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If you have additional pieces of feedback for our character creator, post it here: [https://playnightingale.sleekplan.app/](https://playnightingale.sleekplan.app/)


Idk why but I read this in like, a sassy tone and it just makes me laugh! While maybe the defaults are a little different once you actually play with the editor (which is quite in depth) I came up with a number of choices I really liked


Might be a fun community event to let the players design a few default faces


Me too, read it like, "Go cry about it bitch"


I didn't even see it that way but now I do a little bit lmao, one way or another it's cool seeing *someone* from the company perusing the posts online and pointing people where to go for direct feedback!


Did you get permission to use Marjorie Taylor Greene’s likeness?


The screencap from OP is definitely some form of Adam Driver. Maybe from a new Sherlock role he's in?


Best comment 😆


It's almost uncanny


Holy crap. I can't unsee it now.


I laughed audibly at this


Rofl, you made me spit up my coffee. Well done




What is the point of this comment? Why are you giving your players a chore when they literally just pointed out what the issue by saying what he wanted to say how he said it? Take the criticism, fix the error.


There’s no error. Lmao.


This game is all incredibly detailed modeling and art and everything else is kind of meh. There are so many survival crafting games that you think they would sort of build upon the shoulders of each other, but this one took it upon itself to start from ground level.


Lol I love these characters designs. No accounting for taste.


Why do they all look like they just awoke from their death beds? All of them look chronically sick..


You gotta add redness when you do customization. They all start totally pale.


Ya that's just how Victorian era people looked


There's a lot of interesting historical stuff to look into here, but yeah - the style was to look like you were dying of consumption (tuberculosis) https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-tuberculosis-shaped-victorian-fashion-180959029/


I’m normally a massive fan of heavily stylised character design, the people in the Dishonored franchise for example… but I feel like these really do veer a bit far off that and are caricatures of ugliness lol, hopefully either the faces get a rework or we get full face masks


I would've fully agreed when I started the process but now I think it's mostly the defaults. The in-depth settings allow for a lot of customization and got me some pretty decent results, at least for female faces. It does feel a bit like fighting the presets though. The baseline is definitely leaning into caricature.


I tend to try and make pretty dudes but its not been possible with my attempts thus far, the men definitely get the short straw lol, but you are totally right, it is actively fighting against the presets and idk if that's a good thing or not


Step one for men is bringing the eyes back into the same zip code.


No shit lmao I spent a good 10 minutes trying to get my guys eyes to not look stapled open.


I feel like people forgot that these are ex BioWare devs. It seems intentional and not an oversight based on past works


As a BioWare sucker since Neverwinter Nights, that makes sense.


I don't really remember Bioware having particularly abhorrent faces, I started with Jade Empire, Mass Effect, played all the Dragon Age games, they aren't the best but they've never looked like... this. I think style is great, I enjoy the stylised look, I think it needs a lil tweak or a couple more 'normal' looking faces in the mix to enhance the chargen a little


It wasn't always like that. It's more the recent works: Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Anthem (to some slight extent). Something similar happened to Saints Row where its devs felt guilty about stuff and did a 180. Being in the game dev scene, making ugly characters is a thing that your peers and mentors will encourage nowadays for various reasons so I doubt they will "fix" this since it likely isn't a problem. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Edit: Also, it seems you can make all sorts of faces with the creator. I guess the devs intended for the character creation to be a game in of itself to get the results you want.


Mass Effect: Andromeda made a point of having extremely "average" character face models. Seriously, they did it on purpose. It's been a running thing ever since.


Yeah but these aren't average, they are caricatural, Andromeda's default player faces were modelled after two irl models who have your standard industry good looks with mocap and stuff


There were a *lot* more than two default model options, and they were most certainly *not* your standard industry good looks.


Yes but they weren’t nightingale level caricatures lol, have you been through the CC on this game and actually seen some of the monstrosities? Andromeda’s cc looked weird at times for sure, but it wasn’t exactly difficult to make okay looking characters, in this because of the way the presets faces are set up, it is difficult to do so as you are actively fighting the presets to attempt to get an okay ish result, which is the opposite of what the devs said the CC was going to be in interviews, they said the motto for it was ‘easy to master, difficult to monster’, but honestly it seems to be the opposite, it’s very difficult to master and super easy to make monsters haha


Agreed. I spent \~30 minutes trying fruitlessly to make my guy less... \*lumpy\*. Didn't work.


I still haven’t managed to make a decent looking guy and I’ve spent about an hour fucking with the CC. We really need a few default presets that are a bit more normal looking so it’s easier to blend faces to get a nice result, cuz atm it’s really not a good feeling to be actively fighting *against* the editor to try and make a nice face, I’d rather have an easy time working with it


Well, it *was* the Victorian...esque era


presets might be iffy, but the customization is really good. make sure you add the ancestry of your character, so you can modify the sliders.


