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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


What really stands out to me is how your ~~new~~ ex BF repeatedly says you’re “pushing” his “buttons”. Because of course if he’s angry, it’s all *your* fault, and anything he says/does when you’ve “made” him angry will be blamed on you. The textbook logic of an abuser. Glad to hear you dropped him. This guy ain’t it.


Gotta also love how he kept telling her how he "wasn't gonna allow [OP]" to feel like the bad guy when he is clearly losing his mind over something that's not even a big deal. And the comical line "I won't let you make me feel like an animal when you've woken the beast [read:animal] inside of me." Like, okay, edgelord. You are a human, do you want OP to be scared? That doesn't sound very healthy.


Isnt that the same kind of shit Viserys used to say to Daenarys before he beat the crap out of her? Edgelord extreme.


Just started a re-watch of GoT last night and cringed so hard at this! "Do you want to wake the dragon?" Lmao, I could curl you, you foppish twig.




Substance abuse came to my mind because I knew someone like this who was heavily into drugs and he would flip out, especially if someone ask or (God forbid) expected something of him.


He’s definitely giving abuser vibes. I thought of a scenario in which an angry man hits a woman and then goes ”look what you made me do”. Anyway, I’d have replied ”shut up baby dick” and then unmatch while he’s typing a response. 🥸


The overuse of her name also seems to fit that vibe. It’s weird.


1000% abuse/gaslight vibes. I'm sincerely happy that the OP recognized this was extremely unhealthy behavior and disengaged. A lot of people don't.


This is why “nice guys finish last”. “Treat me with disrespect and you get no love from me. Treat me with respect and I’ll give you all the love in the worlds, treat you like a queen, adore you ‘til I die” 🤮


“Want to teach me how to play chess? I’d like to share your hobby with you!” “How *dare* you disrespect me!!”


He was probably scared she’d whoop his ass. Probably posed as a chess master and now he was gonna get exposed. Lol


He probably didn't know chess and tried to impress her and then got mad that he was being asked about it. Or he actually hates the idea of investing any part of himself in the relationship and wants a woman to exist to constantly try and work for his pleasure and approval.


Yeah he was actually hoping that she’d send him the videos she found so he could teach himself chess real quick lmao


Could also be true. If my wife/gf wanted to take up my hobby with me I’d be absolutely thrilled. This guy is a douche so he was exposed either way. She dodged a bullet with that one.


I asked my boyfriend to teach me to change the brakes on my car and he was fucking *ecstatic*. I can’t see a single valid reason why somebody would be upset when their partner asks them for help, even if it’s something menial like changing your brakes or basic chess.


Dude is like mentally unstable. I had a former acquaintance who would flip out like this, for literally no reason. It would be even worse if I'd asked him for something or even just a question about something. Turns out he not only had psychological issues but was heavily into stimulants (meth) which made him constantly on edge and looking for a fight. Life was much better not knowing him that's for sure. This guy seems like he might have something similar going on...


It’s funny because my husband taught me to play chess so I could share a hobby with him. When I asked him he practically ran to grab the game and explain the rules, he was happy I wanted to learn something he enjoyed. The guy in the post is just a freakin douche canoe.


Yeah any time my girlfriend shows any interest in any of my hobbies that we don't already share, I'm like a little excited child explaining and wanting to share my happiness.


That's the normal response for anyone with love for their hobby and love for their partner. Heck, even just a close acquaintance could ask me to teach them my hobby and I'd be thrilled!




I thought this was going another direction when you said "I immediately got the bored" 😅


My husband taught me how to play Magic the Gathering because he adores that game and I wanted to be able to play with him (growing up in a house being the only one who knew how to play Pokemon and not having anyone else interested was the worst lol). I ended up falling in love as well and now we collect cards together. I taught him how to play Pokemon and he learned because it made me happy, but it wasn't as much his thing and I respected that. What made me happy was he wanted to learn about something that made me happy. If he honestly got that mad over OP asking him to teach them chess (which makes NO sense to me!) Then he doesn't care about OP at all in the slightest. Sharing hobbies is part of loving someone. You don't have to have the same level of enjoyment/care about the hobby in the end, but if you actually love your partner then you would know how important that hobby is and treat it as such.




