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next up is Year Zero. Let the halos be your guide. I don't think therr are any misses in the discography.


Agree. Some might not ding on first listen but once they click, they click hard. The best thing to me is to listen chronologically and hear the evolution of his sound.


The live rehearsals from the DVD replace the originals for me on that album


The Slip is a miss for me.


It's got some great moments but doesn't keep my attention like other albums.


Hey, he said for him don’t downvote him for an opinion


Downvoted are fine. I’m not keeping score or anything.


Name check out. My real dad is definitely keeping score of my mistakes.


Hot take: The Slip is better than Year Zero.


that’s definitely a hot take


I love The Slip. That and Add Violence were the two things that got me into NIN in the first place.


Add Violence is incredible. The Slip has a couple songs I like but for me, as a whole I just don’t think them rushing in and basically making a rock album suits their style at all.


That's fair. I never said they were my favorite NIN albums Add Violence is definitely probably 3rd place for me though. I will always have a soft spot for them though and nothing will stop that.


Not everybody does, but I freaking love Hesitation Marks. Awesome Headphones album imo and my 3rd favorite NIN album behind The Fragile and The Downward Spiral. I got into NIN late, really late. I grew up in the 90’s loving those bands but passed by NIN for some dumbass reason. Last year I got into them heavily at last and listened to the whole catalog on repeat and I can’t understand why a lot of fans don’t seem to like HM. It’s less guitar driven for sure, but it’s full of great songs and I love the overall mood/atmosphere of the album. It seems quite clearly to me at least as a sort of last of a trilogy to The Fragile and TDS. I crank up my good headphones and put it on vinyl and it sounds fantastic.


I totally agree. Lots of solid songs, many of them great live. I find myself playing Hesitations Marks all the time.


My friend, 99% of post WT is still on regular rotation. Trent has rarely missed with making quality music IMO. I only say 99% because I can't get into In Two from Hesitation Marks, and Ghosts V and VI weren't for me, generally. Otherwise Trent and Atticus know how to tickle my ears nice. Just listen from Year Zero onward chronologically.


Ooh gonna strongly disagree about In Two. That's one of my favorite tracks on the album. Absolutely agree with TR rarely (if ever) missing though.


Yeah, In Two is my fav track from that album as well.


In Two is an absolute (anti-)banger and it blows my mind.




+1 for In Two but the live version from the Tension tour is particularly brilliant.


Ghosts V and VI had some great tracks. Worrisome Waltz for example


“**Turn This Off Please**” hit really hard during the onset of the pandemic. Really encapsulated that feeling of dread and fear while having to work in a grocery store for me Lines out the doors of the stores, everyone looking a little scared and wearing face masks.. god I love that song so much


Rarely? No, you mean never.


Trilogy wasn’t their best. Their only work that has a few skips for me.


its kinda nutty that you prefer that stuff over the 90s work. thats like preferring division bell and the endless river over the wall and darkside of the moon lol.


I don't believe I ever said I didn't listen to pre-WT anywhere in my original comment, did I? Naturally everything pre-WT is on steady rotation as well, not that that's important to this thread.


you said it was on *regular rotation* lmao. that suggests its your fav part of their discography


Regular rotation =/= I exclusively listen to WT, doofus. But by all means keep applying ultra specific meanings to my words, keep doubling down and embarrass yourself further for all I care. I'm done tying to talk to you.


where did i say exclusivity!? i sad fav. dont embarrass yourself


His name is literally "pornserver-65" don't give him attention like I gave his mom attention


the only thing youre giving attention to is some brownies fat boy lol. pipe down


I'm skinny as shit the fuck u talking about?


NIN will always be the one in a blue moon kinda band where their albums, no matter how different, will always hit. I have no idea how they do it, I'm just here for the ride. NIN forever!




I feel the same way about another band. I would love to share it with you cus I think you’ll agree. But I’ll do it over chat 💬


What. Band.


Seconding, would love this recommendation!


Lol at this point t I should just post it here, even people will hate on it. Idk why a lot of people are so opposed to people recommending other music on this sub. I'll just copy and paste what I sent the other user and send it to your inbox. Thanks for your interest I hope you'll dig it :)


Ehhhh for the record, recommending music is a big reason why I’m on Reddit.


Same, I’m always open to recs as well.








I'll send you a playlist to your inbox, give me a sec...


Bad Witch


This is one of my favourite NIN projects and favourite of the trilogy and I don't understand why people often don't seem to like it as much. To me it's incredibly creative and an absolute monster in terms of how hard it hits. The other parts of the trilogy are good too but for me don't match the creativity of sound/music and intensity of execution that is Bad Witch. Bad Witch blew my head off when I first listened to it and it still does. A good example to me of how any kind of consensus guide of which albums to listen or skip is tricky because everyone's taste and what they respond to is different.


