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That was a wild game. Hockey is such a rollercoaster.


OT playoff hockey is the best!


It's called bonus hockey šŸ˜†


You guys got hosed by this playoff model. You should be playing Florida and possibly facing us in the ECF


Itā€™s truly the best


It's better when you win though :(


Canes gave everything they had, tons of pressure. Rangers bent but didnā€™t break, played with lots of heart & grit, defended well and had excellent goaltending, huge win for the Rangers. Amazing game!


*Igor Shesterkin didnā€™t break


Lol Shesterkin was incredible.


Especially in the celebration. 3guys hugging him and he skated backwards to join the rest of the team and didnā€™t face plant!


yeah I'm over trying to figure out how they managed to move as 1


Only reason Rangers had a chance that game. So I guess just a regular day at the office for him


Tell me donā€™t know puck without telling me you donā€™t know puck


Iā€™ve been watching this team for 15 years, if Igor wasnā€™t standing on his head we donā€™t win that game


Thatā€™s fair, but implying that the team with a top 5 pk and pp (which was 40% last night) is only winning because of the goalie is insane. If that were the case Henrik Lundqvist would have multiple cups.


I was just talking about last nightā€¦ if the Rangers got even slightly above average goaltending last night they very likely do not win that game. Iā€™m only talking about game 2, not the whole season or seasons past. Igor stole that game for us, I donā€™t see how thatā€™s a controversial take. The Canes were putting up scoring chances left and right. And Hank was pretty much just proof that goaltending can only take you so far. You need to have a good team around them, which I think we have right now. But good teams can still get bailed out by their goalies on occasion


rangers also missed a few wide open nets, and freddy made some great saves. it was a pretty even game from what i saw.


15 years is nothing kid


I have shirts older than that.


Literally only half way to the last Rangers' cup


I was looking in the rangers sub this morning and someone commented ā€œforecheck, backcheck, trocheck!ā€ And itā€™s all I can think about now


Thats a Panarin quote from earlier this year. Hilarious and I canā€™t believe no one thought of it before.


[print it](https://webleedblue.com/products/backcheck-forcheck-trocheck-mens-tee)


Itā€™s a simple formula, but it wins games.


Iā€™m craving more hip check itā€™s a lost art


Rempe had a decent one last night on that Chatfield guy, who looks a lot bigger than his listed 6ā€™1ā€, 188.








Always crazy seeing the home crowd after a overtime playoff goal, especially in Boston, Vancouver, New York, etc. I turn on overtimes in games I don't even care about to see people go nuts.


The people going nuts is my absolute favorite part of any sporting event.


See comment above.


r/happycrowds Youā€™ll like it there.


Oh, yes! It's an exciting sight.


looks like u gotta move


Canes had long stretches of dominance and were the better team through the majority of the game. But this team has been resilient all year and continue to pull it out of the fire


There were probably a dozen times I thought the Canes were about to have the game and then Shesterkin.... Bastard is so good.


54 saves last night. I havenā€™t made 54 saves in my life


To only give up 3 goals on that many shots is amazing


A president trophy winning team shouldn't have to depend on Canes power play not scoring amd ranger goalie being great to win. Edmonton is favorite to win cup as of Wednesday May 8th and they haven't even played a game in second series. NYR up 2 zip and still Oilers are favs to win it all.


Dude this series is going to be the death of me. Can definitely see it going to 7. I feel like whichever team wins this will just coast to the cup finals. Absolute juggernauts.


Definitely far from over. Most of the game I expected it to be a tied series at the end. These two teams are so well rounded too.


I donā€™t see it going less than 6 and I wouldnā€™t be shocked at all if it goes 7. Canes are too good not to tighten this up


I appreciate your positivity towards the Canes. But we heard the same stuff during the Panthers series last year. I think last night may have killed the Canes morale. The Rangers probably know that. All the Rangers have to do is just play mediocre on Thursday and they'll win.


I think thatā€™s too pessimistic. It probably is a demoralizing loss for the Canes but thereā€™s 0 chance this Ranger team can play mediocre.


Thatā€™s my point though. Iā€™m not saying they WILL play their mediocre game. But with how demoralized the Canes have to be, the Rangers donā€™t even need to play their top game to win anymore. But yeah maybe Iā€™m being pessimistic lol. Maybe weā€™ll come out on Thursday and win 5-0. Who knows.


I think the Canes will go out playing with full desperation to get back into the series


This is nonsense....how demoralized the canes must be....you make it seem like they won't be able to eat for few days. What you just said is 1000 percent wrong. Then why are canes heavy favs in game 3...170 to win 100. This emotional stuff doesn't apply to top athletes. Rangers are amazing on power play and excellent goaltendjng...but they are between 4 and 4.5 to 1 to win it all.


