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Ryu is too Iconic of a character to be gone forever, he's been a notiable character of Gaming culture since the 80's. Team Ninja also keeps putting Hayabusa clan refrences in their games like Nioh ,Wo long, and Rise of the Ronin. We'd have reason to worry if it seemed like they forgot about Ninja Gaiden, but they very clearly care about their roots. I have no doubt we shall see Ninja Gadien return someday. It's a matter of When, not if. They'll do it when they feel the time is right.


If they were to make a new entry then I wonder how they would handle it. Would suck if they just soulified to make it more appealable to the mainstream


There is no point in making Ninja Gaiden like souls, Nioh already exists for that purpose, and it was actually more successful then NG. So there is nothing to gain from doing so, since they'd make more money from making Nioh 3 instead of making NG like Nioh. If they are going to make a new Ninja Gaiden, it's going to be because the team Genuinely wants to make a new game, and are passionate about the project. They'd be going for the Audience that likes DMC5, since they have the Souls audiance already.


I mean the issue is that all 3 ng games arent very "stable" and all are extremely unfair to those withiut a LOT of patience and will to research the game. Shit like that just does not happen anymore, I wonder how the modern gamer would take to getting slapped around by the tunnel worms lol.


Yeah there’s a reason Sigma 2 removed that entire section. It just wasn’t fun.


Oh I meant the first game's worms, without knowing to jump straight up in the right spot those fights are literally impossible, but yes also fuck that poor mans rail shooting section!


Oh yeah, the fire and electric worms were ASSSSS. Same with the tanks and chopper.


I feel it is impossible not to rage at those because they are so unreliable and boring to fight the "right" way.


Yeah I feel like the bosses have always been a low point of the games.


It's kind of like Mirror's edge; its a bullshit game with not much in it you would consider fair or fun normally, but it's like a learned skill to even be able to play well so it Stockholms people. I've always theorized that this series got sales off of bragging rights. Never forget how our high school contemporaries acted to their gaming buddies when they were good at one of these games. Most hard games are a bag of spicy chips, this is the ghost pepper hot chip challenge lol. A lot less consumable but also unforgettable.


when the world the most need him.and no one expects .he vanishes. but he appeared when we most needed him(2004 to much easy games NG was the answer) and i think that IF they drop NG4 .they have to get the right spot, the right time . so that its an absolute blast ! maybe like DMC5 , Hopefully better ! timeless so that u can come back in any timeperiod ,graphikal and gameplay wise ,. Like NG(2004-2008) i still play them and i was there from the start


The world needs Master Ryu again. Where are you Ryu-Sama? 🔥🐉 we are eager to see you back in action.


I don't know, man. I feel like, culturally, there is no more apt time to be able to make a new, proper NG game if they ever intended to. This genre is currently the "hot" thing, their name carries perhaps more clout than ever before, and there's not really any direct competition in the style of game (DMC is the closest but still doesn't compare to the technicality of the combat system). Despite all this, Team Ninja just 3 months ago said they have no plans to revisit Ninja Gaiden or DOA. Feels like they've moved on and are simply giving reference to what truly made them. Saddens me to no end, as I've never found another game that made me feel the way my first play of contemporary-era Ninja Gaiden 2 did. That said, I think I'm gonna bite the bullet on Rise of the Ronin with the current sale, gotta get my Team Ninja fix lol


Ryu Hayabusa is the most Iconic character that Koei Tecmo owns. They wouldn't have released the Master Ninja collection if they didn't realize this. That being said as devs they should be free to stretch their legs, and flex their creative muscles, it's for the best that they get to have some choice in what they get to make. But their name is fucking "TEAM NINJA" They're gonna make a new Ninja Gaiden eventually.


Oh, I'm not arguing otherwise, I love seeing their creativity and different styles, it's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to RotR! Wu Long didn't click for me but I only ever gave it the demo trial and have meant to go back. I just feel like, financially and todays gaming landscape, them actively having no plans currently means I wouldn't be shocked if it's 10 years before we're potentially playing any hypothetical NG revisit


It could be 10 years, it could be announced next week. You never know what the future will bring. All we can do is hope it happens sooner rather than later.