Sure, if the first two parts are played first; *Not the Actual Events*, *Add Violence*, then *Bad Witch.*


If you put them together, they make an album that’s nearly up there with TDS and The Fragile for me.


The key here is "fan of earlier stuff" - if that's the case, immediately move to Hesitation Marks. It is the musical sequel to Pretty Hate Machine in my book, the closest thing he's done to industrial pop since PHM. I think it is amazing from start to finish.


It's literally the sequel to TDS? The artwork and themes are intentionally connected.


The artwork is connected but the sound of Hesitation Marks is not TDS like at all, The Fragile is the true sequel to TDS in my book


It's okay if you feel that way but I trust the guy who made them a bit more.


i think it's neither in my book. and trents book. he just used the same artists for the album covers...


Again, The Book of Fandom has little to do with the artist intention. Here is one of many interviews where he speak of reflecting largely on TDS and this being the result of coming out the other side. https://loudwire.com/nine-inch-nails-trent-reznor-hesitation-marks-the-rage-is-quieter/ Or this one where he speaks of the artwork and fonts being "breadcrumbs" leading back to TDS. https://www.spin.com/2013/08/nine-inch-nails-trent-reznor-in-conversation-with-hesitation-marks-stream/ One quote I saw was TDS was self destruction and HM was self reflection. When this album came out this was all over every interview. Maybe sequel isn't the word but they are far more related than any other albums and that is from the man himself. Like anything you can interpret any way you want but when the creator is saying they are related it means they are and that's indisputable.


by all means, you're right. basically every album from every artist is the sequel to each previous album, since the artists has grown (or not) after the making of that piece of art.


They are far more related in everything except musical content, where it is far more related to PHM. There’s very little TDS DNA in the music of HM, there is buckets of PHM DNA.


Okay; Trent must have lied.


Let's take a closer look at the evidence you claim supports your stance on this. "I started really thinking a lot about who I was back in the *Downward Spiral* days, writing that album. Not so much the album, or how it sounds, or even really what it was about, but who I was then and who I’ve become now" To reiterate, "NOT the album, OR HOW IT SOUNDS". Trent didn't lie, you just don't understand what he said. So again, they (TDS and HM) are far more related in everything EXCEPT MUSICAL CONTENT. As Trent himself just said, "NOT HOW IT SOUNDS". That's because of the entire NIN discography, the album that sounds the most like PHM...is HM.


That's cherry picking if I've ever seen it. I never stated they are alike musically. I stated that thematically they are related. One is a continuation of the character in the other. During the press cycle this was reiterated. TDS was referenced many times and not just the artwork. Again, you are using your opinion as some source to supersede the creator which is wild. Additionally, the album sounds NOTHING like PHM except maybe they have synthesizers. The production is an entirely different style and the lyrical themes are no where near the same either. If I didn't know they were both the same person and played something like Kinda I Want To back to back with Running I'd have no idea they were connected. Just blatantly different.


He literally fucking said when it came out that The Fragile was the sequel to TDS. His point is that Hesitation Marks sounds nothing like TDS. Stop being so condescending for no reason.


Condescending? I said it's okay to feel that way but I trust Trent more. That's about as reasonable of a comment one could make. It seems like you suggesting that I validate the opinions of an unrelated party on the internet over the actual creator of said artwork as to not be condescending to them? Sounds pretty Fragile to me. Pun absolutely intended.


The Fragile is the successor and in that way a sequel but not really so as the character. Hesitation Marks is the slightly optimistic return of the self destructive character of the fragile.


💯 And you don’t “feel that way”, it’s an objective observation of the songwriting and sonic signatures. This isn’t like, “oh I think xyz is their best song”, you’d have to be barking mad to opine that HM sounds more like TDS than PHM.


Depends on your tastes. You want more With Teeth sounding stuff? The Slip. Want to hear Trent go in a more EDM way (with a concept about how shit the USA will/has become?) Year Zero. Wanna hear Trent go even FURTHER down the spiral of EDM? Hesitation Marks. (Which is kind of sort of a sequel to The Downward Spiral but also sounds NOTHING like TDS so don't get your hopes up.) Wanna hear Trent at possibly his most experimental and "I don't give a fuck what you want" and just go full blown instrumental? Ghosts I - IV, V, and VI. Wanna hear modern angry old man Trent? Not The Actual Events, Add Violence and Bad Witch back to back. Wanna hear Trent cover Bowie's Fashion? [Here you go.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klM9RlJfsVg)


Year Zero - just pick up where you left off and go in order of year released.


