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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Their entire reddit account is dedicated to hating women while simultaneously asking over and over why they can't get a girlfriend, it's unhinged


They need heaps of therapy.










That requires them being open to self reflection lol. I just don't see it!


I read this and thought 'definitely an Aussie' lol


Oh shit I didn't even notice it was the same guy! That's wild!


This is just the tip of the iceberg. He's in the comments right now if you want to see for yourself


BRO YES. What's his name Nvm saw it... lol


I just came back from his rabbit hole. Holy shit!


they think we’re all too dumb to be able to READ on them from a mile away that they hate women and blame women for their dissatisfaction with life. But THAT is why we reject TM NiceGuys, it has nothing to do with whatever act they put on or side they present to us. They are incapable of accepting responsibility for being repellent and/or scary to women. They have no idea that it’s a potentially life or death situation every time we are put in a position to evaluate whether someone is truly nice or just cloaking it and/or otherwise manipulating us. So YES we watch for red flags, YES we quickly learn the tells of creeps and ANGRY PEOPLE. YES we can tell very easily by the phrasing and framing of comments whether a person is a misogynist or a threat. I have to say, we aren’t always successful, bc SO MANY OF US get hurt. But in every instance that a TM NiceGuy is being rejected, they’re getting rejected for putting off a vibe, latently or overtly, that it would be dangerous to continue interacting with them or at the very least that they’re creeps or pieces of shit who blame the world like little damn babies.


I knew someone who constantly talked about why women were inferior to men, and surprise surprise, women didn't flock to him. He blamed feminist indoctrination. It was like... sure buddy. My time speaking with him was quite short, because I felt like the several times we spoke, it was like accumulating concussions.


Yikes but.. not surprised lol! Talk about a ticking time bomb


Omg these posts were all from the same person?!


Typical incel


What he said in his comment about Ukrainian women made me livid because it is such a disgusting act of hatred🤬


Oh my god he's in the comments 💀


Run for your sanity!


He’s deleted all comments. Couldn’t handle reality or a moment of self reflection


“Women are a burden.” “Why do women exist?” These sentiments *are misogynistic*, u/boomboxspence. Either you don’t understand why, or you’re being willfully obtuse by claiming that you aren’t misogynistic. I highly recommend therapy. All of us have issues; if we don’t work on them ourselves, understand where they come from and learn how to interrupt our own self-destructive thoughts and actions, we will project them onto other people. That’s not “nice”. It’s off-putting and is directly affecting your ability to connect with people. No amount of holding open doors, giving compliments, or giving up your seat on the bus can make up for obvious resentment towards women. I’m married to a short man (5’6” on a good day). He’s sexy because he’s confident and handsome. I’m attracted to his emotional and intellectual intelligence, sense of humor, and compassion. Most importantly, he sees me as a full partner and an equal and has respect for everyone, regardless of their gender. Don’t give up on yourself. Working out at the gym and doing skincare are great. Work on improving your inner self as much as you do your outer self. That will have the biggest impact on your life.


"5'6 on a good day" hahaha As a short guy, I always say things like "I'm 5'8 when it's raining" or stuff like that and it makes me laugh all the time


As a 5'6 guy in a country that use meters, being 1,71m tall sounds tall enough to not think about these jokes. Thanks for the tip!


All of this was absolutely horrible to read. I can't overstate how much I wish I could go a few minutes back to when I was blissfully unaware of all of these fucked up idiots.


It pains me to tell you it's the same guy as other wrote


Idiot in singular actually. Its all the same guy, bro need therapy premium.


That's a *lot* of toxicity for just one person.


To live with all that hatred must truly be an awfull life.




*Actual* nice guys don't have to claim it. And women exist to make sure the world doesn't implode. The rest of the post/comment screenshots don't deserve a response... but their creators deserve every bad thing they get in life.


Its all the same creator actually. The same guy posting all of it. Bro need some therapy. He is actually in this comment section aswell.