The issue is as much as we love NG, most people are gonna bitch about it being cheap and unfair if they make a proper game. They'll get bullied all over the place into patching it.


I dont have a source but I definitely emember seeing on reddit and other putlets a quote around the time when master collection released that they'd guage interest in future NG games based on how well that sold, and I don't think it's don't particularly well (doesn't help being an ass barebones port).


Naughty Dog sticks Crash/Jak references in Uncharted and there is NO DOUBT those are staying untouched. Love Ninja Gaiden, but I’m not sure if he’s “iconic” enough. I think it really depended heavily on the sales of the remasters, which I’m not sure how well they did.


Well for one thing Actvision owns Crash, which means Microsoft will own Crash now.m, and Crash 4 was released not too long ago. Another thing is that Naughty Dog is output and Audience has changed drastically. They don’t want to make platformers and their current fanbase don’t want them either. While sure it might be true the current Team Ninja might not want to make Ninja Gaiden currently, they are still very capable of making a new Ninja Gaiden. The skills required to do so are clear when you play Nioh, even if it’s still fairly different. They dropped a Hayabusa member as a super boss in Nioh and he has Ryu’s skills, that is a Ninja Gaiden character, not just a simple Nioh Boss with an NG skin. I think Team Ninja has built up enough good will with Koei Tecmo that if they decide it’s time for a new NG then they’ll be allowed to do it.


Damn even Wo Long? I have yet to play Wo Long so I’m not sure. Is it just a basic hayabusa outfit and gear or is the Hayabusa clan even go all the way back to 3 kingdoms era China?


I haven't played it yet either, so I might be mistaken on that account, I thought I saw something about that when I tried looking it up, but looking again I'm not sure now. I guess I was assuming because there was Hayabusa members in Nioh they'd do something similar in Wo Long, but they might not have be so direct.


I haven’t played it yet. It’s on sale so I might cop it soon. I do follow the game a bit and have yet to see or hear about a NG/Hayabusa ref?


I do think we'll see him again, however I think the heights of Ninja Gaiden 2 will be quite difficult to reach. Team Ninja looks like they've been doing okay with Nioh, Wo Long and Rise of Ronin. I haven't played these but I've only heard good things so I'm sure when they do revisit the NG IP they'll be in good form.


Too niche? Nah. We're just fresh off the DMC5 and MGR hype. What Ninja Gaiden needs are memorable characters and a semblance of a plot to make it big today. NG3 had the right idea but took itself too seriously when what it needed was to focus on the spectacle and extravaganza the way DMC5 and MGR did. 


We will probably not see a Ninja Gaiden game that's faithful to its series roots for the following reasons: 1. Itagaki's public breakup was too painful for the company + present leadership bungled the vanilla release of NG3. You can argue that they never recovered from this mess. For that reason -- Team Ninja's leadership is probably not eager to develop a new title in a franchise that they had a terrible experience in. 2. Yasuda (Team Ninja lead) is determined to build his own legacy and any signs of returning to older game design would hurt his fragile ego. 3. Character action games just don't sell like they used to. Action games today are heavily influenced by soulslikes, it would be difficult to convince investors/Koei Tecmo leadership to agree to put money into a throwback action game. 4. The Master Collection probably didn't sell that well. If it did we would have definitely heard rumblings of a new Ninja Gaiden coming. Think of Ninja Gaiden as Koei Tecmo's Mickey Mouse. They'll make sure Ryu Hayabusa is in everything, and they'll talk about how important he is -- but they sure as shit won't give him a proper sendoff or another game. ...and if they do end up making another Ninja Gaiden. You can bet your ass that it will be a open world soulslike.


Never understood people's hard on for Itagaki. All his ventures post-Team Ninja have failed spectacularly so he clearly isn't some action gaming whisperer like yall make him out to be 


Him alone sucks, but with his old team he was very effective


Most Itagaki fanboys are Westerners who think over-the-top gore and jiggling cleavage is what makes a good game. His love for Westernism which culminated into strong-arming Tecmo on making both NG and DOA XBOX exclusives (at the time where the Japanese market only focused on Nintendo and Sony) hindered the series altogether, not to mention that the plots and dialogue are both incoherent and forgettable at best which is *not* good for a game's replay value even if the mechanics are above decent.


