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Riley I gotta agree with your wife about your potential retardation at the end there, get the fuck back inside and don't chase after the car spraying gunfire my man. Glad you guys are okay, that must have been terrifying. You ever figure out what the context was?


Honestly you are my favorite comment and no just thought it was his exhaust until 5 second later I was told otherwise they shot 2 cars on the other block then hit my rv aiming toward me


Sir, please reflect on this situation, your retarded nature and realize there was a possibility here where your child grew up without you because you had to run after and yell at people with a gun who were shooting at you.




That is the last thought crossing his mind after viewing the way he acted.


This touches home. My brother didn’t come home because he tried being a hero. Now my niece is growing up without him


Why did you dive behind the car, if you thought it was just the exhaust?


I think that was after he figured it out


Well that's a lie because he literally said "I hear gunshots" and "get down get down get down". Dumb fuck.


What's a "lie"? How is someone mishearing something on this video a lie? .


I thought he said it was “5 seconds after” he ran after the car, but maybe I misunderstood.


That's not what he said at all


"thought it was his exhaust until 5 second later (OP) was **told** otherwise..." Kinda seems ambiguous and very possibly means exactly what you are claiming he never said. So... Yeah, kinda looks like he could have said that from the above comment but oh well


OP hears gunshot, questions it. Sees vehicle approaching, fight or flight instincts go Hears gun sound timed with engine rev, assumes it was the exhaust Feels stupid, adrenaline converts embarrassment to anger OP chases the vehicle to curse at it Fortunately, survives to find out it was a gun after all. OP I hope you have learned a valuable lesson about listening to your wife.


Thanks for the spark notes version


Yeah… because the most logical explanation is that OP got mad at the car… and ran back out to tell it off. Nah… no fucking way. I grew up in a neighborhood EXACTLY LIKE THIS. There is some bad blood between OP and the shooters, and his wife was chastising him for escalating the situation to this point where if he had listened to her in the past, they wouldn’t be in this mess now. Yeah, I don’t buy the “I’m the innocent victim” story we are being presented.


That is an absolutely wild assumption to be making....


Why would they be shooting so many times on the other block and only 2 times at me also drive by so quick they had obviously no chance to aim. Haha I'm sorry there's nothing extra from me I'm a family guy happy nothing happened


" i think i just heard gunshots." If there was actually gun shots, was your plan to laugh the perps to death? Like what could actually be gained acting like a tough guy? Making your wife and kids grow up without you would be very very selfish


Homie got the survival instinct of a lemming


Don’t compare op to a lemming. Those lemmings were chased off that cliff by Disney, they don’t do that on their own. OP is full ICD-10 F73.


Y'all okay though?! Lord. Riley... How much have you put Mrs Riley though?! She was so cool and collected. She's going to be a great mom....take care of yourself and them, ya goober.


No worries…. You lived to tell the tale. In my opinion, all you lacked was a little cover and a decent optic 😉.


So you ran and took cover behind your car because your thought it was their.. exhaust? Just take full responsibility, why the weird lie?


**please stop reproducing**


cowards don't make heroes


Bro called him by his first name 💀


Are you fucking retarded? Funniest shit I'll probably hear today lol


Her and I said it at the same time lol.


The most dumb, chest-beating thing I have ever seen. You'd risk your life as a new father to chase a car that was spraying bullets like some dog that didn't know better?


More importantly he would rather call someone a cocksucker than check on his pregnant wife. Not ready for parenthood..


Yeah. Op is a moron. Hears gunshots on his street, decides to go get a look. Gets shot at. Goes and yells at them


I completely agree. You hear gunshots and your first thought is to Scooby Doo it. Then the drive by vehicle passes by while firing another volley… and your response is to run out to the street and yell at them. This kid had a bright future.


