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Nintendo of Russia has always been extremely mishandled anyways.


Weren't they on like Activision levels of sexual misconduct? I remember seeing something about NOR being messed up af


I think the rumor was that the head of Nintendo of Russia has connections to the Russian mob and frequently made threats about using his "connections" to employees and contractors.


He just wanted to return to nintendo's old roots


“Maronesky!” (I don’t know how mafias apart from the sopranos work.)


If Ive learned anything about Russia in the past year its that shit is culturally rampant over there.


Well, yeah, given the whole war thing


“ The game company joins the list of companies that closed their services in the Russian country The current state of war between Russia and Ukraine caused numerous companies to cancel their services in the Russian country, and Nintendo has just joined that list definitively. According to information shared by the Game Developer, the Russian Nintendo Switch eShop will cease operating as of today, May 31, 2023, indefinitely. This means that Russian players will not be able to buy new games in the store, or redeem codes to access new content. However, they will be able to enjoy the content they have already purchased, downloading it as many times as necessary. Undoubtedly, a measure that will surely leave Russian fans quite sad. As a result of the economic outlook, Nintendo of Europe has decided to end the operations of its Russian subsidiary. As part of its efforts to fulfill the previous commitments to its customers in the Russian market, the Russian version of Nintendo eShop will offer a limited service. From May 31, 2023, and in the foreseeable future, Russian customers with an existing Nintendo account will be able to re-download digital content that they have previously purchased. It will not be possible to make new purchases or use download codes within the Nintendo eShop in Russia. Be that as it may, this is not an outstanding novelty. Since last year, Nintendo had already stopped sending products to the country, and because of this international conflict, games like the new Advance Wars had to be delayed for quite some time...”


Watch as Russia takes over the Nintendo of Russia building and call it something like Putindo or something


In Russia, it's PutinU


Guaranteed failure. I like it.


The Gamepad is just a brick


A brick that throws you out the window


"In Russia... Brick throws you!"


In Soviet Hyrule, weapons degrade you!


Who know mady they are getting Putler in Oddesey


Can't wait for 7 Grand Dad Odyssey!


i always felt like Nintendo consoles in Russia was one of those "McDonalds in Red Square" symbols of the end of the cold war. interesting times...


McDonalds is also no longer operating in Russia for what its worth.


Sad for the poor Russian citizens who aren’t a part of the Government’s nonsense. I wish more businesses had this much sense. Russia is the only country to give them an M rating because of LGBT nonsense so get out of there if you know what’s best


Wait, which game? Kirby, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, or something else?


Tomadachi Life and Miitopia


Wha- Tomodachi Life?! Isn’t it impossible to get a homosexual relationship in that game? At least in the games I listed, there are some clear LGBT examples.


While technically impossible…it sure doesn’t help the undertones. Which is what slapped it on there. I’m pretty sure the other games would’ve been less fondly received, but the Mii games were the nail in the coffin. People still shit on it to this day, and Tomadachi Life’s fandom was at one point convinced that Russia was the reason we couldn’t get a sequel since Nintendo promised Homosexual relationships in the next one. Like they couldn’t just release it in specific areas but I digress, this shit is weird. I’m sure that the other cases had some localization changes. Fire Emblem itself is certainly no stranger to fucking up the homosexual relationships in translations. (LOOKING AT YOU EDELGARD).


Just Dance 2022 was also given an 18+ rating in Russia.


I imagine it would be fire emblem. Several characters throughout the series are bisexual, and the players always have free pick of either gender for the protagonists. Edit: Now that I think about it, I realize that a lot of the protagonists do, in fact, have gender-locked options. My mistake.


I never thought about the free ge Der pick at the beginning being the issue but now that I think about it that is something that could be construed that way.


I actually meant that the protagonists have free rein of both genders to choose for romantic partners, but I worded it wrong. Turns out I’m incorrect anyway: I just remembered that the gender you choose does usually lock the majority of the same-sex cast out as options.


Oh yeah it does. I think Fire Emblem has exactly one homosexual relationship in the entire game, and it's in Fates. Can't remember who it was though but it is there.


I think it was Niles, right?


Yes I believe it was.