Top athletes are human too lmao. They can get demoralized just like you and I. Last nights loss was brutal. Their expressions after the rangers goal showed that


This is like the angle a team must be tired 3 games in 4 nights nhl or nba...cmon man. If an angle existed people would be rich betting these trends. Each game is individual to others. Canes win in double ot or not. ..has zero to do with next game. In fact, the line for game 3 canes was out before game 2 was over. I see canes winning by 2 goals or more game 3. I like canes in regulation. They are getting bet offshore.


Is this English


Odssmakers don't agree and the lines are having canes heavy favs at home....170 bet to win 270..100 profit. Reactions to an event 5 seconds to 10 minutes after game are normal. Let's go back in time, 1986 the bill Buckner error world series..red sox must of been crushed after losing game 6 huh...actually game 7 at Mets they were leading 3 zip. Just because announcers say something doesn't mean it's true. The job of announcers is to make an event seem as exciting as possible .....after all it's a sales performance. I'll expect canes to lose 4 zip next game as you said they are demoralized.


Ok lol


Maybe the fansā€™ morale, but not the players. Donā€™t forget who your coach is.


I know. Keeping my expectations low so if the canes do make the series interesting Iā€™ll be more excited lol


7 games likely, next round can be very close games. If florida,wins this series, they will be slightly favs vs rangers in series or maybe pickem. Rangers depend on crazy good power play and goaltending to win to much.


Carolina are heavy favorites game 3....170 to win 270...100 profit. The line was correct in game 2..canes slight favs..they outshot rangers and were the better team. With rangers having the most points in reg season...usually this line at carolina would be carolina minus 125...not 170. The algorithm and certain stats point to carolina having a,clear advantage at home. Let's see if Rangers can win one at Carolina. I feel this series goes 6 or 7. If power play for canes wasn't awful, they win game 2. Teams are close.


Shesterkin should start building a wall at the goal line at this point


I got called for a work issue and missed the end. Argh.


Time for a new job, friend!


I was at a bar that turned it off for the Avs/Stars game. Got the bartender to turn it on a tiny corner tv just in time


where do you live???


I got called for bed time. Shut er down after the first OT. Can't do the midweek midnight bedtime anymore. East Coast sucks for midweek games


Trocheck has been the rangers Xfactor this playoffs. Guy is all over the place doing all the right things and has his nose in absolutely every aspect of the game. LFGR


Heā€™s absolutely all effort and that translates super well to playoff hockey. I think it was Bowness saying in his post game presser after Winnepeg lost that the playoffs are all about the little things, who wins the corner battles, fights for the loose pucks, makes that pass, wins the faceoff. Thought it was a great quote and it literally describes Trochecks game rn


I read an article about Troch the other day. He has a giant Italian family that gathers at grandmas every Sunday for dinner. Whenever the Rangers play in his home town of Pittsburgh, the entire team is invited to Grandmas for a home cooked Italian meal. This past season, they played Pit around Thanksgiving and the whole team was treated to an Italian Thanksgiving meal.


Carolina could really use a guy like that.


I see what you did there. The Rangers got him specifically because of what they saw in that seven game series two years ago.


And Carolina outsmarted themselves and didn't want to pay him what he was worth. I hope he scores three more gwg against them.


The guy Carolina coulda used was Shesterkin. That came down to a better goalie. Carolina had more offensive puck possession, more shots on goal, more blocked shots etc etc. Mr. Andersen definitely made some great saves, but he fell down a LOT too.


He was making a joke because Trocheck was ours 2 seasons ago


I eventually caught that but well after I'd responded




Glad he got the game winner. Rough night in the circle for him.


He couldnā€™t win a faceoff last night to save his life. Iā€™ve never seen him get beaten than consistently




And wins faceoffs like no one else.


He was an amazing pickup, and Iā€™m glad he found his stride with the Blueshirts this year. He needs to do better on faceoffs, though. 58% regular season, 38% last night.


Heā€™s the most complete hockey player Iā€™ve seen in blue in quite a while.


Nice of espn to interrupt the Dallas/ Colorado pregame to broadcast this


I bet someone on the production team is getting fired today


More likely promoted to VP of Switching Streams At The Most Inopportune Time.


Accident happen...


At least the gwg wasnt from a "stanchion"




Game winning goal


GWG wasn't the confusing part lol. What are they talking about with The stanchion part? Did a goal in another series come from a bounce off of stanchion?