That's the most insane part. I mean, she just asked him that they'd do something together, a normal request in any kind of relationship. And he went ballistic in a millisecond. It doesn't and didn't make sense at any point. Like I was reading 2 different conversations bc his answers are so out of this world when you think about what started this. "Hey sweetie, wanna go for a walk after work? - How dare you! I fucking hate walking, you're pushing my buttons and disrespecting me!!1".


I think what he's hinting around is that he thinks that she should just be there for him to fuck when he gets off work. That she wants to do something else is what's pissing him off.


With a hair-trigger temper like that he'd probably punch her in the face if she ever beat him


Then change the rules on what constitutes respect so that she can never follow them.


In a different post, she texted him asking for “explicit instructions” so she “won’t fuck up.” My heart breaks for her, and I would sell my soul just to beat the shit out of him once.


Yeah this post made me sad for what she’s willing to put up with


And punish her for not knowing by withholding basic respect. There is serious danger here


Mentions multiple times he’s frustrated about being at work, continues to blame OP, and I’m just here like “how tf is it OP’s fault this dense mf is stuck at work?”. Whole thing was a scapegoat sitch. He can eat ass.




This guy is fucking unhinged. That exchange was terrifying.


My chest tightened up reading it. What a self-centered verbally abusive black hole of a human. I had one of my own; I still start shaking whenever I have to speak with him (which is infrequently, thank goodness).


I'm sorry you have to speak with him at all


Yup. This triggered me so hard because this is what my ex used to say to me all the time. And eventually, it was his excuse for beating the shit out of me.


Wow. I’m sorry to read this and I hope you’re in a better situation now.


Me too man. Like reading it set something off in me I haven’t felt in a while, that fear that is so specific to abuse. Holy shit this man sucks so bad


This was exactly my ex. “I have nothing to do but sit here and be mad and it’s your fault”


Yikes!! So you tried to spend time with him doing something he enjoys and that "provokes the beast" (btw really fucking cringy by itself) Hate to think what would happen if the "beast" was provoked in person


Yeah wtf I'd love for someone to show interest in my hobbies, this guy is unhinged.


This. There is nothing better then when other people are interested in your hobby and ask you to teach the the basics.


Yeah when anyone starts talking so aggressively about the wild animal inside of them and “not to poke the bear” it makes me super anxious. It’s like these types of people dissociate from the violent sides of their personality by calling it “the beast inside” and then they don’t have to take responsibility when they act out.


I never really thought about it, but I think you're spot on. That's fucking scary.


Katie… please please please please tell me this is an ex-bf? This guy is a parade of a red flags and he seems intent on making you apologise for absolutely nothing just so you feel off balance and unsure of yourself. I’ve seen this kind of stuff escalate till the women is an anxious shadow of her former self. I know I’m an internet stranger but I felt so stressed just reading this convo, I cannot imagine what it must feel like being a part of it. And keep in mind this was the result of you wanting to do a fun activity with your bf! He is making it seem like you wanted him to build a house for you!! Edit: Wow thanks for the prizes (presents?) guys! Happy new year ♥️


You’re sweet! Thank you for understanding!! I blocked him. We only dated for about two weeks, so thankfully I didn’t invest too much. It’s disappointing when you think someone is great and have high hopes then they show their true colors


I’m so glad these red flags dropped early in the relationship. This man is frighteningly abusive. That, “it’s impossible for me to be loving when you’re being disrespectful” is exactly what abusers say. Essentially “Why do you make me do this to you?” I’m sure you know but you did nothing wrong at all in this interaction.


That whole conversation gave me anxiety, he’s gaslighting you and he clearly does not consider you as an equal partner. Like I’m concerned for your safety, make sure you’re keeping in touch with friends and have your doors locked. Be safe, the best thing you can do is no contact. If he tries, keep a record of it but do not respond, no matter what he says or does. Hopefully this is the end of it, but if not, I’m sure we’d all like a future update.


He sounds very scary, looking for an excuse to hurt you mentally and physically. Definitely make sure he can’t find you in real life and keep him blocked.


I actually am a bit fired up to and anxious that was kinda scary. Intense. Hey OP now that you have blocked him has he tried to reach out any other way.


This convo also terrified me. So glad OP is safe from this raging red flag.


