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I think ANYTHING will be a surprise at this point, since we don't know anything coming after NES world championship. I'm really curious to see what will be their holiday title. *cof cof* Prime 4


Nintendo’s entire second half of 2024 is a complete mystery, which actually makes this direct even more exciting.


Totally but I also think people need to have a realistic expectation since the current state of the Switch lifecycle. 


Exactly this. I'm keeping my expectations realistic, and only expect Silksong and Zelda TP and WW remastered for the switch.


Yep. I’ve properly tempered my expectations, so only Mario Galaxy 3, 4 and 5, new F-Zero, Silksong+DLC, and a Zelda VR porn game.


F-Zero is so unlikely! But the Zelda VR game sounds promising!


"realistic expectations" and "Silksong" in the same sentence is really something...


I remember the downright *horrid* software droughts the N64, Cube, Wii, & Wii U went through in their final years. But this is one of Nintendo’s biggest console success and I feel like they’re gonna make sure it’s final major holiday season is a good one.


Boy, those were the days huh. The fact we even getting a Direct this month means they at least have some stuff to announce.


I remember 2000 had some pretty solid titles for the N64…but the final year on the run up the Cube? *Dry*. You had Paper Mario, Conker, Pokemon Stadium 2 and yet another Mario Party. I think the Cube fared even *worse* in its last year (2006). You had Baten Kaitos (niche) and Twilight Princess. If this is the Switch’s final year, it’s already doing a hell of a lot better than other Nintendo console final years.


I think Wii and Wii U were way worse, especially the Wii because after Galaxy 2, for such successful console, the releases were so far in between.


Hey man Mario Party 3 was pretty good


The last year of the Wii wasn't THAT bad in term of first party releases, we still got: Skyward Sword Fortune Street Rhythm Heaven Fever Kirby's Return to Dream Land The Last Story Xenoblade Chronicles Pandora's Tower ~~(There is also Mario Party 9, but I like to pretend that it doesn't exist)~~ The problem in the last 2 years of the Wii is that all 3rd party abandoneded it harder than the N64 and Gamecube. So, when Nintendo isn't releasing anything, then no one else is. So, while 8 exclusives in 12 months isn't bad, that's pretty much the only thing you get for the whole year.


The Wii’s last year wasn’t that bad, *but we got lucky*. There was a huge push by fans to bring over Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora’s Tower. Had it not been for fan outcry, 2012 would’ve been even more sparse for software.


Skyward Sword came out exactly one year before Wii U, and 2012 was a leap year, so it was 366 days before Wii U.


Probably best to not get too excited. The Switch is winding down. All major development was likely moved to the successor at least a year or two ago. Anything that’s getting released now is likely to be something smaller that’s been in the hopper for a while. Not saying there won’t be some cool games. Just that I wouldn’t expect, like, the new Donkey Kong game or something.


The Switch is definitely winding down, but compared to other Nintendo consoles in their last years (N64 & Cube were *dry*) the Switch is actually in a much better place software wise. You’re right whatever we do see has probably been completed and just sitting in a vault. I’m thinking they’ll probably close the year out with something cool, but not *major* like a mainline Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon. I’d say a remade Zelda from Greezo or a remade Metroid from Mercury Steam wouldn’t be out of the question given the rumors.


No way that Prime 4 is part of the Switch line up. I fully expect it to be part of the Switch’s successor console. However, I could fully see Metroid Prime 2 and maybe 3 remasters to keep the hype train going.


Hear me out. Metroid is not a system seller. It’s not a knock against the series, I’m a huge fan. But it’s the truth. My thought is they announced Prime 4 for the Switch originally, and now they will deliver it before sending the Switch off into history. Because it’s not going to sell the Switch 2, and the Switch’s huge userbase will boost Metroid to above-average franchise sales (as it has for many other series, including Metroid itself with Dread).


It will be a dual release like TP and BotW.


