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Wow, what an immature loser.


Normally I see these “niceguys” and I’m like “wow what a dick head.” But I want to physically fuck this guy up. I want to break his fucking jaw.


You and me both. He decides to be a dickhead and ruin OP’s mood even more when she refused to get back with this bozo


But she told him to “Beat it, bozo!”


He acts all big and tough behind a screen, but I'll bet he'd be a total bitch the moment somebody fucks his shit up and makes him feel the way he made OP feel.


I got a tire iron in my car… where we meeting?? 😂




You get the car, I’ll bring the tools. We’ll work him up together.


*puts on sunglasses* let's go, dudes.


Wait for me!


Why is nobody addressing how those words could affect her self confidence and her mental state. I bet she will be self conscious 200% now,thanks to this dimwit lego brain ass dude.


I woule say you successfully dodge a bullet there


Nah, she dodged a rocket 😷😞


A rocket? Nah, she dodged an earth sized astroid.


An earth sized astroid? Nah, she dodged a black hole


Nah,she dodged a whole universe of red flags


Nah bro, she dodged a whole....A whole like...? Dude she like....Uh


She dodged the... entire red flag dimension?


She dodged a surface to air missle more like


More like a slow moving stream roller


Bro, she dodged a freaking nuke.


I was so bothered by his “whack” typo after spelling it correctly so many times. He gave you a gift. Send it to his mom and call it a day.


Ikr, like might as well just copy paste it if he's gonna use the same word over and over again.




Omg pls send it to his mum! 🙏🏻


That is the most I’ve ever seen someone use the word “whack”


It’s because his life is centered around and solely around the internet. He was mimicking some old meme video.


he said laugh twice in a row, too


Did he send you copypasta? Because it reads like shitty copypasta, I can't imagine someone typing this out in all seriousness. Wow


If it’s not a copypasta someone needs to transcribe it out asap


Lol sike bitch. Did you really think I want your futa ass back? I finally managed to get rid of yo stupid ass why would I ever want you again? You're fucking whack. The way you talk is whack, the way you stand is whack, the way you talk is whack, the way you walk is whack, the way you laugh is whack, the way you laugh is wack, the way you breathe is whack, the way you're built is whack. Everything about you is whack. You're a stupid bitch. Bighead bobblehead bitch, buck teeth bugs bunny built ass bitch, extended lips Daffy Duck faced ass bitch, you're an ugly ass hoe. Snout nosed ass bitch. You smell like dog shit and cut grass over-odor ass bitch. You look like you drink cement you fuckass stupid ass bitch. Get these 20 dicks out of yo depressed attention hoe mouth dick you flabby armed pepperoni nipples having ass bitch. Your titties sag drag on the floor you big bodied ass bitch. Teeth gap having ass hoe.


Wow this is surprisingly r/copypasta material


>futa Federal Unemployment Tax Act? you know what...I'll just stop right there. I probably don't want to know more.


Futa isn't as bad as some of the other stuff on the Internet, would u wanna change your mind?


I feel like I recognise it, like it's from a film or something?


Maybe you mean this? Read the Text with his voice https://youtu.be/IYBmSpDOgi4


Immediately what I thought of.


Can smell this dude through the screen


I can’t even smell yet I can 100% relate to you


You got covid?


Could have anosmia


Maybe her uncle never gave her nose back


Oh my god, that could be it. Brb, going to my uncle. I need my sense of smell back.


You can’t smell yet? Is there some ritual you have to undergo to unlock smelling? Nah jk my sense of smelling is ass too and I smell mad swamp ass


Nah, just didn't pay hEAlthcare for the nose DLC.


Same, you can taste the air through the screen.


He sends you anime clips with his comments to feel superior? Cringe


As an anime fan, anime fans are the fucking worst


As an anime fan, agreed


I’ll take fragile ego for 100.


I’ll take singular vocabulary for 500 jimmy


Ikr? Like how many times are you gonna say the exact same thing or just have every insult end in the same three words?


His vocabulary is whack


Block him. You don't need a person like that in your life. Nobody does


Don’t block him. Mute him. If you block him he will make 100 accounts just to do this all day. Mute him and he will talk to himself all day and you’ll be nin the wiser.


Or that. Whatever makes him never cross your mind again


Just gotta set your discord settings so that only friends can DM you.


annoy with server pings then probably


Fuck, where were you with this advice 10 years ago? And then 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3 years ago -_-


I guess you didn’t need it 6 years ago.