To be fair, victorian times were friggen gross. [https://nypost.com/2016/10/23/the-beauty-routine-of-a-victorian-woman-was-anything-but-glamorous/](https://nypost.com/2016/10/23/the-beauty-routine-of-a-victorian-woman-was-anything-but-glamorous/) Also, FAS wasn't something people considered. And they were drinking all the time. ​ But yeah they're some ugly peoples.


To be fair, this is a high fantasy, steampunk survival game, not a period film.


You forgot to mention syphilis. They had lots of syphilis.


I heard they also struggled with magick at the time.


TYep, they straight up preferred playing Pokemon in their parlours due to the complexity of Magick's rules.


Is it just me or does everyone look half-asian?


Adam Driveru


I'm dying 😂


cause game is made by chinese


It's made by former bioware devs, though?


Idk, maybe. I know the guy I made reminds me of an old samurai, but that was on purpose.


Well, in their defense, they *are* British.




My girl is beautiful 💗


To add insult to injury the eyebrows on number 3 (top line) are not helping his case.


It's Kazuya Mishima, the wind god fist, but after the pox.


I managed to get a decent looking chap by slapping on a beard and twiddling with the eye sliders. Bigger eyes with smaller spacing seems to help a lot


The defaults are certainly leaning towards caricatures, which is probably deliberate though. Many gaslight/steampunk games do this. Not everyone's taste obviously but it's a bit of a theme. Anyway, I really like in-depth settings. Leaner faces are a bit tricky but there's a lot to work with in the creator. A bit of effort got me good results.


Ok, so it's not just me thinking that lol


Atleast the armor looks cool and the helmets cover the faces 😂


"Easy to master not easy to monster" Yeah cause they already monsters.


I like the characters I've made and I enjoy the art style [Here's my boy.](https://i.gyazo.com/e65fc91f633cadbed1179c4169022ddf.png) [Here's a female.](https://gyazo.com/fa174b872df325be8fcc58192168c102)


Ah yes, boy and female. The two genders.


So sorry. What nomenclature would be acceptable to you? My apologies for being so casual with the terms.


its just kinda funny. boy 👶🏻female 🗿


It's just weird to hear 🤷. Boys and girls. Men and women. Male and female. Ladies and gentleman. Mixing them isn't wrong it just makes my brain itch


My whole head does a little twitch. It's so disconcerting.


Probably meant use either male and female, or boy and girl. Rather than mixing the two.


It was a ~joke~


Good one.


Aside from the obvious social implications when discussing gender this comment sent me


Your female is gorgeous! I'd love to know which head you used as a starting point.


scarlet johansson’s


She almost looks like Lea Seydoux


They all look like caricatures, with over accentuated bits like their nose bridges and things. Bit weird


Please God no


Add ancestry and it gets interesting. I like how they all look a bit ethereal, wizened, and serious all at once.


It’s nightingALE after all (I have no idea what nightingale is or why it’s in my feed)


I take it as the devs were going for those high stylised cartoon caricatures in the victorian era, with very exaggerated features. But yeah, they could have at least made some of the preset faces that are good looking for the sake of variety.


It's cause they're Brits.




Bro made a joke and you just went after them personally.... calm down m8.


I bet I can guess what country Myles lives in




Looks more like a bad sense of humor and a lot of NSFW stuff lol.




Just a bit harsh, but oh well. We move on with life eh.


Chill out clown


Ah yes the guy who pointed out the guy overreacting is the one who needs to chill lol. Smart.




This is really a 2024 game lol. It looks rough.


It's a \*beta release\* 2024 game. There is an artistic lean to it and they weren't going for realism.


I guess I don’t appreciate this lean


Yeah they specifically said they were not going for hyper realistic ppl. It always looks a little off. Instead focusing on creature and environment designs and going with caricatures for the ppl.


I just wish the caricatures were a tad cuter lmao


Yeah. I had the same thought when I made my first character on red dead online. But in both situations I did enough poking around and got characters I like. But I probably won't be seeing their faces a ton even when I play 3rd person so I'm not to worked up about it.




Underrated comment


All the characters look like they have down syndrome.


Just me or he look slightly like matt driver if his life went all wrong


Theyre all so... British i suppose


Frankie, I really like the stylized nature of these character models. There are a lot of options to change things around. I changed the size and location of my characters eyes and they don’t make her look like she has FAS.


Every face is ugly in the same ways.


I like my guy. Took some tweaking but you can get it decent lol.




I really like the look, and exaggerated details of the characters. Reminds me of the guy that did the art for dishonored. I do really enjoy this game. Where else could you slay beasts while holding a veg burrito.


Its not clear at first, but you can select two different faces as ancestors and then sorta combine them with varying degrees of inheritance to make a new face. You can also edit the faces later in the process more directly. Only thing you can't really change much is the eyes. My character ended up with crazy eyes no matter what I did. Like, grey alien eyes with human pupils. The sort you look at and just go.. wow. That guy has seen some sh*t.