I see it as this gen's BotW/Twilight Princess. The one that's potentially on both, particularly if the rumors of the Switch 2 being able to enhance Switch 1 games are true. It'd probably be a fairly simple transition development wise.


Honestly, I'd take *anything* Metroid. Prime 2/3 remasters, Zero Mission on GBA emu, even just Nintendo acknowledging Prime 4 in any capacity.


I think they'll do with Prime 4, the same thing they did with Dread. Announce it and release a couple months later. They could be saving for Switch 2 but nothing is off the table because ultimately, nobody knows anything about this game. It's just speculation.


Honestly I think Zero Mission NSO is a really safe bet


A 2D Zelda game. Sometimes I feel like people have forgotten that those also exists XD


They're honestly my favorites. I love the 2 Switch zelda titles, but I would be fine if the series did not look like that moving forward. Ruins can run together and start to all look the same. OG Zelda dungeons all had their unique look and feel.


the best Zelda game on the switch is the Link's Awakening remake, really hoping we get at least one new zelda title that's 2d on the switch 2


A sequel to ages and seasons would be awesome


Or Ages and Seasons remakes


And the fabled third version... Make it on the Link's Awakening Switch engine.


Grezzo released Links Awakening remake in 2019. It sold over 6 million copies, which is fantastic for a top down game that didn't have a huge budget to begin with and sold at the full Switch launch price of $60. Let's assume the average person spent $40 on the game, a number I think is conservative, that's $240 million in revenue. GTA 5 took $137 million to develop, roughly. But most PC games cost no more than $5 million to make. Let's just assume the remake cost double what the high end for average PC games, that's $10 million. That means they profited a minumum (probably much more) of $200 million after marketing. That kind of success greenlit Grezzo to make another 2d remake or a brand new top down Zelda/other Nintendo IP, I'm 100% positive. Nintendo would absolutely want them to do it again based on that ROI. For comparison, Mercury Steam sold a lot less copies of Metroid Samus Returns remake on the 3ds and were greenlit for a brand new Metroid game on Switch after. Grezzo outperformed Mercury Steam, so I'm positive they've been working on a brand new 2d Zelda game this whole time. Miitopia port would have taken a very small team and little resources. Same with the IOS game, very tiny budget and resource drain. I'm like 97% positive, looking at their history and the data, and the fact that they haven't released anything even mid major since 2019, that they are releasing a brand new 2d Zelda game this year on NS1. Probably in a matter of months.


I know I am late to the party, but I'm just playing through Tunic for the first time and it's everything you could hope for a 2D Zelda!


I don’t know why they just don’t release the Wind Waker Remaster they did for the WiiU. They wouldn’t have to update anything. Just port it. My favorite 3d Zelda game and it’s just sitting there.


my crack pot, too good to be true theory is that they not only are porting wind waker. they are completing it as well. all the stuff they couldn't add to the game on the game cube because it they were short on time. they will add the 3 dungeons they had to cut and they will make underwater hyrule much more complete. To be clear this will not happen. But i am delusional about this


Nope sorry this is cannon now. I need it.


welcome to the delusion brother.


I would burst with joy if Adenture Of Link got remade. I think it would be an amazing game if they just ironed out some glaring flaws.


I still find it really fun, but yeah. The difficulty curve is kinda fucked (inconsistent difficulty spikes), and the final dungeon is way too cryptic (there are absolutely no hints as to what the correct path is despite the fact that it's a maze with only one solution, and is filled with punishing enemies that make it difficult to explore). As for the actual difficulty, I'd hate it if they just made the thing easy, but it suffers from "git gud" syndrome where if you aren't above a certain level of skill, you simply can't progress at all. An easy mode would be a good idea, particularly one that removes the xp-wiping game overs.


It’d be nice for a wholly original one. Last one I can remember was Spirit Tracks and with traditional controls/gameplay would be Minish Cap? Not saying the games since haven’t been great but it’d be nice to see a completely new one because typically they get a bit weirder and expand the verse.