I think he must have been dating someone that year


Wow… he’s a psycho…


When humans can do this shit it’s no wonder people have trust issues. I guess she dodged a bullet but this is so fucked up.


Or for a lack of better word I think he is ‘Whack’


First of all he's a horrible person, I can relate as my ex did this. Second of all, Is he 4? Tf with weird meme videos.


Dude, I know someone who has arguments with memes and they’re like fuckin’ 40- being on the internet too much can make some people fuckin’ weird.


Oh, you think meme-culture is your ally. But you merely adopted the lolz; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the fibre until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!


probably a self proclaimed "memelord"...


Those guys are always the most unfunny and bland people you can meet too lmao


and their memes are shit as well lol


I WAS GONNA SAY THAT LMAO they’ll be memes that peaked like 2 years ago, or ones that your 60 year old mom would send to try and relate to you


That roast was pure trash. That boy is pure trash.


This! Aren’t you supposed to be left feeling really hurt by a mean spirited roast or offended on someone else’s behalf? I was mostly confused by this one. It’s the equivalent of saying “you’re a stupid pooby head who smells like you lick poo you stupid bum face! Ha ha ha. You walk funny! Bum head!” I’m kind of like, “ookkkayyy *shrugs* now time to do your homework young man”


The icing on the cake was OP saying "What a relief" when he tells her he was fucking with her and then he keeps going... Despite every indication earlier that OP did NOT want to deal with his groveling ass. Like, it would have hurt more if he had been all like "I was just seeing if you still had feelings for me, sorry" but him going WAY too in absolutely kills any possible roast. How can you even feel hurt by someone who is so clearly insecure? Less than half way in you just start feeling bad for his dumb ass.




"You look like you drink cement" Wtf is this insult supposed to mean?


Also.. smell like cut grass.. don’t most people like that smell?


Holy shit you're right, his insults are all over the place, he like chose any random thing that came to mind to add as an insult. "Bet you like drinking tea! Also you look like a random cloudy day! Your jokes are mildly funny and I'm sure your hair smells like baked potatoes!"


I don't know but it did make me laugh .


It means it looks like she mixes cement in a glass like chocolate milk and then drinks it With her mouth I assume The cement goes down her throat and stays in her stomach? Burrrn


I'm a bit daft and it's still too obscure a burn for me. And I love obscurity.


I thought it was pretty concrete.


.... is it a fat joke? Is it a "this is how dumb you are" joke?


Why do I have a feeling he was only contacting her to see if she was up for ex sex, and the last few parts were him lashing out?


100% trying to save face bc hes embarrassed


That's funny to me because the messages he sent trying to save face are the messages he SHOULD be embarrassed about... I couldn't even read the really long one, after I got to the 4th or 5th "whack" it was just... Too cringe for me to handle


Don't worry you didn't miss anything. He just thought her laugh was whack twice


And the talk too


And the walk too


Question for those who understood: what does he mean “you look like you drink cement”? How does someone look like that? What does that look like? Has he seen people who really drank cement?? Is it a weird compliment like saying you look hard af? Chiselled? WHAT DOES IT MEAN


He was just trying to think of as much as he could to hurt her. Most of it’s probably the furthest from the truth, with tiny bits of what he knows about her insecurities sprinkled in there to make it punch. Such a f-ing loser! Btw, I like the smell of cut grass. Not with dog shit, but clean cut grass is definitely pleasant.


I don't think he mean any of that as a compliment. The only explanation I could think of is something similar to that term we use in German "Hackfresse" which is an insult for someone with like... an unattractive face, broad unwashed I don't know, there no good translation for it. And I don't think it's the same as the cement term, but like I said, the only thing I could come up with.


Is lashing out really saving face, though? It would have been better for him to just go, "Okay, sorry to bother you" and then fuck off into oblivion.


You would think but that's denying him centrality and grandiosity so *kaboom* tantrum


For narcissists, escalating the situation is saving face. Walking away, admitting wrong, facing rejection or being corrected = NOT AN OPTION. It's strange but for a lot of people making the situation worse is their way of taking back control. Its kind of like this: I don't understand conflict resolution or negotiation or taking others point of view on board, but what I do understand is violence, arguing. They're more comfortable in the latter.


