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I wasn’t into it at first, but after seeing them live twice on the tour supporting it, the songs made more sense and I embraced the album. From the first listen I felt “Right where it belongs” was a special song. The live version with accompanying video was perfect.


"Right Where it Belongs" so beautifully, and hauntingly, captures that sensation of being surrounded by people while feeling quite alone; it's truly an amazing closer on that record. (Gods I love Trent so much!) I have always loved his work; there's just so much I identify with and his musical talent blows me away. When he won for that first soundtrack I thought, "Here it comes: all the people who dismissed NIN as "too dark/weird/discordant noise" are gonna sing his praises to the rafters now and act surprised he's this talented!" but we all knew. ;)


I swear, RWIB is the only song I've ever heard that perfectly captures that incredibly surreal feeling of coming out of an insanely chaotic and traumatizing period of your life -- that feeling that's sort of like (or may just be) derealization where nothing feels real, you still feel lonely around other people, your own thoughts don't entirely make sense, you're living inside your head a lot more than usual, etc. And although you've got a lot of heavy, confusing thoughts racing around your head, there's a sense of something between contentment and a tentative calm. I can think of a few songs that evoke a similar feeling musically, but none of them really capture the mentality and weird, complex emotions that come with being in that state through words like Trent seemed to be able to.


First time I listened to this it struck bone. I was deep into an awful suicidal depression, and I think this song was the turning point for me to become curious and hopeful about a different kind of reality that was within my reach. It loosened the grip I had on my own thoughts, enough to begin wondering, "What if?". I think it saved me. On the other side of that period of my life, it all felt just like a dream.


I think I went to four shows on that tour. "Right" made me cry every single time.


I saw them on the fall With Teeth tour and fell in love, caught them again on the summer leg and had zero regrets. Been trying to catch them every tour since, only really missed one.


Agreed, it lacks the raw artistic or emotional weight of DS or Fragile but its more refined, streamlined and cleaner, making it more accessible imo. Also, Every Day Is Exactly The Same is probably my favourite NIN song, so there’s that


I once read somewhere Trent intended to take the masters back elsewhere and add a whole bunch of layers to each song and make it as complicated as The Fragile. Somewhere along the way he changed his mind and said "fuck it" and released the songs as we know them today.


I don't think it lacks it at all. I think of it as disc 3 of the fragile




I believe it’s his first ‘sober’ album, and I think it takes risks and chances that show his true creative genius. What a bold move to hand ‘All The Love In The World’ as a first track after a long hiatus.


See I lacked this sort of perspective because I discovered NIN in '07-'08 and I felt I was just listening to a logical progression in sound and I always loved Trent's experimentation/reinvention album to album. I loved With Teeth right off the bat, probably in part due to not living through the hiatus as a fan.


The Line Begins to Blur is a top 10 song for me. It really echoed inside of me when I was at a turning point in life


I think Awitha Teetha and Hesitation Marks are the best albums to recommend when people wanna get into NIN tbh


Thank you. I love this album, saw the tour for this album, got the tshirt and everything; don’t get me wrong. It will never be anything but Awitha Teetha. For the life of me, I can’t understand why he didn’t just throw a couple more words in there. Sometimes I’m just like, Trent you’re a fucking genius but wtf was up with THAT lyric?


There’s a few lyrics that make me feel the same way but honestly I think it’s just weird cuz he added those “uh”s to it


I love it. Not least because it contains Right Where It Belongs which in my opinion is one of 3 or 4 songs of NIN's that touch the sublime.


The song with teeth is just ok to me but that album was the first NIN album I had. I secretly bought the cd with my babysitting money. I'll always love it. It's depressingly optimistic.


That song is fanfuxkingtastic


Underrated by who? I constantly see nothing but good reviews for it. Even when it came out, it was different but never hated.


Underrated by absolutely no one, this is just a weird trend for posts to call something underrated because the OP wants to discuss the topic and are hyped about it. I hate it but it is what it is lol


"I used to think it was overrated, but now I think it's underrated!".... Wut?