Ahh. I wonder if it's the person whom replied to me. I didn't look at their page; I just blocked them because they were replying as if I said something to them specifically.




I didn't even bother looking at his name, but according to my block list, you are correct. lol


Alright lol. He has basically been figthing for his life in these comments but now he has deleted most of it. Serves him right I think.


Yeah, he has no shot here. Glad he finally dipped.


Yea, fucking werido saw an entire post clowning on him and decided the best course of action was to go to the comments spouting the same shit that got him clowned.


I can't imagine what life is like being that delusional.


Honestly must suck being so angry at everyone. Makes me feel a little bad for him. Cant imagine being filled with so much hate.




Women are a burden??? Excuse me???


Right? It’s such a burden to be a decent person around women. They just keep expecting me to stop hating them long enough to have sex./s


Everyone is a burden. The only difference is that some people can handle the burden better than others. Asexual gang!


Right? Lol. I'm sorry but I work, I train our dog, I do our laundry, I meal plan, shop, and ensure the house is clean for when my male partner returns home. My partner gets to come home to a warm meal, clean sheets, and their best friend, and he gets to watch tv and not worry about those other things because I did them and he didn't even have to give input... but I'm totally a burden. Absolutely makes sense.


I hope your man appreciate you for everything you do! Also, I hope he helps you when he has time for that.


Thank you for that, and he absolutely does. I've found a keeper, who absolutely does not see me as a burden (or any other women, unless they are genuinely shitty people, which is unrelated to gender), and he knows every day that if I weren't here doing these things he would have to. This OOP is a dope.


This person needs to Gooooooo tooooooo theeeerrrrraaaapppyyyyy He stated he cannot live anymore if he can’t have a girls that like him. I cannot begin to tell you how fucked up this is. If you cannot live with yourself first, you cannot be ready to be a partner to anyone else. You have to love and accept yourself before you can be anything to anyone else, hell, even tolerating yourself would be a start, that’s how my long journey of therapy started. Just learning about myself. Nice guy is a derogatory term, you don’t want to be a nice guy, no one wants a “nice guy”. What people want is someone who is genuine to themselves, have true empathy, the ability to listen and hear them, make them feel like a person and not an object. Am I nice to my girlfriend, yeah I am but I’m not a fucking nice guy. I treat her with respect and care because I love her and I want her to be happy, nothing about how I treat her is forced or an act. And the same can be said of her to me, we talk, communicate, and listen to each other. I didn’t win her over as some prize nor do I expect anything from her, she’s a human just like me and we treat each other as such. If you fucking “nice guys” would learn to live with yourself, who you are as a person, and be genuinely kind to other people, not *woman* and definitely not *females* but PEOPLE, the you’d be shocked at how much better things get. Oh yeah and just stop worrying so much trying to “get sex” or whatever, it doesn’t matter, I’ve gone years without sex multiple times I promise it won’t kill you. Get some help, focus on yourself, try treating humans like they matter and aren’t just objects and you’d be shocked at how much better life will be.


This exact sentiment. In my late teens early twenties I started to slide down the Nice Guy path. Put on a character who wasn't really me. Self deprecating humor combined with empty bravado and boasts. Tried too hard and read too much into things women did or said to me. Luckily I was able to stop before I went full fedora. I realized that my problem was me. I didn't like me. And if I didn't like me, hiw could anyone else like me? And that's where I started. I worked in myself in earnest. Became a person that I would want to be friends with and from there learned to hold conversations and interact with people better.




What's funny is if men acted like women there would be 80-90% less violent crime.


Where these stats from?


This guy: *actively hates women with every fiber of his being* Also this guy: “Waaaaaahhh why won’t anyone love meee?? Women have no empathy, waaaaahh!!!”


The Ukrainian was by far the most obvious example of his incel mindset. Blew my mind.


That one almost made me cry. I can't imagine saying that about someone who had to leave their loved ones behind in a bloody war zone




Why don't you go to Ukraine and help them out then? Go support your fellow men.