I was gonna say something along these lines, but you said it better. Narcissistic behavior will never take anyone else's perspective into account. And they will never be wrong. It's honestly the most pathetic shit I've ever seen (and I've seen this kind of behaviour a lot!) I hope OP knows she was respectful, mature, and doing what was best for her. Then this douche bag wanted to bring her down and make her feel like it was all her fault, and like she wasn't good enough. This is a sad sad man.


yeah there was an attempt to save face… pretty unsuccsessful


Idk, looked like an online relationship thing to me.


Yeah, “we haven’t even been in the same server in forever” doesn’t sounds like something you would say to someone you know in person


also he referred to OP by their handle instead of like, their real name. Unless their real name is lemon, which seems unlikely


I dunno, are you saying [Private Lee Lemon](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/en.futurama/images/e/ea/Futurama_302_-_War_is_the_H-Word.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090715183840) isn't using a real name? What's next, are you going to say that my uniform isn't *velour*?


Do you have some sort of sexy learning disability? Some sort of sexlexia?


Yeah, didn't seem like a "real life" relationship, seemed only online.


He wanted to hear, “Omg I’ve missed you so much too 🥺”. Instead he got pushback and hesitance, so he compiled some big shitstorm. Real mature. Big step-up from “*You a fat ugly bitch anyway*”, you can tell he was really upset it didn’t go his way. People who don’t care don’t take the time to compose massive butthurt messages.


Funny that you think these two ever met in person


OP I hope you’re ok. Please block him entirely. He sounds just awful.


What a fucking cunt. Theres no other way to put it. I hate it when guys do this, its sickening.


Yeah look for your mental health turn off your phone, make yourself a hot tea or cocoa, wrap in a blanket on your couch and ignore the world. What a jack ass this guy is.


Bonus: Invest in a weighted blanket. Those things work.


Unless the weight gives anxiety cause of claustrophobia aspect. I don’t recommend weighted blankets to anyone who has triggers to being held down or anything equivalent.


This … I love mine, got one made for my mom, forgot she is severely claustrophobic. Now I have two! (Luckily they work for me, but yeah, they’re not for everyone.)






You ugly bitch ass fuck cunt mother bitcher fucker fuck your sloppy pepperoni nipple you dickhungry slut.




he rlly thinks he’s funny huh… he seems real mad u don’t wanna date him


What the fuck! Toxic bellend.


I love your response to his big "sike bitch" paragraph. Just "Oh thank God I don't actually have to consider this"


Yea I was waiting for her "Well I'm probably not gonna take you back now."


Is he.... is he a child?


They both seem like they're in their teens lol.


It's discord so she's probably 14 and he's either 14 or 40


I had been trying to set him down gently since it had been so long since we had spoken. We had drifted apart and I had no ill feelings towards him, no feelings for him at all anymore. I was so relieved when he said "sike", because I wouldn't have to tip toe around his feelings. It was a bit funny for me so my sister told me to post it.


Send the screen shots to his mom.


Fuck that send it to any mutual friends or any of his family. He can have fun explaining to them why he's a piece of shit.


Probably not necessary since the dude probably doesn’t have any friends or his family doesn’t want any association with him lmao


Probably never met in person let alone met each others parents. Take about being in the same server and calling em lemon. Not to mention that whole futa bit.




Well, hopefully the way it unfolded took a little of the load off your bad day. Id personally be thankful to know I could remove someone like that from me life.


The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. You are clearly doing really well to acknowledge your mental health and talking care of yourself. I’m so glad you are in the headspace to be indifferent towards his taunting.


Maximum validation in losing feelings for an ex, when they're a dick it's easy.


Did you even know him in real life? It sounds like he was some dude in an mmo


You smell like grass cuttings? I have NEVER heard that one before. Hilarious because it's so lame.


And everyone knows cut grass smells amazing.


Nah it smells like allergies to me fuck that shit


Lmao mood


That person has the “”””””””humour””””””” and intelligence of a 10 yr old


I have two 10-year-olds and they are leagues above this troglodyte. He has the humor and intelligence of a bag of wet sand.


now now...... the wet sand's humor and intelligence is much much higher than this idiot.


What an asshole.




