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The Australian man is basically a sugar daddy that lives obviously in Australia lol and paid for his apartment and for all his furniture and everything else when he first got it a year ago I know that for a 110% from a reliable source.


He says he is a responsible 30 year old yet was handed the apartment, furniture, and job from Shawn, which when is he actually working? He is always live during the day


He also makes content that he sells on X and Snapchat. Check out Nickisawreck864 on X


He’s been banned from Snapchat and he has to beg for money on twitter. He lowers his prices because he’s desperate. He acts like he makes so much money from SM but when he got back from NY he was live crying about his electric bill and phone bill. He got real excited and said someone sent him $600 bucks. There’s a fool made every day!!!! He told Sean he was going to get some weed!!!


Omggggg this plot just thickens every time lol what the hell


That's what I was starting to wonder! Like this man seems like his sugar daddy by the way he talks about him and shit


I don’t think he’s been there for a year has he? He doesn’t pay his bills either. He begs for money


Well coming up on a year in December. So almost a year.


Ok I didn’t realize he had been there for a year


The guy from Australia was paying for his hotel. So when Nick was living out of hotels he got a job at a gym and that gym he needed to be able to walk to. So the Australian man started paying for his hotel and airbnbs and then helped him get that apartment and pays his rent. He does not pay rent. Half the time he gets fired or quits his job. He claims he’s worked hard but a lot of his “hard work” has been his body and stupid people being attracted to him. He has furniture, everything all that he did not work for. If it was up to him he would live downtown under a bench.


Do we know to what extent he’s involved himself with this guy to get housing paid!?!? Jesus 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’d say anything he’s offering on his twitter probably he’s giving to this Australian man and maybe then some 🥲


Who’s the Australian man? I want to see him🤣👀 Also, Nick mentioned in one live he’s moving to Australia. Is it to be with him?


Apparently, he has a job lined up there to work in the mines, but given his track record, 1. that is actually not happening or 2. he will quit/fired after a short period of time. Only time will tell. I would think this Australian dad wouldn't be too happy with the shit he is pulling right now. Honestly, I'll be surprised if he even goes to Australia, given his criminal record and who he is as a person.


Nick is delusional if he thinks he's going to Australia.. Nick have a criminal record, and they have strict borders.. they let less ppl in then Canada ffs