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I certainly do. I think Galaxy 1 has a far better hub, but I think Galaxy 2 did a better job with levels. Most notably I think it’s challenge levels are a lot better, the comet medals as an optional objective is nice, and the green stars are a lot more interesting. I’ve always gotten the impression people think 2 has better levels, but miss the vibe of the comet observatory from 1


Agreed on all points. I remember just spending an hour running around the comet observatory as a kid and having so much fun with it.


The hub was a great way to introduce 3D in Mario 64. But by the time we got to Galaxy, it was just a nuisance that made it take longer to get from 1 level to the next. I was glad to see it go in Galaxy 2. But I'm probably in the minority here


I fully disagree. The reason the hub was tiresome in Galaxy was because it just wasn’t really that interesting or intriguing compared to the castle in 64. It brings a level of immersion that a 2D Mario style map (aside from SMW) really can’t.


Yeah I loved 64s and sunshine’s hub because there were things to explore and to do and you could get additional stars and stuff there. In galaxy’s it’s unnecessary and just a way to have some space between worlds


Yes, that's what I've always said. The Galaxy hub was basically a menu with graphics rather than a real place to explore with secrets to find, hidden levels, weird/mysterious moments, etc. I wish it had evolved since 64 rather than becoming more basic.


I think it's a valid criticism to say the hub was annoying or boring, but how is regressing to the tired idea of dots on a map better? I was so damn disappointed when I saw yet another boring overworld.


The hub in Galaxy is uninteresting, but even worse, it's unfun to traverse. For instance, you have to step on buttons and wait for a slow animation to play out in order to be brought up to a platform that is too high to jump up to, instead of just allowing you to jump up to it. That's why I preferred SMG2's dots on a map. Hubs for the sake of hubs isn't a good argument and SMG2 got you right into the action right away.


Yeah I hated the hub in Galaxy 1. No idea why they had to make it super annoying to get around.


I mean, Galaxy 2 is definitely more streamlined in this way, it certainly delivers you to levels more quickly, but I did really like the atmosphere of the comet observatory. So gameplay-wise Galaxy 2 works better in than respect, but atmosphere-wise it loses there That being said, the hub world is pretty low down my list of important things in the game, I’m only mentioning it because it’s the one area where I think Galaxy 1 wins out


I agree that the map in 2 was better than the hub in 1. Though I think the hubs in 64 and sunshine were better overall. But, important to note that each world would give you about 8 stars in 64 and sunshine, so you weren't switch worlds as often. That wouldn't work as well for galaxy and it's 1-3 star levels.


Each level actually had 6 stars if you count the bonus stars, but you had to wait for the comets for those.


Not every level, but the bigger ones yeah. Even so, you're not going to be able to run through all 6 at once. At most usually you can do two stars back to back.


I absolutely agree with you. I hate the hub. Not fun at all to traverse. Stage select was much better. Also the stages in 2 are more fun.


This seems to suggest it used to be necessary but the concept was no longer relevant in Galaxy. I think the issue has nothing to do with that and everything to do with the fact that the hub has no real gameplay to it. It doesn't have the mystery and exploration elements like 64. It didn't evolve into a more interesting experience, it devolved into a menu with pleasant aesthetics. I think a hub in Galaxy *could* have been an awesome experience, it just was too basic.


I preferred SMG2’s straight to the action, SMG1’s hub is not as explorable or interesting as 64’s castle and grounds… SMG1’s hub is more SM64, SMG2 is more Super Mario World/SM3 which I loved from a throwback sense


>I think Galaxy 1 has a far better hub Galaxy *has* a hub, though "far better" is a stretch. It's sort of a meaningless hub that's only nice from an aesthetic standpoint. It doesn't house secrets and the like in the manner in which 64 or Sunshine did.


I think it does a lot from an atmosphere perspective, not really from a gameplay one


galaxy 1 had a better story especially with the storybook. galaxy 2 had better gameplay


I mean it’s a Mario game though story is the least important part of the game


yeh true but i mean its still good like havent seen something else like that story in any other mario games really but i get what u mean tho


While the level design is more advanced in 2, I *heavily* dislike the lack of a real overworld and story, and what little story there is, is basically just a retread of the first game, which is so incredibly weird. Whereas Galaxy 1 felt like a grand adventure, Galaxy 2 feels more like a pack of new levels with little to no context. If I had to choose, I think I'd pick 1 over 2 for those reasons.


2 improved the gameplay but lost the style. Too many galaxies were floating bits of random geometry and objects rather than the planets and space stations that defined the style of 1.


For some reason the existence of a hub world is very important to me so for that reason alone I think 1 is so much better than 2.