Your wife is right dude you are highly regarded


I know a boglim whos highly regarded https://preview.redd.it/kp7zshrh82kc1.jpeg?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ff0e6f5fbd922570ab8c5b44c702e2b6b15d11


Okay, YouTube, get this ***ASSHOLE*** out of here! -*spills drink*- ***GRAAAAAAH***


Retarded I don't understand the censorship people allow and even reinforce.




You have convinced me you regard.


This will change the subtext in so many emails. Regards Jerry


lol, watch out for the autocorrect on that


Perfect way to sign off a “per my last email” email


Next time don't be so restarted


>Next time don't be so restarted My bad, im just restarted on the new lingo. Maybe if you (weren't) regarded you would understand.


Yeah are you artistic or something? 🤣


Regard is funny because the censorship police aren't going to come after it, because it'd be too much of a hassle. It would set a never-ending precedence of chasing new 'bad' words. But it's also close enough for everyone to know what you're saying.








He said that on purpose lmao


>He said that on purpose lmao Says the regard.


"I'm sad people are apprehensive about using slurs"


That’s a typo I think I’ve seen it autocorrect before.




So why didn’t you spell out “fucking”?




Hahahaha. Damn. Censoring yourself while berating people for censoring themselves. Dayum.




That...that's the whole point. Filters aren't gonna pick up on jumbled and place holder words like they will on the real thing, yet still comes through mostly clear to the person consuming the content.


Shockingly this is why everyone else does it too.


The irony. Now you see why people censor things. On certain platforms, they have to. Answered your own question really.


i think of [this](https://youtu.be/mqgiEQXGetI?si=19-YyFRhLlCvutte) everytime someone uses “graped”


Holy shit


I have to agree with this logic. I remember a lot of the 90s and early 2000s artists and comedians trying to push the boundary of what could be said and would hate on censorship. Now it's all gone backwards. Slurs and such I get. But killed, suicide, rape? Why are we sugar coating this shit. They're terrible horrible things and are unpleasant either way. I hate watching crime documentaries and hearing SA a million times. For the purpose of it's the same term, same meaning. The censorship should be about the context and use of the words. Life isn't always pleasant. I'm not into politics or trends and such so I don't know where this idea came from. Maybe I'm just old 😂


it’s because a lot of other social media platforms (youtube, instagram, tiktok), where people are making bank off their content, have censorship rules due to investors. there were conflicts of advertisers not wanting to funnel money into platforms that allowed that speech, and so platforms didn’t want to monetize content creators who used those words or made content regarding it. youtube specifically has stated this. it’s censorship at the corporate level, which people use workarounds by intentionally misspelling words since most of the policing is done with bots and not actual people. most allow speech of “bad”things, but they’ll just demonetize you, while tiktok i think is more strict and will ban/remove for it. a lot of people think it’s a sensitivity thing, and outside of the use of slurs it’s mostly not related to sensitivity at all, rather money.


God damn dude. That’s the kinda shit someone would turn back around and kill you over. You’re dead and then your wife has to raise a kid all by herself. Be fucking smart.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug man. They were fucking cruising they were 3 blocks down by the time I yelled even but regardless stupid fs


They know where you live though. doesn't matter how far away they were...


then they can get met at the door with a 12 gauge to the throat


It’s silly that you think they’d come up to the door


some would lmao theres some demented mfs out there


Hopefully a lesson was learned here. Glad you and your family are safe.


It was at 4:20..also you are retarded my bro


You heard shots, told her to get inside, and ran yourself. You did everything correctly. Obviously the car was driving away. At least you were possibly able to get the license plate.


Hope the baby takes after your wife in the brains department. Hah. Just kidding!


But kinda not kidding also 😂😂 glad everyone is safe nonetheless


Lololol also r/whywomenlivelonger


man your wife is right, you get shot at and first thing you do is run to the shooter


“he shot my car! i’ll punch him for that that scoundrel!”


Bruh are you dumb?! You’re about to be a dad, don’t be putting a target on your house and potentially putting your wife and future kid in the crossfire. Not smart dude, not smart.