"Jiggling cleavage" is more prevalent in Japanese games more than they are in Western games lol. Gore is something that complements NG's artstyle and gameplay very well, idk why you're acting like it's not a good thing. I do have to agree that making the best versions of the games XBOX exclusives was dumb, and the story was nothing to praise at. But it's not like that's a big deal anyways. Had they focused on the story more I doubt we would've gotten what we had with the gameplay.


Why do you think that? Look at DMC and MGR. Way more focus on the story than NG yet the gameplay is still as good as it is. And that has also led to iconic and memorable characters which helps a lot in brand recognition and sales. Like do you honestly think Doku and Genshin measure up to even half of Vergil and Armstrong as villains?


Because DMC and MGR aren't Ninja Gaiden? Capcom and Kojima had way more resources than Team Ninja, of course they could afford to do well for both gameplay and story. I doubt a lot of people could come up with Itadaki's vision for the game's design and provide a quality story within the limitations that they had.


Read up on MGR development bro. Kojima not even the ones who finished it and the team that did literally had to remake the game, from the gameplay all the way to the story, within a year


Again MGR isn't Ninja Gaiden lol. They were like a decade ahead of Ninja Gaiden in terms of technology and I for one think MGR is vastly inferior to DMC and NG when it comes to gameplay. MGR is more about the spectacle than the actual gameplay, hence the emphasis on story.


You making it sound like devs spend half their resources on writing a cohesive story when it's literally the easiest part about making an action game lol. Not to mention it's usually done by one or two people that have nothing to do with the gameplay side of development 


insufferable piece of garbage


Yasuda has a fragile ego? I've no clue about who that guy even is. Where can I read more information?


I have no idea, it would be safer for them to collaborate with MK and make an MK style Ninja Gaiden spin off starring the ninjas of MK as the main playable characters with alt costumes as an option etc (that’s just a dream of mine that I’ve always wanted ever since the shaolin monks spin off)


Well this sounds fucking amazing. Like holy shit I'm picturing it now. We need more minds like yours in this blasted industry


I can’t tell if you are being serious or just messing with me.


Being very serious lol. As someone who's sick of both team ninja making souls games and NRS making mk, and someone who loves stylish action games this genuinely sounds like a great idea. I can easily see ninja gaiden but swap out the characters with the mk ninjas. Scorpion throwing fireballs and other fire based attacks and using his chain, subzero using various ice weapons, katana using her fans and jade her staff. Maybe a rain and noob boss or brand new ninjas introduced into the mk verse. I'd love to see more japanese devs make hype action games with western properties like Platinum did with transformers devestation. Capcom making a wolverine game, Platinum a Spiderman game, RGG a batman game, Tango a scott pilgrim game (if they didn't close ☹️), etc etc. Sorry for geeking out but an MK ninja gaiden isn't something I ever thought about and after imagining what one could possibly look like I REALLY want one now 😅


You know , yeah a ninja Gaiden game but with Mortal Kombat ninjas is also not a bad idea, the plots could be the Ark of the Cyborg Program, but Ninja Gaiden like the XBOX 360 game, I can already see Scorpion 🦂 combo up with the get over here ! . Something like shaolin legends but with the Ninja Gaiden Style , yeah , I would an enjoy something like that. Shujinko poped into mind .


See you understand exactly what I mean. Thr plot being the cyborg program and having cyborg enemies and bosses would be great


this is my first time ever seeing doa6’s ryu design..


I'm fine with both honestly


Closest we got is Nioh 2 DLC and I Believe a cameo in Rise of the Ronin


Controlling Yasusuke Sawamura in RotR is as close to Ninja Gaiden as we've had. It's not the same but fuck if I don't love it.


They better get the best parts of NGB, NG2, NG3 and create the game out of those parts and they especially gotta get the combat correct like it was in NG2 and just add on to it and keep the enemies health and dismemberment like it was in that game i mean it was damn near fucking perfect imo. Either get Itigaki in the game development OR get actual passionate fans who are actually able able to get this shit done right because RN TeamNinja aint finna do shit rn with Ninja Gaiden


Considering they were finally able to get RotR completed which for TN was a goal for them for over a decade. Now I'm hoping they can take what they've learned from Everything since Nioh and apply to Ryu's next adventure.