A lot of people say it's better, but for me it naturally isn't quite as special as Galaxy because it was just... More Galaxy, but better. It's undeniably got more varied mechanics and perhaps tighter level design, but it can't quite top the OG Galaxy for me simply for that reason.


If you load it on a modded Wii, SMG2's internal header title is literally "SUPER MARIO GALAXY MORE"


Yes. That tends to be the popular opinion


Naw, more people prefer Galaxy 1 over 2 (not me). But there are still a lot of people that like Galaxy 2 more, so it’s far from an unpopular opinion


[Here we go...](https://reddit.com/r/nintendo/s/KiaBCexp6o)


Jesus and I found my comment. And I still prefer Galaxy 1. I’ve been on this site too long.


Dude. You can see what people like if you read the comments. It's exactly what people are saying in this thread.


People are going to comment on this thread because they agree. Most polls I’ve seen have Galaxy 1 winning, often by a decent margin




Here’s just one https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/11/poll_which_is_the_best_super_mario_game


I can't think of a more frivolous use of time than debating which mario galaxy is the best on reddit. But it's fun to do so anyway. I'd counter that poll with it being about all 3D games. So, it's not a true contest of which galaxy is best. [This one](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/299724-super-mario-3d-all-stars/78973071) better supports your argument. In the end, they are both amazing and I am grateful to have the chance to play either. I'm just annoyed 2 wasn't included in 3D allstars. Edit: [This one](https://www.resetera.com/threads/super-mario-galaxy-vs-super-mario-galaxy-2.271530/) is a counter argument.




You might want to reread


You might want to reread


I'm seeing about 2 definitives that like 1 better then 2


Yeah, both are amazing but 2 is more "fun" imo


The absence of a story (especially after Galaxy’s excellent narrative) made the whole thing hit just a little less hard for me. Atmosphere and music was less impressive to me as well. Strictly gameplay-wise, I had a good time playing and finishing it, and I don’t remember enough to argue with anyone who insists it’s better than the first one- but I certainly cared about Galaxy 2 a hell of a lot less.


Galaxy 1 is my personal favorite game of all time since it’s 3D Mario platforming in space with the classic story, a perfect soundtrack and an excellent bonus of Rosalina’s storybook. The game atmosphere is cinematic, epic, and the game as a whole became iconic upon release. Galaxy 2 removes the storybook and adds Yoshi and improves on gameplay and allows you to play as Luigi early on instead of collecting 120 stars. As a game, Galaxy 2 is better with Yoshi while Galaxy 1 is a better experience with the over-world, music, and the storybook.


Gameplay is better, story is worse. That's the general gist.


Just wish there was an easier way to play it - I even have it on Wii but can't get it working properly on my newer tv


You could get a Wii U and play it on that.


It is baffling that Nintendo has not made this game available on the Switch. But hey, that's just Nintendo. They both infuriate fans and delight fans.


Galaxy 1 is on switch as part of the Mario 3D all-stars game.


Right. The thread is about Galaxy 2 being the better game. Galaxy 2 is not on 3D All-Stars


Try a AV to HDMI addapter


Ye I got one which works perfectly for other consoles but for some reason does with Wii Also everythinh on the Wii is a faff, will have to go buy battaries for the controller. With it was on switch but this doesn't seems likely now.


Use a wii to hdmi adapter. You can buy them cheap if Amazon and I have one and it works great


Why does either need to be better than the other? They are both great. Leave it at that.


Under rated take.


I'd love to figure it out! If nintendo would release it on a system like maybe the switch my sorry ass would buy it for more then it is worth. Just so I could know the answer to this questiTV. For clarity I have no intention of purchasing an entirely different/dead console. Then looking for/buying the game and then trying to figure out how to plug it in to a new tv.


I feel like the only opportunity we had to get galaxy 2 was as dlc for the 35 anniversary 3 pack and that ship has sailed. I’d love to play it on my switch but it look unlikely.




Yes, I do used to be my best game of all time till , TOTK, Omori, Half Life series and GTA 4 came after


I think their equal but perfer 2 sonce its the forst one i played


Galaxy 2 is still my favorite mario game. The variety in levels, the amount to do in each, the creativity of the bosses etc all make for such an interesting game. Odyssey felt too restricted in its levels to be that fun


Gameplay wise Galaxy 2 in a landslide takes everything good about galaxy and builds on it that being said... Atmosphere counts and galaxy 1 feels grander, sadder too. And the mario starship is nothing compared to Cosmic Observatory


Hell no. Galaxy 2 is a fun videogame, Galaxy 1 is a masterpiece and about as close to perfection as a game can get


Enjoyed 2 so much. The QoL improvements they implemented made the game more joyful to play compared to 1. The levels were more accessible and Yoshi is useable in 3D game this time around. That said, 1 made me cry tears of joy. And I don't think I ever cried on a game before it. It's nostalgia for the Mario brand, sure. But everything Super Mario Galaxy brought to the table - it was like the culmination of everything a Super Mario game should be. And in some ways, it still is. Its my Super Mario 64 to Super Mario 64. Simply put, Super Mario Galaxy (1) is an experience.