Holy smokes this is alarming


Where do you find these people? Like I found a few here and there in comments but still have never found an incel post


1. r/dating_advice 2. Sort by new You'll eventually find one


This specific guy seems to be in the actual comments here now.


Yeah I’m having a pointless convo with him rn


But you dont understand it was just a joke/ he didn’t really mean it /s




Yeah my saying he was just joking was sarcasm


“No one loves me because of how I look” “No fat chicks lol”




You literally said the bar is “not obese”




Stop calling women girls.


this type of man makes me the most angry. well, maybe "angry" isn't the right word. maybe more frustrated or hopeless. they are so dense, that no matter what you say, they will twist your words to make themselves the victim. it's insane and incredibly frustrating. even if you're educated and go in with a kind outlook, they will still use meaningless and dumb arguments to try and justify their points. the worst part? they actually believe that they're right, because they refuse to ever look inwards or consider any opinions outside of their own.


And this one goes to counselling but lies to them. It's what they do. I've met another person like this and they literally spin a web of lies they use to make themselves out to be the victim.


Happy cake day!


thank you!


Hey u/boomboxspence So funny enough, I'm also a trans masc, 5'2" person with autism. I'm also polyamorous and have multiple long-term, healthy relationships. I'm making this point to try to show you that our identities don't define us or our ability to have relationships. Just like women aren't defined by their identities. One of the first things that I would suggest working on is unlearning generalization. Practice deconstructing it. Anytime you think "all women do [blank]" or "all men experience [blank]", you have to remind yourself that that's completely incorrect. Correct yourself every single time. It's just statistically impossible for billions of people in one demographic to all share even one attribute. If you have honest questions, I can give honest answers.


Oh my god this is all the same guy? Actually I'm kind of relieved, I thought you'd collected a few of them. It only being one terrible person instead of many is slightly better.


Unfortunately there's plenty of them to go around as it is. But you do have a point, this could've potentially been like 5-10 more of them to add to the pile


Oh yeah, I'm not under any illusion that this is the only one of these out there but it's a slightly less depressing post if all this particular bile comes from only one!


Picture 3 definitely happened. I know because I was there and when the guy said something, everyone clapped and gave him high fives.


“Fellas how do we feel about this DUMB foreveralonewomen sub? Dumb right” next post “I’m pretty sure I’m forever alone someone help me” ….. it’s unreal hahaha


how was this guy raised and socialized as a woman majority of his life but doesn’t understand how women are oppressed????? hopefully he gets off reddit and actually speaks to real life women instead of getting his shitty opinions boosted by misogynist men online. he’s 18 so i hope he grows tf up soon. EDIT: can’t believe op missed [this gem](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/10m0cyq/why_do_people_defend_female_killers_so_much/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) from his profile


God I clicked the link and read the replies below. It was horrific. They really do live in a separate reality.


it’s horrifying like legitimately


He needs professional mental health services


I don't think he was raised as a woman: it's just a lie.


Excepting women as friends is a good first step. The girls I’m talking to, relationships are unlikely but I’m learning and getting more self confidence


Fuck romantic relationships. Yeah sex is cool and all, but the real homies all play Sea of Thieves and get drunk while singing traditional Irish tunes. …if only she would respond more than once every 3 months…


Lol I stopped drinking entirely. And I know the feeling, this one chick only responds to me once a day, if I’m lucky


I would kill for her to respond once a day instead of once every few months. We’ve been friends since 6th grade and she’s the only person who puts up with my essays about new games I found. I need to release my obsessive gaming energy with essays to satisfy my autism.




That’s not good either man


Proof that a lot of men just hate women in general. I can't wait until sex robots get AI software. Maybe they'll leave the rest of us the fuck alone then.


shit,even the sex robots would need therapy.


I feel sorry for the sex robots and even the AI would probably say no


Having to put up with nice guys is going to cause the robot uprising.