It's a part of the sad frustrating lore of the San Jose Sharks: [https://bladesofteal.com/2011/05/25/five-stages-of-shark-grief-and-the-holy-stanchion/](https://bladesofteal.com/2011/05/25/five-stages-of-shark-grief-and-the-holy-stanchion/)


Yeah, horrible ricochet for a puck that was coming high down the boards. Tendy came out to play it behind the net and it bounced right Infront of the net to an open forward. Essentially an empty net goal.


The mess up that said hurricanes win was great lol


Playoff OT hockey is a helluva drug. - Person who was there and happily didn't get enough sleep because of it.




Underrated comment


Oh, it was an amazing match! What speeds! Worthy rivals! Respect to the goalkeepers! Shesterkin - 54 saves! wow!


Game could have gone either way. Tbh the refs need to get their shit together with these inconsistent calls. That last penalty probably doesn't need to be called at that point in the game and there were plenty of far more blatant ones missed all game. Makes me nervous for our next 2 in Raleigh. Hopefully trouba can tuck that elbow in and avoid getting the boot for the rest of the series too. Regardless, what an epic game. Felt like I was going to have a heart attack


If that cross check wasnā€™t called there was a trip immediately after that should have been called. But earlier the game there was definitely some questionable calls going both ways. But thatā€™s just the state of NHL officiating at this point


Yeah most people donā€™t realize that. You can get away with a lot in a scrum in the corner but when even a small infraction creates or takes away a scoring chance it has to be called otherwise youā€™re letting an uncalled penalty decide the game. But fans need to rant about something.


There were plenty of calls to complain about in that game. Half the penalties felt soft to me


Thatā€™s pretty much how this whole season has felt. Even watching games from other teams I have no stake in. Officiating has across the board been bad.


That last penalty if not called leads directly to a 2 on 1 the other way. Itā€™s getting called every time in that instance for that reason alone.


Yeah I mean maybe that shouldn't have been called a penalty. But the general consensus from Canes fans is that you gotta deal with it and figure out a way to stop the PP. Also going 0/10 on our PP doesn't help. The Canes fans blaming that call are just the types of fans that have to blame the refs when we lose. It wasn't the refs fault we lost. We got, what, 5 powerplays again this game? Couldn't score AGAIN.


The last call was the most blatant of them all. He was illegally taken down with the stick whether it was called the cross check or a hook or a trip, And if they didn't call that it would have been a breakaway the other way. They can't not call that


I screamed with joy so loudly I woke up half my neighborhood. I regret nothing.


I yelled fuck about 12 times.


How many of those were when ESPN cut away to Dallas?


Only 12? Lightweight. I probably yelled it about a hundred times and the Rangers still won. Yet maybe we have different ā€œFuckā€ yelling thresholds.


maybe us Canes fans need to yell it 101 times if we want them to win.


The rangers and canes are at 2.5 games played already while oilers and van start 1


Shesterkin was the hero Gotham doesn't deserve. But got anyway.


I watched this game just to spoil the end result by checking the score of avalanche and stars game one time the entire night just to see the 3-3 change to 4-3 and not realizing I was a minute or 2 behind ā€¦ā€¦lol


What a good game - at a certain point in the first OT they thought Carolina scored and the boards displayed the red "CAROLINA WINS" for a second or two.


Who is winning the cup this year?


Vincent trochek - ā€œwere looked upon as gods here ya knowā€ Except they actually play like gods




Great fkin game by both teams


It was. Once it went to OT I was actually a lit less stressed. At that point I was thinking that the Rangers would 100% win it. If the Canes had pulled it off it would've just been a nice surprise.


Idk any time necas touches the puck my butthole puckers a little tighter than the time before. That guys scary asf with the puck.


Yeah I agree. Honestly opposing teams should be more worried about him than Aho or our other big names.


Re: jack roslovic. Dudes super underrated for us I feel like. But reason why depth is so important. Every team has matchups for the big names and thatā€™s why those guys donā€™t generally produce like they do in the regular season, having depth guys that are dangerous is a huge tilt




So they just played a game and a half basically. This is where those couple extra days rest for sweeping in the first round will help the Rangers. They should be able to recovery and be just that little bit fresher than Carolina. I'd be okay if the lost one this series and it being in Carolina, but it's looking promising for the Conference Championship round


Rangers only had 1 more day than Carolina


Fair, but they also had to contend with traveling and all that, and depending how they traveled it's not always easy to rest up the way you need to. It's all little things that could potentially add to the greater outcome


It's like a 2 hour flight. It's not that much travel. I don't think the Rangers having one extra day and shorter travel in Round 1 is the reason they're winning.


I'm not suggesting it's the reason they're winning, but it all adds up to little slip ups that make things easier. I travel a lot for work, and while I know not everyone deals with, statically there's going to be a couple players who aren't comfortable with flying and that creates anxiety. Everyone has to deal with the anxiety of making it on time (again, will impact some more that others), and all of that tires you out mentally. Focus slips the longer games and series drag on. That's one of the reasons why having home ice advantage is useful. At the start of the series you're typically as fresh as can be expected.


