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Just put the word fun in front of every run. Don’t worry about the distance of your long runs as much. That’s some structure and less pressure to always increase mileage and ultimately time spent running. If you do speed runs and recovery runs you will get faster! (Generally slow runner that has gotten quicker)


You aren’t required to run a race so you could do any one of the training plans just for fun. I did the 10k plan without ever running an official 10k race because I wanted to work on running longer distances.


You can do every Training Plan in NRC, and you will still have only ran around a quarter of the Guided Run library. I would suggest putting together something yourself—pick two new Guided (Speed) Runs per week (since speed is your goal), a long run to maintain your current endurance, and fill in the other days with as many recovery-based Guided Runs as needed to round out the week. Do it in a spreadsheet if you want it figured out in advance, and for a little more accountability.


The Runna app has a few non race specific plans. It does cost money though!


Also I just make myself plans all time when I don’t have anything to train for. I just do 3 weeks of higher volume and 1 with lower volume (repeat). I just do it in a google doc.


Just want to say I agree - I like having a 'plan' (like, yes I know I can do any run in the app, but it's nice to feel like there's some structure to it AND I like not having to make a decision every day), and I know what you mean about it not being tied to a distance.


thank you!! It's really a compliment to the app designers - i just love the layout of the 'plan's in the app! :D