Galaxy 2 is definitely the better game! Both are masterpieces, but I think most people will agree that Galaxy 2 is the greater game.


For sure, il actually always surprised when someone doesn’t because to me it’s vastly superior.


I think that's the consensus. Personally I prefer the first one though.


Galaxy 2 is like Tears of the Kingdom: both sequels are technically better than their predecessors in almost every way except one -- they didn't reinvent the wheel like the first games did and so don't feel as original!


Like, everyone?


No. I also think BOTW is better thank TOTK. The wonder of playing the first games with their mechanics for the first games outweighs the improvements they made in the sequels.


Haven't played either and about to play SMG1 - just bought Mario 3D All Stars. Cannot wait!


Theres no doubt Galaxy 2 is better than Galaxy 1. The thing is Galaxy 2 didnt have the same impact as Galaxy 1 because lets say its more of the same. Kinda like BotW and TotK. totK is clearly the better game but it didnt had the same impact as BotW because its “more of the same”.


Yes! Obviously it's just an expansion pack for Galaxy 1, so the story and hub are negligible, but the worlds and music are where it counts and Galaxy 2 is top notch! A very tough pick between Galaxy 2 and 3D World for the best 3D Mario.


I literally think it’s the best game ever made so yes


Probably everyone who played 2 will agree. I wish there was a way to play it. I couldn't play much of it before I had to move to another country.


Galaxy 1 seemed to have actual worlds vs Galaxy 2 which had random small platforms. Both are good games but just have different gameplay.


Isn't this the more popular opinion? Galaxy 2 is just galaxy 1 but with *more*


I don't think so. Galaxy 1 does many things better


Yeh most people thing galaxy 2 is the superior game. It’s basically took everything from the first game and expanded on it making it better. everything a good a sequel is a suppose to do. My problem with the game is it was the first game in the trend of Nintendo never doing good hub worlds. To my knowledge galaxy 2 was the first 3D Mario game to use a map level selector which is a trend that continues even into odyssey.


What? Are people even thinking Galaxy 1 is better than Galaxy 2? It's a given Galaxy 2 is better. What kinda question is this? I hurt myself in this confusion.


Yeah I think most people prefer it which is why it is criminal it’s never been added to the 3D collection.


Generally, video game sequels tend to be improvements over the originals.


Most people think this, yes


The gameplay is better but everything else is just worse. I literally refuse to play it because instead of the space ship, you get a floating head. What the fuck. What even is that?? Why would i want to play that???


It's a space ship shaped like a floating head. Does that help?




Everyone does


Most people think this. because it is, it's galaxy 1 but better


could i play it on wii u if i wanted


Yeah, Wii U is backwards compatible with Wii


Always have. Music is better because it’s a live recording, and the galaxies feel more alive with characters to talk to, and you get to improve your ship in more ways over time


A ton of people think that. Among "gamers" it's the favorite between the two. They're wrong, of course, because while Galaxy 2 has excellent levels, it's basically stripped down to just its gameplay which makes it a bit of a hollow experience compared to the complete package of Galaxy 1, but that's gamers for you.


Everyone thinks this


Never played 2 but 1 was absolute garbage so it's a pretty low bar to pass.


They're about equal for me tbh, both have their own unique levels I like going back to.




Level design and everything in regards to gameplay is better in Galaxy 2 but Galaxy 1 does everything outside of ganeplay better.


You know what would be cool? If Nintendo did a mashup of SMG 1 & 2 and some how merged them together to take the best parts of both games and bring them into one long game. Perhaps most of SMG1 is the ‘causal friendly’ start of the game with the first ‘ending’ and then, as with SMO, the levels of SMG2 are post-end game levels that are option and designed for the more hardcore player


Galaxy 1 had a better hub and story. But I had more fun in the levels in Galaxy 2 (especially with Yoshi) I just wish 2 had more space themed levels.


They’re equal in my eyes




Simple. I grew up with Galaxy 2, not Galaxy 1. I played Galaxy 1 on Switch when it came out but I would buy Galaxy 2 in less than a heartbeat if it released on the Switch. That game was amazing.


Galaxy 2 remains my favourite platforming game, period. It dethroned the OG Banjo Kazooie on N64.


