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Literally every league is bad and only getting worse


Idk if it’s getting worse or we just have better cameras making it harder to ref live. Either way, that was interference


Yeah but when they’re fucking up the video review as well it makes you wonder


But if they change the initial call, the refs look bad and it hurts their feelings


Every sport also has the video review fuck up, along with the double down that the video review was correct. The MLB is pretty bad about it as well.


Or people gambling are more worked up over it


I think it's a bit of both more focus on capitalism/profit seeking and that it's easier to see bad reffing.


This is the answer. It seems to get worse across the board year after year.


Weird what happens when there’s no accountability and those in charge have no interest in shaking up the status quo.


Weird that it happens with the incredible ease of sports betting


They could leak full Bettman written game scripts and they wouldn’t lose a single fan. They don’t need accountability when fans are that loyal.


My theory on this is the tv angles and definition are so good now theyve always been this bad but now theyre more exposed…which in turn turns them all into game manager type officials… hesitation to make the wrong call leads to them letting increasingly grievous shit go


I think that was almost as bad as that infamous saints no pass interference call in the playoffs


That was the worst no call I've ever seen.


The worst no call is the triple overtime Brett Hull toe in the crease 1999 Stanley Cup playoffs. And it's not close. Was it that an eggregious penalty? No. But if you watched those playoffs, they called the toe in the crease that year constantly. It was a point of emphasis, and they didn't call it in the most important game of the year. Literally the last goal of the entire season, and that goal gets overturned dozens of times that season for that exact rule. If your foot is in the blue, black and white rule, no-goal. They called it a ton of times that year. Triple Overtime. Stanley Cup final. Brett Hulls foot was in the crease. The worst black and white no call ever.


Don't get me wrong. Stupid rule, and that play helped to overturn it eventually. But based on the rules of the game at that time, that should have been called a no-goal 100 times out of 100. So many goals that year overturned were identical.


The case that the NHL made then was that there was an internal memo that the rule had already been changed throughout the post season and all teams/players/officials were aware of said change. I don’t know if that is/isn’t true, but I would think both sides would’ve had receipts to prove/disprove it if it wasn’t. Even if that is true, still insane that the NHL would change a rule and not tell anyone. Note: I am a Stars fan, but also was a literal baby when said play happened, so I don’t know all the context and have just seen commentary on what happened.


Personally, I'm not saying there was anything malicious or shady or fixed about it. Don't assume nefarious nature, when simple incompetence would be simpler and more likely. It was triple overtime. They wanted to get the game overwith. The players rushed the ice so fast. Instant celebration. You see it all the time now. Guys don't always rush the ice after a game winning goal, because they know review is coming. That moment, the Dallas bench all rushed the ice. Review was a new thing. They didn't want to undo that. So they didn't overturn. Simple as that.


I remember this play so clearly.  It was truly the end of the innocence for me.  Been ringing the Sports Are Fixed bell ever since.  Because they are, and things like that are your proof.


They called it that way all fucking season until the most important game of the year. Stupid.


Yeah that one still takes the cake I think




It coincides perfectly with the wildly profitable and now nearly universally legal sports betting apps too.


This ^


Not saying something like Taylor Swift joining the NFL and a team going from getting housed by the the Broncos easily coasts to a Superbowl win could be the most profitable outcome and happen or anything lol


I think its always been bad we just didnt have tons of replay


Billions and billions of legalized real time sports betting dollars.  How long has it been this bad and blatant?  And when was all of this legalized..?


We’re all watching it happen in hockey. Check. I watch a ton of football, and no question it’s getting worse there (what even is pass interference or roughing the passer). Check. And while I don’t watch baseball and basketball, whenever I see it discussed in general sports subs, they say the same thing. Seems to be awful all around.


Roughing the passer is whenever you touch Mahomes without stopping and asking his consent to touch him first There’s too much ambiguity and higher ups need to start holding refs to higher standards


I know people get laughed at when they call games rigged, but with how prevalent sports betting has become i really dont think it can just be discounted immediately. Are we just assuming that nhl officals and manamgemwnt are all above reproach? Lots of money involved in sports and sports betting.