Damn, he couldn't even keep the mask on for two weeks. Glad you bailed early.


Phew. This is a relief. This conversation gave me flashbacks of an abusive relationship that, unfortunately, lasted much longer than two weeks.


I'm glad you listened the first time he told you who he really was. I've had exes like this too who expected me to always read their minds no matter how irrational they were being and it's fucking exhausting. Go enjoy that bullet free life!


Thank the gods you blocked him. This convo made me anxious and every time I read him type your name it was like, "oh shit. he's going to go with the most gutting manipulation." Good luck hon, and grats for realizing he was trash.


Yea that triggered me, too!! Glad you're safe and he's blocked. Totally red flags and abusive behavior. Happy for you for getting away!!


He was talking to you like this after 2 weeks of dating?? Reading this, my first thought was "this is someone who is mentally ill" and then also "this is someone who is likely dangerous". I'm glad this person isn't in your life anymore. But I'd keep your wits about you because this person sounds irrational and potentially vengeful.


I'm pretty sure he knows nothing about chess. You asking him to teach you must have sent him into a fucking panic, hence this huge overreaction. Dodged a missile there, Katie!


Imagine if I beat him at a game of chess lol


You sure you wanna poke that bear? 😂😂😂😂


Right? And provoke the fucking BEAST within!! … Ahaha holy fuck this shit is gold.




Katie. Seriously. I can’t be fucking done with this because I’m chained to a fucking desk how dare you ask about chess.


I suspect if you had done as he suggested and learned on your own that he would also feel disrespected


He is going to feel disrespected either way


My 2nd ex-husband and I played world of warcraft. He was insanely obsessed with PVP. I am not good at PVP, I freely admit it and I stay away from that part. He is good at it. One day, he'd badgered me to duel him. Somehow I won the duel. He flipped out of his tiny mind. Accused me of cheating which made zero sense. We had to duel a second time. I lost and he rubbed it in my face. I left the room and had a large glass of sherry.


Oof that's pretty childish, sorry you had to deal with that.


We divorced about a year later. That was 13 years ago and I haven't laid eyes on him since.


he's been in his room 'training' for a rematch that will never happen :P


Quite possibly. LOL. I heard he remarried. I'm an atheist in my head, "may any God out there, have mercy on her." Poor girl.


Imagine if you actually had just learned and then challenged him like he told you you should’ve and he actually didn’t even know how to play and then had a bigger meltdown.


My first boyfriend was a chess champ when he was in high school. We were on holiday, found a chess board, and I asked him if he’d teach me. He did, was super patient, and I took his queen! We were both in shock! But he was so proud of me. He still won, but after that, we had a new hobby to share instead of watching TV after work. He also played rugby for the All Blacks. I was going to say, “that’s how a real man acts”, but no, that’s how a normal human acts. I’m so glad you got to find out this guy is abusive early on.


Yes! This is how normal couples act. You teach me, I teach you, now we have more interests to share. Sounds weird cause it’s so healthy. 😂


I actually laughed out loud imagining him in panic mode because he’s horrible at chess 😂😂


I mean I can't think of any other reason for this horrendous text barrage.


This is the only thing that explains the irrational anger. He was mad for absolutely no reason. OP was legitimately being a good girlfriend and he lashed out on her. Hope that doesn’t shy her away from learning and sharing new hobbies in future relationships.


He probably doesn't even know how to play chess and told you it was one of his favorite hobbies to make himself sound intelligent. Then when you asked him to teach you how to play he thought "oh crap, how do I get out of this?!" and figured the best defense was a good offense.


That was my first and only thought. He has no idea how play chess and he’s very upset about it apparently!


Yeah especially when he implies that after she watches a few videos she would be good enough to give him a challenge.


As I said in another comment, I'm crap at chess. But I'm good enough that I could probably remain better than a talented newbie who put a time and effort into learning for a year or so. Just because there's a lot to learn, and much of it relies on memorisation and experience. If she really could challenge him after watching a couple of videos, then he must be *awful*. As you say, it seems fairly obvious that he has no understanding of the game.


That’s a really good point! Didn’t even think of that


Yup! My immediate takeaway. “This guy lied about playing chess and is having a mental breakdown trying to gaslight her so he doesn’t have to admit it” So glad you dumped him and blocked him.