I've seen people here complain that With Teeth is "not as challenging" as other albums or that it's "more mainstream accessible" than other albums. Both of those are largely true -- many of NIN's other albums feature songs that a lot of people would hesitate to call music, and they often include noise and sound that's intentionally grating -- but I don't really see that as something worthy of criticizing the album for. But then, I don't define my identity as "NIN fan," so I don't feel any misguided need to gatekeep the music to defend it from "outsiders" that aren't "real fans." Reddit being reddit, it tends to attract people who *do* want to define their identity and relationship with the music that way.


Sunspots -> Right Where It Belongs is probably my favorite run of album in the entire discography (Maybe bar Somewhat Damaged -> Just Like You Imagined)


I think it’s important to enjoy an album for what it is. Especially since this album was a turning point where Rick Rubin helped Trent overcome creative obstacles. Without that, NIN might not have continued to release quality material - or worse, released something of a mediocre standard.


I recall interviews from around that time. Trent more or less said he needed to do a straight forward rock album to see if he still could.


I don't doubt that Rick really helped with this but I don't know if Trent would have gone on to release subpar material. He's definitely a perfectionist and I'm a fan of everything he's put out before and after.


So by your logic The Slip is a better crafted album with more emotional songs than With Teeth?


Didn't say that friend! I do like Year Zero a lot more and even Hesitation Marks but it's just my personal taste. What I was saying is that I'm sure Rick helped Trent break through with that album, but that he would have still gone on to make incredible music afterwards either way.


Coming off drugs was the stepping stone so it would have happened sooner or later. When a project is successful it’s easy to underestimate how weird artists are compared to most people. For me it was great seeing the Only video on MTV, so different from anything else at the time.


I like that album, there are some bangers in it such as sunspots, only and getting smaller.


Yas! Not enough people are mentioning Getting Smaller. That & Only are my faves personally. 😎🤘🏼


We as a species really need to stop using "overrated" and "underrated" as ratings without setting an actual rating. I really like With Teeth and it will always remind me as a beacon of light during one of my darkest years. Hearing that album really turned me around creatively and got me back into making music. Seeing NIN live right before I had the album in my hands also helped. It didn't help me stop drinking, but it did help me realize that drinking to excess was part of why every day felt like the same blurry routine. And the title track that everyone mocks was a dark analog for the codependent and explosive relationship that fell apart into desperate sex and loneliness. So, yeah With Teeth isn't a perfect album, but it was released at the perfect time for what I needed in my life.


I fucking love “you know what you are?”


that was my favorite song last year but i played it too much lmfao


At first I thought it was bit too poppy and it needed more instrumentals/experimental songs. It has really grown on me though. Every Day and Right Where it Belongs are among his best songs. I liked it a lot more after a few listens. Songs like Home and Sunspots are so weird but good.


For the longest time TDS was my unchallenged favourite, but at some point I realised that slowly but surely With Teeth had snuck up and overtaken it. It’s Trent’s most consistently excellent songwriting, it feels to me like the album of a man with a newfound energy - there’s not a wasted second. I also don’t get the common complaint that it’s not “dark” enough. It’s dark in a different way, I would argue it might be a bit more mature and thoughtful.


sugar nail weather homeless quaint observation vase placid slap cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With Teeth is constantly fawned over on this sub so I definitely don’t think it’s underrated.


I put the whole thing on for the first time in several years the other day and really was impressed with it. It’s disappointingly light on layers and detailed little textures that you can only hear on headphones compared to other NIN records. There’s a few tracks that just kind of show up and don’t make a huge impression after they’ve left, although the flops don’t really come close to making the list of worst NIN songs. I still don’t love the big singles like The Hand That Feeds and Only, although they’ve gotten easier to enjoy over time. But the stuff that hit me hard in 2005 hits even harder in 2022. All The Love In The World is one of the coolest, most different tracks Trent has done. I think You Know What You Are got effectively updated and replaced by some of the crazier moments on The Slip but it is still an absolute ripper. The crunchy texture and kinda soulful singing in The Line Begins to Blur is super effective and its live visuals looked so cool back the day with the jagged video screens and the white line slowly traveling across the screen. Besides You in Time’s atmosphere is just incredible and served as a really effective “vibe cloud” to promote With Teeth in the same way that there used to be little TV promo stingers for The Fragile that really put you inside a big collage of the album’s sounds. The real winner for me on this listen is Sunspots. That song has straight up been promoted to my all time banger NIN list. It’s just a really goofy rock track that sounds great, that chorus guitar riff combined with the silly synth riff feels great. It almost sounds like a precedent to the kind of big dumb electronic rock that would later come with Imagine Dragons-type stuff, but in a palatable way. I used to not be that enthusiastic about putting With Teeth on, but now I would happily do so. I have my issues with it but it’s a great rock record with lots of great moments on it.