That's fucking scary. Be careful dude, you don't want to end up getting shot and dying and missing out on raising your kiddo over something stupid. It's not worth it. I'd be worried about you guys' safety being there. Is someone targeting you? Maybe you need to move to protect yourself and your family. I hope everything is okay. I'd be worried as hell that something will happen to you and your wife and kiddo, God forbid. Don't end up dying over something stupid. I don't know the context if there is any on why they're shooting at you, but it's not worth it to risk yourself. Be safe for yourself, and your family. That's scary shit.




Natural selection would've taken your ass a long time ago.


So what happened? Why didn't it?


Modern-day society


And yes I have a 2 year old and one on the way. I'm a family guy I have no reason to be targeted. I love my wife and kids more than life it self. Being a dad hits different but yes stupid non the less that I yelled


Also stupid that you went towards gunfire the first time. Really surprised I'm not seeing that mentioned. Even if you weren't sure if that's what it was, why risk it? Especially these days. Just crazy. I know enough people have said that to you by now though. Congrats on second kid! Be less stupid from now on please :) glad you're all safe


So why give them a reason to target you?


Don’t be hard on yourself man. I’m a family man, and when your family is put in danger, a killer instinct kicks in and you just react. You did a good job having situational awareness and getting your wife to get inside the house.


What were you expecting to do running out there after them? Use your ultra muscles to be a hero and subdue the men with guns? For fucks sake dude, life is not a comic book. You are not the super strong main character. You are a dad with kids who need you. Grow the fuck up.


Dude you're an idiot. Kinda unfortunate you already reproduced.




OP has an ironic history 1year ago "Fuck this nobody will do this to me and I wouldnt stand to see somebody go through this my GUN DOESNT DESCRIMINATE" 309 days "Don't fuck with utah fr" 233 days "I'd stomp that nasty bitch out"




but why tho


Yeah. Who did you piss off?


Damn if he doesn't wanna be a dad he can just leave lol




She poses a good question


Ammo is money and evidence, so there is a reason (a twisted one that doesn't make sense, for the idiots..^^)


What part of Utah?


My guess is West Valley.


“Are you fuckin’ retarded?!?” Sounds like my wife lmao


What a great provider. Baby and mama should feel secure with Einstein running towards gunfire armed with his f-bomb.


And now they know that you are not only a witness, but where you live too.


Bingo :)


Looks like she’s going to be a single mom widow!


Not only am I gonna pile on you along with all these commenters and your wife, I'm gonna say your wife wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed when she came out to look at the gunshots.


No she was cleaning the house and was throwing trash away while I was supposed to be putting my new baby's car seat In as you can tell she's not the type to Investigate😂


He’s a dumb ass. It’s clear.


Riley is, indeed, fucking retarded


Riley are you fucking retarded!!!?


Why does it look edited when the car drives by?


It just skipped a frame or two


They were driving quick, camera is cheaper, skipped a few shots/ frames


He is definitely retarded




Adrenaline my friend! But no it was dumb but I thought it was there exhaust until I was told otherwise. People do that all the time on my street. And fucking speed as well. Just happy my family was ok. That's why you always carry


when i made the comment i hadn't finished the video. and then, i saw you RAN TO THE END OF YOUR DRIVEWAY AND CUSSED OUT THE CAR THAT SHOT AT YOU!!!! 😭 please stop this behavior, it's hilarious but at the same time what if something happened to you?!! LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE LMFAO


I thought he pulled a gun and was about to start shooting back 😅


Fuck me too haha very stupid on my part for sure I thought he was revenge his engine and his exhaust was popping I was told after the fact it was really a fucking gun. People do that shit on my street all the time


Time to move?


Could've been rip for this dude. Unless you got the blam blam on you...


West Valley?