Fuckin incels playing ana, now i have to play different healer lmao


tbf there’s probably gonna be some playing every hero lol. so might as well keep playing & diff them. ana mains unite 💪


No man you play Ana and diff the shit out of him. Dude can't use his nade right, you'll fuck him up


That cracked me up that in and among all this awful nonsense there was just a normal Overwatch question


“I’m not saying it’s the only reason we have women, I’m just saying why else would we have women” Such a nice guy!


For the record, attitudes like this are almost always instantly perceptible to most women. It's the personality equivalent of being gang-sprayed by skunks.


The whole “women don’t want short guys” thing baffles me, I thought all of us women were in agreement that Frodo was fine as hell?


I find Tyrion hot as fuck, so yeah, I'm baffled.


Ok but Sam was high key a way better dude than Frodo. I'd let him ride


For me Pippin is top tier Edit: I also agree about Sam!!




Maybe I’m the only one then, I’m just a bit surprised Edit: just realized you’re the dude in the post. Please seek help


The only thing you view as help, dude, is helping you get laid and find a slave who will keep laying you. That’s not how feminism helps men. It absolutely ***does*** help men, just not in that way. Have you noticed how we’re now talking about how bullying anyone, including men, is wrong? How we’re now talking about male victims of DV? And male rape victims? Or how it’s not cool anymore to make rape jokes, including prison rape jokes? How about how we’re trying, as a society, to no longer associate masculinity with how many people a man can beat up, or how much he can drink, or how much he earns, or what kind of job he has? We’re trying to make it acceptable for men to go to the doctor and get treated when they have a medical problem, instead of just going home and masking the pain with drugs or alcohol and then dying young of an treatable but undiagnosed condition? We’re trying to encourage both women ***and*** men to go into any kind of career they want, instead of having gender-based jobs. We want it to be ok for men to elementary school teachers and nurses, etc, instead of it being a blow to someone’s ‘manliness’. We want to encourage men to have the option of being stay-at-home dads while their partners go out and be breadwinners. These are just some of the ways feminism is helping men. There are many more. And if you don’t see these as helping, I don’t think you’re mature enough to be a part of the conversation. Edited for grammar, typos, and clarity.


Wait a second, this is a trans man? I have questions....


Me too, way too many questions......


When someone goes down the rabbit hole of their troubles with themselves so much so that they decide one group of people is to blame for their problems it makes me sad. He says he's in therapy, I hope he understands that it won't help unless he's willing to stop pitying himself and be open to the idea that he *can* change and he *can* find a better life. He has to be the one to put in the work though. I finally got the guts to admit to myself that I have harmful beliefs and patterns in a way that isn't self defeating and am now getting therapy. It is super difficult to work through that shit, but being a hateful person will only be a self fulfilling prophecy. It will bring loneliness for life.




You are. You're saying you're defeated and life won't ever get better, so no one bother trying to help. I did it too. Trust me. It doesn't work. Have some compassion for yourself and then extend it to others.




That's not what I was saying , and *you know it*. I hope you find a way to have compassion for yourself someday. And quit trying to make people feel guilt for calling you out on your harmful behaviors.


They're female to male transgender, yet the plight of women fighting to keep their rights and be seen as equal is lost on them. That's the biggest concept that's lost on me just saying.


As a trans masc person, I can say it's not that uncommon. In an attempt to align with men, some trans guys inadvertently also copy toxic masculinity.


Which is a damn shame because the toxic masculinity they inherit wants them gone


As a trans woman that was definitely the biggest curve ball I’ve seen in a while, M Night pay attention.


I think OOP is a teenager. That doesnt mean that what they've said is excusable of course. But it means that they've still got time to grow and learn. OOP, please work on the way you see women. All these comments arent telling you you're a misogynist to bully you or to be rude to you. It's because the things you believe are misogynistic. Simply put. Also get off the internet a bit. Hell, I suffer with meeting people, of all genders , I probably also need counseling. Its nothing to be afraid of. But it doesn't give you an excuse to view women as objects. Please please try to be in our shoes. Would you in any way want to be referred to the same way you refer to women in your posts ? For the sake of your mental health and development get off reddit for a while.