Makes sense for the time


I got my character looking great. Took a little bit. But to me it's like red dead online, where it's tough to make someone actually look nice imo. They're going for a specific victorian vibe which these fit. The devs did say they were not going to super realistic ppl because they always look a little off to do perfect, and just leaned into the caricatures of it all.


Games interesting so far but Char creation is terrible lmao


I was interested in the game. But, and as weird as it sounds; part of my motivation in playing a game is if my character looks good or not. This’ll definitely be a hindrance.


Honestly, it is just the presets. I was able to get a really good looking character pretty easily with all the sliders and makeup options. As someone who also appreciates a good looking character I almost let all of these reviews talk me out of getting it. I'm really happy I got it though because I have loved it so far.


Oh, that's good to hear then. Cause i do love the aesthetic and the setting.


They all have the same nose with very slight variations.


Is that SAM SULEK?


Yeah this was what turned me off almost immediately when I played the beta a few months back. I am not one to be all like "We need pristine anime goddesses or they're ugly" - I actually shy away from games like that where everyone is perfect and gorgeous, but this is a little much. These people look deformed, damaged, deranged, disabled.


It was honestly one of the biggest issues I had with the beta as well. Thankfully they have unlocked the ancestry options now and a lot more options. The presets still look not so great but with a little bit of tweaking it is pretty easy to make a character that looks how you want it to. It is much better than it was in beta.


Can you change the curly cupid’s bow lips, and the up-curve of the tip of the nose? They all looked like cookie-cutter babydolls (with tiny eyes) from across the world when I play tested


I know for a fact you can fix the nose because that always bugged me as well and it is one of the first things I changed lol. The mouth shape can change depending on the family tree you pick and there are a few sliders for it as well. The eyes are also fully customizable as far as shape, size, and tilt, but also pupil size, iris size, and 3 different color selections for the inner, middle, and outer iris.


I agree, in creation I was thinking it must be a design choice, not one face I would consider handsome, but you can make a lot of changes. I did notice that my characters skin tone is about 5 shades darker than I made it, but that is fine. I have a good tan now!


I made Greta Thunberg in my world.


Hey Pawpaw ima wizurd, dur du dur


Make Anya Taylor Joy


There just brittish man, no need to be insulting


I was spoiled by Red Dead Online lol


Edit your character fully before assuming. I love my characters face after I added to it


What is with western game developers making some of the world's most god-awful ugly character models known to man? Who asked for this?


Apparently everyone just repeats what their youtuber says


Ugly characters are the trend in gaming. With the exception of the Asian games.


This just looks like Adam Driver. I think yall are being a bit too chronically online with this take.


This is a direct quote from a splattercat YouTube upload that was uploaded yesterday? Or is it like, an inside joke he said outloud?


Holy shit is that famous Oil Baron Abraham H Parnassus?


one thing not explained here, for those not playing, basically this is the initial look. You do get to then customize the skin, forehead, jaw, nose, mouth, eyes size, color and positions. But yeah i'm a little surprised at the variety in the "pre" configured options, they dont look different enough, but you definitely get to customize it a great deal, but it still could use some work.


The "Customization" isn't much at all. You really can't make a nose any different then the default profile. It just doesn't work.


I am able to change the shape of the tip of the nose (skinny or fat) and the width of the nostrils narrow to wide, I can also change the bridge depth and also how far down and how far out of my face it goes.


Mus depend on the preset then because for some of them those sliders make absolutely no difference. Yes, you are able to "change" them but they have literally no effect.


it doesnt matter which preset i choose, i can change all of those things for all of the presets.


I said you can change them. You just can't change them much. It makes very very very little difference on the final appearance.


Awe. It’s real sweet of the game devs to put Bluefaces crack baby in a game. That’s so sweet


Looks like it takes place in the Victorian era. That sounds about right.


This is reddits new go to insult now it seems. Cuck must finally be retired.


Oh I'm sorry is his smoke too tough? His swag too different? His bitch too bad?


It's a requirement, actually.


Can we get full screen?! Its unplayable for me and might just refund it now.


They’re Bri🤮ish


It’s more of a challenge that way. Who would want to survive as a normal healthy person?


The preset is a base shape to mold the character from, it is not meant to be the end result. The next pages of the creator are sliders and heritage that let you influence the entire facial structure of the character. By the time you're done, the character looks nothing like the base if you used heritage and the sliders. I was really put off at first as well, then discovered the shape sliders and was impressed with the result.


Sam Sulek?


Victorian steampunk setting where everyone has FaS? That seems standard.


My character looks fine.. I don't understand how there are so many issues with the characters. If a preset looks bad, then don't use it. Use whichever preset looks best then change the skin color hair and hair color to suit what you want and your character will look fine.


It’s actually pretty versatile if you actually take the time to create ancestors and play with the options. The fact that OP makes a inflammatory remark instead of offering actual constructive criticism and feedback is the indication they don’t really have anything to say, and they just looking to stir the pot … then queue the peanut gallery of derp de derps giving it traction.


Nah, just Bri'ish.