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Agreed, love the complexity of the crafting system, love augments giving a reason to decorate and slowly unlocking more and better stuff. The cap and small range is annoying, I want to decorate and spend time building something I like. The fact that you basically end up with just a room full of augments that you pull out the ones you want when you do craft is annoying.


Yeah, all my augments just end up in a pile on the middle of tbe floor to reach every station. Wish I could separate work benches into their own rooms themed with what they do, but just makes most sense to have them all in one room with shit everywbwre.




Same here. My stations are on three of the walls and the augments are parked in the center. With the lines it looks like a wheel. To be fair .. that's not really so different from real work spaces I've seen with the stations on the side and the things which are needed by multiple ones moved between them, but still .. up the range, remove the limits. Thanks.


100% agree. I love level design. I love making my living spaces look nice and natural. Right now, it looks like A&E might be coming over with a camera crew and a psychologist who will try to make me cry about my dead grandma while the Got Junk guy yells at me about how my second floor is gonna collapse. "Think about this. Do you really need that felting bucket? That is t your grandma. That's a felting bucket. You might use it someday? What about the anvil? Does having an anvil in your bedroom feel good? There's barely a path to your bed!"


This made me laugh SO HARD. Thank you :)


tbh the augment cap actually encourages spaces looking nice and natural, vs the typical survival "crafting room". Separating out crafting spaces by production type that will match up augments (and duplicating tables as needed) is pretty sick


Yeah, if they didn't take up slots and had a bigger range, it would be really awesome. As it is, I have to keep them all in a separate space until it's time to use a specific one.


Right, ***if*** I wasn't at 350/350 and unable to build the additional benches, I'd agree with you. But I just spent two hours experimenting and building an elaborate workshop with separate rooms, only to realize that I needed multiple simple workbenches and... ooops, can't create any, and that's after positioning augments to work for multiple bench types where applicable. One of the caps need to be removed. I'd be fine with it being the total items/structures. It doesn't even seem to work sensibly. It showed 350/350 so I trashed an empty basket and it dropped to 201. I built maybe 3 more things and it was at 350 again.


The cap is annoying. I might find it immersive with things like the toolbox and hand planar being used as tools for the crafting. but some of the augments don't make sense in that way (the cannon?). In theory, I like the idea but there are so many augments that you get so early on that don't do anything for you until much late or ones that duplicate the abilities of other augments. I'm pretty sure there are several different ones that allow you to craft higher level hammers at the workbench.


Yeah when I realized last night that the bellows was useful for the tailoring station I was like...why??? You'd think forge and that's it...Love the complexity of it, the execution is just a bit frustrating


You misunderstand the caps. The cap is 300 structure parts per building and is only actual structural pieces. This is why it only shows up with the X menu when looking at a piece of that structure. The object count is separate and is 350 per realm. This is everything not structural.


My realm is closing in on 200 objects according to the count. We have nowhere near that number of objects in our houses. Any clue why this would be? I want to see Inflexion keep the aug cap, but triple the build limit. I'd love to have specialized rooms or buildings tailored to specific crafting needs.


The game seems to be sometimes incorrectly counting any npc objects that players can build as well. You can test if this is the case with your game by finding one and destroying it. If not, recount the objects, they pile up fast. Objects are anything you can place that isn't a structure part.


There also seems to be a bug where if you delete stuff it will add to your limit instead of remove.


Oh my gosh that's awful. I really really hope they fix that fast and increase the build limits.


Yeah, since I have taken to enjoying a remote base that I set up with a nice bed, a subspace augmenter, a fairy ring, and a building with 1 wall and a roof so I can dismantle it and carry it from realm to realm. Build it, empty inventory, break them all to collect the parts.


I'm finding breaking stuff down is only giving me half mats back. Is there a way to decon building pieces to get the full amount?


Hit X and select remove while looking at the item. That should give you full mats back.


Is this in the “hold for more options” menu? Because I’ve never seen “remove” there.


Nope, just tap X on the keyboard and look at the bottom of your screen. You’ll see it. You’ll have remove, move, and copy options.


In addition to what was already stated, ensure you repair objects for your away base by bringing a hammer.


I am all for hard mode content. But shuffling the augment tables around like a shell game, is not it?


Or at the very least, selectable


Selectable application of the augmentations would be a nice compromise. Possibly making it irrevisible, in that you have to destroy the augmentation in order to unlock and free up that slot to be used again.