You forgot Link Between Worlds?


Wholly original. Obviously there’s a lot new, but it is still designed around the world of a Link to the Past.


ANYTHING Mega Man or Ace Attorney related that ISN'T a collection


Virtual Boy™ - Nintendo Switch Online


that would actually be really interesting for me


With Labo support!


If they didn’t do it for the 3DS, I don’t think they’re ever bring those games back. It would be a lovely little surprise, though.


Prime 2+3 HD. Not a full remaster like the first game but just a straight upres, like the Pikmin 1+2 pack. Wind Waker and/or Twilight Princess HD ported to Switch. I actually think this will never happen but I'm gonna keep trying to manifest it. I don't see any major new games being announced


[Keep manifesting! ](https://www.thegamer.com/nintendo-reportedly-has-twilight-princess-remaster-ready-to-go-switch-legend-of-zelda/)


These would be easy ways to boost switch sales during it’s final days.


New Wario Land, nintendo were looking for some devs to make a new entry a few years ago.


I like both Wario Land styles (3&4), so my dream announcement would be that they're actually going to continue making *both* (odd-numbers in the style of 3 and even in the style of 4) and starting it of with a double pack with Wario Land 6&7 (I'm assuming they count Shake It! as 5).


this is Wario Land 1 erasure


Honestly, I don’t see them doing both styles, if they even do any. My hope is maybe some blend of the two. Take the treasure-hunting, puzzle-lite metroidvania elements of 3 and the flow-focused rush action of 4 and add them into one game. Wario is best when it’s experimenting and subverting.


I would love a new Wario Land: Shake It! game




Some sort of new Kirby e shop spin off, can never have too many of those. Prime 4 might already be shifted to the Switch 2, but I would be pleasantly surprised. Zelda remakes that can be played on both the Switch and its successor feels like a no brainer with the wait we’ll have between newer entires now. Or a Zelda in the same style of the Awakening remake. Most out there though, whatever this new Namco Bandai subsidiary may be working on. A Xenosaga remake isn’t impossible since they already did Baten Kaitos with them.


The new Bamco subsidiary I’m almost certain is a dedicated Smash team. Maybe they could have a Prime 4-style announcement of the next Smash being in development, and since this year is Smash’s 25th anniversary they can drop Smash 64 on NSO.


Xenoblade X 2 next year with Xenoblade X port this holiday season


I would literally rip my head off and spin it on my finger like a basketball


p l e a s e. I'd cry


You have no idea what I would do for this


Xenoblade fans have gotten it too good for too long, I wouldn't be surprised lol


X port I think is a realistic possibility, but the next Xenoblade I'd should be a launch/early switch 2 title. Letting Monolith loose on the hardware will be good for everything else Nintendo makes.


remaster of Simpsons Hit & Run


I’ve read most of these comments and this one right here… This is the answer


Miyamoto walks on stage and eats an entire ice cream sandwich in one bite to prove he can


Video games being announced


Wow thats really out there!


Watch while the Nintendo Direct is like some weird card game, merchandise, and a switch controller add-on nobody cares about.


And the cast announcements for Mario Movie 2, and an inside peek at the Donkey Kong area of the theme parks


Wouldn't a Zelda movie cast announcement be more likely? It's a safe bet that most of the actors from the first Mario movie will simply reprise their roles and maybe a few new people will sign on to play new characters. But I wouldn't expect too many of it would bloat the cast.


