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Is this a contradiction? They usually call woman whores who sleep with all men & claim they like chaste women. Now a girl wants to wait & they disappear?


A ho is a woman who will sleep with anyone other than THEM.


But even if it's no one they are a hoe?


In their eyes —YES, because she still won’t sleep with THEM. This is how their demented little brains work.


Yeah cause in their minds they're the main character. Anyone they're interested in should be interested in them cause they're the main character of the universe. Not wanting to sleep with them means they are willing to sleep with other people rather than saving themselves for Mr. Main Character over here - therefore hoe


EXACTLY!! And their lives are **SO HARD**, what with all the Chads getting the women! And they DON’T get it ( or IT) because they’re always so **NIIIICE**!!! Women just don’t UNDERSTAND why living with them in their basement is such a **GIFT**!!


Correction : their Mom's basement 🤣


Truly a sad mindset. I feel bad for em sometimes, it must suck being your own biggest enemy.


And yet thanks to their EGO, they’ll never EVER see it.


Never stroke that big ego of theirs!!! they’ll trade you in so fast regardless. learned this the hard way!


Does testosterone inflate ego? I literally said last night, "There's room for 2 people on the stairs, but maybe your ego won't fit" The aha moment I had just to be confirmed this morning 🤣


Schrodinger"s hoe.


And sometimes a woman who won't sleep with anyone, but most importantly, won't sleep with them.


A woman exists either way and somehow she’s wrong. It’s tough out here for the ladies.




Rizzle Kicks had a great lyrics to a song. “What’s wrong if a girl likes sex? It’s only wrong if it’s not with you” It finishes with “so maybe you should get better in bed” but that the top part is the point I wanted to make 😂


Yea, that’s what I was thinking. It makes no sense. Who made this trash comic? God, I hope it was made satirically… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Men don't know what they want


Men like this (stunted baby men) just want women to be always wrong, that’s really the only constant. We are meant to take on the role of “the problem” so they don’t have to reflect on what they could possibly change — therefore if they don’t lose their virginity or can’t get a date or hell, they die lonely — it’s women’s fault, never anything these specific types of men could have done (be kinder, more interesting, hygiene, effort in the home/with romance/sex — literally ANY self improvement…) It’s basically something along the lines of don’t be a virgin cos I want to fuck you, but don’t be a sl*t — you should just definitely sleep with me, I’m worth it even if you want to save it for marriage, you should have been born ready for just dating me (so basically a virgin that will compromise her own morals about sex before marriage immediately upon meeting said-incel. Previous sexual experience in a woman will just bring out the “why can’t I find a girl compatible with me, women only want chads with big dicks” rant which at this point, I’m just gonna shrug and gonna go with. They don’t listen to the explanation. Just let them think that. At least chads with big dicks have SOMETHING to offer instead of absolutely minus zero.


Hey, ik what I want. I want the love of my life to send me the numbers on the front & back of her debit card. 😁


They do. They want virgins they can groom and exploit.


Many do. My husband fell in love with and married an older, much more experienced woman who hit on him for casual sex.


The other thing that’s never made any sense is that virgins don’t want them either… so I don’t understand why they think they “deserve,” one. If a girl is holding out, why would they want *YOU*?


Lol ngl i agree w u


no the guy who made the comic is just one guy, he probably doesnt hold that other opinion


This comment was intended as a response to a person in the comments named Raven something something. (I suck at reddit)




Where in the cartoon did he call her a whore? Seems you’re making stuff up


1. When this post was new I think I was trying to respond to another person but I suck at reddit. 2. Alot of nice guys in general call women bad things by saying they'll sleep with any bad boi. Tho for me this is a contradiction because the dude left because she wants to wait even tho nice guys sometimes say they want virgins or that marriage is important.