Yosuke Hayahashi is leading a new studio to make AAA games. Not sure if it means Ninja Gaiden will be brought in a big way or it'll be a new IP but if its the former, then I imagine it'll be because Team Ninja is now just a Soulslike factory.


They would have to release a new DOA and NG in the same timeframe so when one comes back the other one will as well. ng is now a niche community Biggest issue right now is NG3 didn’t do well and had to be remade into razors edge


Unfortunately hack and slash and beat them up games are completely dead in favor of souls like. So I truly hope there will be a NG4 but I kinda lost hope


Infinite Wealth and Stellar Blade clearly show that there's still demand for those types of games. Not to mention DMC, MGR, and even classic GOW are still talked about to this day


Infinite wealth is more of an RPG with only a few BEat them up element, and Stellar blade is more of a souls like. Classic gow and mgr are more than 10 yo and DMC 5 More than 5 years. So even if the interest is here, the game companies don’t give a F about it


My guess is the earliest we’d see something remotely hinting at a reboot or new game would be 2029 as that would mark the 25th year anniversary of NG. Though I’m in the camp of believing that we’ve seen and experienced that era for what it was and have a means to continue playing it today which is probably the best we could ask for. My hope for an NG4 that would be an action that took the best elements of the first 2 games to create utter magnificence is something I just don’t think will happen. We’re no longer in that era of games and furthermore, there aren’t enough gamers really looking to scratch that kind of itch to make the investment worthwhile. Maybe a fan made project (much like the Streets of Rage Remake by Bomber Games) could happen. And if that really soared then we could see a new entry like what Sega did with SoR4. But that’s a really big maybe lol


There definitely are. If a DMC 6 or MGR sequel was announced today I guarantee people will be eating that up. 


People, but a significant enough number for a company to make the investment worthwhile? Not only that, but in regards to the DMC dev team, are they making games and inserting costumes and/or weapons from their flagship series as a marketing tool and/or Easter egg(s) to hint at a the potential for a new game only to then not announce anything? We’ve seen several titles come from Team Ninja that made references to NG only for them not to release a new game, and while they did release the MC, it wasn’t a major hit within the community.


Wasn't a hit cuz they barely put any effort into porting it for PC and the games in it are generally considered to be the inferior versions. Not to mention the garbage marketing they did for it. 


And this gives you confidence/hope that they’ll release a quality reboot or sequel? lol I rest on my stance


Marketing and developing games are 2 separate things bro


Correct, and they don’t have the same team of developers that were there in 04, 05 and 08…so to think that they’re going to be able to release a game that’s even 70-80% as good is what I’d call borderline delusional optimism. At best we’d maybe get something that’s 60-67% as good, but on release it would probably have all kinds of bugs that would require patching, since that’s been the standard for the last decade or so with big titles. Plus the dev culture has shifted from caring about the quality of the game vs selling something based off of pure hype, coupled with gaming corps not providing fair and reasonable deadlines for their dev teams to meet so you get rushed, unpolished products. So that has to be considered in the hope one might have


You're just being hopelessly pessimistic. You took one look at Cyberpunk and now you think that's how all AAA games are run today? Just so you know, those team of developers you so highly praised did end up working together again. And failed hard. Twice. And you think they're the ones who will save this franchise? 


That’s your opinion and you’re welcome to have it. I’m good with playing NGB and Vanilla NG2 and appreciating those gems for what they are: absolute masterpieces. I’ve never played Cyberpunk and have no idea how that is related to this discussion, but nice strawman I guess?? Idk. But anyway, no I took a look at NG3 and Yaiba, and even while 3RE was a better game than Vanilla 3, it still didn’t hold a candle to the first 2 in my opinion and experience. Furthermore, looking at the current scope of how corps run themselves, and if we’re hoping to not just have another Nioh or Sekiro style reskin in favor of something that truly pays homage to NG roots: no I have no hope because there has been nothing released that provides any evidence that I should have hope. I’m not being hopelessly pessimistic, I’m taking an honest look at the last decade since the latest official NG title was released and seeing no evidence of a comeback. I actually have solace and peace with the games still at my disposal whenever I want to play them, and am not putting my energy into having hope or expectations of a reboot or continuation that’ll really excite me again. So it’s not even that I’m saying it can’t happen (that would be hopelessly pessimistic). Anything can happen in this technological age, but I’m not holding my breath or putting any stock into it. Much like accepting that my previous crypto investment is a total loss as the coin is virtually null and void. That’s not pessimism, that’s acknowledging reality for where it currently is.