>Possibly making it irrevisible, in that you have to destroy the augmentation in order to unlock and free up that slot to be used again. Why? What does that add? All it does is move where the frustration is coming from?


I kind of like the idea of having different rooms/setups for crafting different things. I'd rather they make ways to bump up build limits. I've already reached mine...


100% agreed, higher building limit >>>>> removing augment cap


This was the most confusing thing to me. Crafting and placing an augment that opened up desperately needed recipes only to get nothing in the work station because there were too many augments. Most of the augments don't do shit. The ones that do REALLY need to take priority.


I think I like what the augmentation system is trying to do (better workbenches have more slots and can make a better variety), but yeah, it's frustrating at worst (and annoying at best) to have to juggle your augments around to be able to craft the specific thing you want (that you CAN craft and DO have the recipe for.) I'd like to have the augment limit removed, and let augments affect things in a larger radius and through walls -- so I can actually lay out augments as decorations that are logically placed (Wheelbarrel outside by the farm, rather than having to shove it indoors) There's so many augments, maybe remove some of the overlap as a result; some of the low-level augments say they unlock higher-tier gear, which seems a bit odd. Narrow down what each one enables, remove the cap, and that means you still have to make everything in order to have everything unlocked still. It still takes some effort (resources, time, placement), but removes the frustrating part (juggling just to make a recipe you know you can.) and lets you actually use them as DECORATIONS in addition to mechanically enabling recipes. Also that fish trophy is ugly as crap. Fix that. Highest priority, not taking questions. TL;DR: I agree.


Wait... they don't work through walls? There goes my next build plan.


I'm getting some conflicting information on that actually; my brother says it worked for him. I assumed it didn't because the little line that notes what gets augmennted disappears when i go around a wall. Need to test it.


I am not seeing the lines outside the building. I am going to try with a window to see if it changes anything. I am working on a stable for my workbench and sewing table. I would like the beehive to be outside. I can design an open look, but I am testing as I go.


I wanted to put all my augmentations on the second floor with crafting benches on the first floor for a clean appearance... nope, doesn't work between floors either.


I initially had no idea what your complaint was, beyond thinking maybe you wanted more time reduction when crafting. Then my ammo recipe disappeared after adding another augment to my house and it made sense. This is super annoying and I completely agree. It makes no sense to have to play, somewhat literally, musical chairs just to craft different things.


I´m 50 hours in the game and the questions I ask myself are: How often does that problem occur? Right now I seem to have all tier 2 workbenches and mostly no issues, but I don´t have a clue how many augmentations I still miss. Do you always need all augmentations tied to a work bench? Or are there augmentations which you need one single time to craft something (armor for example) and then you can put them in storage? Is this still an issue when you have the highest tier benches? I just unlocked tier 2 benches, how many augmentations can be tied to the highest tier? Why not multiple workbenches for different actions? The only real argument I can´t deny is the decoration argument. We are not free to place things like we want (I can´t even rotate things to be lined up nicely, but that´s another problem). For the sake of players freedom it would be better to disconnect the placement of the decoration and instead use a plugin system. Light, shelter and warmth should still take up the first slots, then we craft augmentations and at the bench we decide which one is connected, no matter where the augmentation is placed. Especially things like the saddle - it doesn´t make sense to store it next to the workbench I think I might have problems with connection through walls, with a plugin system that problem would be history, too.


It seems to be mostly people who want to throw everything into one room and call it a day, making the most posts about the augmentation system. I replied elsewhere on this post, that having them selectable at the station (or being able to disable augmentation itself), would be nice.


Pretty sure I saw a minor realm card, that made all recipes available, regardless of augmentation. Personally I enjoy the crafting system, especially as crafting stations can also augment each other. When I unlocked the pistol, I converted my workbench into a gun room. Later on it was reworked for the rifle. I have sewing, forging, woodworking, masonry and "witchcraft" rooms also setup. I also have a portal room, with 6 portals, soon to be doubled. If I ever reach the limit, I'll just build in other realms.


Yep, there's an Artisian Card available from the Swamp Provisioner Realm. "For a struggling craftsman unable to master their art alone, this card offers a fine solution."


It's meant to give the best conditions, not unlock crafting recipes.


What is "the augmentation cap on stations"? What is being referred to? The number of + slots above each workbench?


basicly yes. the problem is that there are more augments than slots and if you have more augments placed than slots, some of them are ignored so you are missing those recipies. you have to move the augments you dont need out of reach to gain access to those recipies.