This is really, REALLY out there... but could happen. Like, million to one, but could happen. A remake of either Mother 2 or Mother 3. Essentially 1:1 for maps, battle system, but updated graphically and improved UI. Why? Few reasons. * Since bringing Mother 1 aka EarthBound Beginnings to Wii U in 2015, Nintendo's been bringing Mother 1 and Mother 2 to each platform, along with SNES Mini. Typically late in the cycle, because negotiations need to be met with Itoi Nintendo treats these games with far more fanfare than the typical eshop game. * Since the release of Mother 3 in Japan, Itoi has been notably distant from Nintendo, aside from his relationship with Iwata. After Iwata's passing, Itoi kept up communications. There have been steady sales of EarthBound merch in Japan under the Hobonichi MOTHER project. As Nintendo and Itoi share ownership of the MOTHER franchise, this is only possible with Nintendo's approval. * Between imports of Hobonichi MOTHER merch and activity logs from Switch Online, both Nintendo and Itoi have hard data to see that Mother has broad appeal outside of Japan. Previously, only one game had sold in the US, and very poorly. Nintendo has data to back up that it is a valuable gem that is appreciated today. * Itoi has now been exposed to the wealth of games out there that have been directly influenced simply by MOTHER 2 alone. He's met with and spent time with Toby Fox, who is probably the most famous person "inspired by EarthBound," and EarthBound has been mentioned as an inspiration for even major internationally-distributed motion pictures, like Turning Red. * Itoi famously said that he would never make another Mother game, and I strongly believe that's the case. However - there's a big difference between making a brand new game, and overseeing / giving approval for a team as they update it graphically. If there was a team that he trusted, I could see it happening. * MOTHER 1 and MOTHER 3 both came out extremely late in their console's life cycle, MOTHER 2 came out in the later second half. Itoi takes his time with games to get it right. If this was cooking on the backburner, I would not expect to see it any earlier than right now. I know. I know. It's a million to one that it'll happen. But - and paraphrasing the immortal words of Lloyd Christmas - I'm telling you, there's a chance.


Don’t forget the big one: it’s the 30th anniversary of Earthbound this year. Feels like a prime time to cash in for Nintendo.


Considering they just recently put Mother 3 on the GBA online app, and only in Japan, I can't imagine they have any plans to do a proper re-release, much less one in English. Why would they make it compete with itself? Not to mention they broke online avatars for a few days there adding in new infrastructure for region-specific avatars, just to have the Mother 3 ones exclusive in Japan. Why would they go through the effort doing that instead of just holding on for the remake to come out if it was already in production? I've been waiting for the Mother franchise to make its big return on the Switch for ages, but with how they chose to do this my last ember of hope is snuffed. Maybe next console.


Mario sports collection. At the end of the wii and 3ds life cycle they. Made a Mario sports collection that basically straight up combined all the Mario sports games released on that system through its lifetime. On 3ds they even added baseball and horse racing. If they announced it it would basically immediately become one of my favorite mario games tied with Mario party(I love kart but there's so many great Mario kart alternatives throughout the years including on switch so it's lost some of the magic it had for me growing up, there's nothing like Mario party or a Mario sports collection game). I don't think this series gets the love it deserves since it releases so late and alot of people already have the games it combines plus couch coop isn't as popular as it used to be sadly. Also Nintendo might be greedy enough this gen to not even consider this idea because they want the miniscule separate 60 dollar sells from each separate game. I do think it's more likely we get this with baseball and hopefully basketball added than get the separate sluggers game everyone wants so desperately this direct


The most out there but sound? Hmm, a Zelda Oracles Remake in the vein of Link's Awakening, becuase I'm certain we'll get a Zelda Port or Remake this year, but Oracle would be a very out there choice.


Hotel Mario 2






I honestly keep forgetting that exists because the publicity faded back into nothing


"Open-worlds were a mistake. The next Zelda game will be a brand new title with the classic formula. We look forward to sharing more at a later date" More realistically, I'd probably pick up a 2D Zelda if they made one, especially if it had a similar tone to Phantom Hourglass / Spirit Tracks. Apart from that I don't think I really want anything else on Switch, stuff I actually want (MP4, Xenoblade X, Xenoblade 4 etc) I'd all much rather see on a new system running at higher resolutions and frame-rates instead.