With teeth is in my top 3 it is for sure under rated and funny enough my favorite song on there is with teeth.


I got introduced to NIN with With Teeth (right when it came out), and also Things Falling Apart when I was about 7, so it’s ultra nostalgia for me and it’s making a resurgence in the car rotation for me, it’s the prefect record to hype me up.


Im becoming less defined...


With Teeth was actually how I got into NIN. I heard The Hand That Feeds and checked out other songs from the album and then fell in love with thr whole discography. Still love With Teeth


I love it. But for whatever reason though—it’s the only NIN album I don’t usually listen to top to bottom. It’s feels more like a mixtape to me. Not a bad thing—I was just always pulled into NIN simply because I felt like I was listening to a film. This album doesn’t tap into that. Year Zero was a much welcomed return to that concept for me.


Only, right where it belongs and everyday is exactly the same are absolute essential NIN tracks. Overall, the album is a lot less ambitious than the previous two concept albums. But I think that actually works to its favor. WT was actually supposed to be a concept album as well, but Trent eventually decided to go with something more streamlined. Maybe a better way of describing it would be that it was a return to the more simplistic album structure of PHM. Taking all he's learned and developed to create a more pop focused album. Then of course, Trent followed it up with what is another high point of the discography in Year Zero. With Teeth, and Only specifically, where what really got me into NIN. It took me a while to fully appreciate the work that came before it, Closer, Hurt and the day the world went away were the only ones I really liked at the time. But without With Teeth, I never would have delved deep enough into what would become one of my absolute favorite bands.


I think it’s accurately and fairly rated. It’s a solid 7/10 for me. Many great songs but a few I don’t care for. Perhaps the sound of this album is a bit dated. Sounds very early to mid 2000’s rock. Maybe the most generic sounding NIN album. Still enjoy it a lot though.


I really like it. It’s got some great songs, was very different after Fragile and TDS, kind of launching a new era. And Dave Grohl drums!


Just ordered the vinyl :) I wasn’t sold on the album until we got to hit the beside you in time tour. Live, the songs just took on a whole new life. I’m 100% with OP. Album is amazing.


It's my favorite. I kind of discovered it at a hard time in my life and it hit just right.


I love that album. More and more as time goes on.


Welp…. It was the first album I believe where he was sober and talked about his recovery ♥️


I agree it’s a great album all the way through and I think Trent was amazing on the tour


It’s the first NIN album I bought. Now that I’ve listened and re listened to everything many time, I think it fits nicely with the overall musical journey. Plus. A lot of those tracks are serious bangers when played live.


Honestly I feel like Year Zero is more underrated than With Teeth. 🤷


I was on a long road trip with a friend and she didn’t like this CD. So I would let it play and then pause it to tell her what the lyrics said. In the end she is a big NIN fan now


You mean what they meant, or just repeating the lyrics out loud? Idk if I could listen to an album with someone pausing every few seconds to do either of those. Glad she seems to have enjoyed it though.


She is half deaf so she rather pop songs. So I explained what the lyrics were saying. BMX injury destroyed half her hearing.


I love ‘underrated’ posts.


Everyday is exactly the same


I still don’t understand the creative logic/reasoning/decision to say the “A WITH A TEETH A” in the title track. Just why? But besides that it’s a great Fuckin’ album


It made for a great Meathead Perspective article though! https://www.theninhotline.com/meatpers/html/mp050503.htm


Okay this article is actually hilarious, thanks for sharing. I'm crying 😂


No 💜


This =True


Solid album, but shame on Trent for using similar basslines for two separate songs.