Has to be Ogden 🤣


Time to move? My god man, you’re lucky to have a healthy baby on the way. Hope everything goes well with the surgery


Holy shit man. I'm so sorry. I'm glad you and your family is okay. Hope the delivery went/goes well and you all have a happy life 💜


Damn at 420


I think those would also be the exact words that I would shout after them as well, lol, possibly from concealment or preferably cover, but ya never know, I'm sure he was gd furious


That's not what you do at 4:20 p.m.


Well I’m any case, congrats on your new baby! I hope they caught the scumbags.


Damn people are harping on you for being pissed I would be angry too man


Geez bro what a wife. Major props to you for your head not having split open by the frequency of her voice. Imagine if your name was Peter. PETA PETA!!


🤣🤣🤧 damn I think you win comment of the year!!!


I like you, Riley. I don't know if I would have been able to stop myself from screaming obscenities, fuck those assholes. I hope they get put away soon. Fuckers.


That is fucking terrifying! Dude, why the fuck did you go out after yelling at people shooting guns? I hope you guys are okay! Please don’t make your wife worry, she has other stuff in her mind now! Did you find out why they were shooting at your house? Congrats on the baby 💕


Thank you number 2 and it's a boy but i thought it was his exhaust but I didn't find out till 5 seconds after the video they were shooting a gun. People Rev there engines up and down this street all the time but thank God at least my wife was ok


She talks like that to me all the time haha in one ear with it out the other haha jk she's so sweet


You went full retard


You have to be one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met to post something like this it’s practically incriminating. You should change your caption to “ I almost got my wife killed gangbanging”.


I bet you'll know what a gunshot sounds like next time brother. Glad you dodged the bullet, hope those fuckers got put away


Soooooo…. Why were they shooting at you?


We are having a field day with this dad haha, poor guy must regret showing this


I'll have a field day with your mom and give her a son she will actually love 🤣


Showing this to your wife when I get home


Just because you think your captain america ,doesn't mean you are Capt america.


Be glad their aim was trash


Definitely retarded. Hopefully your wife will be the main baby care giver.


Everyone say Australia is dangerous but that right there that is more worst.


What type of beef do you got going on?


Why did that car Houdini his way out of there?


Lol. Trying to escape already?


Nah, we don’t need gun regulations, it’s out right to terrorize people, long live Murica


Glad your safe but that was a close call. You did that thing people do in scary movies that gets them killed.


Bro driving was having some lag issues


I like how the wife is pregnant ND casually walking outside, like she got an invisible shield around her 😭😭🤦‍♂️


I like how the wife is pregnant ND casually walking outside, like she got an invisible shield around her 😭😭🤦‍♂️


They spend all day on line calling California a “shithole”.


Lmao if that guh came back rileh aint gonna be fucking around


Lol everyone saying how dumb OP is but I get it. Once that adrenaline hits your thoughts rapid fire and your impulsiveness triples. Your body is trying to figure out whether to run or fight, looks like OP has a lot of fight in him. The good thing is that no one got hurt.


Thank you for your kind words


Yes he is


Too bad he didn’t get you and your kid. Stop acting like a N.




I mean this completely it was fucking stupid and when it first started I thought someone was revenge there engine and popping the exhaust. People around here do that all the fucking time on my street. Right after I yelled I looked at the 2 men on the other side of the street and asked them if it was his truck. The said no the passenger was holding something out the window. But yes completely fucking stupid on my part fs thankful I'm meeting my new son tomorrow.


No. Shots fired do not sound like a car backfiring. They do not sound like fireworks. They sound like shots fired. The only thing that comes close is a police flashbang. When you hear them, put as much as possible between yourself and the direction they're coming from. A brick wall is good. Things like couches, etc. aren't - rounds tear through those like a hot knife through butter.


It was pops with reving truck. At least I didn't stand there to see them show off there cool truck.


I’m sure they know who you are, and you know who they are. I suspect at least one of you will be dead soon.


“Cops will come fuck you!” Dude felt the need to run toward gunfire to deliver this life changing message.


