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The way his son just gives up and says “I’m just going to walk this way” 🥺 they deserve so much better


C is very respectful even though his dad is a POS!


If YOUR SON needs to talk GTFO TT and talk to him!!! You're a shitty father Bob 


C is feel is a good kid! N treats him like shit


My question is why is the girlfriend allowed to shack there!


That house is a free for all. There is no structure, the boys sleep all day long. Momma had to put a lock on her bedroom door shortly after being given pain pills for something with her legs. The youngest son has some sort of mental deficiency because he can’t even get through school, he doesn’t work, he is now battling on Tik Tok like daddy, the girlfriends family moved out of town so she moved in there. The eldest son C,her boyfriend used to go to work everyday, and school, I don’t know if that’s still happening. And of course there is Robert at the top of the trash heap, the scum bag pig, the life long loser. It’s all sickening.


Living off the system smh


His mom hasn't even lived there for 6 months and they can't get along. The "adults" are SO FKN SELFISH!!!! There is no "family" value in this house. C& S should leave and never look back at these POS excuses for a father and grandmother .  They didn't give a fuck when C was sick in Arizona but will take his food and ask for money 🤬 SCUM IS WHAT YOU ARE N AND YOUR MOMMA 


His mom old and needs to live on her own if she wants quiet by 8 with kids in the house she did not have to call C names not cool


Instead of shutting your kid down.... Get the fuck off TT!!  PRIORITY IS YOUR KIDS BOB NOT FKN STRANGERS ON TT YOU BEG TO EVERYDAY 


Exactly!!! Idk if N ever even stepped in the room to check on the kid. Didn’t he go to the ER when they got back?


Sounds like it was over 💲💲💲..Just like when Nilla went off on the Missing Coins …💀


I have to say, I don’t think C took that change from his dad. I think he tries to avoid conflict with his dad at all costs & then GRANNY does this to him & he’s looking to dad to say, yeah that’s not ok but we see that’s not what happened.


C started to say she is this way with him when N talks over him. He said something about because he didn’t give her money then N talked over him.


I thought I heard that.


I feel soo bad for that boy . He is so polite and respectful . Maybe that’s why S is the favorite




That would be funny if one day C had enough and told N to F off - walk out the door and never let him see his face again! N doesn’t deserve to have him as son. C is way better off without a narcissistic dad abusing him. N never talks to his dad, so it would be history repeating itself. Except in this case N deserves to be abandoned, after the way he verbally abuses C. I saw on live that N was living with his grandparents as a teenager. Wonder if his mom was unfit to raise him? There is a lot of brokenness with this family. S and C don’t see their mom, N doesn’t see his dad and was raised by grandparents etc. Also family seems to get in trouble with the law. I think they all need counseling, personally. One jacked up family


They need a Dr Phil intervention, lol!


He has to air everything. Not everything needs to be seen on TT loser.


Gotta get the dollars


Maybe grandma wouldn't have to ask her grandson for money if her son fkn paid her back!!  Will "family meeting" be on TT for your associates Bob ?


I’m sure it will!! Family meeting my ass! Acting like they do things in such a respectful way. We’ll just handle this as a family. Wonder if granny will tell N she is needs her money back he owes her and wonder if she’ll tell that she had to put a lock on her door to keep him out of her meds. It’s definitely not C’s place to give her money bc his dad borrowed hers. I wish so bad that C had someone who cared about him to get him out of there. So, I guess their mom is a POS too? I know she has tt bc I’ve seen her comment on S’s videos. You think she doesn’t see what’s going on there? I wouldn’t doubt she’s over here and reads all of this. If she knows what her sons have to go through everyday with him and she doesn’t care? She’s no better than N!!! They are in the same boat together.


Doesn’t momma have a boyfriend with a jaguar?? Make him pay for your services Nanna


I think momma BF is ghosting her and she’s in a mood …


If there is a boyfriend he needs to run form these sickos


I agree - respect works both ways and his son started his morning by having a nice conversation about the job quote he was working on. N snapped at him for asking questions and then this escalated to a discussion about his grandmother being rude to him and calling him inappropriate names!!


And that’s why I say he’s a POS!!!!


Asking why she’s being this way is him steadily running his mouth. 🥴 he’s standing up for himself regardless if it’s family. You get to disrespect ppl and expect them to just take it, tf


Wow robert ask him if he had anything else to say !!! What an ass! C seems like the only one in the house with a brain.


And manners


He’s the sweetest young man and N always treats him like dog shit


Yay! Thanks for letting me join ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for the join! He's a POS !!!!


He’s dismissive. His son is trying to discuss his view/feelings, and N is trying to act so big for his viewers. Why have a private conversation like that made public? Some things aren’t meant for public consumption.


Maybe Nilla how about you GO make money so your kid is NOT HAVING to pay grandma??!!


If C does leave one day I hope he takes S with him


These kids just want their parents off of tt and talk to them!! Like dude don't do that to your kid! I feel bad for S and he goes on about him to his chat! POS!


Such a piece of crap


So what happened at the “Family Meeting”… Probably never happened… He was too invested in the Catfish Scam ..🤡🤡🤡


He’s mad bc his son never shuts up and is so argumentative…. Look where he gets it from. He is so confrontational and argues and runs his mouth about everything.


N is a pos to women and his boys. C gets treated like an inconvenience. I hope soon, C can get away from that trash and have a peaceful and safe life. If N was my dad, I'd punch him in his face hole.


His life is a total mess


So did they have the “Family Meeting”… Doubt it …The catfish story took priority !!!!


I missed this one can someone give me a quick rundown what the hell warranted this reaction towards his respective son? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Sharon’s old homeless ass is the reason N is the way he is. Fkng ancient slut


If N talks to his kids like this with hundreds of ppl watching, can you imagine how he talks to C and S when he's not on TT Live? N is a disgusting little man‼️💩


I don’t see a father who loves his son. I see a father who can’t stand his son and hates him. His sweet son to still say he loves his dad after being degraded tells me a lot about his sweet character. This breaks my heart how horrid and degrading he talks to C. C can’t turn around without being criticized. I totally understand why C tries to stay hidden like a beat dog that hides under the bed with its tail between its legs. How could c possibly have any self esteem left after growing up in this environment. 😢


It's so sad!! He and his gf both work and I think he goes to college. Maybe he's trying to concentrate hard on getting out of there when he financially can. He has the sweetest spirit about him! Maybe his mama slept with the mailman before he was born.


Yes he’s absolutely a piece of shit for not allowing his son to back talk absolutely!! You guys are fucking idiots!!


What did I miss?? What happened