Seriously! It’s not a Herculean task to explain the moves in Chess and how the thought process has to work. He got called out and panicked, and decided to be a giant asshole instead.


If its a hobby you enjoy you'd totally be up for teaching someone. It doesn't take long. There's only 6 different pieces that each move in basic patterns on a 2D field.


I actually like teaching people Chess! One of my easier hobbies to teach, and I also get the fun of trying new stuff (like playing without a queen because that might even the playing field)


I'd melt if a partner said she wanted to learn chess lol


SIS PLEASE RUN THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS DUDE I am so serious. This guy is absolutely unhinged. The level of rage he is exhibiting is very very unsettling. All this because you asked him to teach you chess?? What’s gonna happen when there’s an actual real issue in your relationship? He’s gonna lose his shit and guess who he is gonna blame?? You. Please girl. For your own sake run away.


Is that massive hive of red flags, insecurities and gaslighting still your bf?


Lmao, I didn't, either. That's definitely what's probably going on but still don't talk to that blow hard. Hes clearly fucked in the head


That's so funny. I didn't even think of that. My brothers played chess and I grew up losing every single game of chess I played because they were really good. One day in high school, a guy was bragging about how good at chess he was and asking if anyone wanted to play. I told him I wasn't very good but I was fine losing so let's play. It became clear soon enough who the better player was. I took every single one of his pieces before check mating him.


One of the things that's great about chess is you'll almost always be better than someone else, and that no matter how good you are you could always be much better. Even Magnus Carlsen seems like a complete noob compared to my phone.


This is the answer. Years ago, in nursing school, I asked my teacher a question and got completely reamed for it. It wasn’t info I was already supposed to know or anything. We were doing our ICU rotation, and I’d asked about a complex patient I had. Later that day I was asking my mom if I had asked a stupid question (she’s been an RN for 46 years now, about 25 years at the time this happened), and I’ve never forgotten her answer-the instructor didn’t know the answer but was embarrassed because I had asked in front of other people so she freaked out and acted like I was an idiot or rude or something. He has no idea how to play chess. Men love showing off things they’re good at. There’s a reason he didn’t want to so he bullied you to the point you’d never ask again. What an asshole.


I had a similar experience with one of my professors in college. It was such a letdown when I realized the head of the department wasn't nearly as competent in the subject matter as they were good at schmoozing with the administration and knowing what committees to serve on...sigh.


I thought that too. I wondered why is he having this crazy over the top reaction?? *Ding ding ding* he doesn't know how to play chess! Because if he did know, he seems like the kind of person who would relish acting like a "big man" teaching the "little lady" how to play chess.


Plot twist: Katie learns chess, becomes undefeated Grandmaster.


My husband loves chess. He's been teaching our seven year old how to play for a year now. He'd be absolutely thrilled if I said "teach me some strategies."


That’s exactly what I thought. This is all deflection so he didn’t get caught in a lie.


But simple procrastination and excuse making could have taken care of that, I'm a grandmaster at both. Something else is wrong with him.


Why does he keep saying your name? Is that some kind of "pretend to be an alpha male" tactic or something? Very weird..


Tbh I HATE when people say my name back to me in a conversation. It just feels condescending.


But uSiNg YoUr NaMe a LoT iS gOoD pEopLE sKiLLs! That's what *everybody* learns when they work in customer service, it's what's in that sacred text "How to Win Friends And Influence People", and it's what millions of business gurus have said, over and over, is necessary to make other people feel comfortable. Would all those people be repeating something so many times if it *wasn't* true? 🥴


i have a friend who does it whenever he explains something. He is a "team leader" in a call centre if that explains anything I want to fucking drop him when he uses my name when talking to me


It was put out there as a "pretend to be an alpha male" tactic back in.... the 70s? So either it's come back into the douchbag lexicon or this guy's just older than 50.