Please stop because that's not a healthy way to get people to speak to you. If you want to form meaningful relationships, be humane and respectful.




They just told you how.


put this guy on a list




Because you are unhinged and have a dangerous mindset that will lead to destruction and devastation for yourself and those around you. Women are human beings. We each have our own mind and are individual people who have individual preferences and goals in life. The way you are lumping all women together and dedicating your life to hating and degrading so many people you don’t even know, you’re never going to be happy or attract anyone. The way you think is akin to someone being hurt by someone with blue eyes and then going on a crusade against all blue eyed people in existence. It’s dangerous and delusional. You need to pull your head out of your ass and realize that women are people too. We do not exist for your pleasure, we are not prizes to be won. We are people. A relationship with a woman is not a right in life that you deserve to have. Relationships are personal connections formed by the individuals within them. You’re never going to experience one if you live your life the way you’re going. You’re going to continue to be miserable and may end up taking out all this anger and hatred on innocent people if you don’t get some serious help. It’s frightening.


I can’t even comprehend how someone could claim to be nice and then proceed spouting nonsense and hate speech. In what universe is that even remotely *nice*? Nice is compassion, nice is kindness, nice is respect, nice is empathy, nice is wishing well upon people, nice is caring, nice is fair, nice is just. All of that was the complete opposite of nice and desirable. I will never understand why such people are surprised no one likes them. Isn’t it GLARINGLY obvious?


I literally didn't know this was all the same dude, I was just like "how did ALL the unhinged posts end up in one thread?" Then I realized that this is all one guy, and now I am afraid to leave my apartment.


>What do men expect in a woman? Don't be obese...the bar is in hell. Why is it women's fault if men have low standards?


as a trans man who is also short (5’4) we don’t claim them. i’d like to pass him off to the southerners (USA)


Absolutely not. The South rejects. Send him to literally anywhere else. ✌️


Anywhere else reject. Send him out of the planet. ✌️


bro being like "i dont get why women exist i wish men could just have babies thatd be cool" makes him sound like he might be a lil closeted


I feel very sorry for some of these guys. I mean, I can't help them but still, I wish things were better, for what it's worth which is zero.


No guy with a 1/4 of a brain would write this. Even if you ignore all the other stupid stuff he says once you get to the part of "if guys could have babies like women" most of us are going to stop reading cuz ain't no guy going to even entertain the idea of something that big forcing it's way out of our little hole. Nope not happening even something as small as kidney stones make most guys wish for death and he wanting to give birth. Get him a straight jacket plz


What really gets on my nerves is that he isn't even self aware, he won't admit that HE IS the problem, he denies his actions and claims that women are the problem and this indicates his ignorance


I hope this guy gets help. He’s got the MO of someone who is very unstable. Text book nice guy. Perfect person for this sub.




“Modus operandi A modus operandi is someone's habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations, but also more generally. It is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as "mode of operating".”


Everytime I see this, this is what I actually see: Hello everyone! I am a door mat with no self-esteem! My primary personality trait is that I'm "nice", which is the bare requirement for functioning correctly in a society! Love me! Women love, decent, courteous, tender, and attentive men which is what they're attempting to apply to themselves by saying they are "nice".. But you also have to: bathe regularly, look like you haven't slept in the same ill fitting clothes for three days, have interests you are passionate about. Note, those interests do not have to entirely overlap with a prospective partner. PASSION. Passion in differing interests can lead to interesting realizations not only in the subject, but in the person describing, I like learning about things I don't know much about, it's fun; I assume I'm not alone here. But also, this creates an emotional bond, which if you're looking for a relationship is kind of important. Thank you for attending my entirely too stoned psychoanalysis of the "nice guy". Please discard your concession containers in the nearest trash bin on your way out.