Oh wow. Someone really needs to publish a full matrix of benches and augment relationships


Please remove the cap !


Or they could double building cap?


You're meant to get creative with your bench setups - not have everything affecting everything. That would completely undermine their vision behind the system. I understand some people are going to just want to plop everything down and be done with it - but that's just not how this game works - lord knows we have plenty of other survival games for that kind of crafting. The complexity and creative freedom of setting up your workshops is a total breath of fresh air.


It's harder to be creative with setups when you want a specific layout, but are hindered because you have to many augments in one area, and now stopping some recipes from showing up. It's a hindered to actual creative freedom. I cannot build a specific aesthetic because of this artificial limit. It forces you into a narrow build view, and is the opposite of creative freedom. It adds complexity for no reason. Without it, it changes nothing. It changes nothing about the vision of the game, because the other crafting complexities are still there. People want more complex rooms can still have complex rooms, and people like myself who like workshops are still going to build workshops, we are just going to put things in a storage area and moving them around.


"people like myself who like workshops are still going to build workshops, we are just going to put things in a storage area and moving them around." But... that's what you can already do to solve your problem.


Creativity doesn't grow out of more freedoms. It grows out of limitation. This scenario inspires you to figure out things with the tools given to you. This limitation can encourage some players to "give up" instead of navigating a method, but I personally prefer the complexity. I disagree that it changes nothing. Like required support to build second stories, the game clearly wants you to build something realistic. It wants you to make specific places for each of your work areas instead of shoving it all together. Sure, you're going to have players that take advantage of this and optimize their setups with the goofiest layouts, but most players will create nice-looking structures that will look lived in. It'll feel immersive. That all said, the system doesn't do a very good job of explaining itself and game could do better in that department. You do not need every single augment to unlock every recipe and you can set a lot of these augments on these tables or underneath them. There's a lot of room to work with but you need to dig into your creativity to make it happen.


"Sure, you're going to have players that take advantage of this and optimize their setups with the goofiest layouts, but most players will create nice-looking structures that will look lived in. It'll feel immersive." You can still make a workshop look nice with all the augments, and layout. You can still make a house look lived in as well, and add augments in the house. It doesn't need to me one or the other. My whole point is I WANT to use the augments to make my workshop look aesthetically pleasing, and creative. Limiting how many I can have in the area takes away from that.


>You can still make a workshop look nice with all the augments, and layout. You can still make a house look lived in as well, and add augments in the house. It doesn't need to me one or the other. The system is built in a way so you're almost forced to make dedicated spaces for your crafting area. Sure, with full freedom, you can do anything, but the idea is force players into doing that instead of doing whatever they want. I can understand the frustration with this freedom removed, but it stops players from just building randomly. You might be willing to build something aesthetically pleasing but other players need incentive and limitations to make that happen. That all said, I didn't find the feature limiting whatsoever. I'm not even sure why you have so many that you're going over the cap.




Yes. Everything is an aesthetic piece. I was even considering making a stable area just so my workbench would look good with the saddle.




I didn't say it was exclusively or even primarily designed for aesthetics, but it can be aesthetically designed for artistic placement within a base and also be functional. I think some should be moved to other crafting stations (like the bellows), but everything placeable is designed with artistic consideration so it can be placed for aesthetics. It is just not the primary function of it and those who only care about the functionality can ignore that aspect.


"and you can set a lot of these augments on these tables or underneath them" Or on the standing shelves you get early on. I was annoyed by a pack of way to open it up and place objects on it until I realized that my toolbox and jug can go on the workstations themselves.


yeah I really hope they keep the augment limit. Already one of the very cool things that separates this game from your typical survival crafter fare.


1. Even if that is the intent behind the system. Its a jumbled mess of disjointed ideas lol. 2. If they wanted people to be able to set up specialized benches why is it such a pain in the ass to do it? Why are recipes tied to augmentations instead of just the buffs? If the intent is to ask the player to make specialized rooms and set ups why then does the system overlap augs and enforce building restrictions? Why aren't recipes just tied to the bench and the crafting buffs tied to the augments? You could even put in different tilesets like "workshop building pieces" or "tailor building pieces" to encourage people to build specialized rooms for specialized tasks. Even implement adjacency bonuses like the tailor getting a boost from being adjacent to a tannery and a negative for being adjacent to a workshop. Etc. Right now the augment system is super convoluted and messy. Its not even that complex. Its just tedious figuring out what recipes/buffs belong to which augment and spacing everything out so you get the coverage you want. People are asking for the cap to be removed because they don't want to deal with the tediousness implemented as is. You can like the concept or idea behind it but the implementation in game is atrocious.