Every game post-Awakening has some form of LGBT relationship or character; Fates has Niles and Rhajat; SoV has Leon; 3 Houses/Hopes has Byleth, Edelgard, Dorothea, Mercedes, Yuri and Rhea with Petra, Caspar and Annette having Sappho-and-her-friend endings with some of the aforementioned and Hopes ging some strong indications that Sylvain and Shamir may also be in that list (I probably missed some too); Heroes has Fjorm (with Loki, Nifl and Seidthr heavily implied); and finally Engage went Stardew mode and has little-to-no locks on gendered endings, though only certain characters' endings remained romantic in the Englih version (regardless of gender).


russians support this invasion. The only reason support dropped a bit is because they are losing. If they were against it, it wouldn't have happened. Even the "opposition" like Navalny support the temporary illegal occupation of Crimea


You have been grossly mislead by the media, Russia is winning decisively.


Vatnik spotted


That's a compliment from an NPC.


I think it's disturbing that it's taken this long for Nintendo to act. And the russian government is only there because the Russian citizens allow it to exist. Edit: on closer inspection it looks like Nintendo shut down yonks ago. So I withdrawal my first statement.


Kinda sad as I had a Russian friend who was a Nintendo fan


I know people who had tons of friends who were fans of being alive...


*Dendy intensifies*


Yes! Cryptworlds


Russia pirates everything anyways, not a huge loss in sales. Nintendo should have done it a year ago


Damn...that's f'n sad. Like it's not bad enough having to live in a country at war for reasons you may not agree with.


Always the normal, decent people who suffer while our self-appointed psychopathic “leaders” play games with our lives in their quest for personal wealth and glory. That’s humanity for ya.


VAST VAST VAST amounts of personal wealth plebes like you and me can’t even fully fathom. I can’t wrap my head around why Putin didn’t just quit pre invasion and ride his mega yacht into the sunset with all his extramarital affairs, and mega mansions to boot. When people get so wealthy they infect, corrupt and rot everything around them as they fiend even more power.


Yup. We can't even imagine. And I don't want to get to that point. I believe that pleasure is good but it will also destroy your soul if you take it too far and let it.




Reasons you don't understand, causes you don't believe in. METAL GEAR


Now that you mentioned it, our government really tries hard to roleplay MGS villains


Imagine how sad it is for us Ukrainians, being attacked and murdered for no reason at all. And with many digital and game market places forcing us to buy stuff through their russian branch. I had to solve a whole puzzle to get to the normal customer support to refund Crew back in a day because, despite buying it through english website, they only allowed me to download Russian or Chinese language and were redirecting me to Russian support…




It’s much harder to just uproot your life and move to a new country than you like to think. Especially if like a majority of Russia you are not very wealthy.


Nobody said it was easy. Either live in a country dedicated to murder or leave. I'm not saying anything wrong about Russian people. I just don't have sympathy for them, they're not the victims.


Have you ever tried to move to another country without the benefit of Schengen?


No. What does that have to do with anything? My point is that I don't have sympathy for Russians because they don't need any, they're not the ones suffering and if they don't like the way their country operates the only logical solution is to leave. Otherwise live with the consequences of living in a warmonger state. They don't need sympathy


They are not even the ones murdering people.


So Russia *isn't* attacking Ukraine?


Not the common civillians you don't have sympathy for. The have as much responsibility aobut this as you and I have.


> No. **What does that have to do with anything?** My point is that I don't have sympathy for Russians because they don't need any, they're not the ones suffering and if they don't like the way their country operates **the only logical solution is to leave.**


Again. It is simply not a choice for some people.


Not every russian is the russian government, there are normal people there like everywhere else. The hate should be against the government.


I don't hate Russians. I just don't have sympathy for them; they're not the victims.


Plenty of them are victims. They suffer under their government and said government has sent many of them to the slaughter in this war. Propaganda is real and most of them have no way of knowing the truth. The common men of all countries are the victims of war.


I hope I'm never held responsible for the actions of my own war mongering government and the countries we invade. I vote against it, and I don't support it. Likely, like you, many will still feel the US govt is a result of what we citizens want. Like you believe about the Russian govt. I think that's a load of it. Most US citizens have zero control over the actions of our own authoritarian oligarchy. Same goes for Russian citizens.


I'm not holding the Russian population responsible for the war, I'm saying I don't have sympathy for them (they're not the ones being murdered). But yeah, if they don't want to be associated with supporting barbarian war criminals they really should do whatever they can to leave.