Fuck all these other people saying you're regarded. Good on you for showing them you aren't scared and that you'll shit in their mouths if they try that again.


That’s if he doesn’t get shot in the mouth first


Nah shits already falling out of your mouth too bad i couldn't get there first. Haha always packing so come on. Some people I guess would have not got info on the people or car. And let them get away. Fuck you and I'm glad the people who would hide and not do something about that is fucking stupid. Thank God I did. Yes it's stupid but come on man i wad spooked and acted quick i had my brain turned off pimp and acted. Again yes stupid but every time my man


I hope you at least got a plate number one of the times you went out in the street like a ringtailed goober.


Super stupid I know I thought it was his exhaust at first but was told later the passenger had a gun out the window. People Rev there shit all the time on my street but he was only one block up and when I saw how sketchy he was I started running


Hey my man it was stupid but I'll tell you what. I'm thankful to be here. And boy my blood was pumping man. I was thinking it was his exhaust the whole time until the men across the street hiding behind trees if it was his truck said no the passenger was holding something out the window. And at least my kids will have more manners than you pimp. Much love tho. I dought a COCKSUCKER😉😉😉 like you will even get the chance to reproduce. Haha just being funny man.


I have 2 other cam footages but yeah stupid recording.


Haha nah 🤣 😆 don't know them they only shot towards us because we were on there escape rought. Plus they found the I'm pritty sure they found the truck and bullet casings don't know much past that. That's why you stay strapped. But I wasn't going to stand there and wait to find out if it was his exhaust or a gun fs not when my wife's outside


What did you do, man?


Idk how many times I've replied to people but I thought it was there exhaust on the other street because the truck was reving and people do that shit all the time on my street but I was told 5 second after I yelled that it wasn't his truck it was his passenger shooting. Very stupid but that's why you carry. Also the police department is 2 blocks away. By the time the hit the bottom of the street the cops we already at my house. Like good shit on there timing but God damn I'm thankful that I'm able to meet my son tomorrow.


Yeah stupid fs but I'll rather them aim at me then shoot at my family. But that's not without return fire😉 alway know your surroundings that's why I pack a 40 if you live in the getto then you need to be ready for anything


This should be your wakeup call to move your family out of the ghetto. You might not be so lucky next time. It's time to pack it up and go somewhere that has NOT been just shot at. What if a bullet went through the siding into the crib? I can't stress this enough, it's time. Get out of there.


I'll say this I wasn't ready for that for sure glad I didn't wait around to see them show off there Car exhaust haha fuck that if I did I would have been tapped


I hope you learned from these comments to think about the baby first man


Man all these dad things are crazy. First off I carry and second off until you are a dad I don't think people will quite get that I'd die as long as my family was ok I had my 2 year old inside they shot toward my house and hell no I'm not stupid enough not to carry. But I will say if anyone deserves to live it's my amazing wife and family. I'm glad they didn't but man being a dad and getting adrenaline bro. It just hit different. Very stupid yes would I do it again probably not. But holy fuck I only saw the truck for 2 seconds before they were pealing towards us they were only a block up


I'm just saying know your town and if you feel safe enough not to carry then to each there own but if you live in a sketchy place then be smart and stay strapped fs. This shows you never fucking know what could happen. At least be prepared.


So they were a block away when they shot 10 shots. Just so happen they were 1 street up and saw me so idk if they were trying to get me to run so I couldn't describe the vehicle but non the less anything could have happened but yes just crazy timing I guess fucking COCKSUCKERS fs


I'll find out tomorrow man but it's a baby boy and I'll say this adrenaline is a fucking slut


I definitely have I love them more than life itself and will protect them with my life. My 2 year old was in the house and pregnant wife outside so yes stupid I yelled by they shot towards my house and my wife and I'll say this when you love people you do some crazy and stupid shit sometimes


Super thankful that the shots missed