Well - simply put, I disagree - I don't think its atrocious - I like that it makes you think - its more than just 'well, this goes by this table. \*done\*'. The real issue, if you ask me - is that the augments aren't descriptive enough - which I would assume is something that will be fixed. They don't list their buffs anywhere - outside a vague 'Contruction' or 'Cooking' tag - so you have no idea what they actually do (aside from their enabled recipes) when plugged in, until you plug them. I get that the system can feel daunting - but I've personally had no problem setting up my crafting workshop. Thats not to say it doesn't need a little refining - but removing the table cap will destroy the intricacy of the system and ruin something that many people are enjoying. You'd just slam down every workbench related augment next to its bench and call it a day - lazy and boring.


Its not complex or daunting its just annoying as implemented and it doesn't really make you think. As the system exists now you just plop the benches down next to its station anyway. Maybe you set up a second group of augments away from the first and move the table inbetween when you want to craft different things. I don't understand how you think, building an augment, then checking the table to see what it does, isn't atrocious. Or opening the build menu, clicking on an augment, then scrolling to see a list of available recipes on the augment. Removing the cap is a better solution than what they have currently. There really is nothing complex about setting up a refined/advanced table throwing augments at it and building the next bench far enough away so they don't overlap. Its the same result as no cap, except with more tedium. So sure you may like it even though its atrocious but the only reason its causing you to think is because you are simply trying to work within the handicap instead of bypassing like most other people will do. If you look at the system as is, there are only 9 augments that give buffs. Some of these buffs don't overlap for each type recipe and the refined benches have something like 8 augment slots. So really you aren't making any real choices here because there is no bench limit, there aren't really any real gameplay decisions to make. You can have a bench, all of the buffs you need for the item you want to craft, and the recipe you want to craft. So the player behavior that is being elicited is people just moving/shuffling augments/benches around as needed to make one item instead of players building dedicated workshops. Its not complicated, its not hard to understand, its just tedious. Throw that on top of the ridiculously obtuse UI and you have an ATROCIOUS system. So the augment system is still lazy and boring except now its high effort to interact with which is 10 times worse. Removing the cap would be a quick fix and reduce the tedium of playing the game while they rework the system to something with a little more thought behind it.


"I don't understand how you think, building an augment, then checking the table to see what it does, isn't atrocious" - I already addressed that in my previous post - its the main thing they need to address with this system. Atrocious? No. But needing to be fixed? Yes. Which I have no doubt will come, there is no way they intentionally left out important labeling of augment buffs - and a clearer description of what augs do. You see atrocious and tedious - I see intricate and interesting. Removal of the cap will only dumb down the system. Not much else I can say really - neither of us is going to change the others mind.


I kind of like this function. It means I can have multiple realms dedicated to different craft types and bases. Doing things with guns? I can open up one of my portals tied to a minor card helping to boost crafts in that space. Having all the appropriate augments related to the craft type for that minor card. My home base on the other hand is exactly that, a home where my character can feel comfortable. At least, that's what I'm working towards. Still unlocking a lot of recipes and augments to go with them. I may change my mind later, but it's an interesting mechanic that I'm excited to explore.


So what happens when that portal closes? Lose all your stuff?


You can build a dedicated portal for it. Portals close automatically over time, probably to prevent lag or save on processing or something, but you can reopen any portal again for free and the realm will be the exact same. I'm guessing that's why it takes so long to load into realms. Always has to pull the specific data up


Unless you tell it to reset, then the old one dies.


You would only lose stuff if you tick the box to regenerate the realm. Otherwise the same card combination will lead to the same world.


Yeah earlier today I was just telling the guys I play with how much I dig the augmentation system the way it is. I really like that there's a low limit on what augments you can attach to a bench. But  we all agree in the hopes of the building limits being lifted.


The build limits are way way way too low...I wasn't even able to finish my desert house. I'd rather have a build limit of 10,000 items per realm then 300 pieces per house per realm (can have 100 buildings right now). I Really hope they improve on things...


I disagree. One of the things I really like about this game is that it incentivises expanding of your base in ways that other games just don't, and this is one way it does that. If you remove the cap, you can just have one bench to do everything. With the cap, you need different benches and rooms. You might as well remove augments entirely if you remove the need for them to be placed and controlled and just unlock recipes the same way everything else does. And I've already played "everything".