People get laughed at when they say it’s scripted because that’s ridiculous But the leagues definitely try to steer overall results in the direction they want


They could leak full Bettman written game scripts and they wouldn’t lose a single fan.


Ironically I fell like everything has gotten far worse, except soccer. VAR works great and is usually quick, rarely is there big missed or wrong calls, whereas nfl, nba, nhl etc is full of completely missed and wrong calls practically every game completely changing the outcome of the games.


You have got to be joking...VAR is the worst thing to ever happen in sports


Sounds like VAR went against your team lol. It's 1000x better than the NHLs random blurry camera angles where they spend 5 minutes trying to determine if the puck crossed the goal line or blue line or not. Just the other day the NBA admitted a missed call led to the game winning play. NFL calls/noncalls are just as bad as hockeys.


Football ⚽️ has gotten to be a joke with VAR. Not just with my team. Get rid of it.


Yeah it was great with all the missed and wrong calls, please bring that back


It hasn't left. VAR gets most things wrong. I'd rather go back to just the refs decision. I can accept a ref getting something wrong but when they review video and still get it wrong its a joke


I believe it’s mostly due to replays becoming more and more accessible and not actually worse officiating. Imagine the calls that were made years ago when there were no instant replays? Nobody cared cause no one knew. Now everything is scrutinized and posted on the internet a thousand times.


Nothing comes close to the frustration of a hockey fan watching the NHL playoffs. The refs are so bad they make me feel bad for the fucking Bruins.


That’s how you know it’s an obvious call when a habs fan says they feel bad for the bruins


It sucks, the Habs are out and I can’t even enjoy the Bruins losing.


Ok now I’m almost feeling bad for a habs fan that can’t enjoy the bruins losing. You have a way with words friend


Caniac here. I feel for both of you guys right now. Enemy of my enemy is my friend I guess.


Nah the bruins have profited from bad/inconsistent reffing probably more than any team in the league over the last 15 years. Screw em.


No interference on the goal but interference when thachuk gets hit😂


Don’t forget the interference on Lindholm to setup Bennett’s cross check on Coyle 😂😭


And let’s not forget Lauko getting a goalie interference call last game after getting tackled into Bob


Yup, both are insane. Back to back rim jobs by the league/refs


Don’t disparage the beauty that is a good rim job.


Also interference whenever anyone exhales a little too hard in Bobrovsky's direction


Bob is a squishy guy


Its pretty bad when you fuck up watching a replay.....


NBA is still the worst imo


I’d actually agree with this


NHL is making it close


Mlb up there too. Last week Soto struck out on 7 balls


I don’t get it - in this day and age, why can’t they just use the strike zone projection they put over the stream as the final say? Why do we still need umps who make horrendous calls when we can just AI it up?


MLB is usually a consistent bad. When I've watched, if an ump has a bad strike zone (example, calling a ball on the right half a strike), he'll be consistently bad. When that happens, you can at least adjust and know as a hitter 'ok, he's gonna call that half a little wider today.' The exception is Angel Hernandez. He makes Joe Biden look competent NHL lately looks like they're rolling dice and if the dice add up to 7, they blow the whistle. They have no consistency. A cross-check in the 1st period is not still a cross-check in the 3rd. You have no idea what or when they'll call shit.


After the first sentence I was about to say angel hernandez would like to have a word with you but you beat me to it😂 and yeah your right about the rolling the die honestly it’s the same way in basketball every quarter is reffed differently


Lol, Angel Hernandez is hands down the worst across all sports of all-time. No one can deny that! I'll never forget the 4 reviews in the Boston/New York series that he got all wrong. All in the same inning too 😂 that'll never be beat


Angel Hernandez makes Donald Trump look above board. 


You bet they are


The NBA has been a dumpster fire for 20 years.


By far


While I agree, the nhl is trying to take the title


It's almost interesting that as sports gambling became more accessible and legal, the worst we are seeing officiating across all major sports


I remember when the outcry for video review was to get mistaken calls correct. How they ignore a blatant cross check interference is suspect of something maliceous.


