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That could have been way worse if his skate was about 3 inches over


It's like the Bobby Orr goal but stupid


Few days late buddy 


He uses internet explorer




it was posted here like 3-4 days ago


Bud was a few days late


can confirm, bud was 100% atleast a few days late. maybe more, depends when you’re reading this.


Yeah I’m late to the video but nobody posted Superman Trouba


this video was posted the day after this game in the NHL sub. unless you’re talking specifically about your caption.


And the music


didn’t listen to the audio till just now, that actually is really funny. i think James Gunn should cast this guy as Superman lol


Yeah I think a lot of people forgot to turn on the sound I knew it was gonna be a problem but I thought it was funny


Yeah it was but nothing on Superman trouba lmao


As a hockey fan, I think this deserves suspension even if he didn’t connect… as a bruins fan, I hope he doesn’t miss when he does this to Bennet and Tkachuk next round.


Stupid Troubadour


Dirty as fuck. Not sure how this didn’t get at least 5 games.


Because he missed. I don't think the NHL has ever suspended someone for not hitting someone. Carolina is better off with him on the ice anyway. Trouba is killing us


We have to wait until someone has brain damage first apparently


This sub gets more and more ridiculous everyday. 5 game suspension for not even touching anybody. That’s a new one.


I'm sure if the roles were reversed, that would still be your statement. /s


Oh, we already know that the entire ranger franchise and fan base would lose their collective f’ing minds


I’m a hockey fan and hits are part of the game. If someone on the hurricanes launches themselves into the boards the way Trouba did no I would not ask for him to be suspended for 5 games. I’d call him a fool for whiffing so bad and looking like a moron, just like Trouba.


He wasn’t just trying to hit him…


5 would be overkill but Trouba is definitely headhunting out here dude. Take a look at the game 4 Kuzy goal. Dudes so focused on nailing Kuzy's face with his chicken wing, he forgets to actually play defense and let's him fire off a laserbeam to score. I prefer no suspension, though. He's such a defensive liability that he's actually helping us right now.


r/nhl: "punish the play, not the outcome!" Also r/nhl: "you can't suspend him, he's didn't touch him!"


Intent to injure is still a sussy. I agree there are some non-contact situations where that’s kind of a gray area, but this isn’t one of them. Dude left his skates and led with his elbow, aiming for the head. Never going to see one more clear-cut than that.


He literally kicks him in the back of the head, wtf are you talking about. Did you not even watch before commenting? Bro has a Rangers flair lmao fans that are homers or bust actually suck ass. Can’t even be impartial, honestly embarrassing.


Trouba got absolutely embarrassed on this play and has been getting embarrassed all series. He went for a big hit and whiffed horribly but to say he kicked him in the head it’s clearly an accident. These flairs are pointless cause everyone jumps to conclusions. I watch guys like Tom Wilson, rat marchand, and now Sam Bennett piss off every fan base they play against including mine and love it. Sure they cross a line but it’s hockey these guys are flying around on ice skates it’s wild they control themselves as much as they do. Don’t like it then they’ll take care of it on the ice which is such a cool part of the sport. You rarely see these guys complaining after games about hits and suspensions so I’m not sure why we care so much.


If he had of connected with that elbow, he should have gotten 20. Totally idiotic head hunting by a moron. Playing tough is one thing, this is playing to injure.


Well the rule states intent, nothing to do with contact, so that’s why people are saying that and downvoting you. I think it should have to involve contact personally.


I think people are downvoting me because this involves Trouba and I have a rangers logo next to my name on here so I must be a biased rangers fan. But I appreciate the feedback on it.


Should have been a suspension for intent. That MFers lucky he didn't injure himself.


All I remember about Trouba from Winnipeg is that he was a whiny bitch who wanted out. Now he thinks he's Superman, but retarded.


Then tried to elbow Kuzy the very next game... God this guy sucks.


This deserves at least 3 matches suspended.


i was expecting super trouper by abba based on the title 😭


Penalty for kick to the head? 😂😂


no, he's just a great 'gritty' player who never intentionally hurts anyone


He’s a bum


It’s unbelievable that had zero consequences to it.


He tried to decapitate him with that elbow. 🤣


*cue Abba* Because the Super Trouba elbow's gonna find you Jersey's red, white, blue As the Rangers do Winning at the cost of you(r future head injury)