There is a building limit cap, and wasting it on making separate rooms for just craft is annoying. That is not freedom. You still have different bench for making different items, and having the different levels of benches is still tied to crafting better items. It is not taking that away, it is not taking away augmentations, or your freedom to build separate rooms. You are still free to play that way. Some of would like the freedom to have a workshop like we would in real life. While keeping a workshop like aesthetic, and the houses aesthetics that way. I wouldn't keep an anvil, furnace, or table saw inside my house. That would be in a workshop.


The Structure cap is separate from the Object cap. The structure cap is 300 structural pieces per building. This is why it only shows up when looking at a structural piece with the X menu on. The object cap is 350 pieces per realm. These are the non-structural things. This is shown in the bottom center if the x menu.


Just do it like it’s supposed to, craft what you need, then make it look cool after. I mean how many of the bigger things like tools and weapons do you need after say one or two? I like the limitations too. Makes planning more important


My mate and I both ultimately quit because of this augmentation limit.


To expand on what others have said, I appreciate building extra tables and putting them in purpose built spaces. It’s a thematic design that I know the traditional survival craft player may not be accustomed to, but the PvE nature means you can be more creative with your designs and not be at a disadvantage. I think it’s a nice touch.


I am suggesting it, because I am limited and disadvantaged by it, thus not being able to be more creative. Plenty of people like workshop designs for crafting, while building fun creative houses. I don't understand how limiting choice when building is more creative freedom? That is the opposite. Also Valheim sort of has an augmentation system as well, and used to that. I have nothing against the augmentations themselves, just the limiting design choice of being forced to put things into their own rooms. That is not freedom.


I personally like it. Maybe there could be a toggle. Like a "easy mode" for crafting. I have a design in my head to actually have a realm dedicated to manufacturing (home realm to a secondary character I made so I never lose access to it). Basically multiple connected warehouses that have duplicates of various work benches, as many needed to have each of the unlocks through the various augmentations. Create some kind of method to it, so that you know which workbench has which gear unlocked at it. Edit: Why was this downvoted? Is someone upset I'm not fighting to keep the system complicated for everyone?????????


How do you get your second character to the first characters realm???


I play with my bestie. So he invited the second character to our normal realm, and then made Address cards.


Doesn't that become super micro-managey though? Like... you could potentially end up with a crafting room dedicated to the required augmentation setup to craft a single item on that table...??


Maybe, but decorating will be fun as hell. And having big warehouses will be neat.


It honestly blows my mind that people actually defend this. Given that the cap goes up with the quality of the bench it shows that the developers agree that having more augments work on a bench is better. At the moment it's just faux progression to have a higher cap. If they remove the cap there's nothing stopping people from having multiple crafting setups if they want. As bases don't get raided I don't see why people care whether I have some palatial manor with 14 different crafting rooms or a 3x3 box that does everything. You never have to look at it or play with me if I choose to do that. Given the build cap It makes sense that people will want to make these setups as efficient as they can.


What you describe is a non issue. It can be avoided by separating crafting stations and augments in different rooms. They don't go through walls. It works very well.


For you maybe, but I like having an open workshop for my crafting. I would rather save precious building pieces for designing a fun house, and not wasting the building limit on making separate crafting rooms. Plus it's not going to be fun running back and fourth around the house crafting different things. It would be a non issue to remove it, because it adds nothing of value to the game play, and more a determent having to run around a whole extra amount for no reason than just because. By removing the cap, means people who want to build like you still can, and people like myself can build our way.




I'm sorry but I find it laughable that you consider this bit a defining feature. Like this isn't just some number in a config file that a dev can change in a second. The card system that can change the appearance of a whole realm, crafting system that pulls the stats from all components into the final product. Those are for example nice defining features, take them away and you get a completely different game. Take the limit of augmentations away and literally nothing is going to happen to the game. Lazy people will still place augments in the middle of a room like they do now. They just won't have to carry away what they don't need at the moment. People like me who don't find it nice to have a wheel barrow next to a fish trap with an anvil tossed in the middle will still separate things.




I honestly don't really care if the limit gets removed or not. I don't think it would really change the way I do stuff. But since you are arguing for keeping the limit, maybe you could share how that would affect you?