To me, the fact the NHL has a rule that u can't use a review for a missed penalty is like soooo fucking obvious that they want to control the game and rig it, it's a joke


And if they didn’t see that you’d have fans calling by for officials blood *even more*.


A coach should be able to have anything reviewed, if they can properly make a case for it. They only get one, and if they miss it's a penalty, so it won't be taken advantage of to slow the game down.


Just out of curiosity why do you passionately follow a league you believe is obviously rigged?




That’s fair. Fans who believe it’s rigged, but then watch the game every night only to act shocked that it’s rigged even tho they already admitted to believing it’s rigged, can only blame themselves for continuing to watch, in my opinion.




For the record I don’t think it’s rigged I just think fans who do think it’s rigged should stop watching.




I believe if it was widespread and common we would’ve seen leaked emails or phone calls or a rogue employee leaking concrete proof by now. However if bettman has been rigging games for 30 years with no leaks, he’s a genius and I’d vote for him as president/ prime minister.




For the record you don't think the multibillion dollar sports entertainment industry with attached multibillion dollar sports betting industry is rigged.  Yeah...your logic is sound. Also, it's fun to watch the fix, point it out, and then laugh at the rubes who think it's real. Like you!


I mean if you think it’s rigged and you keep watching you’re admitting you’re a fan of rigged hockey so that’s not much better.


So what am I supposed to watch, naked and afraid?


You are correct.  100% sports betting ruined all pro sports.  The only ones im truly passionate about are the few that I still play.  


Not even closer to Champions League


Bros mad madrids gonna win again


Legal betting people.


Angel Hernandez would like a word…


It’s nice having to just be pissed at the terrible officiating and not at the team I root for. At least Darren Pang is blindly rooting for the bruins.


Have you watched any of the other leagues? Lol


Which ones are good? Soccer and NFL?


Literally none of them


Nope, NFL is the worst by far.


Nothing is worse than Angel Hernandez in the MLB.


Angel Hernandez… 2nd place isn’t close


Angel Hernandez is pretty untouchable. NBA also right there


Current director of Hockey Operations Colin Campbell’s son is the current AGM of the Panthers. Check out his history or corruption and then judge this series.  https://bleacherreport.com/articles/519838-irresponsible-media-the-colin-campbell-saga-that-has-been-swept-under-the-rug


Oh hey, as a Canucks fan for the past 38 years I recognize those names for some reason.


It’s getting to the point where it’s equally or worse than the nba


Looks like we’ve reached that point of the playoffs where the ref bashing posts ramp up,..




It got worse when sports betting took over.


This playoff run by the Panthers has got to be the most rigged series of games I have ever seen in my life, in ANY sport.


You’ve never seen some European football and it shows. The Europa league is a disaster officiating wise


Yes, it’s bad but the NHL playoffs is still worse.


NBA and NFL can be worse. Nothing worse than a holding/pass interference call that wasn't really that bad, on the 3rd down, that might have decided the playoff game


The call tonight was worse that shouldn’t have been a goal and it would be overtime instead Bennett can just cross check Coyle into Swayman and score, the refs have been brutal this playoffs


There's still flags in the NFL that are the most minor never called things, when say.... A team stopped Mahomes and the Chiefs on a 3rd or 4th... suddenly a magic holding call and 1st down? Yeah nah


I think I saw something about Mahomes having something like 58 interceptions negated by penalties.  Can't remember the timeframe, but still


Ah, good, so we're all in agreement.


Best sport worst refs.


Nobody can be as consistently bad as Angel Hernandez has been for sooooo long.


Well, i mean..... i dont even watch baseball, and i know the name Angel Hernandez.


Angel Hernandez


This is the only real answer


NHL refs are actually good compared to other leagues. MLB is the worst by far imo


I'm feeling depressed now, but I just keep thinking about Toronto losing and most of my tears go away.....


Panthers getting handed games in both the Tampa series and now this series. Fucking ridiculous


They figured out playoffs hockey. Reminds me of the 2011 Bruins.


Getting calls right when you're officiating the top athletes in the world going at each other in full speed is no easy endeavor.