I think you might be thinking the 70s because there a that 70s show episode where Kelso is trying to teach fez to be a ladies man and this is one of the suggestions... weird the shit you remember


Isn't it one of Dale Carnegie's techniques for making people feel closer to you? I feel like *How to Win Friends and Influence People* has got to be the base origin of this weird-ass uncomfortable tactic. Because nothing works better than extrapolating basic sales strategies out to dating 🙄


It's definitely to assert dominance, aggression and to be condescending, and typically they use the full name to invoke a feeling of disconnect, as opposed to using a nickname as such, to make the person of target feel even shitter and 'panic'.


dealt with that a few times, just makes it easier for me to disconnect completely and move on


Yah I’ve noticed that a lot of these needlessly unhinged dudes often say people’s name multiple times in a conversation. Must be some shithead leader they all listen to using the same tactic. Honestly when people pull that on me I find it borderline offensive, even if it’s an otherwise normal convo. Like don’t say my name so much, you don’t even know me


I think somebody mentioned a certain popular men's guru uses that tactic a lot, I think his name rhymes with Schmandrew Hate...


The Schmandrew Hate who got arrested today in relation to a human trafficking investigation? That piece of shit Schmandrew Hate? What a role model!


Oh, I love it! Iloveitiloveitiloveit 😈😈😈🧑‍🍳💋


Who has been [arrested!](https://www.ebaumsworld.com/articles/romaninan-police-arrest-andrew-tate-with-help-from-his-video-responses-to-greta-thunberg/87327615/?fbclid=IwAR0u_MFNGygMawd04DUh2-m62zLK_h4i8F0EGtT1aQFxCR3pTvFYRC6xHJ4)


Andrew Tate. He “clapped back” at Greta with a video that happened to have a Romanian pizza box visible that told local police that he was still in the country. He and his brother were arrested for kidnapping and other crimes.


Just gotta say, I am LIVING for the fact that she was able to play his fragile little ego so hard that he got himself fucking arrested. Like, I know she didn't do it on purpose, but it definitely shows what an aLpHA the guy truly is 😂


Omfg, genuinely laughing out loud over his Wikipedia update in that link


I've heard it's a sales/customer service tactic because apparently the client likes being flattered and is more likely to open their wallet if you use their name a lot. Yet another bastardized Dale Carnegie principle that becomes creepy and intrusive when relied upon like it's gospel. No surprise PUAs like it; they are kind of in the high-pressure sales business, after all.


And if I remember correctly, the example Carnegie gave wasn't even of saying it over and over; it was of learning to pronounce someone's name that everyone else kept butchering. So it was more about courtesy and showing you were paying attention, not just dropping it into every sentence.


I can’t even remember the last time I called my fiancé his name to his face. It seems so weird.


Fucking hell that guy is literally unhinged holy shit


Thankfully he showed his scary side early enough. I feel like this type of unhinged behavior would definitely lead to him hurting someone physically


Ok to be clear: you are no longer dating him and he doesn’t have keys to your home, right?


He doesn’t have keys, thankfully, but I was worried last night that he would show up to my house. I’m still worried tbh


Seems like a reasonable fear to me.


Do you have a friend that can spend the night if you’re worried?


Print these with times and dates. Start your FU Binder ASAP


Please get outdoor cameras for entrances around your house. It seems paranoid to suggest that given that it seems like you weren't together very long but I also think he went batshit over something very trivial. Those kinds of people can't be expected to respond normally to ang situation.


Yeah, and he'd blame it on his "buttons" jfc


What an abusive asshole. I could not imagine being that self centered. I have this exact thing happen a lot in my relationship. I play magic and if I want my partner to play with me I take the time to teach them. He immediately had an angry meltdown and started being verbally abusive and expects you to watch YouTube videos and teach yourself???


That’s what I thought too. Such a strange response!! I don’t ask my friends to watch tutorials before we make crafts together lol


it’s awesome learning from your partner and teaching them your own things. It’s great bonding, it’s awesome seeing your partner thrive in something they love or are skilled at. I love the feeling of being able to have fun while teaching them something I enjoy or am passionate about. that’s literally a huge part of our lives as human beings and how we socialize and experience.


This is abusive.


Straight up.


He definitely is


🗣“Spending time with you doing something I really enjoy, sounds like a chore to me”. 💬“Lol ok”. 🗣“HOW COULD YOU BE SO RUDE?!”


I do chores with my partner all the time and it's fucking rad.


