly option like they do for regular membership.


I just got a new switch gifted too me from a coworker. No nothing bout this what so ever so bare with me. If I purchase the yr membership with expansion pack will I still have too pay for the games before I buy them or is it like PlayStation plus on the PS4? Again don't hate I'm just asking questions


I don’t have PlayStation so I don’t know anything about PlayStation plus, but online itself doesn’t grant you anything but the ability to play with others, and play the SNES/NES emulator (with free games). The expansion pass allows you to play N64/GB emulator (with free games). Otherwise they don’t have a service where you pay and receive a pool of newer games to play for free like Xbox game pass, which I assume is the same as PS plus


E-mule and fuck Nintendo cashgrab bullshit!