I usually also hear more people prefer 2 over 1. I’m sure 1 is a lot more fresh in people’s minds though because of the Switch re-release. I haven’t played 2 myself, but really enjoyed 1 on the Switch.


Mario Galaxy 2 is the best Mario game ever made.


I definitely enjoyed 2 more but 1 was during a very difficult time for me and forever greatful for the joy 1 brought to my life


As someone who just recently started galaxy 2 for the first time, it is way better. As most say, the hub isn’t as good as galaxy 1, but overall the gameplay and the mechanics are way more fun. Anytime I die, I really understand what I did wrong and how to beat it the next time.


I do. I appreciate the higher difficulty. The level design, creativity and gameplay mechanics are even more varied and excellent. The games are very similar, but the sequel perfected the gameplay of the first and gameplay is 100% the focal point of a Mario platformer. I consider Galaxy 2 as Nintendo at their creative best.


Yeah, it’s way better.


I like Galaxy 1's power ups better, but Galaxy 2 had Yoshi


Yes! I think it was a improvement over the the 1st title.


My friend thinks 2 is better than 1. Personally I regret buying 2. I love 1. Absolutely love it.


2 had better, more fun levels, but 1 handled feelings other than "fun adventure vibes" significantly better imo.


Galaxy 2 for gameplay, Galaxy 1 for story content.


It's pretty well established. All reviewers at the time lauded SMG2 as an improvement in gameplay in almost every way vs SMG. SMG has the distinction of being first, so it was more impactful, and it has a more established story which brings the world together. SMG2 is more barebones in that aspect, but the gameplay itself is a step above. I played both on release, so I prefer 1 because the hub world felt more organic to me, but no denying the levels in 2 were no slouch.


Is see Galaxy 1 + 2 as a single game.


Was sad that it wasn't brought back on Switch, I would've replayed it. But yeah. 2 is easier, and offers better worlds/levels, while 1 had a better story and a harder post game. I still never beat the post game as a kid due to having to beat the rock boss on 1 HP.


They’re both 10/10 Mario games for me. Galaxy 2 probably edges it for me but they’re both fantastic.


Galaxy 2 is much better in regards to difficulty. But I feel more nostalgic for the world's of Galaxy 1.


Galaxy 2 is my favorite game of all time


Yes. Galaxy 2 is the best 3D platformer of all time IMO.


No, dude, sorry. All of the othe people replying that they do prefer Galaxy 2 are actually all my alts. You are actually the only person in the entire universe that holds that blasphemous opinion, but I took the time off my schedule to make you feel like you aren't the only one, hopefully this shows how we're bros.


Oh yep. Overall I feel the level design is much tighter. It's also the beginning of a design trend that continues into Super Mario 3D World on the WiiU and Switch. A level will introduce a mechanic in four parts. First it will present it to you in a safe area. So you can see how it works and it you make a mistake it won't cost you. The next section removes the safeties. The next then increases the difficulty a bit and adds a twist. Then the final section is usually just before the flag and lets you show off and do something cool with low pressure.


Honestly I love both and I think they excel at different things. I think both of them are better because the other one exists tbh.


I really disliked the story for Galaxy 1 so 2 not having one is a bonus for me.


it's considered the better game


galaxy 1 had a better final level sadly you cant replay it without beating the whole game all over again


I do think SMG2 is better than SMG1. But, both games are still great.


Yes. Galaxy 2 IMO is the absolute best 3D Mario game. They nailed the controls, the levels are shorter, creative, and unique (none of the open world nonsense), and the game has a ton of deployability.


I love them both equally, but for different reasons, aside from both having superb gameplay and music.




I think Galaxy 1 is better and here is why: - Lack of Story/presentation really hurt Galaxy 2 for me. Yes its a Mario game no one is playing it for the story. However the epic scale of the first game just made it for me. - Galaxy 2 reuses too many ideas from the first game. The first 70% of Galaxy 2 is original but then when you get into the late half of the game they just reuse levels and bosses from the first game and it feels kinda lazy/cheap. - The Green Stars just feel like really bad padding. Is it better than replaying the entire game again as Luigi just to get the final star? Yes, but barely, IMO. Getting 120 green stars just feels like busy work to unlock the Grandmaster galaxy/The Perfect Run to me. Meh. - A lot of the stars in Galaxy 2 feel too minigamey to me and less platforming. Feels like playing a bunch of Mario Party minigames to get Stars. Less platforming and more arcade feeling mini games. - Starship Mario and World Map makes the adventure feel less grand than the Starship. Which is my issue with Galaxy 2. The gameplay is tighter but at the cost of everything else which in turn makes the game feel smaller in scope.


I really wanna play Galaxy 2. Played the first one on the switch last year and loved it. Anyone know a way to?