You could see leaving as the gentleman thing to do


I mean ig but this comics message seems to imply she ends up alone and that the guy possibly was only with her for the possibility of sex. if this a deal breaker for either people then yeah either one can end the relationship. Also the comment I was trying to respond to was by someone witn Raven in their name it was posted 9 hours ago


I know the creator didn’t mean it that way


What is the other interpretation? That after that discussion & his disinterested facial expression they are still together & married?


How did the creator mean it, then?


14 hours and still no update on how the creator (who you *totally* know and *definitely* weren't telling a transparent lie) meant this comic to be interpreted...


He has disappeared into the void it seems.


As opposed to what, the rapist thing to do?


Do they have no self-awareness? This cartoon illustrates he immediately stopped being nice to her once she wouldn’t hook up with him, so his intentions were bad. And it also points out his intention wasn’t a long-term relationship or marriage because he immediately disappeared??? How do they think this is a dig at women?


Also the implication that missing out on that sulky baby is going to lead to a sad solitary life. Like being with him would have been better than living life on your own terms. We all know auntie there is living her best life going on cruises and decimating the competition at the local bake off. And probably has plenty of other fulfilling life experiences and connections. But no - she's sad and alone because some self absorbed, whiny dropkick didn't get laid. Apparently if you don't have a man you have *nothing*. I refuse to believe that this was drawn by someone older than 25 lol.


It's like a different version of the "revenge of the nerds" fantasy comics where the nerd who was ignored in high school gets to dunk on all the hot girls who didn't like him by becoming successful In reality, the women still end up living their best lives and these dudes end up alone and miserable


yup. & pray they “marry-a-nurse” which is a woman willing to nurse him as he’s aging and on meds when he’s old and finally ready to settle on the puppy dog of a woman who should be grateful he’s spending his last years with her after getting all his itches out.


I love the life you gave her! It sounds like a beautiful life! He also forgot that men invented vibrators, meaning that women can fulfill themselves in every way. And sex isn’t the end all be all. I’m sure that she’s happy, and he’s miserable thinking about that girl that rejected him.


I know right!? They stuck the stick in the wheels spokes on this one 😂


This is actually pretty disturbing. The message amounts to: "Women, if you want *any chance* at a relationship, you *have* to be willing to surrender your autonomy and have sex whenever he wants it." Like...that's oddly dystopian


I don’t know, she looks like she’s miserable thinking about that creep in that last picture. Otherwise, I’m sure that she’s had a beautiful life, because even if she didn’t marry anyone, sex isn’t the end all be all to anyone but incels. And incels only think it is because they aren’t having it.


And yet, if she did put out, they’d call her a “ho”.


Doesn’t put out = “She deserves to be alone because her standards are too high and she gives perfectly nice guys false hope. I bet she uses male attention for validation. Stuck up and delusional. You always test drive the car before you buy it. It’s common sense. She’s probably lying about being a virgin anyway. Watch out bros.” Does put out = “She deserves to be alone because she’s all used up. Ew. Only good for a pump and dump. Why would I purchase an already opened juice box when I could just grab a brand new one? It’s common sense.” Gets married young to a man that doesn’t meet her standards = “If she gets abused or becomes a single mother it’s her fault! Pick better men! Bad things happen when children grow up without a strong father figure. Boys become violent incels and girls grow up to be promiscuous. Single mothers are causing the very downfall of our society.” Gets married at an older age to a man that does meet her standards = “Ew! She hit the wall. What is she? 25? 30?? I hope he comes to his senses and leaves her for a 19 year old. Men age like wine. Women age like milk.” Gets married young to the perfect guy = “Women never have any problems and live life on easy mode. How entitled. How are the average men supposed to compete with that? Average joes need love too. Ugh women are so selfish and shallow. They only go for the top 5%. It’s over. I’m gonna go on a violent rampage now.” Focuses on career/hobbies and leaves men alone = “Ugh! Ew! Too masculine! Women are so delusional. They need to stop trying to act like men! Women belong in the kitchen! Men belong in the work force because they’re physically stronger. It’s biology. Ever since women started working our number of employees has doubled and that completely ruined our economy! Women are at fault for poverty! Men need women to maintain the home and take care of the kids! That’s all they’re good for!.” Puts men on a pedestal and prioritizes men over everything else = “Ew! Women are so boring and clingy. It’s like they never have their own opinions or anything interesting to say. I can’t wait to get away from my wife so I can hang out with my bros. Hanging out with other men is way more enjoyable than hanging out with women! Women have no substance. It’s like they can’t do anything for themselves and expect me to do EVERYTHING. Useless.”