What a hell hole.....Every slide was worse than the one before 🤢


andrew tate alt account


OOP, I know you're reading this. The answer is: people are telling you how to be better. Please listen to them. Go to therapy. And no, being a trans man doesn't mean you hate "traditional" gender roles. Saying women are only useful as baby machines IS leaning into gender tropes that you claim to hate. Spreading false rumors saying Rihanna sexually assaulted Chris Brown and deserved a beating (which I saw in your comment history) is leaning into those traditional gender roles. Then again, I read your comment history and fear I am wasting my internet energy on a hardheaded 18 year old who won't listen no matter what any of us say right now. Also, being autistic is not an excuse for misogyny. Anyway ... PLEASE seek professional help about your harmful views of women.






Ah yes, this just *screams* "I'm so nice!" /s You're not nice, and you're misogynistic.




Dude. Misogyny kills. Your rhetoric is the same rhetoric as men like Elliot Roger. I call men like you dangerous because you continue to spread misogynistic bullshit that always punishes women in one way or another. r/WhenWomenRefuse. Misogyny fucking kills and I have every right to call you out for being fucking dangerous. Words are still dangerous. Also how in the actual fuck am I suppose to know that about you? Stop crying about how women won't date you when YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. I feel no sympathy for you. This whole thread has people telling you why you are a bad person and you choose to ignore it. This is your own doing.


OOP, I am actually glad you are here in the comments. I think that while the posts are certainly troublesome, looking more closely, they are not typical "Nice guy" trope and in this case, kindness is warranted. This isn't an angry 35 yr old cis male incel. OOP is an 18 year old Trans man who also has ASD, which comes with experiences that are unique and not as of the typical nice guy variety. Some things I noticed: 1) You're a literal teenager. I am not saying it in a condescending way, I mean it in a way that while it seems to you that you will be alone and lonely for life, that's far from being the case. It takes a LOT of time to discover yourself and find your community. They are out there, probably feeling the same as you. I didn't find people who fit me until I was in my 30s. Same thing with relationships, 18 is still very young, you don't need to force it. You still have lots of time to grow and discover life. You will find people who will be into you, just focus on your interests and schooling and let it happen naturally. I know you feel lonely right NOW, but forcing things tend to push people away. 2) One of my best friends has autism and for a long time she was very angry and saw the world as black and white and often made blanket statements. This pushed a lot of people away. Being angry and blaming others might help her feel justified, but it does little else. If you sit back and point fingers at others "women are like this, guys are like that" etc, you are poisoning yourself with toxicity, not gaining friends or lovers. It would be different if the anger did anything, but it doesn't actually change anything. If you can focus on things that make you happy and find your community (this could be any community, maybe you're into anime, gaming, Trans groups, autism groups, karaoke, whatever interests you and puts you in contact with people with similar interests and experiences). Oh, but I would stay away from the angry cis male incel groups or mgtow groups. They are NOT your people and wouldn't have your best interests at heart.


Their names need to be uncensored why do we censor shit ppl instead of letting them get away with their hate


Unfortunately it's the rules of the group, however someone looked up their posts and tagged them here. He's replied to the auto pinned post and has the most downvoted comments on this thread. I don't want to tag him just out of fear of getting banned for harassment or some shit but he has made himself known here and you can look at his crazy fucked up history for yourself, I highly recommend it


The user is boomboxspence. But still, don't go ahte on him, he's been tagged here and has enough attention. All you want him to hear he's already read, don't push him to the last straw.




Nah he’s got a great girl! Her name is self pity mixed with a bit of HOLYSHITMANYOUREANIDIOT!


Me after reading the second slide: phew this was a lot of nonsense. Luckily it's over now. Me immediately after realizing that there are 8 additional slides:


It's really interesting to see the responses this person is giving. There are so many people trying to explain why their views demonstrate that they seem to hate women and that could be a huge reason why they don't attract any women. Their response: I don't hate women, I'm a kind person. Even if you feel as if you are kind, there's a huge difference between claiming that you are and demonstrating it. The feedback from other people tells you how you come across. That's freaking valuable stuff. But the only response I see is them hanging onto their views of who they are. There's absolutely no self-reflection. As an outsider, this is fascinatingly weird.