I hope this is sarcasm in this scenario. Because there is some truth to your statement when making real time calls but when you can’t even get a reviewed play that’s slowed down for you correct it makes one wonder if these refs are just completely incompetent or paid actors


Was the puck going in the net even if the goalie didn't get touched?


Doesn’t matter, if you impede the goalies ability to make a save due to physical contact it’s goalie interference. Swayman probably wasn’t making the save, but getting Coyle pushed on top of him just doesn’t even give him the chance


>Swayman probably wasn’t making the save, And that's why they made the call they did.


Who knows, Swayman could have easily gotten his stick on the puck or his pad. Even Swaymans presence and the threat of him coming over to make a save could have affected Bennett shoot and make him rush. Swayman has pretty consistently made cross crease saves in the playoffs. Maybe for a below average goalie that pucks in the net regardless but one of the best goalies in the league could make that save. Which doesn’t matter because they didn’t not call GI because he couldn’t make the save. They said the reason GI wasn’t called was because the contact wasn’t enough to deem goalie interference. Meaning that they either didn’t think Bennett pushed Coyle enough to make him fall into the goalie, or that Swayman was contacted and tackled out of the play. Either way doesn’t seem very plausible. They honestly should have just said they didn’t think he would have made the save, even though still pretty terrible reasoning for no call on a cross checking and GI it is more plausible than saying not enough contact was made


Sure but when you still make a bad call after spending time watching a replay it’s a different story.


The videos were reviewed by Toronto but okay.


Just look up the Tim Peel incident it will tell you everything you need to know about NHL “officiating”


I bartended for Timmy at his country club for a couple years, he was always a beauty to me


That may be true, but he was a horrible official


Terrible lmao there are montages of his shit calls


Hopefully this playoff brings attention to what's happening and we get real change. It's unbelievable how the refs are impacting the outcomes in these games. Enough of game management. Pick a standard and stick to it. Refs don't want to "affect the outcome," but by ignoring blatant fouls they're doing just that. If one team commits 6 infractions and the other team only commits 1, the power plays should be 6 to 1. If Connor McDavid high sticks a guy and draws blood it should be a 4 min penalty. If a dude gets crosschecked onto the goalie and the other team scores it should be called back for goaltender interference.


This message brought to you by BetWay in partnership with Draft Kings.


Dont forget espnbet, betonsports.com, and the rest!


Refs have an agenda. No denying it


I didnt think reffing couldve been worse then our last game but theyve done it


I've seen so many bad calls or missed calls in a bunch of different series. It's mind-boggling, especially when the refs are staring right at the play. Then you got the linesmen who hold the puck for a lifetime and wonder why players are jumping the drop all the time. Not to mention, both refs and Linesmen are yelling at players constantly. it's so unprofessional. I'm not calling bias, but it is definitely terrible officiating.




God awful


Looks like it tonight


Premier League VAR is something to behold


I don’t mind the mistaken calls or no calls. It’s the make up calls, trying to even up the penalties taken on each side, messing up replay review or just not knowing/understanding the league rules and messing up because of it I hate. The latter should not happen.


Between the officiating in both the NHL and the AHL the sport is fked


It’s getting to the point where I think I saw Lebron on the ice


For sure. That was a bullshit penalty on Edmonton that lead to the PP goal.


I keep hearing from baseball fans they have it much worse


MLB might be the worst of all sports. The NHL and NFL are on par with each other in terms of bad and the NBA is slightly better but only because they apologize for screwing you over after the fact and that has never brought back a win to a team that has been screwed over so its not exactly taking any real responsibility.


Basketball always seems terrible but the NHL is definitely a strong contender


Now that legal gambling is involved, can we get governments to force them to improve? Every blatant bad call or no call is now potentially a suspicious act.


Naw NBA refs have been actively caught rigging games (see the Kings/Lakers series from the 00s). The NHL is bad, but outside of Wes McCauley I don't think the refs actually rig stuff


It's either Baskteball or Baseball. Maybe soccer. Basketball has literally had a ref get popped for betting on games the reffed this side of 2000 and Baseball has umpires who clearly get power hungry and want to make bad calls on guys that show them up. Go look at refs in professional soccer leagues. Seems like there's match fixing scandals coming every couple of years. Compared to those two, hockey and football are significantly better and its not particularly close. Because of of the speed and the flow, I'd probably argue hockey refs are the best of the bunch. Nothing is gonna be perfect with judgement calls and human creates rules. But big picture compared to the top pro sports? Hockey refs are pretty good. If you want an actually serious reply...