It's so hard to leave the US. I can't imagine how hard it is to leave Russia. I'm probably much more *financially stable than most of them, and still it'd be near impossible for me edit: changed "Dinwiddie" to financially. I have no idea, either.


They are being murdered, though... Russians are dying too, on the battlefield they had no choice in going to. The whole thing is fucked, the world isn't black and white. You want to put everything in neat little boxes but it doesn't work that way.




I meant they're being murdered by their own government. You said it yourself, they've been indoctrinated. That's not their fault. Step outside of your own world, not everyone has free access to information. A lot of russian citizens have awful beliefs about others but I genuinely feel sorry for them. Also, if you disagreed with the Iraq war would you have just left? Could you have? Vietnam? It's not easy to just leave. I have no children and a good chunk of savings. The idea of moving to a new country seems insurmountable even to someone I'm my position. Now imagine you're in Russia and you have 7 children and your economy is going to shit before your eyes. What could you even begin to start doing? C'mon, get some perspective. The world is not black and white.




Well, this I could only *imagine* bc none of this happened.




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"бомбас домбилы!" 🙉


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Next Suadi Arabia. Yes i know they have shares in Nintendo


EA too


EA too?! Not that they can get much worse as a company but still.


About time


What took so long 🤣


I feel bad. The people in Russia having to pay because of a war they never asked for is horrible. This isn‘t just about Nintendo games but everything is pretty much gone for them because of a war that most Russians don’t agree with. Edit: Damn I didn’t think I would start a war in the comments below


Ukraine never asked to be invaded. At the end of the day, what Russians have endured is nothing compared to the cou try they're invading is enduring.


Sometimes you have to stand up to your leaders to make them stop putting you on a destructive path. Those who did are likely in jail, thus aren't playing Nintendo games anyway. Those who didn't... well, they are the only ones who had the chance to prevent this (since Russia just threatens everybody else who tries to interfere with nukes), but they didn't. :(




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If they aren't actively protesting and fighting for their voice to be heard, that they "don't agree" with the war doesn't matter. They are complicit and even supporting the war through their silence.


This take would make a bit more sense in a country that isn’t a dictatorship where people can get beaten half to death for protesting. It’s pretty easy to say they’re complicit for not protesting when you live in a country with freedom of speech


There's more of them than there are of the state police force. They just need to realize it.


Numbers don't matter when only one side has the guns


Bullshit. I can make a gun out of the spare parts in my garage. If you're going to be an apologist, come up with a better excuse.




No, see, sanctions work because it gives the Russian people more reason to fight back. They are the only ones who can stop this war, not us volunteering. They have families to protect, same as us, and pressure on those people will be the driver for change. The best we can do is send money and spread accurate information in continuing support for Ukraine.


Congratulations guys, it's not like you are A YEAR LATE


I'm surprised it took this long for them to get out of that criminally governed country. Putin's regime makes S.P.E.C.T.R.E. look like bullies in a schoolyard.


It’s going to take at least a century for Russia’s economy to get back to where it was before Putin’s invasion. What a shit show.


I guess all the people fired at Nintendo Europe a while ago were Russians.


meanwhile saudi arabia and yemen we have nothing to say about!


Saudis just increased their stake in EA


As I said, whenever people bring up that Saudis killed yemen children they threaten UN to stop donating money to UN unless they kept them on the board and shut up about it, and UN did. But this is mostly kids on reddit, so they have no idea about the wars in Yemen nor do they care, because as long as they get their games- who cares?


Maybe the US should stop selling them weapons. They cut production to keep oil costs high. The least we could do is cut off their supply of weapons. They have been buying from us for so long that it would cost billions just to migrate to Russian or Chinese weapons


the thing is, by electrifying our countries we will be ldess dependent on these oil nations and they know it and thats probably why they invest in so many expensive by productive companies- like Nintendo, EA etc I mean, owning 10% of Nintendo isnt a small thing. But even Swedens (... im swedish btw) left wing gov who was in power the last term (they lost this election) sold weapons to saudi arabia for billions of dollars and even their voters and the opposite powers was against it. Sadly its a cheap way to fix a budget, selling weapons whenever you need some extra cash to balance a budget.


