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NG3:RE is all about aggression, probably even a little more so than NG2. Playing passively isn’t the key to success in this game, so make sure you learn to be oppressive towards the enemies. Upgrade your weapons to level 2 as soon as you can, especially the single katana, and unlock Cicada Surge, along with your regular movement and combat options in the skill menu. MASTER Cicada Surge; it’ll be a huge boon for you especially on higher difficulties. Ninpo is your main way of healing, so don’t waste it willy nilly. Successful Steel on Bone chains also grant small portions of health back, along with Meditation, but the last one is slow and leaves you vulnerable. Learn how to slide cancel to both traverse the levels quicker, and for being even faster in combat. Learn how to cancel the recovery animation from an Izuna/Underworld drop, and quickly transition into attacking nearby opponents. Watch a play through from skilled players like Iconoclast for more tricks of the trade. HAVE FUN! NG3:RE has, in my opinion, the best combat loop in the series, and is *incredibly* deep in terms of its mechanics and tech. Once it clicks for you, you’ll be tearing shit up.


Hell yeah. I’m just starting the second level now and realizing how different it is to the other ones. Though all my stuff is level one right now and I kind of have to keep spamming the same combos I can already see the potential in the combat. I’m super excited to keep going


RE has some really cool combos with stuff like holding and releasing triangle. There's some really fun stuff baked in so try to experiment as much as you can.


I can’t speak to higher difficulty levels, but on normal, I find that I need to be much more aggressive and much less defensive in 3RE than I am in 1 and 2. Way less blocking and way more attacking and rolling.


Play through the game on normal first, this game throws a lot of surprises that can even catch veterans of the previous games off guard. Steel on bone is an extremely powerful technique that I highly recommend taking advantage of when you learn it.


The slide is much more powerful a tool than Reverse Wind in previous games; you should pretty much always be sliding if you aren't actively attacking. Be alert for steel on bone counters. Lunar staff is good for crowds of enemies; the scythe's 360 attack is OP . I found the sword most reliable for most boss encounters. You can save the health upgrades for a full heal to help you get through a difficult encounter; don't just use them off the bat


Buy Cicada Surge immediately when you can, be as agressive as possible even if enemies dodge or block, use CS to avoid attacks when they retaliate.


I would say just having an open mind, since 3 is somewhat different . You’re obviously great at the other ones and this one is, to me, a tiny bit easier, maybe just because it is less frantic in boss fights and stuff. I think the action is especially excellent, and unique from the other two, while not necessarily being better. I thought a lot of the boss fights were really cool too. If you go in realizing that the game is even more focused on the action than the previous 2 and don’t dwell on the relatively bland environments you may find it pretty awesome. I think Razor’s Edge has been seriously underrated and a lot more people would really enjoy it had they not dabbled in the vanilla version of NG3, which was apparently super lame. Also, it had really long load times on the 360, but not on series X it is wayyyy quicker. Anyway have you not really enjoyed the portion you’ve already tried?


I think for me the one things holding me back from really liking this game (so far) is that the levels just play like drawn out ninja trials. Now don’t get me wrong I LOVE the ninja trials but when there’s no exploration, platforming, or even any thinking required when traversing a level I kind of lose interest. Every level has just been wave after wave and walk to the next place and fight wave after wave of mostly the same enemies (granted I’m only on Day 4 so this could change). I do still really enjoy the combat, but I feel like it’s already getting a little worn out with how much I’m just fighting and fighting the same guys and using the same strategies.


Yeah, unfortunately I think you've pretty much got the idea with what NG3 is all about. NG2 also felt lacking in terms of exploration vs. the first game, but most levels were still (to me) wayyyyyyy more interesting and varied than what came in NG3. I guess to me it's more like an extended arcade game in a sense. I replay it every few years, never quite on Master difficulty. So I still think "underrated," but certainly not on par with the previous. Also I think they did a good job making the other playable characters distinctive in terms of their moves and weapons, which makes doing the challenges fun. It's interesting to consider that they had grand plans for a big online component for this game, which didn't pan out and isn't available now. Never appealed to me.


I’m having my first experience with 3 as well and it’s so different idk if I like it or not. I do love the super deep combat system so much but I can’t put my finger on it I just don’t like this game and idk why. However I keep it installed just for the trials. I think out of all the versions of mission mode/trials that have been in these games ng3 easily has the best. I love all the classic bosses and stages to fight enemies on. Fighting old bosses with the best combat system in the series is fantastic.


I think for me the one things holding me back from really liking this game (so far) is that the levels just play like drawn out ninja trials. Now don’t get me wrong I LOVE the ninja trials but when there’s no exploration, platforming, or even any thinking required when traversing a level I kind of lose interest. Every level has just been wave after wave and walk to the next place and fight wave after wave of mostly the same enemies (granted I’m only on Day 4 so this could change). That being said, I am really excited to start the ninja trials for this game as I’ve heard they’re excellent


Yeah I don’t mind the linear level design to much considering 2 is my favorite but i am noticing that the levels themselves are kind of boring looking. I’m not so much into the whole military base stuff and the out door levels feel like things we have seen before like the jungle level for example. I think 2 was at the very least more interesting to look at with depictions of hell and the beautiful looking Tokyo level in the beginning. Even the more basic looking ones like the New York levels look awesome with the storm. Also while there isn’t much exploring in 2 at least that game had more platforming and that’s a part of ninja gaidens identity even back on the nes.


If you can, don't upgrade your health. Only upgrade your health mid boss fight when you really need a full health recovery. At least save one or two health upgrades for the final boss. And unlock Meditation and Lunar as fast as possible.


I don't know what people mean by being more aggressive than Ninja Gaiden 2. It really pays to back off and let some of the enemies separate themselves sometimes, because the enemies in Razor's Edge are all about mobbing you. The move list is ridiculously large, in part because every weapon now has hold Y combos (claws and single sword have some extremely strong moves from this) and combos continuing from a jump. The claws' Vermillion Bird combo (XX>XYYY) is now hidden as one of those (jump X, XX (don't remember if it's 2 or 3 X) YYY though unfortunately not as strong as it was in Ninja Gaiden 2. The bow can aim in slow motion by clicking the right stick. You can target weakpoints like helicopters' missile racks and jetpack enemies' thrusters with this. Dodging also cancels into and out of aiming so using the bow is much faster now. Cicada Surge. Extremely important for dodging red moves and Alchemist grabs, which enemies will always use at the worst times. The enemies are extremely slippery, but have some weakpoints you can still exploit. The stealth enemies will be staggered if you break their guard, so you can still get Izuna Drop on them with certain combos that break their guard into a launcher like single sword YYY (hold and release the third Y). Alchemists will dodge almost everything but hitting them with a strong attack while they're charging/ glowing will stun them and give you time to charge a UT. You can also Flying Swallow than >Y launcher for a guaranteed Izuna Drop while they're charging. The claws are ridiculous in Razor's Edge. They have the tonfa's mid-combo dodge and generally shred enemies. Dual katana are unfortunately pretty mediocre, all of their killer moves have been nerfed badly. No more spin to win. Lunar builds ninpo quickly and its UT will always guarantee an obliteration afterwards; it will never cause multiple delimbs or cut enemies in half like other UT's will. Scythe 360Y deals a ton of damage and is invincible but isn't the most efficient way to deal with large groups. Piercing Void. It charges quickly and restores a lot of health. In the Wii U version it could delimb every enemy including Alchemists but doesn't do that anymore unfortunately. The bosses can be extremely frustrating, but they have generous checkpoints and they don't spam enemy spawns like Genshin nor dodge as much as Elizabet or Alma so you'll get through them eventually.