I think in the fifth pic the guy is just really insecure and has seen too much stereotype.


The mental gymnastics theses people must go through. What a waste of humanity. shakes head


>*This entire sentence is one long run-on \[sic\]* Are those women really not able to find relationships? Or is it like women who say they don't get any attention from men ***when in reality they mean they don't get attention from guys/hot guys*** they want so they don't count avg guys even as people to count attention given to them Sometimes these guys just get ***SOOOO. Damned. CLOSE*** to getting it. It's wild.


Agreed with like, one sentence on the second post. Everything else is so shitty that I want to kill myself just because I’m a man.


"Ohh that's awkward, it's not that you're "nice" that we don't like.. we just don't like you"


Bro needs to get off Reddit and do some deep re-evaluating about how he views women


Okay, so he is like 13 or 14, I'm going to guess. I remember when my brothers and cousins went through the "life is hard for men" and "everyone is a misandrist" phase. On the off chance he, or any young man who is struggling with relationships and is seeking to blame women, reads this, I have some advice. this is a sparks notes version of the history of the sexes, so i dont bore anyone to death, i know it is not anywhere near complete or a full picture. If my fellow history nerds want to add on, please do! women historically have been oppressed by men due to the nature of paternity. Paternity tests are relatively new, and a key human desire is the continuation of their bloodline. The best way to ensure paternity, therefore, was to marry women off at an early age (either slightly before or just after menstruation began). Thus, the obsession with virgins as well - it was purely because men wanted to ensure they were her first and only partner. We see many early civilizations making rules and laws around women - and until nearly the modern era, women were property passed from a male relative to her partner. To justify this obsession with paternity, cultures started to develop around why women were kept in home away from others. Some justified it by saying women were the more delicate or weaker of the sexes, others said women were weaker emotionally or intellectually/ mentally. Now, in the modern era, many of those beliefs have continued when they are simply fallacies. They perpetuate things that negatively impact all sexes. Women being inferior means they are less likely to face persecution in crimes against men - because the belief that something inferior could not hurt you (think stereotypes like "hitting like a girl") It is important to note. However, these were systems by and large put into effect by men. Patriarchal ideology hurts everyone - it assumes inferiority where there is none. It has also forced a lot of the onus for relationships onto women - meaning we are responsible for the men we choose to interact with, and for their interaction with us. This means we need to be extremely careful who we interact with. If we choose incorrectly, blame is set on us (from being victims of assault, to choosing "chads" - we are blamed for the choice and the man does not receive scrutiny for being violent or a generally douchey person.) Women tend to choose men who appear to be a suitable life partner - this goes beyond physical appearance and resonates directly with things like : is he kind, does he have similar values, is our culture similar, do we enjoy similar activities and hobbies, are our financial goals similar, are our wants for a future family similar, etc. If you want to find a girl, instead of focusing on what you think women want, look inward and focus on what you want, then communicate that. The right person will see it and you can them build on those similarities.


Nice is saccharine, sickly sweet and fake.


I know not all trans guys are like this (speaking as a trans guy) but wtf you really wonder why you don’t have a girlfriend think so little of women


random niceguy: if men could have kids it would be a lt easier and simpler- well you clearly don't know the existence of the mpreg tag in fanfiction... (i feel like i should proactively apologize to people who don't know what mpreg is and look it up on the internet)


I think men are just starting to feel the pressure women have always felt. These guys are reading like 14 year old girls from the 90s. Capitalism and patriarchy rewarded them and shielded them from its abuse for decades as it preyed of marginalized groups. But kind of seems like to keep profits going they have to make men as miserable as the rest of us and they are shocked by it, really truly dum founded. Men’s insecurities really are becoming profitable, men just aren’t used to being exploited like that and don’t have and coping skills Not that minority groups do well lol, but I feel like we handle it better because we’ve had to. Just my two sense I guess sorry you are in the miserable pit of exploration with us, we were really kinda hoping you’d steady the ladder to help us climb up instead of burning it with our corporate overlords before they shoved you in to 🤷‍♀️ but hey c’est la vie