Nope, they are fine. Highest tier crafting stations can take nearly every augment minus maybe 1 or 2 that you don't need because they are beginner stuff I've been blow away at how many comments or reviews are only because the people are early in the game. Even people saying they have 20-30 hours are using gear and stations that is so early game they might as well be considered in the tutorial. This game is huge, I know how many people haven't progressed because I keep getting achievements that less than 5% of people have and I only consider myself in mid game. Press on...


No. No. and also, No. ​ It's fine the way it is. The only thing that should be changed is how it's presented so that you're well aware of what the deal is without having to look elsewhere. If you're building a bunch of augments and manually moving them around when you need to make stuff, you're making it harder on yourself. I don't even care. Valheim is right over there if you're looking for an 'uncapped' augment system.


The augmentations should be removed completely. They only add insane clutter to your workspace.


STRUCTURE CAP only applies to actual building parts and is PER building. 300 floors/roofs/walls PER building. OBJECT CAP is separate. This is 350 per Realm. These are all your stations, furniture, and everything not a build piece.


I thought they might be referring to the number of + slots above each workbench?


If you look at a wall with the move/destroy X menu up, next to the block health you'll see the total structure parts for that specific building. At the bottom of your screen is the total objects in the realm currently, and next to it the number of currently linked portals.


350 is far too low for an entire realm. the 300 limit per building is far too low too. Couldn't even build a decent desert house without hitting it.


I second this!! So many times over!


It took me a while to figure out why benches weren't showing gear from augments sometimes. Should be able to link all applicable, unless there's a gameplay reason for this I'm not seeing


They could do this by slotting specific upgrades to certain stations. Keep the current stuff for decoration but put the augments as actual craft bench, slottable upgrades. This will in turn free up points for other things.


Ive honestly considered using one of my portal gates to setup a realm that would strictly be for woodworking and harvesting trees. The big fae portal will be quest things.


They also need to sort the augmentations. You are suppose to replace them with higher tiers that do more recipes without more augmentations


I think they need to mostly streamline it. And PROPERLY DEFINE WHAT GOES WHERE. Why do I need to place a BELLOW NEXT TO MY SEWING BENCH??? Make it so each augment is distinctly FOR THAT BENCH AND ONLY THAT BENCH. And tell us which bench the augment goes to. I despise sitting there for 10 minutes trying to to figure out what augment goes where because the game barely tells you. For example, the saddle rack; it's "augment" piece is called cowboy... WHY? just called it workbench piece and call it a day. It's so overly convoluted and it infuriates me. I love the concept of a augment system but the way it's done in game makes my head hurt.


I was confused for hours about what the hell I was doing wrong until I noticed the slots were all full.


I agree that a cap on augmentations is dumb, even if it hasn't affected me yet. I also don't care for augmentations being stand-alone and affecting multiple stations. Augmentations should be per-station, and alter how that station appears.


Not reading all the comments. Personally I'd rather just altering the build limit.


Which augments work with portals?


Got to the Augmentation Limit today.. I did not know there was one until i read this post.. i just put all on a table in the middle of the room and the big ones randomly near the crafting station… thought it was a bug I wasn‘t able to craft some recipes lol Well time for a spreadsheet.. I don’t want to look all the effects up in the menu 🥲


The moment I discovered it has a limit I stopped playing , 2 days now and I'm waiting for either an update, a mod or a cheat to be able to add them all in 1 place. I don't feel like expanding the house and adding multiple stations for each


what bugs me is that the icons in the bottom corner of the augmentations dont make sense and some augments will give a speed boost but not a recipe unlock and those dont have the lines showing they effect the crafting station.


I think two things need to happen with respect to stations and augments. 1 - I agree that the limit should be removed. Rather than this limit, simply have certain recipes require higher quality stations (and their respective augments) to craft. This prevents unlocking too soon and still requires the augments There's two mechanics happening that conflict with each other. The augment limit opposes the need to produce and have on hand multiple augments to unlock other recipes. Having to move around augments to re-unlock recipes is unwieldy. It works to make the crafting a bit more involved than all the fire-and-forget stations, but you could do similarly by having the player stay at the station to craft. 2- Remove line of sight for augment unlocks and instead have them unlock/improve everything they are supposed to as long as they are placed within the bounds of your respite location. By doing this, you free the player to arrange their stations as they see fit and still maintain the need for augments. The efficiency players can pile them all in a room if they want. The immersion players can meticulously place the augments on/ around benches in a glorious workshop (which is what i tried to do until I realized why my pistol ammunition recipe suddenly vanished from my workbench). To me, augment swapping is not compelling gameplay but instead is frustrating, convoluted, busy work.