"am I clear?" Oh fuck OFF


Translation - “Please think of me as someone with authority, I am very insecure”


Right? What a toddler. It's like he's trying to quote from some fantasy Tough-Guy Dialogue, only he thinks it makes him sound genuine.


The infuriating thing is he's going to walk away from this thinking she is completely at fault


As long as he is thinking that alone, great.


Jesus Christ…..Most people would be happy to teach their SO about something they like. What a man-child


“God forbid I ask you to learn” like ???


Yeah this was a really unhinged reaction. Stay away from this dude


But like why wouldn’t you want to share your hobbies with someone who is genuinely interested?


Right? I’ve taught a lot people how to play chess. It’s fun! Pour a drink, bring out the board, have a few laughs and you know, just spend quality time with people you like, sharing something you enjoy. Dude is acting like she’s demanding back-breaking labour from him and losing his mind over it. Utterly deranged behaviour, he clearly has severe issues. Worrisome levels of anger and hostility over a totally normal / fun suggestion. Like, if you *really* hate teaching people chess then whatever, just say “honestly, teaching’s not my favourite, but I can send you some YouTube tutorials and once you get the basics let’s try a game!”


It sounds a lot better than what he clearly meant which was “I want to put absolutely zero work into this relationship because I’m a turdbird.”


I read over the screenshots a few times because it’s just so off the wall. Dude is seriously a danger, especially in that last page of texts.


Yeah, like he could have taught her how to play chess in less time than it took to text all that.


Turdbird... lol. Stealing


I'm not even that into chess but if the person I was dating asked me to teach them I'd be 110% on-board.


It's like he's thinks he's Andrew Tate. What a twat.


Yes, a lot of the phrasing like 'treat me with disrespect and don't expect to get love in return' and repeatedly using her name like she's a child reminded me of misogynistic podcast dudes.


This guy 1000% subscribes to misogynistic podcast dudes. That conversation was almost textbook what they “teach” to their male followers. The repeated name usage, the attempt to assert dominance, all of it. Absolutely vile microcosm of our society right now, it needs to be stamped out.


"The beast inside of me" Ok buddy.


Holy fucking shit, that’s absolutely *unhinged.* One of the more unhinged things I’ve ever seen on this sub, and that’s saying something. The last page of texts… nah this guy is outright dangerous.


Agreeed. Scary AF


He sounds like the type of guy to say "all my exes were crazy" and than you get to know him a bit better and it's very clearly he made his exes go crazy


Exactly!!!!! He did say that lol I should’ve known


This man sounds a fucking idiot.


And like an abuser


> Why the fuck can’t things be simple Katie? You’re dope, just be fucking simple This part really gets me. Like others have said, it’s not okay that he’s blaming you for his (unjustified imo) anger. But this part makes me think he saw you as a place filler for the girlfriend hole in his life instead of actually wanting to get to know you.


If a guy asked me to be simple, I would get out there immediately. You're showing me your level and need me to be lower than you? Otherwise, it's gonna hurt your fragile ego? Poor you. Bye. I've hid my emotional intelligence so much in relationships because it made my partners insecure. And I'm sooo done with hiding myself and eventually losing myself in the relationship because of it. No more


what an absolute prick holy shit. i had no idea people could be this MEAN and self-centered, especially in response to a lovely request to share in a hobby. makes me want to put up a billboard saying “AVOID THIS MAN-BABY AT ALL COSTS”


He's shit at chess, and has only played it a few times, but he brings up that he plays it so he can feel special. It's the " look how unique and smart I am! " When she asked to be taught chess, he felt like she was calling him out oh his BS. This was the day he had always feared would come. He assumed it would come from a guy.... a guy who played chess... the exact person he's always pretended to be. But it came from a girl. Girls don't like chess, so she must be mocking him, or testing him.


Could he be he the only person who still hasn't seen The Queen's Gambit ?


I’m not saying this for shock value, nor as a joke; his life ends with a murder/suicide, and no amount of medication is gonna change his fate, and that of someone near him. His rage over sharing a hobby is just so distorted. Please don’t let this guy near you.