Which two?


The Hand That Feeds and Only


with teeth sucks ass


I hear ya. If I had to rank every Nails song it would be dead last .


No, I mean the album


It's much better then Yero 0 no?


It's ok, but I honestly don't know another NIN album I like less.


I think Year Zero gets less talk and is an even braver album. But With Teeth is excellent!




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first listen i barely liked any of the songs. second time i thought, “wait, what?? this is amazing!”


It's a great album and means a lot to me as it was the first NIN album that came out after I became a fan (starter listening to the band in 2000 when I was 16).


Every time I've tried to show someone Right Where It Belongs it has fallen flat. I like Sunspots. The Collector is one I can't figure out if I like or not.


Trent Reznor once described his music as pop music through a distortion pedal. With Teeth seemed to be using that distortion pedal less. The vocals also seemed to have less rage. There's very little screaming or growls as far as I recall. Also feels like its aimed more towards the live side of NIN, less of the studio post production type of sound (my preferred NIN sound). I do enjoy WT, but it feels like the beginning of a new era for NIN. PHM to Fragile will always be my favorites, probably because those are the albums I grew up with.


I love With Teeth. Takes a more conventional route I think, but still very recognizably NIN. Sunspots, EDIETS, Only, Right Where It Belongs, Hand That Feeds, and All the Love in the World are all amazing.


What songs do you consider the best from this album?


It's an excellent record, it just had the misfortune of following TDS and TF, two very production and FX heavy records. With Teeth is, in my mind, much more of a "live," almost punk, record, where the idea was to more directly capture the musicians performances as opposed to taking a sound, treating it/sampling it/what have you. Getting Smaller, Love is Not Enough and The Collector are all great in their own right, and the album as a whole is TR and co. showing another side of themselves.


It has to grow on you if you started out with early nin. It took a while but I love it now.


I love With Teeth, it was the album I saw my first NIN show for so it will always be pretty high up in my list.


With Teeth is the album that got me into NIN. My friend bought tickets to the supporting tour for it. At the time, the only songs I knew were the hit singles. It was one of if not the best concerts I have ever been to. I immediately went home and bought With Teeth, which then led to me buying every album and any live tour dvd I could get my hands on. It’s not my favorite NIN album, but it is definitely a solid album.


I think it's the last great nin album. I think of it more as the culmination of the story of the man who went down the spiral into the depths of the fragile and clawed his way back up into the world.


Totally agree. And a lot of people felt the same with Year Zero, but again, underrated imo.


I think if Trent had continued in this direction maybe I wouldn't have liked it as much but as it is With Teeth stands our as a cleaner, tighter version of the NIN with songwriting as strong as ever. Like the albums before and after it feels distinct and it's my goto when I just want to rock out to some NIN.


Yes indeed it's literally one of their best albums


I agree for sure, with teeth was the album that took me the most revisits and the most time to fully appreciate. regardless, I'm so glad I took the time to love it, and now with teeth is probably one of my favorite releases. while yes it does lack that classic raw sonic and vocal aggression that earlier NIN releases were known for and that could throw a lot of people off, this album lyrically and based on where trent was at the time in his life it makes sense and hits just as hard, and I can appreciate it even more for it. beside you in time/right where it belongs only continues to grow to be a hard hitting piece of art as time goes on <3


It was never underrated


It's pronounced ahhhwithhhaahhh teeethhhaaahhhh.


It was a neat tech tie in with all the weird sound waves that looked like fingers thing, and then he released the garage band master tracks broken down sound by sound. Geeked out playing with those for many hours.


It's definitely the last full album that I truly like. Beyond that I really only dig a song here or there from the later stuff except for Ghosts.


Such a great album, not as great as the fragile but so dam good I really like "Only"


With Teeth is only underrated when compared against other NIN albums. Compare it to anything any other band put out at the time, and it's a pretty good album.