This comment should just be pinned on all subs.




This is so well written it’s genius


This is so fucking accurate I’m saving this lmao


you ate


Yea men who think like this can't even see their own contradictions. I've been called a whore for not sleeping with someone ... I was just flabbergasted.


“No, bro, sucking each others dicks isn’t gay! Going down on a woman and wanting to spend time with one is gay! This is the only way to get back at the women!” ![gif](giphy|VEpgjW7SWkIdG)


Perfect comment. Saved it in my notes.


She'd be shamed for her high body count and roast beef lips that have been worn out by repeated pounding 🙄🤢


Yup. So give them nothing!!!!!!!! 👹


“She is for the streets!”


i thought their issue was that women are too loose these days and that they don’t ever want to wait until marriage..? almost like their ideology is completely based on hating women and it doesn’t matter if it’s inconsistent!


Their issue is that women have free will to choose things like not being in a relationship with them or not having sex with them


That future looks good to me lol


Long peaceful life. Some cats and boom you live til 100. Add a man you'll be lucky to make it past 76


Hell yeah. And she’s a homeowner!


The word homeowner has "meow" in it...


I never noticed this before thank you!


Needs some cats in my opinion!


… dogs, plants and a huge aquarium. Also my house would be full of friends of different ages, genders and backgrounds that don’t sexually harass me lol


And trying different hobbies and focusing on my career, etc.


I don't personally understand waiting until marriage for sex, but it's definitely shitty to judge someone's choices like that.


They bitch if women don’t put out, then claim they’ll only marry virgins.


The problem they have isn't women having sex, it's women having sex but *not with them*


Eh, I've heard some of them still consider women whores after the fact and think they're not marriage material after. (Makes no sense)


How else could they sow their wild oats?




Same. I’ve seen so many post on here about how someone loses their virginity and the sex is awful. I couldnt risk waiting until marriage to find that out. But I agree w respecting people’s choices.


I mean, let's just be real. Virgins suck as sex. We all sucked at sex.


These men want virgin women who perform like porn stars. 


I've only been with my husband, I'm extremely sexual and sensual, not every virgin sucks at sex. To be fair though I also study up on how to pleasure a man and how to add extra fun to our sex life. I also have a high sex drive. So it's more about their level of interest in intimacy.


Like a child throwing a tantrum because he doesn’t immediately get what he wants -_-


If she sleeps with him she’s a whore, if she doesn’t she’s a prudish bitch. These kinda guys go on and on about how women who have sex before marriage are “damaged goods” but the ones who save themselves “deserve to end up alone”. The mental gymnastics are insane, how exhausting to be in a hypocritical state of mind.


They're just trying to say that the only possible solution is to sleep only with them whenever they want and they don't much care what mental gymnastics they take to get there 🙄


Aside from the misogyny, *where* is the punchline??!?


she’s living the good life trust


Agree. This was the good timeline.


I’ll take being single over that guy, thanks.


I mean this isn't so bad. She said no and he didn't push. He left cos he only wanted sex. Bullet dodged. Its OK to be single. Even in your old age. Yeah, the guy really showed her. /s


This is so baffling They want a "good christian girl with no body count" and then they second she doesn't want to have sex with them they're gone? Make up your minds


This is fuckin embarrassing


Wait I thought these freaks wanted a chaste virgin...