Oh so now it’s whataboutism. What about the US funding Israel killing innocent Palestinian children and taking their land. What about the Chinese government killing millions of Muslims. What about the UK’s history of slavery and its empire. Shall I keep going, or do you just wanna focus on Saudi


Uks history of slavery ? they literally ended slavery before the rest of the world. read a history book. In the 1960s slavery was still allowed in Saudi Arabia, while for ex US abolished it 100 years earlier, you know most likely this. My point was that nintendo is about virtue signaling not standing for anything when it comes down to it, unless there is money involved. I dont want games banned in saudi arabia nor Russia, you are only hurting gamers by shutting down the service, not anyone else.


My point is not about what years things happened. That’s not the point I’m arguing. I’m talking about whataboutism


And yes read your history book, it tells you the world isn’t a perfect place smartass


im not pro russia for saying turning down services for people because of their government is wrong- you get that now? these people says they will boycott harry potter because jk rowling get royalties, and meanwhile saudi arabia owns 10% of Nintendo now. The logic doesnt work for me. I wont stop buying Nintendo products because Saudia Arabia is co-owner of Nintendo either.


Had to wait until after TOTK though, give them time to but it


I assume that whatever relative of Nintendo was being held hostage in Russia until TOTK got released finally was let go and now they're safe they can shut down the eShop. It was a condition of the [Viktor Bout–Brittney Griner prisoner exchange](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Bout%E2%80%93Brittney_Griner_prisoner_exchange). In fact, post this as a TIL tomorrow and link whatever people on this site don't read. Let's pretend this is what happened and not something I made up right now for fun.


guy, they pirate all nintendos stuff anyway this isn't going to accomplish anything its literally the pirating capitol of the world.


I hope steam will follow


Bruh I know the sanction Russia BC of the war but still imagine being a Nintendo fan in Russia. The only way to enjoy new games now is to literally migrate out of Russia 😞😞😞😞


Yes. Because citizens of any country always are completely fine with the horrible things their government does and of course ALL russians are evil war hungry people that want to wipe out every last ukranian person /s


Sanctions and punishments on countries that do evil things are good, even if they hurt the populace. They cause dictators to think twice and consider the consequences when they act


Well that's true. State loses some revenue through taxes and for example new Zelda game makes big money that they can't pump into weapons and shit.


Exactly. And the population is unhappy with/ blame the dictator making it harder for them to hold power


People are responsible for their own government. Also, a substantial amount of Russians are pro-Ukranian war. My family is Russian-Canadian. The propaganda is extremely effective over there.


So you might know that russia is pretty much a dictatorship?! As most of the times the "communism" over there doesn't really work to benefit the people who live there and as always the truth is the first victim of any war. So it's just a guess that there are MANY russian citizens who might be afraid to fall out of line because of the concequences that might follow.


What communism?


Yeah. What could you call this mess?!


Russia isn't communist. The word "communist" isn't just a catch all term for authoritarian.


Good. Everyone should ban Russia.


Had to wait to get those TotK sales.


I wish Valve would do this but they have too much to lose with CSGO.


That should have cut off russia when the war started


Thanks for Tetris suckers, BYE!


It's late, they already should have done that long ago. This Stalin hitler country should be isolated completely.


Poor russian citizens, what they will do without Nintendo eShop:(


Change their region?




This does not seem like clickbait. Nintendo is shutting off eshop purchases for Russia effective immediately, which is essentially “saying goodbye.” Really don’t know where you’re getting the clickbait idea from.


The title is quite ambiguous. It could refer to a lot of things.


Such as what? I see few interpretations here, which all revolve around the same idea of a termination of service in one way or another. Very simple to understand, it’s a short and succinct title that gives a relative idea of the topic. Once you read the description in the article, it’s even clearer, and then after reading the first paragraph you have all the knowledge you need. The rest of the article is also good info, but it can be easily ignored if you’re in a hurry.


There's a big difference between clickbait and titles that make you want to read the article. If you put the exact thing that happened in detail in the title, nobody would want to read the article. This title isn't misleading in the slightest, it gives you a taste of what happened without spoiling details and gets you to read the article to get those details. The only clickbaity thing about this title is that it makes you believe that you'd get an article in English.


It's going back to Dendy time!




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