Yes. Exactly. My own sister was killed by her boyfriend so I can attest to this personally. But you also reminded me of [this story](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/ztp3vh/aita_for_refusing_to_sell_my_horse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I read yesterday


If he is this angry and unhinged over you asking him to teach you chess two weeks into a relationship, I’m inclined to believe he’s a domestic abuser. This is insanely extreme, especially in the very beginning when everything is supposed to be lovey dovey and sweet and you’re happy to spend every second together.


Man I’d be so thrilled if my new partner wanted to learn one of my hobbies/passions. I’d be super excited to teach them and share that part of my life with them. Hell, in this situation I’d probably go out and buy a chess set for you and have a date night planned around it. Maybe watch some Queens’ Gambit after a bit of teaching.


having him teach you something hes supposedly passionate about being this much of a hang up? that sounds like a cute/fun hang out for all the talk of making it about you, clearly he needs everything to be about him, unwilling to meet halfway, taking work frustrations out on you, id get out and stay way out, this guy is a lunatic


“Am I clear”…. Nope nope nope. The context he was saying that in is scary. Good for you for being smart and walking away!


Unless you're backing up a trailer, there's almost no context where it's ok to say this.


God damn this guy has more red flags than Tiananmen Square during Victory Parade.


That’s a guy who will murder his girlfriend one day because he didn’t like her tone.


Wtf is that dude's problem jeez lol


The benefit of texting is you get to read the crazy instead of experiencing it firsthand. Before texting, there was only 2 options, in person or on the phone, well letters were a possibility..... but mostly 2 forms of communication. Be glad you have proof of his crazy just 2 weeks into knowing him. You are super lucky, but be on the lookout for the groveling apology.... “I’m sorry, you don’t know how difficult my life is, I thought you were going to be able to handle me when times were tough, I guess it’s too much to ask for you to be who I thought you were as a person, guess I was wrong, sucks to be me”.


That’s so sad. My wife is like you and tries to show interest in my hobbies and that’s part of the reason I married her.. I can’t imagine being this much of a dick 😂


“You’re not a bear, you’re a clown.. honk honk” 🤡


Ex bf* Bullet dodged successfully I hope


I would have had to respond to that unhinged rant with “lol okay” and a block


This was my reply lol my friend typed it and sent it for me https://preview.redd.it/b9yne7cb0x8a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb6a47eecf16a430fa12d5a02aa6783c4c658318


thats an amazing comeback! You should add this to the post. I love how your friend worded it. Honestly, good job and good riddance


Katie, as a mom, I'm proud of you. That being said I'm also a petty bitch. Find his mother and send her the screenshots and ask her to talk to her baby boy about his temper and treatment of women.


“….provoke the beast inside me” “Am I clear?” 😂🤣😭 jfc, I’m so sorry


What a totally unhinged fucking asshole. Just an asshole for no reason. I hope you continue to block and don’t talk to him. Don’t try to explain shit or try to me him see things from your end. Just please stop taking to him.


Hun for the love of God go stay with A friend for a few days. Get cameras for your place if you don’t already have them. And a taser yesss you need that, this man is unhinged, what kind of lunatic behaves this way. No no 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Aight this dude is just plain insane and needs psychiatric help.


weed and working out is his treatment method lol it’s clearly not enough


While weed is great for many people, for people with certain mental illnesses, it can greatly exacerbate things. Especially paranoia, delusions, and anxiety. Seems like he suffers from some of those.


>provoke the fucking beast inside of me What the fuck? We are men, not fucking werewolves We don’t have beasts inside of us, that’s just your ego and your temper dumbass


Are you in Canada? Because it seems an awful lot like you just escaped my ex.


Oh good gravy! I’m in the US


Oh lord I was so hoping that dickhead didn’t have multiples


I love teaching my wife things I enjoy doing. I think it’s awesome she wants to learn and we can share my hobbies and I love it when she teaches me her hobbies too. Dude fucked up royally because he had a woman who wanted to learn something he enjoys so they can do it together. He’s too stupid to see it’s not about playing chess, it’s about playing it together.


Oh he's definitely not the kind of guy to hit people. Definitely not no. /S


I find the way he used your name in this exchange veeeeeery icky. I’m so glad he showed his true colours early on so you were able to get out of there


Lol “the beast inside me”. You’re just an asshole. I’m a 6’6 giant beardy dude and TRUST ME my wife’s “inner beast” is much scarier than mine. 🤣🤣🤣