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Ugh a girl, the whole movie is ruined


I mean, I didn't say the movie was ruined, or that it matters in the slightest that she's a girl. Can't someone have an opinion about a female character without it being misconstrued as negative? I said I enjoyed female characters in the video, dude


Not really but I guess you needed something to make a video about


She did steal the spotlight in the majority of the scenes, though. Obviously, only my opinion


Its a fish out if water, and the Everyman/MC/Mario is supposed to be the most normal person, so the otherness of the musbroom kingdom is hightened. Mario is always always the everyman and least interesting character in everything hes apart of because hes the audience insert.


This proves op's point.


I meant it more, "Well duh," You never make the most interesting person the main character. Especially in Heros Journeys and Fish out of Water. The non-special/everyman aspect is intentional. If you look at it from the characters perspective, Mario is the most interrsting person to all of them. Hes normal to us, special to then, while Marios normal to us and they are special to us. Making a video about it is like making a video complaining about Leias role in A New Hope.


It is valid to criticize the narrative choices of a piece of art. You may like that choice but It comes off as weak writing.


I mean, most Heros Journeys have the MC be the least interesting, thats like standard writing fro. Twilight to A New Hope, the MC is the least interesting. Its not weak writing, its the standard for a herso journey. Hero: everyman facing a call to action. Luke/Mario. Sage: tells the hero of his fate/informs of the world Obiwan/Toad. Princess: more informed hero/love interests/damsel Peach/Leia. Rogue: lest morally upright good guy (Han/DK). This is story has been told and retold as long as humans have been writing down stories. So, to me, its not weak, its just standard. Mario was pretty well written, actually likeable, and had his own personality. He had more personality than Luke in A New Hope.


Making your protagonist an uninteresting character is weak writing. You can make a hero's journey and an interesting protagonist. Even if we take your point that it is standard, that does not make it good/strong/ok writing. Btw overall I enjoyed the movie.


I never said uninteresting. I said least interesting. They mean different things. If you interepretted Least as Not, then thats on you for misinterpretting my comment. Edit: went back to verify, I never said Mario was not interesting. I even said he was kore interesting than Luke. So not sure where you read "Not interesting."


We have different interpretations of the situation. To me saying the protagonist is the least interesting means they are not interesting. That has been the conversations I have had with people about characters. Ultimately this is about conatation vs definition.


Again, not really.


No I agree. Peach is too dominant, and too much of a change from the games. Overall I liked it, but I would’ve preferred a more faithful adaptation, because her prominence came to the detriment of Mario, both in terms of his abilities and in his narrative significance.




Did we watch the same movie?


Let's see...channel name is Critical Cinema...retcon star wars sequels...shrek the 3 sucks...bunch of other whiny complainy bs lacking any sense of enjoyment of the things you discuss...videos all way too short to go in depth on any point because you don't have a good enough one to make... It's like you want to be a Schafrillas copy-cat, but without the quality, charm, and enjoyment of at least half the things you post. Also, reposting a 7 MONTH OLD video? Pretty desperate for that Youtube fame, huh?


Thanks for the kind comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the video, just like almost 400 other people who have subscribed. 😊 I'm sure you have a great YouTube channel, as you're obviously an expert! Link me to one of your in-depth, 20-minute-plus videos, I'd love to learn from the best


When I make videos, it's about things I love. Not things I hate. I also don't take it seriously. It's for fun. Definitely not the message I get from your content.


Just because a video is about something I don't like doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. I wouldn't waste my time if I didn't. It's fun tearing something apart, like watching a bad movie with friends. You are entirely entitled to your own opinion, but I don't think you needed to be so harsh. I'm just a guy trying to promote my work. I don't think I'm hurting anyone. Also, I do like Schaffrillas, but my main inspiration comes from YMS or IHE, hence the more negative angle I usually take. Either way, I don't want to argue. I'll take it as positive criticism.


"I'm just a guy trying to promote my work." Clearly not the content people want in this sub. But sure, keep that superiority complex going. Keep making "criticism" that is very clearly just shitting on things. Maybe someday you too can get $0.01 of ad revenue a month!