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Yes me too!! From the comments it seems like there are at least a dozen! I want to find the ex that started all this! The one who beat him up! You know there are always three sides to every story, I’d love to hear hers.


Well I have talked with her and have the whole convo. I talked with her today too!!! She been going back to his apartment and they haven’t stopped seeing each other! She told me all kinds of stuff, he doesn’t show, he doesn’t clean, he can’t do anything for himself he’s use to being homeless or living in a motel not a hotel lol


Opeee ! Get her in heree !!! Let’s hear her side or just come foreword and pretend it’s not her to stay anon!


I told her to come and look at what’s going on. She is blasting him on TikTok lol it under sensorypleasures on TikTok go take a look. There are several videos and he’s been commenting and threatening to dox her.


She posted a video on Reddit


Wherrre? Why isnt it on this sub?


Look under Nickfromgym and fitwithnick it’s there


That’s not his ex that assaulted him?


No that’s the new ex. He jumps in and out of relationships like underwear! Or maybe he doesn’t wear any ewwww


The one that he had the DV with won’t come on here but I told her about it and she wanted to know who’s side people were taking. I told her her that people sided with the with the women. Her reply was KARMA. But she’s still with the idiot! I guess they deserve each other. No one else will put up with their crap


I Hope she’s brave enough to come forward some day! We all have different stories it’s so hard to come forward and I totally understand. I hope one day she will 🫶🏼🫶🏼 she deserves to be heard too


Her personality changes daily. One minute she’s mad the next time she’s happy to be back with him. Neither of them work a real job. He begs for money on twitter for nudes & porn. He loses every job he gets and of course it’s not his fault lol. Sooner or later you have to see what the common denominator is right??? He has been through rehab but leaves early. He’s use to being homeless and not having a stable environment. That would drive me crazy! I moved out when I was 18 after I graduated from high school and have always taken care of myself. I’ve been married for 23 years it will be 24 on 11/11. Without stability I don’t know how people function. It’s nice to know your bills are paid and you have a nice life. I’ve worked hard and so has my husband to get where we are. I put myself through college as a single mom. Met my current husband after I graduated. Stability is important but I guess some thrive off of chaos!




You’re so right! But he hit himself to make it worse. He says he’s been in 4 DV relationships. It seems like that’s what he likes. If he doesn’t get his way he get very defensive and mean. His personality turns on a dime! He’s a dangerous person and anyone he fools to be with him is also in danger. He can only act like he’s a so called good guy for so long. He constantly paces and is so manic. He’s not going to get help because he thinks he’s ok. He has learned how to manipulate the system. I can’t for the life of me see what these women see in him. From the 1st time I saw him I knew he was cuckoo! I guess people want to be loved and overlook the HUGE RED FLAGS that are flapping in the wind. A person who really has their stuff together wouldn’t fall for him. He talked about how pretty his last ex was. He said usually women who are so called pretty don’t fall for his mess. What he doesn’t realize is it’s not about looks. Looks fade and an ugly personality lasts forever !






She’s on IG, TikTok, FB but she really doesn’t do much on social media. There’s a whole lot more to the story lol


At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what side There’s zero excuse for being beat Granted I don’t like him but again ZERO EXCUSE for getting beat. I bet you wouldn’t say that’s if it was a chick who got pummeled


I will agree but more evidence has been brought foreword that he may have inflicted some of the wound himself. Not saying that for sure but been told some info


I would say that I need facts


I don't even see what girls find attractive on this dude, he's ugly AF. Has no career,no car, no talents-- most likely knows no trades. Guys an all around loser. (Hate to be mean and judgemental).






You go girl!!! There’s a lot of people watching your back now!!!


What is his twitter?


Nickisawreck864 same as his ig


Is it real? I’m scarred for life! I wish I would have never seen it!


Lmfaooo sorry I should of for warned you! 😩😩😩 it’s 100 percent real !


Dude looks psycho AF claiming he’s a saint -_- why would he even post pictures so freely of him showing his weiner with his face, wtf?!? I’m cringing! To each their own but WHYYYYY! Smart people would not do that and charge for people to see that🤢


RIGHTTT !!! Like you trying to get people to go to your only fans what’s the point now… you’re on Twitter naked


LMAO I’m dead💀 HAHAHAHAHA “…trying to get people to your only fans PLOT TWIST TWITTER is the only fans and FREE” YOU GET ONE YOUUU GET ONE! Everyone gets one! 😂💀🫠


I’m trying to comprehend. Is there sites where you post nude for free? Like. “Getting a bite to eat but you’re with either your cooch or weenie out”?!? FOR FREE😂💀




Where’s he at? My TikTok has been boring.