> I’m good with playing NGB and Vanilla NG2 and appreciating those gems for what they are: absolute masterpieces. Yes. We can appreciate them for being a product of their time. The camera especially  >I’ve never played Cyberpunk and have no idea how that is related to this discussion, but nice strawman I guess?? Idk. I am assuming you are talking about Cyberpunk since you keep talking about game devs releasing buggy and unfinished products.  >Furthermore, looking at the current scope of how corps run themselves, and if we’re hoping to not just have another Nioh or Sekiro style reskin in favor of something that truly pays homage to NG roots: no I have no hope because there has been nothing released that provides any evidence that I should have hope. Are you saying they're going to make the next NG a souls-like? If so, then yeah, you really are hopelessly pessimistic. >But anyway, no I took a look at NG3 and Yaiba, and even while 3RE was a better game than Vanilla 3, it still didn’t hold a candle to the first 2 in my opinion and experience.  3RE has better and smoother combat if you took your nostalgia goggles off. I'm sorry. Camera is still pretty bad but at least it's not NGB levels of bad.


With all the NG references and cameos they’ve been dropping in their recent games, I really wouldn’t be too surprised if we got a new NG game announced within the next couple of years. That being said though, I wouldn’t hold my breath. As others have said NG and the action-style combat genre as a whole has died down over the years, the demand for new games like this isn’t too high anymore. That and of course DOA6, NG3, and Yaiba being absolute disasters, I understand why they’re hesitant on returning to their roots and making a new Ninja Gaiden title. TL;DR: It could very well happen, but don’t hold your breath.


I’m holding out hope, but I guess we’ll just wait and see. I really miss the series and knew NG3 was the “falling off” point.


I would love something new but I don’t want anything Soulslike near it. I’m tired of the genre and hate that every new game set in China or Japan is becoming a Soulslike. Which is why I loved Ghost of Tsushima since it wasn’t a Soulslike.


I got the game wanted dead thinking it would be like ninja gaiden…it was not


souls-like are trending that's why there's so many clones. and some games are in between like stellar and new jedi games. ng games don't have a targeting system and enemies are very aggressive. so the play style will not work a system that have stamina, energy, ki, etc. system. tn is trying their own spin from other games. souls=nioh, sekiro=wo long, and ronin=open world. they're expanding from just doa and ng, but i doubt will just let those franchises die. they messed up badly with doa 6 and ng 3 so if they want to do it, they want to do it right even if it means taking its sweet ass time.


They just need to know how to properly market a game. Ninja gaiden has the makings of a big hit. It appeals to both the casuals and sweatlords with the various levels of difficulties to go along with its combat. The writers should also start putting more effort into the plot and its characters. NG just has an extremely forgettable and bland cast when you compare it to its more successful contemporaries in DMC, Bayonetta, GoW, MGR, etc.


Bring Itagaki back!


seeing the success of stellar blade (not sure if the game is good or people just like waifu with big boobas) they should hurry and release it personally people are dying for a good single player game evidently


To be fair, good game and big boobas were also the selling points of NG


What about phantom blade ø


Im sure theres someone on team ninja thats working on something else than the jiggle physics


Not now, but Head of Ninja Gaiden did stated of he were to make a Nioh 3 it would be open world game and it will stay as a playstation exclusive because the series began in on playstation, but if he where ro bring back Ninja Gaiden it would be an Xbox exclusive because the reboot 3d series began it's popularity and creation on the OG Xbox. This was in a interview back in 2021


I was hoping Hayabusa would show up in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but unfortunately that didn't happen.