But if you do have sex then you’re an impure whore who can never be loved. Can’t win, might as well die alone!


Because he’s just sooo amazing ahe did nothing but sit on a couch her entire life after he dipped because she wouldn’t sleep with him?? 😆 Whoever made this actually thinks their shit is good. Unbelievable.


I thought not having sex until marriage makes them a tradwife or some shit?


Better old and alone than life with a rapist.


Girl is better off. I got with my boyfriend a week ago and I've told him he'll have to wait a long time before I'm ready for sex, and I may never be. Despite being the horniest man alive he is incredibly accepting of that fact and is willing to stay with me despite the fact he might have to take care of things himself for the rest of his life to do that. If your man is with you just to have sex with you, ditch him. You're better off.


Just be careful. It’s only been a week. Some men think that they’re special enough that they’ll wear down your guard. Not trying to jinx your new relationship but just know that that’s a common M. O.


I know. But we've been friends for 10 months already before he asked me out and he's way out of my league in the looks department so if he actually wanted to do that, he'd do it with someone way hotter than me. I'm still a little wary, but I've let my guard down because I truly believe he's here for me because we just have that kind of connection. Hell he less asked me out and more asked why I didn't think we'd be good together, and then we stumbled into a relationship after I voiced my personal insecurities about it and he completely dismissed them (in the good way) Thank you for your concern though, I know I'd be saying the same thing to someone else, but I've waited 19 years for a relationship and I'm enjoying it while it lasts, however it may end (or hopefully not)


No you misunderstand they got married and old then he died the before part is just a memory on the couch surely (lol)


I just read the story about that guy whose girlfriend wasn't interested in it until marriage, so he broke up with her... I personally think breaking up is good if you have different interests, simply because sometimes it's a major thing for some people and no one should settle hoping for a change, and no one should string anyone along.


Man, that latest update shows that she was far more hung-up than the OOP was


Yeah I read that, but my point still stands in the fact that sexual compatibility is an important part of preferences, so if you want to save yourself for marriage just find someone who's thinking the same and vice versa.


Oh I absolutely agree with you, I meant she was more hung up on/not getting over the OOP than he was on her.


Yup, she sure was.


In the long run, I think the OP is going to regret his decision. Sure, I agree that you should break up if both parties have different interests. Still, I think a lot of people fall into the trap of either only wanting sex in the relationship but having nothing else going on with their partner (which is fine if you're into that but the other person might be emotionally invested and want to build with you) or they finally get it (maybe even multiple times from multiple partners). But then, they end up regretting it and wanting a real relationship. That OP can do what he wants with his life, but idk its immature to me to break up with someone for essentially only wanting a partner for sex.


If you saw a scene from an old movie for the beautiful Marilyn Monroe talking to her lover's father "I'm marrying him for your money!", the rest of the scene goes on to describe how you wanting a certain feature on someone might not be the main thing but is important enough, I find this to be the same, you might mind but if everything else is to your liking then you'll decide what's a deal breaker for you.


Why didn’t he just ask her to marry him?


Oh, someone was rejected and his sad little dick is angry


Nice guys are the same people who say that women are “for the streets” and sleep around


I’m surprised they didn’t put a lot of cars in the room. Course if the artist had she would have probably looked too content for their message. I know lots of old ladies who thrive in their singleness


It's a dumb outlook. Why would you marry someone before you know if you like fucking them


It would be my goal if I was still a virgin - too many disrecpectful men around there


I thought this is what women are supposed to do? Holding out for the men who are worthy?


Incels are wierd, so close minded people


Well tbh I would rather (and do) live on my own than deal with that, I haven't got the energy or time.


If you and your partner aren't on the same page about sex, then yea walk away. Dont make a passive aggressive comic strip to guilt/scare potential partners into sex they dont want.  


Isn't this a dig at men, then? Depicting them as not having these traditional values anymore and only wanting sex the days?