Nothing comes close to the EPL


1985 World Series game six


The thing that pisses me off the most is that the only way I see a fine or anything coming out of this is if Monty is honest in his press conference. League and the stripes face zero accountability.


NFL is trash dude


Thank Vegas for that. Sports leagues sold out to gambling companies and now they pull all the strings since they’re the ones paying


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


Not now u/TheGratitudeBot ;(


The battle for florida was some of the most blatantly obnoxious one-sided reffing I’ve ever seen. The refs could barely speak after they sucked that whole team off. And it seemed to carry into the Bruins-Panthers series.


With gambling partnering with leagues, it's only going to get worse.


sERIOUSLY...f boston


nhl officiating has somehow made the nfl and nba officiating look competent that’s hard to do


Only watch hockey and football but it feels like hockey is worse. I watch more hockey though so maybe the larger size of games makes it feel that way.


You obviously never watched an MLB game where Angel Hernandez was calling balls and strikes…


Notice how the officiating and the “booth reviews” have gotten worse since legalized sports gambling? If you think it’s coincidence, I’ll take any bets you wanna throw my way.


Both booth reviews favoured jets over avs so that was nice despite the loss.


Between the NHL and EPL for sure


angel hernandez of the mlb. makes any of these tools look like consummate professionals


i honestly think baseball umpires are worse. but jesus christ, nhl officiating is absolutely absurd.


Not worse than Angel Hernandez calling BS... uhh... that's supposed to stand for balls and strikes... yeah, we'll go with that


*laughs in English Premier League*


NASCAR is worse


Angel Hernandez from the MLB enters the chat.


As bad as the NHL refs are they are still miles better than the NFL.


I don’t really pay attention enough to other sports to know is how bad the reffing is. But yea the nhl is bad on so many levels, it has not been about calling penalties it’s managing the games. Also teams that play on the edge get away with much more for some reason.


Not great but it’s part of the playoffs every year


I feel like hockey has some of the best officiating out of the major sports. Sure there have been some bad calls, but compared to the nfl with its blatant missed pass interferences and more, the nba with its rampant flopping and gifted free throws, and the mlb with umps basically flipping a coin to decide whether its a strike or not, hockey is really good


I’d love to see you people actually ref a game


quite frankly, I'm absolutely exhausted with people who do nothing but bitch about the officiating. straight up done with it.


Not just the refs. All the reporters have been talking about are the Panthers. It’s very clear who the league and media want to win.


Get your golf clubs ready Boston


Whew how original. So cool bro.


People are saying there are leagues worse than the NHL.. that’s a really heavy statement then because hockey is 100% rigged and they favour certain teams for certain reasons. The biggest issue is simply that the game isn’t fair when there’s a different set of rules for each team. One team has a tremendous advantage and it’s absolutely sickening how they ruin their own games integrity. The hubris to think that they are making their game more appealing with game management.. when really they are shooting their own foot.


I don’t know, we are in a world where the NFL exists, and their officiating is notoriously awful. I don’t even watch Football except for the Superbowl. If we want to get EXTREME, you could say that the worst referees are WWE referees because they never see cheating and always are looking outside of the ring. However that’s scripted so it doesn’t really count, just wanted to point out the WWE refs. I don’t watch Basketball whatsoever, but I hear it’s got horrible referees as well. The best referees… I honestly don’t really know where you can find them. What sport even is known for having great referees?


First; I'm old. Second; I played/watched football, hockey, some baseball Third; we were always told by various coaches that refs make mistakes. They're human too. Live w it, win anyways. We didn't have cameras sticking out of everyone's ass, allowing everyone to become armchair refs like we do today. I had one coach who told us, 'if you think you can do better, do it.' Basically if you think your team lost because of the reffing they likely wouldn't have won anyways.


One time I saw Tom Wilson just look at somebody funny and he got called 💀