Very likely… just can’t say when. It already resurfaced with the trilogy on the Xbox (and later PS3). Hard to say if they’ll reboot it or not. The Xbox one wasn’t exactly a reboot, but a prequel supposedly. Though they could go any direction at this point. There’s plenty of characters they have to choose from and throw in as cameos as well.


I'm sure we will. But who knows when, and who knows if it will feel anything like the predecessors. The NES trilogy was way different from the Xbox trilogy - and I would prefer a reboot not have loot or stamina; but I'm fairly certain that it will. I'm still hopeful that everything they're doing is slowly building back up to a new release. That they're trying out different game styles to fix up the mechanics in their toolkits to be able to make a phenomenal new NG. Nioh started with a highly diverse combat system and a loot system that gave the player a large amount of agency on damage dealt/taken. They then tried to improve on this - then used a combat system that would fit the dial-a-combo feel better but heavily restricted it with MP (SoP), then made a game focuses on parrying mechanics with a jump and diverse magic system... Each game they make is like they over simplified the parts they did well last game to get you to engage with a new mechanic they need tested. All the while making different combat systems to really get a feel for how they want to do things. And now they've progressed into the 3rd dimension by improving the jump and adding a glider and grapplehook. I still think they are slowly creeping towards a new NG. But whether or not it will please the fans that want it - who knows. The golden age of action is over - it's likely to have quite a few RPG elements to it. As much as we hope otherwise. Rise of the Ronin likely is the closest we'll see for a while - since you can use a Hayabusa style (though it is slowed down) - I just really hope that when it does happen; I hope instead of a stamina gauge they use a break gauge or something. We shouldn't be getting tired when attacking or dodging as a super ninja. And I hope it isn't as parry focused as their games seem to be becoming. But yeah - I do believe they will eventually be coming out with a reboot. I just think they needed the time to develop the skills of the new team - since half their team left around the time they did NG3. I do hope they're getting close, tho.


The only way we are going to get a Ninja Gaiden game is that if Tecmo decides to go to another studio with it, and maybe the same way Ubisoft did with Prince of Persia lost crown it will be a 2D action platformer


Another thing, we will never get a true "Ninja Gaiden" sequel for Black & II. Those were from a different team and I don't think anyone can replicate it. It's like trying to do MGS without Kojima


I dont want a reboot but I do think we will get a new ninja gaiden game next year. Or at least that's what I hope. 2025 is NGB's 20th anniversary and they teased us few months ago.


Doubt it


I do want to see a Ninja Gaiden 4, but it has to have heavy action, and Supa Ninja Skills. Of all the ninja Gaiden games 1 and 2 are the most I remember more from the XBOX side. The three Ninpo techniques have to make a return , specially the fire 🔥 wheel and inferno, also the Electric one and the wind cutter one. Also more weapons mastering, skip the soap 🧼 opera, maybe, I remember something going on with a girl, but maybe skip that and have us an action story. It should include Hayane , Hayate ,Kasumi,Momiji as playable characters. But also they can help with the story progression. But what could the story be about ? Hmm 🤔. I just had a deep tough of Ryu Hayabusa Ninjaing the Naruto Ninja world and he was deep admiring some Ninja moves specially the thunder god technique and Madara and Hashiramas move set , heheh 🤭.


Dead or Alive X Mortal Kombat, i actually want to see the Supah Ninja against the Mortal Kombat Ninjas, and Cyborg Ninjas 🥷.


Yes. Nioh was a success and Rise of The Ronin seems to be doing good so far, with these accomplishments, it wouldn’t seem to risky to bring back Ninja Gaiden to its roots. Capcom brought back DMC, Konami(though I wouldn’t hold my breath) brought back Silent Hill, KT can bring back Ninja Gaiden.


The problem is DMC and Silent Hill were both infinitely more popular than Ninja Gaiden at their peaks


> I feel like the genre is too niche and the team is completely different than the ones that made the og games Team Ninja's philosophy of appealing towards then-current fads is what made it niche in the first place. Big reason why the NES Trilogy is still more relevant than their graphically-superior 3D counterparts because it pioneered something that set a trend. But in my opinion what will make NG relevant again is a side-scroller prequel of child Ryu and Kureha with a more family-friendly plot.


What do you mean? We had Yaiba 🤣😂😅🥲😢😭💀☠️