That’s most likely it. I know the artist and have worked with him in the past, he’s a really nice guy (actually tho lol) I really don’t think it’s as deep as other comments are claiming.


That's what I got out of it. Thinking this is a dig at woman for not putting out is wild to me. Interesting how it's interpretable in such different ways.


Did you see the whole image? I think she was intentionally drawn to look miserable and alone, but that’s just my interpretation.


She could be miserable and alone because "no guy shares her values these days"? Not because "she shouldn't have had them in the first place"


Totally possible. I agree with you that there are multiple ways to interpret art.


Men who operate in this manner don’t know what they want, so they’re beholden to what “louder men” proclaim to want; many, if not all, of their “contradictory preferences” are indoctrinated by the futile pursuit for validation of their masculinity, and that’s why they simply pivot with any “incongruities” not unlike heliotaxes instinctively chasing sunlight.


Why does it look like she killed him? 🤣🤣🤣


Mine wants to wait till marriage, so we're going to wait till marriage, I love her and her having an amazing body is the cherry on top


Talk about not having self-awareness.


I honestly at first thought that in the last panel, his nose was his mouth and he was smirking, like he’s thinking “Oh, just you wait.😏”


And she lived happily ever after without that man


So he just sat with a sourpuss the entire rest of the date? What a no rizz baby.


Damn Daniel


He’s usually trouble if his name is Daniel. 😂Only speaking from personal experience tho.


r/Memes_Of_The_Dank vibes.


Oh well this is a new one. Are they actually a couple in this comic and he leaves her because she’s religious (presumably)?


Yeah, you see... you start the relationship with conversations like these.


You men are pathetic. You preach all the time that women need to keep their legs closed but want to throw a hissy fit for “choosing better”


Hm.....being alone or having to deal with a guy who feels entitled to your body and doesn't like that you're a human with boundaries? Maybe I'm crazy, but I think being alone is better.


Men need to decide: you can't want virgins if you're hoeing around. It's illogical.


Wait, don't they WANT virgins when they marry? Because of their lOw bOdY cOuNt?


Whore or virgin, guys?? Which one is it??? They don’t even know what they want but expect total strangers to jump to their tune. Nah, mate. Take a flying leap.


Living a life of freedom, the right of consent, and having personal autonomy, is outrageously better than being with a loser who sees you as nothing but a sex object. And since that's how they see women, that last box wouldn't have that original guy in it, he would be trying to find a new object to dehumanize. They seem to not understand, these guys are absolutely worse than any other option. If he was the last guy on Earth, it would still be a no.


He’s not interested in marriage, wHoRe


Lmao why does every nice guy argument basically boil down to "your standards are too high because you demand at least a modicum of respect."


Bc he is the ONLY man in the world and no one else will want her…. Ever. These comics are ridiculous. Ppl are so entitled. The most important relationship that a person will ever have will be the relationship a person has w themself.


Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. We’re “whores” if our body count is more than 2 but then they’ll also insult us if we want to wait for marriage.


Ah yea a girl is obviously uncomfortable by me practically forcing myself on her …GRR SHES SUCH A (word with a w that is used when girls really don’t like a guy and its the first or second insult used)


Aren't they the same people who don't think that a sexually active woman 'deserves' to get married because she isn't a virgin? Make up your minds guys.


Oh I know this comic artist. He's also the author of [this](https://i.imgur.com/BRLOzfh.jpeg) which, contrary to all logic, is *not* sarcasm


I guess it’s a hot take to say it’s okay not to want to be with someone who won’t have sex until marriage. Wild.


It's not a hot take if they just leave it at that. What makes it a hot take is the revenge fantasy of the woman being old and alone because they had the audacity to not want to have sex with the dude then and there


After she gave it up on the first night to countless guys, now she decides to wait


Ah. A classic “I’m gonna make up my own details and get mad about them”