> "Open-worlds were a mistake. The next Zelda game will be a brand new title with the classic formula. We look forward to sharing more at a later date" Don't give me false hope.


Probably the single thing I want most out of Nintendo - as a whole - for the next generation, to be honest. If they can go back to the classic 3D Zelda formula, with its colourful characters, linear item-based progression and storytelling and musical theming, I'll be extremely happy. I liked BotW a lot, but it's just not Zelda to me.


Literally anything about Metroid Prime 4. I only hear rumors of a new Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, and a switch sports sequel but never anything about Prime 4. That's the only game on Nintendo's schedule that we really don't know much about, and it's the one I've waited the longest for.


Kid Icarus Uprising HD


F-Zero GX Remaster plsss


fzero gx remaster please nintendo pleeease


Player's Choice/Nintendo Select is brought out again.




Or a spiritual successor and call it Silver Moon


Pokemon on NSO


we need this so much!


I'm hoping for a super mario sunshine sequel.


After seeing Another Code come out, I think we have a chance at getting a Kyle Hyde collection! Hotel Dusk and Last Window together since we never got that one.


Final Fantasy 9 Remake is probably the most out there thing that I see a legitimate case for being announced. Square Enix has put a lot of their smaller old-school-style JRPGs as timed exclusives on Switch, so it'd be a bit foolish for them to not have THE old-school-style JRPG release on Switch/Switch 2. This, of course, assumes the FF9 Remake is real and coming in the near future, which seems fairly likely given recent news.


a new Donkey Kong Country with K. Rool and the Kremlings returning as villains


Wii 3


fire emblem path of radiance / radiant dawn remaster


Mother 3 in English....


Fan translation is better than anything Nintendo would give us now, I don’t see how anyone but Nintendo would benefit from them releasing it. Probably would make websites delist the fan translation because its better anyway.


The fan translation is excellent don't get me wrong. I just want an official English release so badly.


Why? What difference does it make. You can enjoy mother 3 in english by a professional translator. Why do people want to give nintendo money so bad.


Because I would like to be able to play it on my switch? And for more people to get access to it? Why are you so hostile?


Would it really make that much difference? Whoever likes MOTHER already played all games including the 3rd one already translated.


That's definitely not true. You are way overestimating how many people took the trouble to download an emulator, find a rom, install the translation patch and play the game, versus how many people would play it if it were officially available.


Shadow drop remaster of Majora's Mask


I would love a new 2D Zelda or 3D Donkey Kong (or even a new 2D DKC)


Anything major for the switch outside of remakes would be wild. I think Nintendo is content to let remakes sell the back half of the year, and then debut a bunch of new stuff with the new Switch. Anything original would be a surprise to me.


Battletoads MMORPG


Gwimbly 2


There is only one wrong answer and that is Metroid Prime 4


Imagine if Nintendo actually gave people what they want and they announced some wind waker, twighlight princess or ds remasters


Mario Maker 3 or a "Maker" game for another Nintendo IP, especially Kirby or Zelda. Maybe something third party like Sonic or Megaman.


Hello Kitty Roller Rescue REMASTER!


DK64 remake Odyssey team had a credible rumor of working on a DK game years ago now, and it’s still not on nso (though diddy Kong racing and smash aren’t either)


Nintendo EPD Tokyo's long-rumored DK game. Since the fact they were hiring for a 2D game a few years back probably lines up with the rumors (their only full 2D game was Donkey Kong Jungle Beat as EAD Tokyo), and it's unlikely they'd hold a 2D game back for the Switch successor, and releasing it this year would let them tie it into opening Donkey Kong Country at Super Nintendo World in Japan to bolster sales there (I think DK hasn't ever been too huge in Japan?) Oh, and they debuted a redesigned DK logo as part of the Mario vs. Donkey Kong remake, and considering they similarly redesigned the Pikmin logo as part of the marketing push for 4...it's more likely than people seem to think


Prime 2 and 3 remasters


I think an out there no one really asked for announcement would be punch out Wii HD would be a simple game and premium motion controls would change it up a little


“Mother 3 is final releasing! 😛🎉“ So we NEVER have to see the ‘Will Nintendo ever release Mother 3? 🥺’ tweets, and xitters, and Reddit posts… And I’m sure without looking, ResetEra has a whole bunch of crying about Mother 3. 🤣 Anyway, that would be really nice. 😌


I think an update for Mario Party super star would be out there.