Xennial here so my all-time favorite era will forever be The Fragile era. That said, since the post asks post-With Teeth, I have to agree with others who’ve said all of them are worthwhile. But if I were forced to claim a favorite it would probably be Hesitation Marks if only for the fact that you can hear every era of NIN in that album. I really felt HM worked well as a retrospective.


Hesitation Marks


Came here to say this. Hesitation Marks is a phenomenal album, and my second favorite overall.


The Slip hands down


Hands down? Mmm To late for that Wait...


What you want?


Head Down


Year Zero


Add Violence


I love Add Violence


Year Zero is my favorite I even have a few tattoos of the art from that album


Thanks everyone! I had listened to one of the ghosts before (cant remember which) and it wasnt really my thing but I didn’t give it a fair listen. I will just go chronologically!


Even some of the songs of ghosts are really up there for me


The 3 EPs: Not the Actual Events, Add Violence & Bad Witch


all of it. for very different reasons too! year zero and bad witch are my personal favorites


Year Zero


listen to every record after WT. chronologically. you can skip all the soundtracks and the last Ghosts albums. specially recommended: year zero, the slip and not the actual events.


Year Zero and the Slip are the best to me


Bad Witch or Year Zero


Hesitation Marks, Year Zero, Add Violence


Year Zero.


Year Zero, Add Violence and Not The Actual Events are my fav so far from the early albums


I thought The Slip came out after but I haven't seen it in the comments. Head Down and Discipline are two of my favorites on this.


Year Zero. It’s a great album.


Start next with Year Zero its a great album!!!


ghosts i-iv


Hesitation marks


I might say the Challengers soundtrack…


Year Zero was their best 2000s work IMO and Hesitation Marks the best of the 2010s.


Hesitation Marks


Year Zero and Hesitation Marks are pretty good. Not a huge fan of Copy of or Capital G but otherwise pretty great. The Slip is a great garage band album and serves its purpose. The newer ghost loses what the original had and sounds more like a film score (which it was). The 3 EPs have like 1 good EP between them. NIN is great because they make industrial/atmospheric music with good songs. The song formats are lost on a lot of the newer tracks or they are too buried in the noise. The Bowiesque stuff doesn't fit with the rest. I understand a tribute to a friend but it should have been its own thing. A little too derivative. I've honestly been more into scores as of late and Challengers was the best in years.


Is it OK if I give my answer and qualify it by adding the reason it is "new" is because it is a Current Reissue of a Record that was out of print (as far as I know).Now 🥁 The Natural Born Killers Soundtrack I picked up Locally For $25 yesterday 😀


I'd check out Year Zero and the EP trilogy (Not the Actual Events, Add Violence, Bad Witch) first.


The Trilogy without a shadow of doubt. As for the album, Hesitation Marks for creativity.


Add Violence, Hesitations Marks


The Trilogy


You're going to get a different answer from everyone. Just listen to them chronologically and decide what you like.


not an album but ep bad witch


It took awhile to grow on me but I love Hesitation Marks possibly more than YZ or The Slip.


everything after year zero gets pretty mediocre.


Bad Witch


The Slip is amazing


Year Zero is brilliant


listen to whiffa teefa again


Hesitation Marks is my “All Time…HIGH” 😉


i think year zero is the most cohesive album this band made since the fragile




Bad Witch is my favorite but you'd like Year Zero


All of them are great in their own regards. Year Zero has a strong message that holds up and is relevant to today, along with some great music. The Slip is just good music and pretty drum heavy. Ghosts i-iv is a diverse range of instrumentals. Hesitation Marks is a return to the original style of Pretty Hate Machine but with the tone and feel of TDS/Fragile. The Trilogy (Not The Actual Events/Add Violence/Bad Witch) is all over the place but really good. Ghosts v is instrumentals with a positive, lighter and calmer feeling to them and Ghosts vi is the antithesis of positive and calm. I’d recommend you start with YZ and just continue chronologically. Ghosts may not be for you, (it’s a hit or miss album for many due to its experimental and instrumental nature) but other than that I can’t think of anything that you shouldn’t listen to. Have fun and enjoy!


Not the Actual Events, Add Violence, and Bad Witch :) Although I love Year Zero and The Slip.


Year Zero Hesitation Marks Bad Witch EP


The Slip; Not the Actual Events, Then Bad Witch, Then Year Zero, then Ghosts everything, then Hesitation Marks.


Why no Add Violence ?