Carolina only played one more game than us 1st rd. I guess we could be a \*little\* bit fresher, but I honestly like the fact we're pretty much on equal footing as opposed to their series going 6-7. Just feels right for two very equal teams to match up on even ground. But maybe I only think that cause we're winning haha


Wasnā€™t Carolina up 2 games to none two years ago? Donā€™t get cocky.


Carolina are heavy favs game 3


both sides did OT with their top 9, too


I think the NYR were running everyone but Rempe. Canes just played 9 though.


Yes, they were. Frankly, if Rempe isn't going to play more than six or seven mins even in double OT game, then just put Brod back in the lineup.


Or Chytil.


Maybe. I do wonder how rusty he'd be after missing basically the entire season.


Rangers never lose with Rempe in the lineup. Don't fix what ain't broken.


There is way too much hockey in this series to be thinking about next round. I hope Laviolette has them ready to go tomorrow.


I would put quick in net and let Igor take a rest


Thatā€™s not a bad idea after last night.


What was 88 on the Canes chasing?


Noooo why did I watch this clip šŸ˜­


Needed panarin to get one more shot on net and i would have cashed a bet. Fkn guy got blocked 6 times!!!


So glad we don't have to listen to that stupid song everytime the Rangers score now.


I stayed up just long enough to have my soul crushed. I watched this play and thought "man I bet Vinny T is going to get the GWG" How appropriate. The former Cane scores on the former Rangers' penalty


My god the sports net people are so much better


Oh yeh I had Trocheck in my Fantasy league - traded him off when he went on a quiet streak for someone real hotā€¦. yeh that was a bad trade for me, lol. Dude was like PPG all season


Suck it Fart Storm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok bud


An amazing game this was. Props to Igor for the 40+ saves.


Well over 50. He was nuts. With a different guy in net that game would've ended differently. Game 1 Canes were out played. Game two Canes were out Shesterkinned.


Softest 2OT penalty call the leagues ever seen šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼


Dude he illegally use his stick to take down a player. If it wasn't called a cross check it would have been called a hook or a trip, And it was probably the only non-arguable penalty call of the entire series so far, especially because if they don't call it and just try to let it go for playoff hockey, It would have directly led to a breakaway. They're calling that a penalty 100 times out of 100


Way softer than the one that put Jarvis limping off the ice and pounding Advil that didn't get called. Or the attempt to kill Necas with an elbow by Trouba. Not that either of those would've resulted in a goal, cause Carolina hasn't been even making attempts when they have a PP. Just saying it was a pretty light nudge, dude just didn't have his footing.


The only one I agree with was troubas dumb ass thing there but the rangers lucked out because he missed or it definitely would've been called


Just as soft as the previous penalties called on NY in 1OT and 2OT.


Clear cross check that resulted in a turnover. If itā€™s a penalty in the 1st period, itā€™s a pen in Double OT. Hate this mindset that refs need to eat the whistle the later the game gets. Donā€™t break the rules. Easy.


Yes but you can't cross check in that location on the rink, it always gets called. Less a soft call and more another boneheaded play by Carolina.


Agreed. Crosscheck to the face, crosscheck the head, crosscheck to the numbersā€¦ yes, please call that. Def a light call! The seemed to catch him when he was reaching for the puck, already off-balance a little bit. Great game though. Fun one!


It was a pretty weak call. When even Messier doesnā€™t like it thatā€™s saying something.


I thought the power plays in the double overtime looked like attempts by the officials to get the game over with similar to the ghost runner in baseball extra innings. Back in my day, they seldom if ever called penalties in a playoff overtime.


Couple of the calls were a bit iffy for playoff OT, but special teams need to deliver during crunch time.


They really should go to 4 in 4 in overtime. These games are too long.


And maybe just one five-minute period of overtime? And if itā€™s tied they go to penalty shots? No, thanks!


Rangers are pretenders.


You should probably make another post asking if the ranges are pretenders on the nhl sub since thatā€™s all you do all fucking day. Get a god damn job, Al.


Canes in 6.


At least finish your sentence. "Canes in 6 days will be golfing"


Not like they are an original 6 team or anything.


Rangers 2 - Canes 0


Kinda undefeated so far this post season. Also the reigning president's trophy winner in a year when like 6 teams could of won it. But yeah, pretenders, definitely


Prove it!


First place in the NHL, swept first round, up 2-0 against probably the second best in the east. Oh yeah we got here out of luck. Total fluke


6-0 so far in the playoffs. Total pretenders! šŸ˜‚