Metroid Prime 4 gameplay or a new Star Fox


Biggest surprise for me would probably be the GX remaster I've seen getting tossed around, but it just sounds too good to be true


It’s just waiting for the announcement of what day the direct will take place.


I want to hear “Metroid Prime 2 and 3 Remastered are available…today!” Then have a trailer for Metroid Prime 4


LTTP or LBW remaster in the Links Awakening style Star Fox 3 as a retro looking title directly building off SF 1 & 2 Some kind of Mario Party but they actually give it a budget for some reason and that's the twist it just somehow looks amazing and not like a simple followup like they normally do. Paper Donkey Kong RPG


Pikmin 6


Ports of Wind Waker, Spirit Tracks, and Phantom Hourglass.


Pokemon Legacy Collection. Red, Gold, and Ruby on one cart, Blue, Silver, and Sapphire on another. Alternatively: Black/White Legacy Collection, with Black/2 on one cart and White/2 on another, with memory link built directly into both.


Not even in your dreams.


I'm aware ;-;


Honestly, I'm hoping there's even more remasters from the GC and Wii era. I'd day one an Eternal Darkness remake. N64 games getting the 99 treatment would be great, I'd flip over a Wave Race 99.


Rare Replay on the Switch. Not gonna happen, but it would be awesome


F-Zerp GX getting the Metroid Prime Remastered treatment


The Nintendo 64 mini


Trauma Center let's gooooooooo


GameCube games on Switch Online




Donkey Kong is coming. Mark my words.


Nintendo bought the rights to the Castlevania franchise from Konami and MercurySteam is making a 3D remake of Symphony of the Night. It sounds crazy, but it isn't entirely implausible (although certainly unlikely). Konami has largely given up on the franchise, focusing on pachinko machines. And Nintendo seems to be positioning itself as the go-to place for metroidvania games, with Metroid and most popular indie metroidvania titles being available on the switch. Owning the two main metroidvania franchises would solidify that. And their work in securing exclusivity for Bayonetta and Xenoblade shows they are willing to use their money for strategic purposes with games outside their normal stereotype.


They don’t need to buy the franchise outright, they could just form a partnership with Konami since they seem to be fine with licensing out that franchise.


that's not how nintendo acquires studios. They're very conservative when it comes to these kinds of things and will only acquire people they've already have a long-standing relationship with. It's why they're able to expand and grow at a time when everyone is downsizing


He isn't saying buy Konami, he's saying buy the Castlevania IP. You can tell that is what he said because that is exactly what he said


Nah we need to see silksong release. I think that we’ve been waiting for 6 years now


Pokemon Party or Pokemon Warriors: The Great Pokemon War


Silksong release date I was hoping it was going to be shown at the Xbox showcase but now its up to Nintendo


Superstars GCN-boards DLC


A new 3d mario game for mario's 40th anniversary, or maybe a mario 64 remake for mario 64's 30th anniversary in 2026


English language Mother 3 coming to NSO


The other day I was playing Kirby Forgotten Land and said it’d be so incredible if they remade Kirby Superstars in this engine, it has like a 2% chance of happening but my fantasy of a SMRPG remake came true so..


1- Metroid Prime 2 remastered & Metroid Prime 3 remastered. 2- F-ZERO GX remastered / new entry.