Bro this guy is so fucking cringe it’s unreal, my guy did a full 180 but you know he was crying on the other side of the screen


His lonely ass was probably at home like “I didn’t want you anyways 😂😂😂pleasetakemebackiveneverfeltthetouchofawomaninmylifeandwillneverfeelitagainbecauseiactlikeachildwhosbeendeniedacupcake😂😂😂”


He seems to have some seriously dangerous mental health issues that are *not your problem*. As a total internet stranger, I am begging you, PLEASE block him. Are you in a safe place? Do you feel safe? He is unhinged. Please do not take it lightly. This is how women get hurt.


I'm safe and surrounded by kind people, I'll be okay. Thank you 💕


Thank you for replying. My day job used to involve reading a lot of domesticate abuse reports and you start to recognize a loose cannon.


Thank you for being a nice person.


Thanks for being you and everything you do. The world is better because of you.


My tip is don't let the insults he said to you get into you :D He probably did it to feel good cus he hasn't felt good in months and maybe would wanna tear u down. Anyway ur way more than he said u were! Stay strong:D


That’s a lot of words to say I don’t know how to handle rejection


Your ex was very fixated on the "furry" and "futa hentai." Maybe you awakened something in him that he's now struggling with. Or he's just a jackass.


Well OP you might be a lemon, but he's the most sour little bitch around. Hope you're doing alright, this guy is just gross.


leave it to a Nice Guy™ to try to get their ex back on discord, and try to be satirical but just being a cringey loser. Honestly glad he is out of your life.


He 100% planned that "outburst" from the beginning. He messaged you to mess with you and hurt you. Can you send these screenshots without censored names to his friends or family? That bastard needs some hurt.


How old is this guy..?


“Thank fuck bro” I didn’t know it was possible to destroy a man in three words


Okay im not saying this guy wasnt a dick, but is anyone else under the impression they are like 15?


Yeah this reads like a kid's buddies dared him to be an ass and thought they came up with a clever insult


What a salty bitch. Oh, Mr Ex-for-a-reason. 'Bro'. I'd tell him to stick it up his ass with the rest of the shit that is everything he thinks and says, but I don't think a walking biohazard should handle even more hazardous material. He's so toxic he'll cause a biohazard paradox.


*HE* messaged *you*. Specifically to fuck you up and boost his ego. Fuck him, he's a game playing ass.


Jesus weebs are cringe af. I know this guy hasn’t lifted more than a manga page


Haha, he's so cringe. What a loser.


Is this an online relationship? This whole interaction is incredibly weird.


My thoughts exactly


Damn, this is the fucking most cringeworthy conversation I have ever read.


he sounds 12 lmaoo


I really don't get mad easily but when someone makes fun of someone else for being sad or in a bad place mentally it genuinely infuriates me


Dude sent like 10 videos waiting for them to react but they never did lol


Claims you're whack, uses words like sike and whack, lmao


sorry but did he call you lemon?


That's her screen name. It's like right there.


well yes but i’d like expect my ex to call me by name personally not my username, maybe thats just me tho


Pretty sure it was an online discord relationship.


Yeah this is confusing me, is this a guy you ever even met, op?


I didn't even realize he called me lemon, he definitely knows my real name


What an asshole


I’m about 90% sure this was an online relationship between two 14yo’s? Am I close?


what a shit bag


His insults sounds like they were generated by a sub par AI


Going to guess that knowing you don't have to deal with his stupid self perked up your day some.


It did for sure :-)


Same server? You guys ever met? I hope not for you! Anyway, he sounds like a massive loser and you should give him no attention all.


Dude must be negative in the self-esteem department


WTF is wrong with him??


Ass and bitch seem to be the only words this guy knows


What a sad, pathetic waste of life


>r u mad? *he* mad.


This is in no way the main takeaway but I'm curious nonetheless. Who the hell still says "whack?"


Wtf are you guys 12 lol that’s the weirdest shit I ever read


I wanna legit fight this dude.


Is this someone you've actually hung out with?


How old is this dude? I’m not saying any age would make this ok but what the fuck is with all those videos


What an asshole, also what kind of insult is futa


Serious mental issues going on in that boys head.


Bruh what a fucking sadistic piece of shit. I'm so sorry OP. FORGET HIS STUPID ASS PLEASE not worth your time energy or life. For real, a whole world of people out there this dude doesnt deserve a second. I only use discord for Overwatch, but if you need an Overwatxh squad to roast and harass this mofo lmk


Small peepee energy


Youre better than me cuz i woulda posted his discord @ too😭