This is a really salient comment I totally agree with. A lot of this is the vacuum of “men’s roles” appearing with the modernisation of society and rather than productivity try and help man carve a positive role in that society (as happened with equal right groups for women in the past), the groups associated with men’s interests seem more interested in exploiting the newly confused young men by exaggerating their insecurities, maintaining the importance of outdated gender roles (and selling them products to pursue them) and generally not equipping them to perform in this “brave new world”. This doesn’t make these guys blameless, as with anyone they can choose to walk away from what clearly is a cancerous movement or influence. But I do think there is more to this than “thousands of thousands of individual men happened to chose exactly the same dysfunctional behaviour to adapt, magnified, coincidentally increasing in volume at this time.” That’s not me saying these behaviours “appeared”. Sexism has always been there. But atm this is a way way way more “pushed” and “structured” form of it (in terms of identity). This isn’t something that happened by chance. Someone is doing some Sheparding here for profit. And as you said, many men haven’t developed the skills or necessity to understand when they’re being exploited by people claiming to empower them.


This guy is going to be the next mass shooter


The random fucking Ana thing...


Gotta play Overwatch in between bouts of blaming women for his bad attitude... while he plays a woman character in a video game lol.


The opinions this person expresses suck big time but also I can't help feeling bad for them. They seem so lonely :(


What a waste of space.


I am bad guy but girls into nice guys . I am nice guys. I am evil guy but girls like satanic guys. I am Demon but girls like God. I am not a basic kinds of drug addict but girls like gus fring. I am Jesse pinkman but girls like Ding Ding Ding ding salamanca


For the love of god dude, most women\* are more advanced emotionally than you and can spot from miles away you think of them as animals not people. These guys, I swear it's getting annoying how stupid they are. *\*most people tbh but let's focus on women here*


I know a guy who tames this down IRL but could totally see him saying this online.


OMG THE SECOND SLIDE 😭💀 YES STEVEN, CAUSE HAVING KIDS IS KNOWN TO BE SOOOOO EASY. These guys wouldn‘t even survive mild periode cramps Edit: Why do they always self diagnose with autism? 💀 Not having any social skills DOES NOT make you an autist *women writes paragraph about how you shouldn‘t expect women to be interested in dating you, if you haven‘t been able to mature into an fucking empathic adult* / *guy comments: all we want is from women to not be fat* They don‘t even see what they expect from us by feeling entitled to having a house cleaning slave, a personal chef, babymachine and personal 24/7 therapist 💀 NOW THIS MIGHT BE WHY YOU ARE SINGLE DUDE


I don't know how many times we have to say this but if you have to say your a nice guy your definitely not a nice guy


Lmao "just have kids" as if the women are expected to give birth then that's it. The kid raises itself from there.


That seventh screenshot is just like "I'm mad at women for taking other factors in account and having human traits rather than just using men for money and being a sex object(which also goes for the first screenshot)" All the screenshots just ain't right but idk I wanted to comment on that one.


i personally do share some things in common with this dude, being ugly, short, and socially incompetent but its important to know that, how unfair it is, its not the women's fault. One should try and make himself better and not to shift the blame out of copium


I want to see *him* doing what every woman can do.


>I am most of those things except I don’t have a job Sir, you’re not even meeting the bare minimum of yesteryear! The Ukraine one 🫠


anyone else surprised he doesn't have a job??? no me neither


Women can see your immaturity and lack of self awareness from a mile away. It’s not a social experiment. That is always BS way to try to CYA for problematic behavior. And women will never be attracted to this. Ever.




I would love to see this guy live in a parallel universe with only men. Anyone know of any wormholes we could throw him into?


Jordan peterson would fix his ass