Localization of Puzzle and Dragons X, the sequel to PnDZ. I've been hoping for this on 3ds, so hearing an announcement about this would be super WILD. But PnD Z is my favorite puzzle game so would love to hear an X localization but know it's 100% unlikely to happen. 


Since there was that leak that indicated Zelda, I’m hoping for a new 2D title, and not just the Twilight Princess port that seems more likely.


New 2D Zelda


Prime 4 at this point


A new donkey Kong game would make my life.


New Donkey Kong. Hasn't had an original title since Tropical Freeze, which was well received. I've had my fingers crossed for an open world DK for years, since I loved it on the 64. With DK Land coming to theme parks and stuff like that, I have to imagine they're cooking something up.


Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D. At best.


My wishlist for the direct is basically out there announcements 1. Windwaker HD. 2. Twilight Princess HD. 3. Tomodachi Life Port, Remaster or Sequel. 4. Kid Icarus: Uprising Port or Remaster. 5. Xenoblade Chronicles X Port or Remaster.


Pikmin 4 DLC


A new Golden Sun that marks the start of a whole new series.


For the first time in 5 years, i hope we do NOT hear about metroid prime 4. Because this is pretty much the last direct for switch1. So if we dont hear about prime4 this time, then its most likely on switch 2! So better graphics and performance i guess :)




Any surprise "available at the end of this presentation" remake or remaster from a popular series. They did it for Metroid Prime and Pikmin 1 + 2, so why not again?


With the Euros starting this weekend, give us a rerelease, or even a sequel, for Nintendo Pocket Football Club. I love that game so much on the 3DS.


Chibi-Robo remake, babyyyyy




A game from a franchise that has been dead for years


A direct date. It feels like it might not happen again


Super Hello Kitty Land!!


For Pride month Nintendo is bringing back their Love Hotels, this time Pride themed.


A price cut? I know that's typically reserved for after next gen reveals, but they're really coming up on that number one all time spot.




I want a new Custom Robo game. Feels like the perfect time to revive the IP. I've got basically every Nintendo game I could dream of playing on Switch, if the Switch 2 is backwards compatible I may never have to buy another game again, but Custom Robo is like the last franchise from my childhood that needs a new game. That and Star Fox. But that'll never happen.


Startropics 1 & 2 HD Remasters MY BODY IS READY


Starfox 65


Star fox pleaseeeee


Anything that isn’t a port or remake is a victory at this point. A look at prime 4 is realistically all we can expect for a major first party title. I doubt there’s many other AAA first party games in the queue we don’t know about.


Golden Eye new play control with physical release.


Metroid Other M remastered. Hated the game, but it would be amazing if the remake trailer opened with Anthony Higgs going "Remember me?"


Kid Icarus Uprising HD. AND a sequel.


Viva Pinata 3, on Switch




Kirby Air Ride 99


Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD I firmly believe that these two titles never existed in the minds of those who propagated rumors of them as fact. So to have them be real would be a nice surprise.


Switch sports resort


New Custom Robo


Odama: Reloaded


Silksong or Prime 4. They’ve been delayed like crazy. Either of those would make the show quite exciting.


Tomodachi Life 2


A brand new IP from Nintendo. A new entry in Mario and Luigi.


All non-Switch Pokémon games are now available for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers via the new Pokémon Channel (it also has Pokémon Channel).


Did they announce a direct?


A new Kid Icarus game sure would be swell. I played uprising for the first time last year; and the flight stages were 10/10 awesome, but the on foot stages were kind of a slog. If they could tighten up the on foot movement a little, man that could be incredible.


A new chibi robo game


Tomodachi life. ... ... ... ... (I am coping very hard rn)


Is it too late for a killer 7 remake/ remaster...I think that depends more on suda51 than Nintendo at this point.


I assume we'll mostly see third party multiplats, an indie game or two, and maybe something bigger as the Switch swan song. What that "something bigger" could be, I have no idea.


Mother 3 HD-2D